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/lit/ - Literature

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21428765 No.21428765 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone thinks death is important. I'm not like that at all. I'm rather bored because I think too much about suicide. Death is like a friend who is too arrogant but keeps in touch with me. Well, I don't have any friends and this is just an image in my mind.

I can trade 7 days of a life full of love and happiness for death of my life.
Think about it.
Day full of joy, exuberance, vitality, and happiness, shared by your dreamgirl.
Start with morning, earnest conversation at the local hipster cafe.
Perusing on noontime at city museums and parks.
Catching artsy film at the indie cinema.
Spending a few hours walking on the city enjoying night view.
Last minutes with passionate kiss at the outside nobody watches at the cold silent midnight with your dreamgirl.
No need sex. Seeing her smile, just directly looking her eyes and feel how my inner butterfly moves, observing her thought flow out and in with my mind when we share conversations, and melting my body caused by her abrupt hug. Enough. I've done.

Someone treats me like I have a meaning. I see her the most important being in the world. I'm just a pile of atoms with a disgusting smell. But at least she does not see me that way. I can see her eyes with myself reflected, and that reflected self says you got your meaning you always wanted. And that is enough. Done, I refuse any progress at all.

What books say death is not so important? Who are philosophers and novelists who say that death is not very important, and say some people in the world will value death and life as same as frozen spaghetti in a fridge?

>> No.21428803

>Muh dream girl
When did a man's dreams become so effeminate? A teenage girl dreams like this. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.21428810

Life is just death which is late to the party.

>> No.21428811

Is that your idea of peak happiness? A day walking of around and consuming products with some roastie?
>No need sex
You absolutely do need to have sex, OP.

>> No.21428817

>girlfriend posting
>Christmas Eve
>soggy desperate blog
I think you should unironically join the military

>> No.21428864

I know. Men are being turned into disney princesses. Actually disney princesses seem mentally strong and capable in comparison.

>> No.21428871

What the fuck is this incel shit? Do you retards actually think your post belongs on /lit/ because you consider your writing "deep and beautiful"? Well, my friend, your prose reads like garbled ESL diarrhea. Please stop posting your blogs because you're a narcissist who thinks he's the next big writer.

>> No.21428937

I would say a lot of them are just lost, lonely and angry/sad. Not everyone is a narcissist dude. Humans are social creatures that crave validation and acceptance regardless.

>> No.21428976

TFW you could take away the books or references to literature in most thread OP’s and threads would continue without a hitch. Literature is just an aesthetic or way to signal in this place. /pol/, incels, and tradcath larpers take up a huge share of this board. Majority of them don’t read

>> No.21429005

all i want is contentment op, the feel of having enough and not lacking something, sometimes,somewhere.