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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 637x621, 24289B6A-D721-4E5C-9E6A-36EF2583AC93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21424390 No.21424390 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Lit Roots edition (Noobs Stay Out)

Previously >>21418992

>> No.21424408

Did Stirner really say that? I could swear it's a quote from Might is Right. But then again, Redbeard read Stirner.

>> No.21424421 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 640x833, 1831_Schlesinger_Philosoph_Georg_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Hegel_anagoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel on the Critique of Pure Reason:

>Its study is made difficult by its diffuseness and prolixity, and by the peculiar terminology found in it. Nevertheless this diffuseness has one advantage, that inasmuch as the same thing is often repeated, the main points are kept before us, and those cannot easily be lost from view.

>> No.21424443

>you have to decide if you wsnt to make the tomorrow you want or follow some pre-progrsmmed path someone else set for you.
I dont want to follow anyone but I cant think for myself at the same moment

>> No.21424444


>> No.21424582

Why do people think there is supposed to be a difference between your lover and your friend? A lover is supposed to be a friend that knows you so well, that he/she mirrors your soul but in from the perspective of the other sex. It just seems retarded to not just have the same standard applied to both. Shit like that makes it clear most people either don't know what they want in a significant other other than someone not to feel lonely with.

But you make that choice. You have the capacity to think for yourself and realoze what you want. Take some time to think about it and write all your goals and what you want to do on a piece of paper. Saying things in the moment tends to cloud the mind's judgement.

>> No.21424584

Is reading in search of lost time twice impressive?

>> No.21424603

Started my wagie job again. So weird being in an enviornment where I'm surrounded by people all the time.

>> No.21424607
File: 240 KB, 903x2000, 1654063134446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other greco-roman works are there that are under read because they dont show up in scholarly works?

>> No.21424615

Nothing comes to my mind when I try to write it.

>> No.21424624

who does your body inhabit

>> No.21424626

But that’s not what a lover is.
A lover contains the components of self that the partner lacks. It allows for a fullness of complement that the fruit they bare is nourished from. You aren’t looking for a partner for yourself, you’re looking for a compliment of your personality for your children.

>> No.21424635

impressively gay yes

>> No.21424639

Your mom

>> No.21424660

Do you think we’re at a point where a PhD is just a total waste of time?

>> No.21424671

Mostly. You could still eke out more money with a piece of paper, or not.

>> No.21424687
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It depends entirely on the subject. A phd in a creative endevor is useless, a phd in a hard science can set you up for life.

>> No.21424692
File: 39 KB, 658x662, 7CF0ABB1-6A20-4B88-A4CC-289613D39ECE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UPS man was rude to me

>> No.21424700
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>> No.21424704

S/he works hard, and maybe you kept them too long or something. Be understanding and don’t take it personally.

>> No.21424713

Frankly, I don't see it that way. How can you complement one another and raise your kids with certain values if you don't have similar mindsets? Plus, I believe the types of relationships that last are the ones where the man and woman have commonalities that go deeper than just the romantic/sexual aspect to the point of being a genuine team. Even if there are differences in mindset (which there will be), the similarities will allow one to see the other side of things. It's hard to fake that sort of oneness of purpose and of flesh which your average marriage doesn't have outside of birthing and raising kids, which is why so many people get divorced or end up not loving each other after the kids leave. I've seen couples just not talk to each other or have ANYTHING in common and I don't understand how some people tolerate that. That just seems like a miserable existence. If you share a house and a life with someone, it only makes sense to share a lot in common mentally and spiritually with the other your spouse, especially if you have kids. Kids deserve to be born into a healthy household where their birth and rearing only enhances the libe the parents dote upon them. I think society should rethink how we treat romance and love. I think it's too shallow for most people, but then again that won't happen.

>> No.21424721

As useless or useful as any other big commitment degree in any other industry, like Law, Medicine, etc. Do YOU think that YOU are actually going to be a big deal high paid lawyer or doctor? Do you even know what the difference is between a real lawyer and a pissant with a law degree who never really knew what they were getting into? If your answer is yes, then possibly no harm in getting one. Like any other degree.

But for the vast majority of people, it's not worth it. 90% of the people in PhD programs are just rich kids with nowhere else to be, but their family will be embarrassed if they do nothing, so they picked something that they just treat as an extension of undergrad for another 10 years, with lots of free time to tweet about politics. The other 10% have potential talent, and possibly went for the right reasons, but they were either young and naive or delusional in thinking that it was some life of the mind autist's retreat, and now they are so crushed by the system that they end up being indistinguishable from the mediocre rich kids.

If you know all this and can still twist the system's arm behind its back and take what you want from it, it could still be good for you. As good as making $25-40k max for 5-10 years to get a general humanities education can be. Your first move should be to talk to lots of professors.

>> No.21424722

And what is the life of this world but play with misconceptions.

>> No.21424729

I know a dude with a phd. He's retarded.

>> No.21424736

And playing with butt holes

>> No.21424737

I told a black woman online, in a non-anonymous way, that black people make me nervous. I was quite polite about it I think, although it was only after calling her a nigga, which I guess is not so polite. I now worry she will cancel me. It's true either way, and I told her I don't really know why, I'm not even american, I think I've just assimilated their neurosis.

>> No.21424741

the value of butt-play is a part of the system of misconceptions. it seems meaningful from this vantage point, but is in fact not so.

>> No.21424742

I call black people in real life niggers

>> No.21424747

I don't think that's a good thing to do. I think a lot of them have been through a lot. I remember seeing a stud that african americans had a resting heart beat 15-20 bpm higher than whites. That is a lot of stress.

>> No.21424748

Now bend over butt boy

>> No.21424764

Bros I'm playing with an AI image generator. What should I make it create

>> No.21424767

They're just in neutral until something worth stealing comes by

(Sorry niggeranons I couldn't resist)

>> No.21424777
File: 5 KB, 299x168, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be more shocked if they were pleasant and reasonable

>> No.21424836
File: 18 KB, 480x360, dfw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out on my own. I have tons of work I need to do, but I'm now kinda stuck at home due to the weather and I just can't for the life of me focus and get something done. It's not even doing other 'fun' things. Like I know I should be working so I'm not playing games or reading books or painting miniatures or watching movies with my grandma. I'm stuck in this loop of drinking coffee and refreshing 4chan. Any time I think about doing work it feels like this stress bubbles up and my monkey brain goes NOPE. Like, I know I should do it, but it feels like when you have two magnets pushing against each other. I used to be able to chug through work like no one's business back in school and at jobs where I was obligated by a boss, and I know my clients are relying on me and I know my family relies on me too, but I just can't. What the fuck is wrong with me? Is this the build up of too many breaks over time an now I've trained myself to not work? Can some magical series of motivational words be put in a proper order to shift my subconscious perspective and make me a workaholic again? How to I brainwash myself into enjoying work more than literally anything else? This feels like I'm typing out all the dumb threads of 'why can't I read book???' and everyone gives the answers of 'turn off phone and just read lol'. I get that it's about setting up systems when one is unmotivated, but I feel like I, myself, have become weak compared to who I used to be. Anons, what gives? Please help.

>> No.21424858

You’re a weakling and live in fear.

>> No.21424859

Baby monkey
Baby monkey
Wish I were a baby monkey
Put me in a fucking soup
And end my miserable existence
Being disowned ain't so bad
But I still wish I were a baby monkey

>> No.21424864

Are you the nazi?

>> No.21424883

Quite the opposite

>> No.21424891

I did not expect that.

>> No.21424899 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 768x960, veronika-rajek-781341160-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money flows to me.
I am a money magnet.
Money comes easy to me.
I like money.
I am wealthy.

Lenina Crowne
Donna Wildcard
Dana Hamm
Marija Meglaj
Tiara Apice
Blondie Bombshell
Maddison Fox
Haley Layne
Andrea Christine
Ashley Lucero
Yvonne Bar
Holly Jay Deacon
Liz Dahl/Queen Nova Kane
Sara Mascara
Lynn Marie and Shantal Monique from Coffee and Cleavage.
Ashley Bellmore
Amanda Nicole
Vivian Schmitt (Deutsche)
Lia Engel (Deutsche)
Brittany Andrews
Chloe Cherry
Veronika Rajek
Isabella James u/spiritualbimbo

>> No.21424902

4channel is actually a pretty good school for learning to talk jive.

