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21426911 No.21426911 [Reply] [Original]

Who else among the philosophers would have been in a mental hospital if he hadn't become a philosopher?

>> No.21426945

jung for sure

>> No.21426954

Jung was a magician. And he spent time in mental hospitals. Due to the quantity theory of insanity he was assigned as doctor, not patient.

>> No.21427031

>he was assigned as doctor, not patient.
Jung literally had a prolonged, multi-year psychotic episode. He was a magical thinking schizotypal quack, and internalizing his 19th century gobbledygook Steiner-lite ideas will lead you down the same path.

Scratch that, if you're attracted to Jung in the first place, you most likely already have schizotypal personality disorder

>> No.21427113

I'm attracted to Jung's women. And his substitute father.

>> No.21427116

Most of them if they were born today

>> No.21427192

I thought he was pretty sane all things considered, maybe just mildly autistic about getting way too obsessed over certain things but that comes with the territory. Maybe he was more insane with the works I haven't read like The Origin of German Tragic Drama which I heard was extremely difficult and obscure even for him, focusing on German playwrights that most Germans have never even heard of. If it's his concepts of history I hardly think he's crazier than the author of Revelation. As candidates for the mental ward William Blake would be entirely another matter however.

>> No.21427541

Unironically Nick Land

>> No.21427626

I want to penetrate Nick Land with reinforcing steel bars and then concrete him.

>> No.21427639

filtered hard

>> No.21427662

>muh filtered
Cope harder, Jung is literally just Wicca for schizotypal men. It's all based in magical thinking downstream from Theosophy, and has 0 practical dimensions. There's a good reason his books were moved to the New Age section of bookstores in the 70s.

>> No.21427677
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Deleuze and Nietzsche

>> No.21427736

>downstream from Theosophy
>0 practical dimensions
filtering oneself, how amusing

>> No.21427740
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Althusser killed his wife and died in a mental hospital.

>> No.21427749

Tell me only the good things when you think about Alþußer?

>> No.21427768

What is the practical dimension of Jungianism? What is the method, and what is the end result which it works/strives toward?

>> No.21427925

>having picture taken
>ohh let me put my hand up to my forehead to show how I'm thonking REALLY HARD, ok mr photographer
>ooooo thonk hard thonk thonk thonk... I'm so smort
Who is this pseud

>> No.21427938

Who knows how badly the bitch nagged him to the point of insanity

>> No.21427987

Bro in most case Photographer is the one who being cringe and gay
And ironically, if you think about it, without this guy, most so called "photographer"s starve to death.

>> No.21428066

*Mrs Photographer, the same who shot Joyce, Woolf, et al.

>> No.21428353


>> No.21428883

It looks like Benjamin's just more distressed at seeing something stupid if anything which if you know him is very in-character.

>> No.21428919
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Think hard, play hard.

>> No.21430313

Damn, why couldn’t I save him

>> No.21430878

>still no answer

>> No.21431267


The rationlist spirit of our times is so self-cucked that anything spiritual and engaging with the depths of the unconscious sounds like nonsense as according to you. You cannot even go a mile ahead due to fear of going beyond you horizon, and as a result expanding it. You need to deprogram yourself my dude.

>> No.21431276

Because Spain fell to fascism.

>> No.21431279

Franco was just reactionary. The real fascists, the Falange, were betrayed.

>> No.21431302

The key word is integration. Look up a summary of the integration process and the encounter with the shadow. Jung's psychoanalysis is a far better system of symbols for articulating the structure of the unconscious and the subject's productive encounters with it, because it allows for types of latent/unconscious knowledge to be designated which Freud is completely blind to as a materialist, biologist reductionist.

This doesn't even mean leaping to the opposite extreme and accepting them all as metaphysically real either. At minimum it simply allows one to avoid Freud's denial of them or blindness to them.

If all you have read is Freud and Freud influenced psychoanalysis or psychology for years, with its obsessive talk of neuroses and repression being the only motors of consciousness and its development, and its implicit presumption that the "normal" subject is the biological-material healthy rational consumer, so that the only psychoanalytic work that can be done is the healing of neuroses so one can get back to "normal," then reading Jung can be a liberating experience. Instead of all this negative talk and instead of a stunted reductive view of the subject, he has a lot of positive talk. Instead of breaking down neuroses, one confronts and integrates personae, for example. Instead of merely being a normal subject who has become abnormal and fucked up due to trauma, one is a multifaceted human being with weaknesses and deficiencies but also strengths and conquests, it's just that these strengths and conquests require integration and self-knowledge or they can become monomanic or autistic.

Someone who becomes very strong to overcome abuse in childhood, for example, is no longer just a neurotic who needs to painstakingly deprogram all his traumas and neuroses, he is genuinely a very strong person, as he had to become, but that very strength may now be limiting him in other ways, so the goal is not to deprogram the "bad" coping mechanism but to integrate it with his still present desire to be able to be vulnerable. Moreover, we don't just have stock biologistic archetypes like the Oedipus complex, we form archetypes creatively by interacting with culture, based on our coping and growing needs. Jung had his own shadow, the "wise old man" archetype.

>> No.21431303

>the benchmark for "anything spiritual" is Jungian Depth Psychology, an 20th century headcanon interpitation of Steinerian Gnosticism without a structure, which seeks the path to God through modernist instrumentalizing constructs
>the end product of this philosophy is an endless stream of self-imporvement grifters
My nigga you might as well get into reading the Pleiadian and Ra documents, and other Boomer New Age stuff which is downstream from Jung anyhow

>> No.21431311


You have a pop-cultural understanding of Jung, and it shows. You clearly haven't read the Red Book and you think he has a "theology". Just wrong on all points.

>> No.21431418

>Look up a summary of the integration process and the encounter with the shadow.
Look up where? There are no primary sources for it, because Jung never codified the "integration process" in Aion, or anywhere else. Every "summary" of "integration process" you "look up" doesn't come from Jung, or even his disciples, but from online New Age self-improvement grifters, which is why they're either different or vague to the point of being useless.

Nobody knows how to "integrate the shadow", because Jungianism has no foundational praxis. Your entire post is a testament to that: a whole ass chapter of text that doesn't actually say anything beyond vague New Age platitudes.

>> No.21431437

Psychoanalysis is a hermeneutic, even Freudian psychoanalysis which is materially reductive still acknowledges that the process itself is irreducibly a hermeneutic, a dialogue. That's the whole premise of psychoanalysis. What you want seems to be something more like a mechanical engineer tinkering with the brain like it's a machine that's out of whack. But we don't even understand the physical brain, let alone its relation to actual mind. Psychoanalysis is called the "talking cure" for a reason. In a sense, it's all praxis.

Jungian psychoanalysis like all variants is also eclectic, with many schools and generations of accumulated wisdom from other fields. Many practicing psychologists read widely in gestalt psychology, depth psychology, etc., to try to understand the practical effects of the hermeneutic process of psychotherapy.

I'm not even a Jungian or a psychoanalyst myself. But it is perfectly valid internally. All these therapies are built on presuppositions. Freud's was that gaining rational knowledge of trauma stopped its being sublimated in irrational tics, and rational knowledge of natural drives allowed them to express themselves naturally and be sublimated in healthy ways, because he was an Enlightenment atheist. Jung's is that uncorrelated personality structures are partly coping mechanisms for actual experiences (like trauma), but that they are also drawn from culture and have deep symbolic structures as a result. You don't even have to buy the latter to simply treat him as a less reductive Freudian.

I don't understand your complaints about there being no sources of this stuff. He talks about it in lots of places and therapists practice it actively. Try reading "On the Psychology of the Unconscious."