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/lit/ - Literature

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21421660 No.21421660 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favourite book when you were a boy?

>> No.21421677

Camp Zombie.

>> No.21421679

Z. Rex

>> No.21421680

Captain Underpants

>> No.21421681

Redwall. Not a furry just like a good adventure. Simple as

>> No.21421695

Guinness book of world records

>> No.21421720

A horse and his boy.

>> No.21421725

Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola

>> No.21421727

>Call of the Wild; Jack London - age 9
>King Arthur and His Noble Knights; Mary Macleod - age 13
>Watership Down; Richard Adams - age 14
>Musashi; Yoshikawa Eiji - age 15
>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World; Murakami Haruki - age 17

Something like that.

>> No.21421731

Series of unfortunate events

>> No.21421851
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>> No.21421860
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My school library had a few of the Freddy the Pig books. They were really dumb goofy shit but also written in an old-timey way and with a lot of now-uncommon words that made me feel smart while reading it.

Massively underrated kids' books. I imagine they're out of print and hard to come by these days.

>> No.21421871

Scary stories to tell in the dark. But now that Im a girl its harry potter.

>> No.21421873

Edge chronicles series

>> No.21421878

I loved Alex Rider and The Gatekeepers (originally published as The Power Of Five in the UK), both by Anthony Horowitz

>> No.21421880

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.21421887

City of sleeping books, as well as most of the books in the same universe
Fuck you Walther Moers for being such a lazy piece of shit and finishing the series only when I was too old to enjoy it

>> No.21421895
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>> No.21421918

I've read this sequel to this, it really stuck with me even if i've forgotten most of the details

>> No.21421921

Sad that anyone would make that assumption. Furries pollute everything.

>> No.21421928
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>> No.21421933

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. You?

>> No.21421937

Unfortunately, Eragon. I read the first book at least three times, which is why I can safely say now that it's a complete piece of garbage. It did get me reading fairly long books in 2nd grade though, so I guess it isn't all bad

>> No.21421940

The first real book I ever read was the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy. My dad got it for me at a used book fair in 5th grade. I loved that book so much at the time.

>> No.21421951

Holy shit I thought I was the only one who had read those books. Hell half the time I thought I had just dreamt the books

>> No.21421954

The Phantom Tollbooth. Oh my fucking god.

>> No.21421974

The Torah

>> No.21421975

Where the Sidewalk Ends.

I still love Shel Silverstein but I hate most poets.

>> No.21421999

1984 and The Hobbit

>> No.21422086

was literially about to say these

>> No.21422112

Lord of the Rings

>> No.21422139
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>> No.21422159
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I was very little this was my jam but come elementary I adored Deltora Quest.

>> No.21422460

What would this kind of photo have been taken for? I mean what's the boy thinking the people who look at it will be doing?

>> No.21422475

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde. Anyone else getting hyped for Red Side Story next year?

>> No.21422516
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>> No.21422539
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Similar here, shame about that cover art. That alone is the reason I picked up the book and it’s so much higher quality than the writing.

However, my favorite book back then was Titan by John Varley.

>> No.21422878


"Sergeant Bigglesworth, CID", W.E. Jones
"The Magician's Nephew" C.S. Lewis
"The Sky Pirates", Douglas Valder Duff
"Lord of the Rings"-trilogy. J.R.R. Tolkien

>> No.21422912

White fang by london, and huck finn by twain

>> No.21423002

I wish I was this boy...

>> No.21423003


>> No.21423005


>> No.21423010

It would be illegal to say >_<

>> No.21423013


>> No.21423014
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Felidae by Akif Pirincci
I read it the first time when I was 10. It has murder, sex, and eugenics.

>> No.21423019


>> No.21423021

The Count of Monte Cristo. I was always reading some parts of it when I was 7 to 11.

White Fang, and novels by Jack London. Every summer I would read some Jack London or James Oliver Curwood stuff.

Later Lord of the Rings. I got it as a gift from my father when I was 10, but didn't start reading it until a year or so later.

I also really liked 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', the middle school environment was really relatable.

>> No.21423071

I read Brave New World, Darkness at Noon and some Soljenytsin before I read 1984 in junior high school and it made 1984 look like a cheap tale of the author's delusion. But I loved Animal Farm.

>> No.21423093

Was about to say the Count of Monte Cristo since I enjoy adventure novels, especially revenge stories

>> No.21423108

I’m also a perv, so I get it, but you shouldn’t exhibit it publicly like that.

>> No.21423143

I just mean I want to have a cute party where we steal booze from our parents to get pissed with. What did you guys think I meant?

>> No.21423150

Bart's Guide to Life

>> No.21423164

Didn't read books back then, just Asterix, Lucky Luke and that kind of stuff. First book I really liked was Demian or Siddhartha when I was around 15

>> No.21423230

Jack London White Fang

>> No.21423475

I know right?
Have you read The stars my destination by Alfred Bester?

>> No.21423481

Based af. I used to get the ones that was like an encyclopedia before they made all the pictures.

>> No.21424760


>> No.21424765


>> No.21424768


>> No.21424844

Three Tales of My Father's Dragon. I miss when fiction used to truly take me into another world

>> No.21425008

When would you say it stopped? I obviously share the fact that in youth I could get more engaged with a work, but looking back I really can't say it was any more profound; quite the contrary, and hearing people talk about all these magnificent experiences only filled me with a fear of having missed something.