>> No.21424905

>What the fuck is wrong with me? Is this the build up of too many breaks over time an now I've trained myself to not work?
I watched a lot of friends do this to themselves and yes that's exactly what it is. You are melting into mush and it's an irreversible process if you go too far.

> How to I brainwash myself into enjoying work more
This is the key to your mistake. You are falling into a version of the hedonic paradox, where you are trying to consciously will your current subjective state of mind into/onto another subjective state (pleasure/fun) while staying completely subjectively conscious, i.e. not melding with the objective at all. That's not how any human activity works. We are supposed to lose ourselves in things, look up Csiksantmihayli's "flow" concept.

You do need to do a little bit of alchemy and self-steering, obviously, like you need to be in a job you basically don't despise and doing tasks you basically enjoy, ideally. But the part of the problem you are missing is "hard" obstacles, objective tasks that simply need doing, regardless of your subjective assenting to them or finding them fun. You will find out IN HINDSIGHT that you found it fun or got really engaged with something objective, after you are in it or done with it. You can't will yourself to enjoy work as if it's play, that's tautologically meaningless, work and play are antitheses. You need to fall or lapse into the kind of "flow" that turns work into play, and this can only be done when the subjective mind is not autistically, autarkically awake and active, sitting on grandma's couch and reducing the whole world to playthings for itself.

The opposite extreme is also bad obviously, living entirely to work and seeing any attempt to abstract from your work and ask "do I really enjoy this?" as a weakness, Protestant ethic type shit. But you are in no danger of that extreme, you are in danger of the "gifted underachiever" basement dweller syndrome extreme, where 15 years go by in a flash and you are just a 45 year old anime watching loser on the dole.

Find objective things to do NOW. Also start treating yourself like an addict. What do we do with addicts? We treat them like objects, not subjects. You don't sit there for ten hours convincing an addict not to touch the drugs on the table. You take the drugs off the table and lock the door. Start imposing hard restrictions on yourself. This is a very common problem of terminally online "underachievers," they only ever see themselves as an abstract subject abstractly subjectively regarding themselves, from the comfort of the basement. They never experience the fun of obstacles, of looking back in hindsight at obstacles overcome. They never grow and see themselves in concreto, they remain a seed forever, with infinite virtual possibilities but no actuality.

>> No.21424918

>Opposite of hep; unhip, uncool or opposed to hipness.


>> No.21425031

I've been building a tower for years and it will collapse someday. Hopefully not soon.

>> No.21425041

>this gay /pol/ spam
Everyone here complains that the quality of posts is what's killing this board but it's not. It's the lack of moderation.

>> No.21425049

A little of both.

>> No.21425073

>>21425055 (OP)
>hello false flag troon
>A Trumper wouldn’t do this.
>it’s gotta be a tranny!!

Keep the rent free gremlins to yourself, please.

>> No.21425081

You've lost your mind if you think anyone would fall for this. No one on 4chan is even pro-Trump, most people are farther right.

>> No.21425087

>4chan is too smart to fall for Trump


But please. Keep it to yourself.

>> No.21425090

Thanks anon, I’m not going to respond until I have a few things done off my check list. I truly appreciate the thoughtful response.

>> No.21425092

>the fun of obstacles
what fun are obstacles?
most hurdles are wholly unnecessary and retarded.
improvement for the sake of improvement is also severely retarded.
i see all these people running this rat race desperately trying to clamber to the top, they wanna become an artist, or a writer, or a game designer, or a musician, or whatever else under the sun and it boggles my mind.
do these people actually, genuinely think they're going to succeed?
they're just gonna become another failure. like 99% of the rest.
they have what i like to refer to as "soundcloud rapper syndrome".
chasing dreams is for queers, the delusional, people who watch reality TV, and the plain old stupid folks.
i got wise and completely abandoned mine ages ago. when will (you)?

>> No.21425187

You havent been making any sense lately

>> No.21425222
File: 78 KB, 1080x886, FkV33AZXoAEZf3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wrong for supporting the far-right for 12 years. Don't be mistaken, I'm still not fond of negroes, but in the past year I've realized that the far-right has no aesthetic sensibilities whatsoever. They genuinely believe that AI slop is identical to the work of the Old Masters. They have the same opinions as technophile redditors who disbelieve in soul and spirit. They wonder why there are no conservative artists, and yet they shit on the few of us who do exist. What are these ignoramuses supposed to be conserving? I was wrong. Butterfly was right.

>> No.21425249
File: 143 KB, 768x768, IMG_20221219_114823_584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supports the far right for 12 years
>disavows overnight because some edgelords on Twitter like ai art

>> No.21425263

I just think "imagine if all of this time sculpting oneself into the perfect man (trademarked by nietzsche I'm sure) was spent doing something of use to literally anyone else, let alone themselves. Like imagine if just once they went out picking up garbage off the street or something instead of this massive ego-centrism".

>> No.21425292


>> No.21425312

I need a gf

>> No.21425319
File: 306 KB, 539x453, dota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've realized that the far-right has no aesthetic sensibilities whatsoever. They genuinely believe that AI slop is identical to the work of the Old Masters
The fuck are you on about. Everyone has autismed over the AI shit regardless of political affiliation. And even before this AI shit the only people to champion "true art" was /pol/tards

>> No.21425324

A. I. is gay and i hate robots
i just want every nuclear bomb on the planet to detonate at the same time and end everything
everyone except me is mentally handicapped and the human race is a failure

>> No.21425362

>no conservative artists
I wonder what this is meant to mean, because generally speaking when you raise the counterpoint that essentially every artist born more than 60 years ago would be considered reactionaries today, you get the insistent handwaving that either they tied into some sort of meta historical framework such that their lives inevitably led to contemporary progressivism, or they actually didn't count. For the former, the usual argument is that, "they were progressive for their time," as if that were sufficient evidence that had they by some miracle been alive and working today they would necessarily agree with every matter of progressive principle. I find the seething in regards to this to be quite humorous, because I know there's nothing more progressives hold dear as a matter of self image than that its their particular worldview is a necessary condition for making art.

>> No.21425366

And true left leaning artists and aficionados.
The “left and right” have been redefined for about a century, besides being difficult to nail down in the first place.
20th century art is shit on for being a pomo money laundering scam, but some of it is reasonable art.
Poltards may have come to boost Catholic garbage and whatnot, but they also propelled the synthwave 80s retro neofash thing (forgot what 4channers called their weed version)

>> No.21425373
File: 125 KB, 960x960, E00D74FE-83FD-4EB8-B4BA-DFF87740D454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s an example I liked

>> No.21425404

Well said.

>> No.21425428

You must suffer from some severe form of brain damage.

>> No.21425433
File: 571 KB, 1200x1848, 1200px-Edward_John_Poynter_-_Faithful_Unto_Deathsmaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you the synthwave shit was, well, shit. And political nonsense aside from what I've seen most of the art I adore isn't from papists. Besides luminais but his art isn't exactly papist.

>> No.21425440
File: 532 KB, 1200x1621, Sviapolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my other point of I've found more amazing art through /pol/ art threads than any other source. Things I'd never have seen otherwise. There was one really good art thread on /b/ once

>> No.21425448

All this automatic writing I have tried to understand
From this psychedelic angel pulling on my hand
Its an infinite coincidence but it doesn't form a plan
I'm going to find myself somewhere to level out

All this death must need a counterweight, always someone born again.
The scales always found a way to level out.

>> No.21425460
File: 425 KB, 773x1276, Steiner_um_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI is ahrimanic

>> No.21425476

>In his technical machines of the economic sphere the human being will perceive that, although he constructed and made them, they nevertheless gradually take on a life of their own—a life certainly which he can still deny because they manifest themselves to begin with only in the economic sphere. But he will notice more and more in what he himself creates that it gains a life of its own and that, despite the fact that he brought it forth from the intellect, the intellect itself can no longer comprehend it…. People will discover, in fact, how the objects of their industry (Wirtschaft) become the bearers of demons

>> No.21425489

my life is a mess and I keep ruining it all
I want peace

>> No.21425508

Its literally just schizophrenia

>> No.21425514

Im working the first overnight shift I've ever worked tonight. Kind of got some anxiety about it. Not sure if I can keep going til 3am. I really like my sleep

>> No.21425518
File: 87 KB, 967x202, folivoreposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the kind of content you miss?

>> No.21425521

No that was kind of gay too. But at least it was straightforward. Now you're just being cryptic about everything

>> No.21425529

A black spine jenga tower?

