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21429201 No.21429201 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being dishonest.

>> No.21429218

*hangs myself*

>> No.21429286
File: 64 KB, 970x546, 1388120809672-2028666353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside the dude was completely right about irony and insincerity. Only insecure faggots with something to hide live their lives as ironic trolls 24/7

>> No.21429351

But I have lots to hide desu, it gives me an air of mystique that helps me bed womenfolk

>> No.21429371

i want to but i'm not strong enough
help me david

>> No.21429375

You're talking about being mysterious. I'm talking about this faggot

>> No.21429391

bitches love the great deceiver, tis true. but who cares what they love?
we're only just stepping out of the veil of irony into the wondrous world of new sincerity. took a few decades, but worry not. with the advent of semi-competent writing AI models, a quaint and pastoral genre will emerge, that seeks to prove its genuine human nature by the expression of sentimentality. those who escape mawkishness will be hailed as the great geniuses of their age, and emotion shall reign as titan above logic, as it must, for reasoning is a more primordial form of thought. emotions are extrapolations of meta-reasoning that operate faster, more efficiently, and often more accurately than reasoning ever could, and those who are not outright sociopaths and psychopaths will sense its lack in the repellent schlock of the utilitarian robo-menace.

>> No.21429405

i want to but i'm not strong enough

>> No.21429423

Why? Life wants and lives on deception. I’ll read IJ one day though.

>> No.21429441

the illusion is not the truth. damn the masquerade, and damn the lies that pose as life.

>> No.21429455

What is truth?

>> No.21429494

that which is bereft of facade. what remains in the light after facing flood of scrutiny. it is the anchor which ties us to our souls, and silences whispers, dispels the faineant perfumed haze that lingers over our eyes. it is the agonizing, the piercing, the thorough, the cruel, and the concrete. it is that which cannot be misplaced, and casts out the rotten heart of falsity, mimicry, and transposition. It is not merely what we know or think, but what *is*, it is so pervasive uttering its meaning seems tautological, for it is the foundation on which we build the empire of dust. Truth is the vehicle through which God shows us the light.

>> No.21429544
File: 76 KB, 602x612, schopenhauer 1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animals are sincere
only man can be honest and insincere

>> No.21429583


>> No.21429594

What about when animals trick other animals?

>> No.21429603

i think he suggests that animals practice deception from a sincere perspective, like a moth's camouflage, it's what the moth *is*, to survive, that it attempts to hide, but its motivations aren't nefarious. mankind is able to twist honesty in such a way that revealing it can be inconsistent with the tone of truth itself. poisoning it with irony, or sarcasm, for example. i'm not sure i agree with the premise, but i think that's what they mean.

>> No.21429647

Animals practice deception for self-interest, same as humans. Truth is life. Truth is only so useful as it serves the purpose of life. Plus what are you against all comedy in the name of “truth”? How ridiculous.

>> No.21429667
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ok, occasionally they can be insincere. but I meant that honesty/dishonesty only pertains to rational mind, which animals probably don't have, and sincerity/honesty shouldn't be conflated.

>> No.21429676
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More like, the fag in my pic.

>> No.21429680

The end is ultimately the same, considering man's survival depends heavily on his relationship with his peers and society at large. Not being dishonest is a detriment in sociability, especially the smarter one is. Living honestly means fighting against the webs of corruption and decadence laid out before you by institutions that understands everyone else prefers to look the other way, or be sedated. Living honestly means being honest, most of all, with yourself; to look at the rotting figure on the mirror and acknowledge that's what you are, as well as the shadows that lie directly behind and lurk ever in wait. It means acknowledging you're not going to figure much out and trying is worthless. It means being unable to stick with your philosophy until one day you can't really take it anymore and hang yourself.

>> No.21429687

What is the difference between sincerity and honesty?

>> No.21429697

Sincerity is short term while honesty is long term.

>> No.21429934
File: 1.18 MB, 1170x1549, CD72FD1F-A518-426B-AFDF-D327B2E63FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dfw + oatmeal = holy shit. Just found out about this amazing combo last night. His interviews and writings feel hella profound that way

>> No.21430032

I'll be honest when the world becomes real

>> No.21430040

Get out whore

>> No.21430055

We live in the age of post-irony. Ironically if you aren't being post-ironic or ironic you're attempting to imitate sincerity since you cannot organically and sincerely be sincere if you are a young person living today. It just simply isn't in our zeitgeist.

>> No.21430070

Either bait or demoralization. Begone, antichrist.

>> No.21430073

That was really funny, you're dumb

>> No.21430102

It always cracks me up in that interview when the camera man buts into the conversation with a double digit IQ comment and DFW does that whincing grimace.

>> No.21430117

Bruh, what happened to my copypasta about that interview I wrote when I was really drunk and sad.

>> No.21430213
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The truth is that an AI made this post.

>> No.21430217

Honestly, dis

>> No.21430221

Sincerity is about how aligned your internal state is with the emotions/character you present to others. Honesty is more broadly about whether you try to mislead people about matters of fact.

>> No.21430248
File: 49 KB, 448x541, fat_mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by that do you mean I should kill myself? well i got news for you buddy

>> No.21430413

t. Ignatius

>> No.21430456

Genius poster. I lurk so I'm glad people like you exist.

>> No.21430494

ok ill try more, thanks for the reminder

>> No.21430497
File: 199 KB, 1080x1225, 20221224_223345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure this is necessarily true, but there's most definitely a lot of truth in this. Real life plays out like picrel. Maybe that's wrong and a depressing cultural phenomenon, but I've found that whenever I really talk about real problems with friends it kind of starts getting boring and feels inauthentic in a way that I can't really explain while the real bonding and good memories come from when we call each other gay and give each other shit and stuff

>> No.21430499

you wish.
merry christmas fgt.

>> No.21431141

CMC CCM. basic rules of Australian cunt. Wraj2

>> No.21431163
File: 126 KB, 321x401, 3cbe1ccf0c5d7b70f2ac387f1c588dde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sincere play

>> No.21431198

DFW sucks because he is both pretentious and right

>> No.21431649

What do I gain if I do that?

>> No.21431963

Wait till you try dfw plus a big bowl of pho or ramen.

>> No.21432033

Dickensbros, we are back

>> No.21432324

name a greater pseud than dfw in recent times
i know you cant

>> No.21432347

Jordan Peterson

>> No.21432354

Nevermind, you're right.

>> No.21432651

Would that be honest?

>> No.21432666

>we live in the age of post iron-
Yes, the silicon age.

>> No.21432693

He isn't really a pseud since he never claimed to be an intellectual or anything like that. Correct me if I'm wrong, he was an author grappling with mental illness.

>> No.21432881

For someone mentally ill he sure had a lot to articulate. To me, a pseud doesn't strictly have to identify as an intellectual to qualify. Anyone that puts out something of no value or wraps what is of value in layers of bullshit and dances around it qualifies as a pseud.