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/lit/ - Literature

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21420594 No.21420594 [Reply] [Original]

How has reading changed your life?

>> No.21420600

It made me more depressed and removed from reality.

>> No.21420601

In many ways it made me less retarded and more sane, in other ways the opposite.

>> No.21420602

please don't post pictures of rape...

>> No.21420603

This but without the depression

>> No.21420665

it made me set more realistic expectations about how my life would progress

>> No.21420666


>> No.21420742

No why would it?

>> No.21420753

When I started reading I was socially inept, had no friends, no gf and was pretty depressed. All of that is still true today, but now I've read Ulysses.

>> No.21420768
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Infinite Jest got me fired from my shit job.

>> No.21421230

elaborate ma'am

>> No.21421403

really well,I've always been comfortable and good with social situations but now I can see people look at me differently for the way I communicate...i guess I think more about what I'm going to say and I express it better. Part of this has been due to my outlook of life has changed from reading greek philosophy/ the bible so now I dont care about sports or stuff like that and just walk away from those conversations. Even if god isn't real, which I know he is, following Jesus teachings in real life really does make you happier and more at peace with yourself and others.
Also has helped when talking to "cultured" people, and now i can participate in more profound conversations instead of quietly listening like a retard.

>> No.21421457

i know more words than most people and talk like a weirdo

>> No.21421461

i know that feel. for me, it feels good to express exactly how i feel rather than dumb down the language, which in turn just leads to people understanding me less.

>> No.21421586


Reading does not "change one's life", but, rather, it implies & entails intensive organization & ordering of one's thoughts & cogitations pertaining, both: to what one reads, and to things related, or not directly related, to it.

>> No.21421593
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>Reading does not "change one's life", but, rather, it implies & entails intensive organization & ordering of one's thoughts & cogitations pertaining, both: to what one reads, and to things related, or not directly related, to it.
Blah blah blah. We know you like men, you know.

>> No.21421682

Reading has given me new ideas to explore and has changed my world view a fair bit. It has had a minimal effect on my actions (at least I think so) but I would chalk that up to my cowardice more than the reading itself. I would rather stand still forever than face the terror of moving. But if I could get over that I think my reading so far would inform my motions a bit.

>> No.21421806

reading has been such a huge part of my life since I learned how, that if I didn't read so much, my life would have been drastically different.

>> No.21421837

german idealism ruined my life

>> No.21422578

How so?

>> No.21422609

Improved my art.

>> No.21423196

I used to hate the world just because
now I have reasons

>> No.21423287
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It gave me a fun hobby that i enjoy
Unfortunately i also have a habit of autistically info dumping about my favorite authors and books if they ask

>> No.21424167

Domp eet, anon

>> No.21424308
File: 991 KB, 1556x2400, Snow Country - Yasunari Kawabata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Japanese literature so much, reading snow country for the first time was an experience that i wish i could do again. The subtle way Kawabata writes the relationship between shimamura and komako is beautiful, especially when its plainly obvious that he has his eyes on yoko. But my favorite part is the end where yoko falls from the warehouse. To me it represents loss of beauty
speaking of beauty, another good Japanese book is the temple of the golden pavilion, outside of the literally me character named Mizoguchi, it holds significant value as its about the obsession with beauty and how it can alienate you from life. "It is impossible to hold onto eternity with one hand and life in the other" haunts me because to mizoguchi his stutter is brought on because of the idea of beauty. He sees him as ugly and outcast to the world so he begins to hold onto the golden temple in which he begins to see not only the acolytes but the superior also as powerless. There's also a Buddhist tale in it that represents Mizoguchi. "Nansen kills the cat" in it two halls of acolytes in temple fight over a beautiful cat and they brought it to father nansen who told them to save the cat they must say a word of zen but since there is no word of zen he killed the cat but he didn't kill it all instead he gave it life in other forms. what it represents is Mizoguchi is Nansen and the temple was so beautiful like the cat, that Mizoguchi couldn't handle the temple and decided to burn it down to bring about a new world

>> No.21424373

>bla bla bla I'm a fucking weeb
Opinion discarded

>> No.21424489

You asked not me

>> No.21425841

>barhopping by myself
>end up at some random place
>strike up a conversation with a cute girl because at this point I'mso drunk just dont't care
> turns out she's an avid reader
>we talk about Nabokov
>turns out that we both love Invitation to a Beheading
>she gets really flirty, giggles, compliments and touches my muscles
>basically tells me that she wants to take me home
>I say goodbye and leave
>not a hint of regret
God, I love being autistic.

>> No.21427227

Why would reading change my life?

>> No.21427230

It has given me the ability to learn how to be closer with God.

>> No.21427284

Not all all.

>> No.21427785


>> No.21427851


"reality" is a meme tho

>> No.21427861


>> No.21428276

He started every sentence with
>The German Idealists say...
>As explained in German Idealism...

>> No.21429202

kek, but I actually ordered picrel after reading op

>> No.21429225
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>Began reading old books
>Learn of old world-concepts
>Learn about beauty and truth
>Learn about virtue and wisdom
>Think if old greek homos can live well then i probably can
>Try it
>It works, see improvements in mental, physical and social health

Anyways, long story short I became a Fascist. Turns out that is why they tell you to start with the Greeks.

>> No.21429243

very based pick anon. glad you enjoyed it so much.

>> No.21429267

It has become a beloved hobby
Made me more introspective
Made me more perceptive
Made me more open minded
Made me more interesting
Made me better at conversation
Made me more spiritual
It has changed my thinking which is the prerequisite to changing actions
It has even got me laid a few times

I have gotten many benefits from it

>> No.21429336

Reassured me that life is hell and that any course in it other than the most rapid suicide I can muster is folly. + desire to have been born in ancient Greece so I could fuck the cute boys.

>> No.21429345

Whenever I read a lot I am calmer

>> No.21429369

We couldn’t be more different

>> No.21429393

Based. Now all you need for your final conversion is to become a faggot and get a qt twink bf who'll help you launch your fascist coup.

Hi :3

>> No.21429398

You like life and wish to have been born into ancient rome so you could fuck women?

Sounds pretty dumb to me.

>> No.21429417

your reddit spacing is dumb

>> No.21429694

Made me more confident and know myself better. Reading is art, exposure, and narrative therapy all at once.

>> No.21429715

It made me grow out of my immature fantasies and that I'm a huge loser that needs to to something about my life.

I've made some progress. I've gotten fit and now have a girlfriend, but am very far from a career or achieving my dreams

>> No.21430765

I've had a lot of time since I stopped doing it.

>> No.21431441

Reddit spacing is literally a 4chan psyop to out retards.


>> No.21431454
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I don't think anything I've ever done has changed my life.
Free will is looking pretty suspect right about now.