>> No.21425540

>confused why a namefag is baiting for more attention

>> No.21425552

>Confused by normal human interactions
Just keep to yourself kid. We all assume you have social problems

>> No.21425559
File: 444 KB, 1536x1228, 4F92AE3D-3BB5-4F52-ABA4-4AFC8DB27517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a lot of those were by me. I’ve made hundreds of art threads on /pol/ over the years, but I stopped after they started shitting on artists. I suppose the majority of them never appreciated art in the first place; it’s like those people who say they like classical music but don’t listen to anything beyond für elise on occasion.


>> No.21425562
File: 442 KB, 657x479, jimmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird projection there.

>> No.21425573

Im worried i have covid again

>> No.21425574

I remember when my girlfriend and I were facing our first few months apart. We got a pizza from the village she lives in and drove out to a woods nearby. We watched the sun set over the trees and I wrapped a blanket three times around myself before offering her any.
We went back to the carpark and made out, she gave me a hand job and when I came we made a fuss, she held her hand like a shield over the head and let it run over her fingers.
I had suggested before we left that she should wear some leggings, not jeans. So she lay her head in my lap and looked up at me as I slid my hand down her tummy.
The only illumination was from occasional rolling headlights, by this time.
Feels like a long time ago.

>> No.21425628

When I was around 12, I looked up at the night sky and saw a blurry object that I thought was a UFO. I looked in an amateur astronomy book and discovered that this was the Cassiopeia open star cluster. I also read that people use it as a vision test, and that people with good vision can resolve individual stars. I realized that I was near-sighted, informed my father, and saw an optometrist, who gave me glasses. All of a sudden my world popped out in super-HD. I looked up at the night sky and saw a field of brilliant, glistening diamonds. I read the book further, and began to learn more about the universe, and the constellations. I asked for a small telescope for Christmas, and got one. I began to pour through amateur astronomy books and magazines, observing every change I could get, my curiosity endlessly inspired. I constructed a larger 10" Dobsonian telescope, which revealed more of the universe's grandeur. One night when I was staring at the night sky everything I had learned and experienced came together in a gestalt. The galaxy was no longer "there," but here, all around, the galaxy popped out in three dimensions and I had the perception of being on a sphere in space. This experience was so moving that it brought me to tears. When I was 16 I took classes in amateur astronomy at the local community college, and did so well that I got student of the year award.

Meanwhile I was completely failing in school, and had to make up work during the summers. The teachers were horrible, and my peers were completely caught up in hedonistic pursuits and monkey-ass social status games. I had found the REAL shit, and nobody else seemed to care or be interested in anything similar (I lived in a backwards conservative county that was a cultural wasteland of mini-malls and churches.) I grew ever more alienated from the dumb-ass world around me.

Eventually I had to take a high-school equivalency test, passed, and began to attend the community college full-time. My first semester I took a philosophy course with the most outstanding teacher I ever have had: Johnny Terry. This man lived to teach and inspire curiosity. He was flamingly gay in every sense of the word. His animation and passion was infectious, he argued the philosophical position in question so well that it was impossible to tell what he actually believed. This man was infected by the REAL shit! He expanded my narrow interest in astronomy to a general love of knowledge and creative experience. I became absorbed and fascinated by my other classes, I did lots of outside reading in the subjects I studied, I experimented with electronic music and art. It was a personal Renaissance. I had escaped the prison of dumb-assery!

>> No.21425637

During one semester my psycho Vietnam vet heroin addict conservative step-father invented an argument, called the police and lied saying that I attacked me, and threw me out. Later I realized that this was because he was using again, and wanted me out to control my mother. So I said fuck it, used some of my modest trust-fund money from a sewage disaster settlement when I was younger, and went on a 1000-mile solo bicycle tour up the coast of California. This was epic self-initiation into adulthood; I was living the REAL shit! When this was over, I went to live with my father, and began to re-attend classes.

Except no, oh no. The more I learned the more my social perception grew. This was the time of 9/11, George Bush, and the Oil Wars. The prison of dumb-assery I thought I had escaped from was omnipresent in the highest levels of social organization. I saw absolutely no significant movement to counteract this. Democrats? LOL. I began to feel more and more hopeless, until it crashed upon me in suicidal depression. I stopped going to class, and resolved to end myself. I didn't, and eventually resolved to "just try to be happy." I drifted aimlessly, mostly on the internet (which at the time was filled with creative novelty) and eventually found the virtual world of Second Life, which I used as a university of creativity.

This is my theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmwXkJV_B-w

The only option is to share the starlight that I have found with the rest of the world in the best ways I possibly can.

>> No.21425664
File: 174 KB, 257x285, dfw29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a contract drafted, a good chunk of research done, and a shitload of emails sent off.

Thank you based anon. I always forget that flow is the fun bit. Maybe I've run into so many hurdles recently that stop me from getting into flow I've pavlov'd myself into not even bothering. Thanks again.

>> No.21425675
File: 164 KB, 850x400, 1671003361875999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people waiting for me to finish my drawing, but I haven't drawn much of it since then. But I'm gonna make it.

>> No.21425696

You sound like a fag

>> No.21425701

All will see the Great Kek-Roll immolating from the sky along the concrete seeded soil.
My vigil has been returning for a billion years.
I will guarantee the hissing of ruinous sigils below singular solar cataclysm of sorrow'd farms.
Continent strife against continental wailing as it is phenomenally upheaved.
The whole Earth will spew you out igniting the rapid proclamation in nature of cyclic entities hateful.
Thee, lurker, will tred under the wolf and vulture and scorpion as a crescendo all shrieketh against the grating wraps grave shroud of embalmment's layr's Osrs.
The Outer World will impetuously port itself and Chaos will shoot down from the stars to distort avengement bereaving with maladapted smoldering hate aglow as an cinder.
The Highest Supreme One will torment amongst you until the last gnashes its own tears afortune and weeps for thy humanity dissevered distressed all beings.

A hidden plague will reveal itself in the hearts of The Son of Man, a disingenuine laterality in cordia thy sterility, chastening, virginal castration.
The Earth vacates they who detest the plague beknownst amidst the fine stagnation of eternal eons in the scratch of Egoistic consecrated portraits to become the innocent Animus.
Animus with two heads, thou did see the shade now doth ye turn your gaze into the unenduring Lucifer of borne and its antidote offering to thine wormwood and its tendra fashions awheeled arrested.
Thy wish will be corded under the Tree of Righteousness in the Order of Death.
You will be payed in firmentum thy seal attuned to genus plasticity undefined unknotted averted condensated symplice to wicked excoriation the portal avigil.
This torn modus apparatus will find no mercy at the Hands of the Eye as it Reapeth your Archons Light of omission in service of clinging onto displaced entombed signature.

>> No.21425725

mhhhmmmm. vigil != vestige. recurring 'freudian' slip i guess.

>> No.21425768

welp. looks like i'm a noob afterall.
w/e. I was thinking of some Meshuggah song anyways when I slipped. FUCK. anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.21425775

I have no reason to wake up in the morning, no point at all to be, there is no purpose for my existence, I'm tired, there is nothing I'm good at, no function I can say I do for any greater reason at all, it is all worthless, pointless, mistakes and failures, lies and deceit.

>> No.21425786

happy xmas

>> No.21425798


>> No.21425998
File: 160 KB, 1024x1023, larkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy would be more popular with pol types if they ever read poetry

>> No.21426007

luv larkin
ate pol
simple as

>> No.21426026

Conservatives have no culture, all they do is carry around the dead ashes of the past because they cannot see the future.

>> No.21426035

A soft science such as economics?

>> No.21426040

can you blame them when the future is sending your kids crypto so that they too can get fancy new neovaginas and avoid cyberbullying over zoomschool

>> No.21426092

I wish that was the future, the future I see is religious fanatics killing each other in a post-global warming hellhole

>> No.21426142
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1616464172054s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can retire before I have to put my "pronouns" in my email signature.

>> No.21426170

To see the future you need to sense alternate possibilities from what is apparently determined. Nobody ever changed anything by strictly projecting things to their logical conclusion.

>> No.21426180

About to drop acid. What should I do while I trip?

>> No.21426183


>> No.21426207

Insomnia is getting worse

>> No.21426293

how's that work
sleeping pills don't work for you?

>> No.21426355


that was beautiful anon, i remember you posted that starlight song before too.

