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21420752 No.21420752 [Reply] [Original]

>driven by Marxism, he murders his landlady. Dostoevsky paints for us a frightening picture of just what a postmodern society would look like

>> No.21420775

Do you really care about his opinion, or are you just using this to bait?

>> No.21420785

>the real Karamazovs are the brothers we made along the way
>this is deep, man..

>> No.21420807

This guy makes leftists seethe like no one else

>> No.21420809

>iphone user posts NAZI CHUD (STONETOSS IS A NAZI) literal who whining thread
Shouldn't you be watching some "breadtuber"

>> No.21420812

>Dostoevsky paints for us a frightening picture of just what a postmodern society would look like
I mean yeah, postmodernism tells us objective morality doesn't exist and therefore people are justified in committing murder if they want to.

>> No.21420822

driven by the redneck twat idea of the great man theory, he murders his landlady

>> No.21420828

Peterson is a hack but I am starting to see the point.

I've long since abandoned any notion of a metaphysical "good" behind any layer of our lived reality. It seems if I just took what I wanted without any regard for "people" or their well being, there would be no punishment. The older I get, the more I feel as though I've been programmed to be civil, and that if I could just drop all of that, stop answering to morons, then it might quell the unease inside of me.

Notice I don't think everyone can do this. It requires that most people still follow "the rules." What I'm wondering is why the hell I'm still following the rules. Because mom said so? Well she's dead, and her death was awful. I guess that's what a life of pure goodness gets you.

So why am I listening to my boss? Why don't I just take from where I can get away with it?

>> No.21420854

Because the state responds to lunacy with violence. Read Leviathan.

>> No.21420859

Notice how often I say "what I can get away with."
The point is to tiptoe softly enough to not wake the state.

>> No.21420880

try epictetus instead of joining a militia

>> No.21420882

No it doesn't, this is a typical backwards understanding of postmodernism. Postmodernism doesn't 'tell' us anything it simply attempts to describes current society. It highlights the fact that there are several, competing objective moralities that are in conflict along with numerous other subjective versions too. It doesn't permit murder it simply reports that a lot of different people and groups justify murder.

You're stuck in a very antiquated view that ideology dictates everything that happens and just assume the postmodern usurped every other ruling authority. Rather postmodernism is describing the current marketplace of ideology situation.

>> No.21420896

>instead of joining a militia
Is there where your mind goes when someone teases taking from society and eschewing their bullshit organizational principles?

>"I'll get one over on their shitty constructs by... le joining another shitty construct!"

>> No.21421124

I wonder how hard Peterstein cried when he murdered the landlady and her niece

>> No.21421132
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>> No.21421306
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>be me
>literal neonazi skinhead with swastika tat on my forehead
>"He's Just In Argentina" written in Fraktur font on my t-shirt
>walking to store to buy some smetana for my wife
>enjoying the cool crisp autumn air
>listening to jonathan bowden speeches on my headphones
>see small dot appear on the horizon
>the dot gets larger and larger
>it's a libtard, running full speed
>directly towards me
>he reaches me and comes to a halt like he hit a sprung floor
>gestures at me to take my headphones off
>i do
>immediately starts telling me specific timestamps of jordan peterson videos from 8 years ago where peterson said having a dad is important and you should wash your penis
>tell him i dont understand
>continuous babbling and screeching about how stupid jordan peterson is and how father figures and washing your foreskin are dog whistles for white supremacy
>ask him what any of this has to do with me
>he won't answer, just keeps saying jordan peterson is a nazi
>is a nazi, is a nazi
>tell him i'm not sure about that, i don't know much about peterson but i'm a nazi and peterson doesn't seem like one
>he just keeps going
>now he's telling me about some tweet peterson made in 2016
>now he shows me a picture of him sitting in a messy office
>now he tells me peterson isn't a real professor and isn't qualified to speak on gender v. sex
>he asks me: "did you know that peterson used to shit his pants when he was a baby?"
>i open my mouth to say something but--
>he tells me the daily wire is the daily stormer lite
>ben shapiro is a nazi too
>i ask him what he even means by nazi? (i am a nazi)
>show him my "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" dagger and himmler rookie card
>he won't answer
>anger in his eyes--he starts pulling out cards with screenshots of jordan peterson making stupid faces on them
>the word "NAZI" is written in red ink across peterson's forehead
>i turn away
>now I am the one who is running

>> No.21421334

What is this?

>> No.21421336
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>> No.21421346
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>posting a Gravity's Rainbow quote in every Peterson thread for over a year

>> No.21421380


>> No.21421409


>> No.21421675
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>> No.21421686
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>Marxism is when you kill landlord
based and Mao pilled

>> No.21421702

Now that's what I can a run-on sentence

>> No.21422470


>> No.21422882

>It highlights the fact that there are several, competing objective moralities that are in conflict along with numerous other subjective versions too
Lol what? You literally just made this up. Postmodernism rejects any universal values and therefore rejects objective morality. You can’t have several competing objective moralities, that makes no sense. Objective implies there’s only one true one. That’s like saying 1+1 has competing objective answers. Read the postmodernists like Foucault, or literally just google what postmodernism means. It all denies morality as a fact of the world.

>> No.21422918
File: 175 KB, 1269x719, 98F63E83-EE47-4951-A341-6065339E6D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can there be several objectively true moralities? Like if one says eating meat is evil and the other says it’s ok, how are they both objective if they contradict each other? “Competing moralities” is just another way of saying morals are subjective. You can’t have postmodernism yet say murder is objectively wrong. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.21422933

Postmodernism doesn't really reject anything, probably it's biggest fault/strength, depending how you view it. That is why it is usually reduced to "everything is permitted".
>Objective implies there’s only one true one
Yes every group in the fragmented moral landscape knows they have the one true objective reality and they rub shoulders with other different objective realities. From some god-like perspective this will just look like moral relativism but postmodernism doesn't take that perspective, it stays down and dirty between the competing factions.
You probably need to read a little more broadly in postmodernism, especially not just Foucault who rejected the label. Then again the mark of a postmodernist is probably to deny they ever were.

>> No.21422960

>how are they both objective if
Exactly, they're not, but each states they are.
And PoMo tells you, "Look, more likely than not neither is 'objective'".

>> No.21423080

please tell me this isn't actually something he said
i know he's a dumbass but this is too much

>> No.21423094

>postmodernism tells us objective morality doesn't exist and therefore people are justified in committing murder if they want to.

who said that? who is "postmoderism"?
maybe you mean a general tendency in contemporary thought and not a particular text? identify it for me please
maybe you mean that this claim is a plausible interpretation of the seemingly inoccous postmodernist thought? lay out the argument

the truth is no one is making such claims. this is textbook strawman shit

>> No.21423110

Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're saying, but what you wrote is the opposite of Peterson's message.

>> No.21423136

juden peterstein

>> No.21423156
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 7B70D446-2579-4285-8670-B5EADAF43564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes me seethe. Jordan Peterson is a puny, snivelling, conniving, treacherous rat. He is a bottom-feeding, cowardly toad. I have no patience for this unseemly, untoward, corrupted little roach. He has nothing to do with God or Jesus, only pumping up his mental muscles with aggrandising over the stories of the Old Testament. He is a backstabbing, discourteous, mischievous miscreant. I will not suffer this fool lightly…

>> No.21423185

Explain your reasoning for a low IQ philistine like myself..

>> No.21423228

he's loosing his grip

>> No.21423288

You're retarded.

>> No.21423346

Is kvetching over trivial things online, a part of his initiation to the jewish cult?

>> No.21423371


This sounds exactly like something Jordan Peterson would say.