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21419952 No.21419952 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf did Hegel do to piss this guy off so much? I don’t get it. Honestly I don’t even think they’d disagree on much of they communicated effectively together. I don’t even think either disagree on questions of ontology and whether we exist in a materialist or idealist reality. I’ll admit I’m a philosophy-let so if I’m off base that’s why but pls help

>> No.21419960

Btw it’s Schopenhauer in photo

>> No.21419964

It's a Mozart-Salieri thing

>> No.21419979

Why don't you try reading schopenhauer's comments on hegel to understand.

>> No.21419986

1. Schopenhauer thought that hegel was an asshole who wrote in a prose that no one could understand

2. Schopenhauer hated hegel cause hegel is ultimately an optimist about history

>> No.21420016

Hegel can't understand the basic difference between reason and cause. Hegel founds his whole philosophy on this mistake.

>> No.21420047

hegel thinks history is linear and moves towards freedom. he acknowledged that histories wheels are covered in blood but it ultimately is leading towards more freedom.

for Schopenhauer, life was not worth living and thought freedom was an illusion, humanity would always strive and suffer

>> No.21420078

what's the difference anyway? i guess you could say that "reason" is something conscious, while "cause" isn't, but it isn't that big a deal to use one or the other

>> No.21420085

Looks like Waldun

>> No.21420201

Hegel was the hot shit in Prussian academia, while Schopie only got a little bit of attention. This made him jealous.

Also Hegel's dialectical idealism is optimistic and pro-rational, while Schopenhauer is pessimistic in almost every regard.