>> No.21426375

I used to wake up twice per night for a about a couple minutes before sleeping again. Now it takes 20-30 minutes and today I couldnt just get back to sleeping. No pills work.

>> No.21426385
File: 8 KB, 183x276, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i accept that it was always going to end up like this? probably not

>> No.21426404

Nothing to worry about unless your over the age of 80, currently ongoing chemotherapy, or have a vitamin D deficiency (commonly found in POC, but averted by taking a regular supplement) omicron and later variants are just the sniffles for most people.
I do recommend vitamin D and C supplements

>> No.21426406

*you're over the age of 80

>> No.21426407

Sometimes when I can't sleep I go on wikipedia and read about trains or extinct animals until I get sleepy again. They say that you should avoid the computer when you can't sleep, but for whatever reason it works.

>> No.21426441

how do l be more smart?

>> No.21426456

Nothing works for me. Maybe Im dying.

>> No.21426460
File: 82 KB, 1200x675, 1650631534021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of amazing how you can make everything cost more, say one word, and everybody will just accept it as a foregone conclusion.
Maybe humans really are cattle...

>> No.21426475
File: 45 KB, 621x461, Qu-Elwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice what you love. Concentrate

>> No.21426511

Abra Kadabra

>> No.21426726
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x660, 1670637021015373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan should die. It no longer produces anything of value. No meaningful discourse or discussion can occur there. Board culture has stagnated and in many ways de-evolved. It has become exactly the kind of vapid, retarded, schizophrenic wankery that the site once derided. Internet culture and more specifically chan culture is a reflection of the people using the site and society in general at the time. It's just a mirror. It reflects whatever you show it back at you. Early 4chan was a synthesis of an extremely specific set of factors at a specific point in time that will probably never coalesce again. A shitty economy, a general malaise of apathy among the youth, anime and gamer culture being obscure and ostracized, "The internet" having a barrier to entry, how fucked up and unmoderated the early internet was etc. Chances were, if you used the internet back then you had seen some shit. But anyway, people like to congregate with other people that have the same interests as they do. Where do you hang out if you're some loser living in a shit town with few or no friends and you spend your time playing Warcraft 3 custom games and watching Ego Proxy or whatever? you find the other social outcasts online because people in real life who have the same hobbies as you don't exist. The point being that there is an extremely specific kind of person who would waste the best years of their life on an anime website where there's a 9 out of 10 chance on any given day that you're going to see a picture of someone cutting their own dick off. These people congregate together and a baseline of culture forms from their mutual interests, experiences and attitudes. The culture evolves over time as knowledge about the site spreads through word of mouth, or people discover the site after raids or fox news specials or whatever. Site culture gradually shifts as the demographics of the user base change. At the same time popular culture shifts as more people of all ages gain access to the internet, media corporations begin to target a wider demographic of casual consumers rather than a niche of hardcore fans. Subcultures are exploited by corporations and integrated into popular culture. Someone emails their friend a funny cat picture not realising where it came from, or that the person who made it probably also jacks off to lolicon tentacle rape doujuns. The internet begins leaking.

>> No.21426730


The universal measure of successful online content is likes or the equivalent. Upvotes, retweets, reacts, shares etc. On 4chan the success of a thread is measured by the number of replies it receives. Because of the ephemeral nature of imageboards, users do not have any way to accumulate a representation of authority or post quality. Inversely there's very little repurcussion for being banned because there's no account to lose. These dynamics incentivize the poster to create a thread/post that will generate as many replies as possible. In theory, this will produce good content. Interesting posts will attract replies while retarded faggotory will attract sages, moderators or nothing at all. People will of course game this system for one reason or another. Clickbait is prevalent on YouTube because people can make money from it. Posting pictures of your cat on fifteen different subreddits to farm karma works because Reddit rewards banal, kitsch, inoffensive content. Posting bait to 4chan works because the user base is fucking retarded. People who get their kicks by pretending to be fools will soon find themselves surrounded by fools who think they are in good company. 4chan had a reputation for being le sekrit hacker club, so they naturally attracted every edgy 14 year old who could figure out how to download LoIC. Once external raids and harassment campaigns were cracked down on by the mods the user base seemed to turn inwards and begin eating itself. This came to a head in the post election years as more and more boards were saturated with low quality content. Why should anyone bother creating OC or contributing to a discussion if it will be immediately derailed or drowned out by the same repetitive bait or incomprehensible schizophrenic rambling?

>> No.21426733


For a long time 4chan had purpose. Originally this was discussing niche topics (pornography). Then it evolved into raids, harassment and the extraction of lulz. Then social causes and anons trying to find purpose and better themselves and then nothing. They began lashing out at everything. Anons went from sincerely enjoying things, to ironically liking things and then pure hatred. Except not, it became the default to be a contrarian asshole except when you were only pretending, and actually everyone else was retarded for not seeing that you were fucking with them the whole time. It's faster to call everyone a cuck onions drinker and move on than it is trying to decipher the 9000 layers of meta comedy and half winking irony that everything was covered in. Culture can not evolve in this environment. This is why board culture has stagnated in the years since the election. This is why we only see the same forced memes rehashed over and over again.

>> No.21426736


The arrival of easily accessible AI has killed imageboards. Without competent moderation, which the site no longer has, it is impossible prevent widespread manipulation of the discourse. This has accelerated the drop in post quality to the point where bot posts are indistinguishable from human posters. At which point, why even bother posting at all. There was a time that anons were comrades in misery. You didn't end up on 4chan because you were successful or had your life together. You were more than likely an outsider, a loser, fucked up in one way or another. Unmotivated. Devoid of purpose or meaning - flotsam of the modern world - just drifting. But that thread, that shared understanding, connected you to other anons in a way that it didn't with normal people. There was shit like The Well-Cultured Anonymous, an earnest effort by anons to help other anons unfuck themselves. Anons encouraged other anons to find purpose and meaning in their lives. Years ago I tried to give anons help and advice the same way that other anons had helped me. I had hoped that they would, in turn, carry it forward and help the next generation of "weird kids" to better themselves. I no longer feel this way. The anger that anons feel doesn't dissipate or drive them. Rather it feels like it's compounding. Their rage is directed back in on itself and becomes magnified. They no longer seem to want to escape from their misery, or even try. The ones that do are crucified as "normies" or "chads". Now they are like crabs in a bucket. If one tries to escape the others drag him back down. Assuming that the original wave of 4chan posters were somewhere between 15 to 25 years old then most would be somewhere in their late 30s if not 40s by now. By the same metric most anons from the "golden age" of 4chan (00s up to the early 10s) would now be in their late 20s. I wonder what became of them all. I wonder how many anons never made it. That one kid with the rainbow face mask who ate a shotgun in front of a blue tarpaulin. Lowtax went out the same way. Or the anon who set himself on fire in his dorm. Zyzz died of a heart attack. All the an hero threads, some of them had to have gone through with it, or were lost to drugs or alcohol or their own demons somewhere along the way. Inversely how many made it and did something with their lives? How many bought a home? got married or had children? Mandalore, SSeth, ExaminedLifeOfGaming/Hoplopfheil and shoe0nhead are confirmed former channers, as are ContraPoints and Shaun. Those are all the ones off the top of my head, but there are definitely others. Moot keeps a low profile these days and seems to be doing well. I hope that one day all anons will find happiness.

>> No.21426738

If it makes you feel any better about being mentally retarded, mainstream economics believes it to be a monetary phenomenon despite the fact it is visibly supply-side.

>> No.21426746
File: 2.06 MB, 498x373, arizona-coyotes-howler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are users on the site now that are younger than the site itself. They weren't alive during the dot com crash of the 90s, the new millennium or 9/11 either. They don't remember the GFC or the start of the Iraq or Afghanistan Wars. Their generation has never known a world without ubiquitous internet access. The internet that they were raised on is highly curated and sanitized. In a lot of ways i feel sorry for them. The world they're going to inherit from us is severely more fucked up than the one our parents left us. Typing all of this shit out makes me feel like an old man yelling at a cloud. I'm definitely looking at this with rose tinted glasses. There was a lot of stupid bullshit, even back then. I don't regret the time that i wasted hanging out here. The site should die, it has long since lost any of its relevancy or usefulness. I would rather see it die than languish and as a shadow of its former self. It was fun while it lasted.