>> No.21425009
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Unironically kino and the last scene with his cousin made me cry more than any book since

>> No.21425018

www.bookfinder.com lists a number of them, ranging widely in price.

>> No.21425088

Probably around halfway through high school. I'm recovering from supreme neuroticism so I literally became too self-conscious and self-defeating to even allow myself to enjoy fiction; I'd be too focused on what something means or making sure I get it or reading the right things to be smart or to make sure I study the book properly so I can be a good writer, etc. I think I'll get back to that place with maybe even a greater capacity to enjoy things as an adult, but it's really just a personal problem.

>> No.21425097

Mein Kampf.

>> No.21425737

It by Stephen King. The way the kids lived in the book was pretty much the same as my life at the time, biking around creeks and sneaking into abandoned lots with friends during all my free time. It is weird to me that it is written for adults as the characters are all pretty young. The gang bang scene kind of gave me a warped idea about how sex worked reading it before I ever whacked off.

>> No.21425747

Unironically Le Petit Prince.

>> No.21425781

I enjoyed mortal engines but mostly for the setting

>> No.21426145
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Was curious about SK my entire childhood cause he was forbidden by my parents but always saw these shits in the library. Devoured the Dark Tower series when I was "of age" (12). This one was my favorite. 500+ page aside story within a story. RIP Susan. Although it was Wolves of the Calla or whatever Dark Tower V that brought me to a literal cold sweat reading it in the back of the car on a family vacation lol

>> No.21426150

Didn't realize /lit/ had this many trannies.

>> No.21426152

Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

>> No.21426935

Hatchet, The Spencers Gifts halloween mask mail catalogue, and Eyewitness Books: Arms and Armor

>> No.21426952
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I turned out fine

>> No.21427091

Asterix and obelix
Miscellaneous sci-fi books I found
An old college psychology handbook

>> No.21427099

The stowaway
The tripod trilogy

>> No.21427103
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The phantom Tollbooth!
So good

>> No.21427986


>> No.21427994

Thanks for ruining the innocence of the thread, you fucking sick faggots. Kill yourselves.

>> No.21427999

You too. KYS.

>> No.21428054
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>> No.21428081

Percy Jackson

>> No.21428165

The Little Prince, dinosaur figure books.

>> No.21428181

Cirque du Freak saga

>> No.21428189

Ah, Dragonlance memories. I need to get a few of those again...

>> No.21428727

My elementary school library had an edition of Treasure Island with annotations and illustrations of terms that would be unfamiliar to a young kid in the early 90s. I read and reread that book several times.

Dollar tree used to have abridged classics rewritten for children. I had probably thirty or so of those, everything from Frankenstein to the Count of Monte Cristo. There was a kids show called ‘Wishbone’ featuring a dog reenacting all these stories that must have really influenced me.

I was also really into Goosebumps and the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series. The one story from Scary Stories about the mother with the wooden tale really fucked me up.

Later on it was the Hobbit and LOTR. I had seen the Rankin Bass Versions of the Hobbit and The Return of the King prior to reading the books and they really colored my imagination (the Peter Jackson movies would come out until I was in high school). I do remember skipping all the poems and songs in LOTR despite several rereadings.

>> No.21429587

some of my fifth-grade classmates and I read these. we loved them but I can't remember a single thing about them. around that time I read Ben and Me and Mr. Revere and I, which were better and a little more memorable

>> No.21429602

>he wants innocence on 4chan
That probably put you on a watch list. Seriouslyn, anon, 4chan is probably not for you.

>> No.21429653

judy bloom
Beverly cleary
Alfred slote
the hobbit
the Westing Game
the snarkout gang
agent 13
the silver crown
the Egypt game
the stainless steel rat
the dark is rising series

I was a little old for TDIR in highschool, but they were really good. a shame the series seems forgotten now

>> No.21429662

Metaphysicarum disputationem in quibus et universa naturalis theologia ordinate traditur, et quaestiones omnes ad duodecim Aristotelis libros pertinentes accurate disputantur Tomus prior, Tomus posterior

>> No.21429663

The CHERUB series

>> No.21429711


>> No.21429718


>> No.21429721

Also His Dark Materials

>> No.21429728

I loved the Phantom Tollbooth, still find myself reading it sometimes out of nostalgia

>> No.21430203

The one with naked ladies in it.

>> No.21430839

my dad read The Hobbit aloud to me and my brother when we were little and I'll always love him for that :)

>> No.21430912

Quit excusing yourself, freak. I've been here longer than you.

>> No.21431197
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i didn't read when i was a child. I only started reading in 10th grade when i got a laptop

>> No.21431282

Redwall. Not a furry just like a good adventure. Simple as

>> No.21431964

Harry Potter

>> No.21431968


>> No.21431976

Geronimo Stilton

>> No.21432032
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Pretty much everything from Jules Verne. This one was my favorite probably

>> No.21432035

Percy Jackson: the lightning thief,
Edgar and Ellen comics,
captain underpants,
HP Lovecraft's stories,
R.L. Stein,
A Wrinkle in Time