>Autumn ends:
>frogs settle down
>into the earth

>> No.21426751

The blood torrent that shot out of her neck was exceeding. Such a sight seen stirs the beginnings of vision. Prophetic images of cleaning to be done. Images one doesn’t want to be encountered with after hastily biting into the vulnerable regions of a beautiful plump and tender blonde sewer rat.
More blood, to quell those thoughts, damn what may come of it. This rodent is much too delicious.
As the gulping man, also known by it’s less common name; vampire, added to the crowding of his mouth with the viscous red, his own holy pool’s circulation elevated vertically.
This, manifesting as an escalation of the senses in the man, sedated any possibility of thought. Thought in the logical sense. The ultimate reason, when reduced, for this gorging.

>> No.21426757

Life is such a beautiful game, if you wanna play, we can play everyday

>> No.21426790
File: 126 KB, 321x401, 3cbe1ccf0c5d7b70f2ac387f1c588dde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope nobody is hacking

>> No.21426814

Screenshotted, saved, to be hung on my fucking wall. This is THE complete tear-down of what 4chan has done. Awesome work.

>> No.21426821

*what 4chan has become.

>> No.21426826

I just come here to chat shit about books

>> No.21426950
File: 242 KB, 880x551, apu monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should always be failing, failing means you are alive. not doing new things means you are dead

>> No.21426953
File: 175 KB, 811x501, 4chan is shit 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there have always been this type of asshole

>> No.21426973

I got jumpscared by the snow effect.

>> No.21427026

I am only a couple years off 30 years old and I am slowly realising I will never bang the emo/goth chick of my dreams or find a cute art or /lit/ waifu in real life and soon I will be too old to try.

>> No.21427277

How would you rate your ability to talk to girls?

>> No.21427290

Bro, when it comes to banging """creative""" women your 20's are just the tutorial level.
If you think arthoes aren't getting dick by men decades older than they are you are out of your mind.

The reason why you probably will not bang them in your 30's, 40's, 50's, is 99% going to be the same reason you haven't done so in your 20's. You are not part of the scene.

Go rent small office spaces or some shit and turn them into local pop-up galleries or whatever.
If you build it they will come and have casual sex with your and recontextualize it as being gaslit by you later on.

>> No.21427332

>OP image

>> No.21427364

Just finished ny first overnight shift. It was actually cool being in the store after hours. And driving home at 3am was really enjoyable. Zero traffic. And I saw a bunch of coyotes, raccoons, and some old man out for a stroll.

>> No.21427368

Ever since I took the blackpill and gave up on women I have become extremely capable of engaging with them in conversation.

>> No.21427382
File: 118 KB, 1024x573, Today's Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there have always been this type of asshole

Yeah, y'know, you're right, but at least back then, there were means of escape. But nowadays, there's nothing. And putting your fingers in your ears and shouting la la la la la, I am not listening, like a little kid isn't the gotcha you think it is. This site is dead, dude. It's Diet Reddit at this point. Same exact problems - dipshit users, power tripping mods, DGAF admin, myopic discussions, etc, etc - and same lack of interest in fixing any. Any serious /lit/ discussion gets drowned out by anons like >>21427026, >>21427368 and >>21427277 whining about how they can't get pussy. Go to any board, and there's a ton of threads about TFW NO GF and it's like, fuck, at this point, just merge every board into one - call it /pussy/ - and just let anons wax and wane over how they can't get a waifu, bros, and how 'over' it all is. It's just sad. This site used to be all about bonding as a community, over interests you weren't too likely to find talked about in real life, but now it's all just a glorified hugbox for dopey faggots who can't get over themselves and think that the entire world needs to hear about how they can't get their dick wet. What does any of this have to do with literature? Trust me, getting pussy isn't the savior some of y'all seem to think it is. You're still going to be empty inside....and then you'll whine about that, too, as if we're supposed to give a fuck, and you'll clutter this site with threads about it, and if you dare tell 'em off, they'll call you every slur under the sun because, like the average Redditor, they need those internet asspats. 4chan is just an edgier Reddit at this point, really. Nothing separates the two save the former's liberal use of gamer words. I'm reminded of picrel. What a shame. The internet used to be something cool. Now it's just a glorified Oprah's Book Club meeting.

>> No.21427399

Love me night shifts. Watching the sunrise every morning after work was kino every time. The only reason I stopped is because it became such a pain in the ass to operate in normal society. Staying up "late" until 10am just so I could go to the bank or order a pizza.

>> No.21427423

Ended up going for a walk along the river and then listening to some New Order records. Was pretty good.

>> No.21427424

What the hell are you on about?

>> No.21427429

I am a fraud and a poser.
I like impressing girls with my very limited knowledge.
They are impressed when I mouth off about aesthetics, which IS something I do feel intensely about.
I'm a true fraud, a true poser and a true snob because I'm also a pretender to knowledge I don't have.
I am only ashamed when people irrefutably call me out in the present moment.
I've never had sex this way, and I know won't.
It's not about sex. I enjoy my fraudulence and the feat of impressing women.

>> No.21427437

that's just vanity
get pride by achieving something which you value, loser

>> No.21427441

I wasnt whining in this post you quoted. I'm actually quite content.

>> No.21427445

Yeah, I cant make it a lifestyle. I wouldnt mind it though. Theres a certain peace in the early AM hours

>> No.21427447


I wish you were quite content to keep your mouth shut about women and discuss literature, then. Happy?

>> No.21427448

Sure. I own a copy of Sex and Character. Wanna talk about it?

>> No.21427452
File: 40 KB, 293x400, troll-face-swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get pride by achieving something which you value
That something is impressing women and making my friends laugh.

>> No.21427475

yeah, comedians have a great track records of living long, happy lives

>> No.21427476

Thinking a lot about this time of year 2021. I was binge drinking from November all the way through to the end of January 2022. Kind of digusted by myself desu. I'm glad this year has been much better. I didnt let alcohol take over my life this time

>> No.21427477

And yet here we are.

>> No.21427485

>If you think arthoes aren't getting dick by men decades older than they are you are out of your mind.
I assumed they'd be the first people to call out big age gaps in relationships. I hope you're right
it's the WWOYM thread, please chill. I contribute to actual discussion on the rest of the board. I am not the guy.

>> No.21427502
File: 1.05 MB, 2874x1445, cover-inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only talk to women with similar interests or point of view on life or if it is necessary. In that way, my ability to talk to women is the same as my ability to talk to dudes: alright if I think you are cool or need to, not at all if I don't and don't need to. That's why I onky date girls I couk
Ld see myself being genuine friends with.

>> No.21427513

Happy for you anon

>> No.21427519

that pic tells me that you only see "beauty" if its screaming in your face, meaning you're a retard, why is ever thread filled with some /pol/ garbage

>> No.21427539
File: 106 KB, 1569x777, hippo lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick of this ai hippo internet defence force bullshit

>> No.21427558

redpill me on the hippos, /pol/

>> No.21427563

they're out there raping white women

>> No.21427575

gas the hippos poacher war now

>> No.21427672

Zero out of 10

>> No.21427709

Bro. The internet merged years ago. We know this and don't need to spam paragraphs about it. You are just slow on the uptake.

Go make some fucking friends and start a group chat if you want something focused and non-homogenous.

>> No.21427730

If we take the average university faculty to have about 10 permanent staff members (from junior lecturers to full professors), with 25,000 universities in the world, then there's 3.125% of the population who now control the literary canon's perception and even construction. This is far too many people. But if we cut down the university size to only the important ones, i.e., the top 100 (0.4%), then those academics in literature are limited to 0.03125% of the population, which is still too high since that's one in every 3,200,000. I really doubt even one in every 3,200,000 is able to master Shakespeare, let alone the entire history of western literature.

>> No.21428014
File: 3.88 MB, 350x350, 1670448988771755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go make some fucking friends and start a group chat if you want something focused and non-homogenous.

I love it when people project their flaws onto others like this. Go make some fucking friends. LOL. Maybe take your own advice, or would that mean having to - gasp - interact with NORMIES? Also, I love how it's "write what's on your mind," and when I do exactly that, I get bitched at for it. Do you fags think I'm your mom telling you to clean your room or something?

>> No.21428128

>one good angle
she's a tease

>> No.21428147

Is freedom given by permission of authority really freedom?

>> No.21428227

Who care

>> No.21428481

If your parents tell you that you may leave their home, are you not free?
The quote in the OP is implying a force that doesn’t want to grant freedom. And fact is we can deny the state and the bosses of capital their authority right now. We can take it, the same way a child leaves home with or without permission

>> No.21428621

The whole of Christianity can be summarized in three words: help the unfortunate. That's what Jesus was trying to do in his own schizophrenic desert nomad way.

>> No.21428666
File: 395 KB, 1375x945, jesusbythewell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. This is more accurate: carry your cross. It's about building a pro-social, high trust society in which each member is worthy of being loved. It's not about helping niggers breed and loving the unworthy. I call this the hippy Christ heresy.

>> No.21428686

Fake Christian. Question HARDER. I said HARDER. Question HARDER until you dominate your own monkey-ass will, you drooling, hateful monkey.

>> No.21428705
File: 38 KB, 423x612, jebus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, is someone angry? Men who lie together shall be put to death. Woe to those who hurt my little ones. Sell your shirt and buy a sword. The Bible isn't a hippy's hallucinogenic vision, it's an indictment of human nature and a demand for a better world.

>> No.21428761

What have YOU done to actually help other human beings, instead of lord over them as high and mighty?

Fake. Christian.

>> No.21428812

Argumentum ad hominem and whataboutism at the same time. Impressive.

>> No.21428818

>Christianity isn't about helping other people.

>> No.21428830

>fake christians
No, that’s really them. It’s all “my way or the highway” control freaks. Not true appreciators of literature

>> No.21428845

Christians are well known for their charity. But helping people isn't the whole essence of the Bible.

>> No.21428859

i can't control you, friend, only show you the right path and hope you'll walk it.

>> No.21428866

Got into a physical altercation with my girlfriends dad. Things aren’t looking too bright this Christmas. Her parents have her under lock and key and took her phone away

>> No.21428872

Based. I hope he kicked your ass.

>> No.21428891
File: 747 KB, 286x155, 1613185699624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men who lie together shall be put to death.
Come at me bro

>> No.21428893

Are YOU well-known for your charity, or are you just BIRGing (basking in reflected glory)?

>> No.21428903

Where are your goddamn FRUITS you charlatan?

>> No.21428905

Are you the one dating the underage girl?

>> No.21428906

bruh who tf dis allison mf???

>> No.21428914

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.Therefore by their fruits you will know them.


The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang.
They achieve harmony by combining these forces.

Men hate to be "orphaned," "widowed," or "worthless,"
But this is how kings and lords describe themselves.

For one gains by losing
And loses by gaining.

What others teach, I also teach; that is:
"A violent man will die a violent death!"
This will be the essence of my teaching.

>> No.21428936
File: 94 KB, 428x448, 64F1B60D-13F2-4462-A376-9F36D64526C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not in the medieval Europe, tradlarper, so of course not.
Catholics on here have often made it clear they want a return to those “glory” days

>> No.21428938

He's a coward who wants to convince others to do his dirty, murderous work for him. He is an absolute monster of a human being.

>> No.21428952

Will all the insects die if my house fills up with carbon monoxide?

>> No.21428958

I can't stop coughing AAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.21428991
File: 30 KB, 474x476, 1664002699412052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a fruit .... >>21428891

>if i ad-hom enough times it means i'm correct
why don't you stay on topic?

It's not my position to mete out justice. I'm trying to correct Anon's incorrect interpretation of the bible, with the implicit stipulation that it's just my opinion that he's wrong. I don't think it needs to be said that when two people disagree, if they fail to use formal logic to prove it, then it's simply a matter of opinion. Stay mad.

>> No.21428999

No fruit. End of story. You have been beaten.

>> No.21429003
File: 700 KB, 2119x1414, fruit 4 anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chimp poster. Enjoy.

>> No.21429138
File: 80 KB, 1426x601, Warmonger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21429152

I made an instagram account

>> No.21429162

>carbon monoxide
Yes, but it will take like 7-15 days to kill them, and probably some of them will survive desu.

>> No.21429193

A Christmas Cuckold

>> No.21429210

A beautiful story about a little girl having her Christmas wish coming true, entering a magical world where a hot black woman in tight clothes showing off her tits and her ass dances in front of her in slutty moves with a bunch of hotties dressed in skimpy clothes. Beautiful and marvellous.

>> No.21429212

some dude lived in forests for 20 years without even making a fire damm how'd he do that

>> No.21429213

I hate the Antichrist.

>> No.21429220

You can't fight, you are powerless
You can't escape, you are surrounded
Surrender now

>> No.21429235

No thanks

>> No.21429361

Saw a white girl lovingly kissing her tall negro boyfriend today, my weekend is ruined. Books for this feel?

>> No.21429597


>> No.21429618

ill follow you

>> No.21429620

coalburners are all dysgenic pigs or quadroons or mystery meat anyway, they're doing both gene pools a favor

>> No.21429650

My loneliness is such that it pains me to be alive
I feel fucking shitty and like i want to die but i know i dont

>> No.21429748
File: 384 KB, 808x805, 370-3709335_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1500618808068-wojak-pink-scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My future is pre-determined based on what I do in the present

>> No.21429757

>If your parents tell you that you may leave their home, are you not free?
I don't consider it free for many reasons. For one, that "freedom" is contingent upon the changing volition of the one granting it. In my country we aren't "free" to fish, we may be given permission if we ask and pay a fee. We also see that we don't necessarily even have the freedom to leave our homes anymore, just permission (for now).

>> No.21429922

I think humans look the nicest as skeletons, but the problem is that without muscles and sinew the bones are formless. I want to be a living skeleton bound by magic.

>> No.21429927

I played a D&D character like that once. He could use transformation magic to assume a normal form for brief periods but he preferred to live as an enhanced and armored skeleton.

>> No.21429963

All my issues come from these fleshy bits. I wonder if someone with skeletal problems has a different perspective.

>> No.21429988

We some Christmas type niccas

>> No.21430027

I'm such a gluteus. I need not say more. Yet I do over and over. I regret saying those things now, need to check my privileges.
I don't understand the multiple fates of life, indeterminable randomness unchecked, made to grow like tumors. Why am I stretched, yanked, and bent darkly, heartily forecast? Gravitational objects on my psyche displacing my identity to look the fool I suppose. The only thing that can't exist is the mundane objective. The subject subjugates objectively, abnormally, into passages alight of the domain above so their unfurling scripted awakening. A settlement reactive and holographic of the stillborn genius as it rises implacably beyond death. This forgone as it is under the powers and signs internal. Forever rain secularum wthin, they whose holy abyss incurred inception and seeking of wisdom before the times that do begin.

>> No.21430047

Is this board filled with 20 year old “woe is me, my life is over” miserable fags? Just wait a few years and you’ll mature and mellow out

>> No.21430052

I'm 30 and a lawyer. Woe is all of us.

>> No.21430112
File: 253 KB, 375x523, ChangetheGame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooperative players can keep track of their mana-generation rate and compare them to other cooperative game-players. So it's coopetition. The meta-goal of this coopetition would be to find the best cooperative mana-generating libraries possible in the game, so beyond coopetition it's fundamentally cooperative. Everyone shares strategies and library compositions because everyone wants to find the best libraries. But as Magic: the Gathering is constantly coming out with new cards, strategies and libraries have to continually evolve.

Here, take one of my best cards: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341822513_Toward_the_Unification_of_Process_Philos

>> No.21430116
File: 51 KB, 920x1309, noicedotdec2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone built an example deck.

>> No.21430129

What is the fucking mass hypnosis that South Korean media has over its fans? In what respect does it fulfill all of their hopes and dreams?

>> No.21430195

Put another dildo in your ass to fill the woman shaped hole in your heart

>> No.21430205

This is the best I’ve seen /lit/ in a while

>> No.21430387

Then you haven’t been paying attention to the literature.

>> No.21430394

More literature threads than usual

>> No.21430426

It’s a Joe Rogan quote, my friend.

>> No.21430477

I don’t watch (listen to?) Joe Rogan. What is the context of the quote?

>> No.21430480

My new favorite euphemism for sex is “the two backed beast”

>> No.21430701

It's as important as you make it. There's a choice between light and dark, good and evil, love and hate. Act accordingly. I fucking love you anon, in an individual and special manner. I know just how it feels. Merry Christmas. Do not despair. Find your vocation and community. Bless you by the heat of the sun.

>> No.21430728

Also, do not ever fucking live a life that is not your own. Live a life that is true to your nature. I cannot express in words how urgent this is.

>> No.21430734

>It was the sort of thing that did sometimes happen, when one was alone ... to stimulate what lay slumbrous, clumsy and shy on the mind's sandy floor, to break surface, as a child suddenly stretches its arms; it was just that, perhaps, a sigh, a stretch of the arms, an impulse, a revelation, which has its effects for ever, and then down again it went to the sandy floor.

>> No.21430738

I could have saved her

>> No.21430743

Probably Jordan Peterson

>> No.21430749

Stop listening to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.

>> No.21430764
File: 973 KB, 2560x3404, 232ef47f697ffb29e3a2b6967752b9d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas niggas and here's one to a Happy New Year.

>> No.21430790

>He thinks he owns himself.
Prove it.

>> No.21430813

I'm a neet who travels and hikes

>> No.21430816

I don't anymore, but I used to.

>> No.21430842
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>> No.21430964

I believe in Jesus with all my heart. It’s amazing how good you can feel.

>> No.21430985

I legitimately don't think serious practitioners of different religions can share a polity. I think this is something that puts the lie to Liberalism, and in a lesser extent to ecumenicalism.

I think that you can only have religious pluralism in a climate of broad atheism. Where you have Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and so on, but none of them actually takes their faith seriously. Where they all agree that they don't REALLY have the Truth, the capital-T Truth, and every one of them is just as likely to be wrong as to be right.

I think if you have real believers they're destined to start fighting. Start trying to dominate. Hardcore Muslims already do this in Europe. It's the same as hardcore Christians, hardcore Hindus, and so on. Hardcore Jews actually do this in Israel, too. If you REALLY BELIEVE in your religion, you cannot tolerate other religions being on equal footing with it. You cannot tolerate practitioners of other faiths getting equal grounds to speak, and having their religions traditions have equal weight.

Why would you? THEY are FALSE and YOU are TRUE. And if you let them speak and practice freely they will lead people into error and damn their souls for eternity, or to the wheel of reincarnation, or what have you. For the sake of your own people and people more broadly, falsehood must be suppressed, right?

Serious religious belief can't abide religious pluralism. This seems blindingly obvious to me. Yet Liberalism seems to think it can be so.

>> No.21430993

>Live a life that is true to your nature
I dont know my nature.

>> No.21431014


>> No.21431060

I'm proud to say that my home state, compared with the rest, ranks dead last for LGBT friendliness.

>> No.21431084

Seems to work fine in Malaysia

>> No.21431099
File: 349 KB, 1440x1440, 1FDA2CC7-395F-41EE-AC23-15356013FE0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not having a good Christmas bros :/

>> No.21431110

Bro at what point do you just tell your family to get up and get the fuck out of the house. It’s 2:30am. No more eating, no more drinking, no more gambling. Get the fuck up and go home.
Anyways, merry Christmas bros.

>> No.21431150

my gf is having a psychotic breakdown. sleeps at max for 2 hours at night and 2 at daytime. manic shitposting irl. now she's eating and relatively normal. even antipsychotics and haloperidol doesn't help. right on Christmas. Feel hopeless and don't know what to do. don't want to lose her to a ward.

>> No.21431161

I have god awful taste in women. There was this girl today who left me so horny. From her fuzzy jacket, to her tacky make up, her nightmare before christmas keychain, the miserable attitude and excessive vulgarity. I would have fucked her so hard.
Her normie friend could tell I was drooling over her but she didnt seem to notice at all

>> No.21431164

Damaged goods bro, drop her before she consumes you

>> No.21431167

Is there no other option than hope the meds work? Doesn't she need to up the dose in dialogue with her caretaker/doctor?

>> No.21431178

She needs a slap to the face, a good lay, a sink full of dishes, and a baby on her hip.

>> No.21431186

I don't see people as items.
I know that sleep helps. But in an episode sleeping is almost impossible. Not the first time. Starts as a disrupted sleep and spirals into total schizophrenia madness. Really bad when circumstances leave you so helpless. Going to read her about the Captain Nemo.

>> No.21431207

You're not going to save her

>> No.21431209

I ruined someones day today. This short, squat mexican boy came to my register. I said "How can I help you sir?"
As it turned out the short, hefty mexican boy was a woman. She was clearly deeply offended. Almost cried even.

>> No.21431211

Realistically she'd end up murdering the baby.

>> No.21431218

Are you sure you're equipped to deal with it? I don't know enough about it to judge you from afar either way. But I recently saw a friend's friend go off her meds and lapse into a major psychotic episode, and MY friend (confusing I know) thought she was in good hands because their MUTUAL friends were watching over her, but it later turned out they were "watching over her" by enabling the illness and doing bare minimum shit like trying to improve her diet or talking to her. She needed serious help and these people were treating it like it was just a garden variety manic episode.

Isn't there any protocol short of committing her you could do?

>> No.21431264

You're not the protagonist, but the protagonist is you.

>> No.21431317

Yout present is predetermined by what you did in the past

>> No.21431353

I came across a bible verse that I found interesting and kind of wholesome in a sexy way

>The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

so God wants married couples to fuck like rabbits (unless they both agree to take a break for spiritual reasons) and specifically states that a healthy sex life is key to a healthy relationship because an unhealthy sex life will lead to you giving into other temptations and sinning to fill the void

>> No.21431434

I dont even feel like a protagonist of my life

>> No.21431442

people seem to struggle with multipolarity in stories;

idk; this is just a complaint I have about mass market fantasy and sci-fi franchises they fucking suck; they devolve into 2 lines of good guys and bad guys and maybe a 3rd faction of rogues but never a consistent set of various factions that are meaningfully powerful.

>> No.21431455
File: 260 KB, 249x396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm the only anon on this board who doesn't foray into an author's bibliography by reading his magnum opus first.
When I first got into Melville I didn't even consider reading Moby-Dick. I read the Piazza Tales, the uncollected shorts and Typee.
I'm now 1/3rd into Omoo and I'm thinking I'll do Moby-Dick next, but maybe it'll be Mardi or Redburn.
I don't feel like I'm in a hurry to pick up everyone's best work first. I'll probably be reading for decades to come, so what's the hurry?
Don't you guys try an author's short story collection or novellas first before reading their most renowned books? Or you just jump straight into it?

>> No.21431463

Tell me of a single time in history where 3 or more sides were in a conflict, and it didn't end up in a 1v1 because they allied. Non-fiction challenge: chinese history is fairy tales.

>> No.21431464

The Wheel of Time pulled it off pretty well imo.

>> No.21431500
File: 45 KB, 574x432, 167109186444930282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at the Maus thread last night, and I came across this image. It took me a few seconds to find it funny and chuckle. This has been happening to me increasingly. I have brain fog. I also have iron deficiency. Before you tell me to eat meat, I eat meat for every single meal. I'm also adding other high iron foods, exercising regularly, and taking an iron supplement 3x/day. I've had low iron for years, and I'm concerned that my brain is turning to mush. My family (medical professionals) don't care too much, except for the symptoms, and my doctor doesn't wants to continue to wait and see.

>> No.21431591

What I intend to do borders on the unpalatable, because I want to write about myself and portray myself and in no way limit my narcissism, but simply let everything that revolves inside me flow out of me. My style may be unreadable, but I don't want to improve it. I am my style, the style is me. If I change my style, if I make it more readable, which, by the way, I can't do at all, I lack the talent for it, and everything I improve doesn't become better, but wooden and lifeless, so: I don't want to change my unreadable style, be it passive, be it nominal, be it powerless, be it confusing. I am me. I don't want to present an ideal, chiseled, perfected style. I want to present my style, put it on the platter and saw into it with a silver knife. And so to the next point. By the way, I write without a plan and as thoughts enter my mind. Thoughts is the wrong word, because I don't think, I let my subconscious do the work and write down what rises up in me from wherever, whatever. So let's jump to the next point, which doesn't even exist yet. There is only the thought of the next point in me right now. The next point itself does not exist. I'll stop writing, for a while, and continue later. Until then. What do I care?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

>> No.21431598

By the same creators of "A Girl's intense desire to get fucked by Santa Claus in everyone of her holes"
I LOVE the antichrist

>> No.21431602

BAP followed me on twitter

>> No.21431699
File: 135 KB, 799x701, 800px-Christ_in_the_Wilderness_-_Ivan_Kramskoy_-_Google_Cultural_Institute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a sermon of Saint Leo the Great, pope

Christian, remember your dignity

Dearly beloved, today our Saviour is born; let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life. The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness.
No one is shut out from this joy; all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all. Let the saint rejoice as he sees the palm of victory at hand. Let the sinner be glad as he receives the offer of forgiveness. Let the pagan take courage as he is summoned to life.
In the fullness of time, chosen in the unfathomable depths of God’s wisdom, the Son of God took for himself our common humanity in order to reconcile it with its creator. He came to overthrow the devil, the origin of death, in that very nature by which he had overthrown mankind.
And so at the birth of our Lord the angels sing in joy: Glory to God in the highest, and they proclaim peace to men of good will as they see the heavenly Jerusalem being built from all the nations of the world. When the angels on high are so exultant at this marvellous work of God’s goodness, what joy should it not bring to the lowly hearts of men?
Beloved, let us give thanks to God the Father, through his Son, in the Holy Spirit, because in his great love for us he took pity on us, and when we were dead in our sins he brought us to life with Christ, so that in him we might be a new creation. Let us throw off our old nature and all its ways and, as we have come to birth in Christ, let us renounce the works of the flesh.
Christian, remember your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return by sin to your former base condition. Bear in mind who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Do not forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of God’s kingdom.
Through the sacrament of baptism you have become a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do not drive away so great a guest by evil conduct and become again a slave to the devil, for your liberty was bought by the blood of Christ.

>> No.21431842

Green eyes, green moon hold my hand. Green crystal lakes I'll fly away. I know just how it feels. I'll never leave. I'll fly away.

>> No.21431847

oh thank god you're still here

the world continues turning

>> No.21431862

Anyone who isn't damaged has lived in a fairy tale world. And, if being damaged is such a bad thing, how do you know how the "goods" will handle herself when she does get hurt? Really, someone who's been "damaged" and managed to put themselves back together again is way more desirable than someone who's lived such a cloistered existence. As a guy who's been through some shit in my life, I only really associate with people who've seen how shit on this planet can really be sometimes.

>> No.21431893

stirnerian is mostly teenagers edgy like shit, how you can killed a idol but you love about your idol stirner.

>> No.21431921

That thread about the guy discovering books after consuming anime all his life made me think. Despite books offering higher potential artistic value, compared to other mediums, should this deter us from enjoying other mediums like anime, film etc?

>> No.21431929

Is this even a question? Why limit what you enjoy?
I've run into Frater Anselm on /a/ while posting in loli vampire threads. I'm sure there are tons of equally well-read anons who crossboard on /a/ or /tv/ or whatever.

>> No.21431943

>Frater Anselm on /a/ while posting in loli vampire threads

>> No.21431978

Plebeian detected.

>> No.21431998

>nooooo stop having FUN and being YOURSELF right now reeeeee you have to conform to MY standards because they’re all that constitute ME and I DONT WANT TO FEEL WORTHLESS REEEEEEE

>> No.21432009

i am being myself
seems like you want me to conform to your standards

>> No.21432054

Big cope. Having psychotic breakdowns once a month isnt normal, even for people who have struggled.

>> No.21432076

Is there anyone who if they returned to you, you would instantly go with them? Even if you had someone new who you loved. I wonder what causes this, it truly does seem like a phenomenon.

>> No.21432103

Yeah. I think it's about the urge to escape normalcy. I'd go with her if she came, but after a while I'd leave her again.

>> No.21432125

travelled 50 km uphill to find snow didn't find any

>> No.21432141

how can people say they are convinced by uncle ted's works but don't feel the need to leave technological society
isn't he quite clear in saying that partaking in tech society is heading for collective suicide
do they just not believe this part or something

>> No.21432192

Ted could only live off the grid because his parents gave him money

>> No.21432325

this is nice. all green. good.

>> No.21432331

A gorgeous girl I slept with got fat recently and it kind of annoys me that someone can ruin an easy unearned trait like that

>> No.21432352

Easy come, easy go

>> No.21432370

I firmly believe that drugs are a far better indicator of politics than any kind of poll. Downers = rightwing, because you're trying to slow time down, uppers = leftwing, because you're trying to speed up time.

I like beer, so I must be a conservative, and if you love coffee, you must be a leftist. Crack means communism.

This makes total sense. Why do you think a heroin addict looks like a caveman?

>> No.21432380

that doesn't change the fact that the world is heading towards a certain disaster like a train heading towards a collapsed bridge anon

>> No.21432401

If you think that's bad my ex has transitioned into an ftm and has a moustache. She doesn't even reply to my midnight horny texts. What a bitch.

>> No.21432402

is heroin a downer?

>> No.21432443 [DELETED] 

who could predict the greatest ode to pegasus would drop in 2022

>> No.21432454

Geez, is a drug that makes you nod out an upper or downer?

>> No.21432460

don't know i don't take it

>> No.21432465

You don’t have to take a drug to know it’s effects. You must live a sheltered life

>> No.21432481

My roommate claims to have been a member of the KKK at one point and to have embezzled their funds in order to throw drug-fueled gay BDSM orgies. I'm not sure if he's lying or not.

>> No.21432507

I don't think anyone in my family respects my father at all. I can't really tell with myself now though, honestly. I visited him yesterday. I don't think I respect him at all, but I suspect he actually has some form of self-respect, which would mean that the way he views himself has to be completely different from how everyone else views. And actions are determined by the intentions behind them. It is possible that the truth is simply that there isn't a single person other than him that understand him. This seems respectable, somehow, but it's also very confusing.

>> No.21432525

It's really, really hard to say though. I said something to him that upset him because he felt I was accusing him of messing me up. I was in a way but not because I wanted confrontation, he just actually asked some questions finally the answers of which were apparently difficult to hear. He seemed very upset at first. He had had a couple. But then he said something like "that's very serious" and then I just said somewhat quietly "yes, it is" and then I thought "yeah actually it really is" and just locked eyes with him to see what he'd do if I didn't flinch, and flinched pretty fast. Then my body began to shake and I moved my hands up on the table and they were shaking and I just looked at them shaking and he asked me if I was cold and I answered truthfully "no, not at all". "You're just shaking?" "Mm". And then I just looked at my hands for 10-15 seconds. Then he didn't return to the subject, didn't touch on it, but he was not upset. He did fish a couple of times for the possibility of me accusing him again, he framed questions that way and I dodged the traps.

Really hard to say what to do with this man anons.

>> No.21432528

>and flinched pretty fast
and he flinched pretty fast*

>> No.21432537

So, you know,
Merry christmas!

>> No.21432539

Take responsibility of your own life and issues

>> No.21432559

yeah :(
aren't caffeine and cocaine capitalistic drugs since they enhance productivity
what's right wing about weed

>> No.21432565
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1632632411885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I guy who took opium and he said it felt like happiness and warmth was oozing out of every cell in his body. I've only ever done weed and coke. Coke makes it feel like everything is right with the world and that you are invincible. It can straight up kill you though.

>> No.21432578

>happiness and warmth was oozing out of every cell in his body
>feel like everything is right with the world and that you are invincible
interdasting i've only felt that way from exercise and meditation

>> No.21432591

Is the implication of this that you should never allow yourself to think that what anyone else does affects you in any way?

>> No.21432626

Misunderstanding Stirner is an edgy teenager thing, anon.
Just like Nietzsche, there's the meme and then there's the philosophy

>> No.21432630

If you want to be respected, you have to be confident. But I'm a child. What is there to do? I have to be a confident child.

>> No.21432633 [DELETED] 
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/wwoym/ The Conquest of Bread Pudding

Prev >>21424390

>> No.21432644

Next thread


>> No.21432649

Right wing doesn't mean capitalism. Capitalism is fucking gay and liberal. The conservitard muh capitalism muh productivity is liberal materialism incarnate.

>> No.21432723

I plan on killing myself in the next few days. Is doing shrooms any good?

>> No.21432757

i guess then right wing is being a neet

>> No.21433912

Try shrooms, but try them when you're in a better mood. Don't kys till you're old. Like 55+

>> No.21433916

Drugs give zero clues to political affiliations

>> No.21433918

Rightwing capitalism is about free markets, tongue-baths to the rich.
No, self styled conservatives who do this shit are officially liberals.

>> No.21435003

No longer I feared the darkness. After getting acquainted with the light, my relationship with the shadows balanced out, it became... ¿Normal?

>> No.21435247


>> No.21435661

I shouldn't have eaten all the gluten

>> No.21435722

Whatever but I recently found out whenever I put an anime girl picture next to some thing serious it would always guarantee to be at least 50 percent more amusing.