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File: 772 KB, 778x527, potential christians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21418602 No.21418602 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Christian literature says the people in picrel have souls and are therefore equal to you and me? And is that what the Christian means by "faith"?

>> No.21418610

Years ago, this would have been an ironic post

>> No.21418616

not really

>> No.21418625

equal metaphysically, idiot

>> No.21418630

>And is that what the Christian means by "faith"
Faith is certainly not that

>> No.21418634

equal before God, yes

>> No.21418645

Not literature.

>> No.21418675
File: 106 KB, 1080x1101, 1669144274647363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is the marxism of theology.
>All are equal, all the same before the Party/Being
>all saved by the power of a single Party/Being
>Ancestral crimes are bound to you and can not be removed
>Must accept the the single Being/Party as you ruler for eternity
>Spreads by subversion and appealing to the poor, hopeless and weak
>No great action can make you more worthy
>Awful acts can be washed away if you truly follow the Being/Party

>> No.21418711

This is instructive, thank you. Am I being paranoid, or does Christianity sound just like a mind virus planted by your enemies to destroy your own kind?

>> No.21418720

Bioleninism explained:
‘Bioleninism’ describes a familiar phenomenon in Clown World – social rejects coming together to force their will on society at large. A feature of Clown World is that people who normally keep themselves hidden away out of shame are out and proud. Even worse, they are organised and controlling the narrative. Bioleninism is the thread that binds them all. The original Leninism was a kind of slave morality that attracted many of society’s misfits. Much like Christianity in the Roman Empire, which first became popular among slaves, Leninism first became popular among those at the bottom of society. In the case of Russia, it wasn’t slaves but drunkards, prostitutes, petty criminals and those shunned for cruelty. Characteristic of all popular slave moralities is that they bring together the resentful. Christianity did this, the original Communism did this, and now the bottom-feeders of Clown World are coming together to do it again – this is Bioleninism

>> No.21418742

We really need /rel/ as a containment shithole at this point.

>> No.21418754
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You can blame election tourists for that.

>> No.21418774
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It strikes me as a jewish cult deliberately fostered to allow various strains of goyim to he harnessed under the yolk of Abrahamic Globalism.

This was not by design originally, as we were not even aware of the furthest reaches of the world, but by the time of the 19th and 20th cenutry, when Jewish imanciaption was happening, i thiink there is when it began to turn sinister. Having been largely benign before that.

>> No.21418821

My friend, you do not understand Christianity at all.
Marxism and Christianity have been at war since its conception.
For a start the guild of original sin is wiped away in baptism.
And all people are not equal, only in so far that all people can be saved is there equality.
In talents, social standing, and even place in heaven there isn't equality.

>> No.21418831

>People are ONLY equal before God! And why should we care what he thinks!
t. Christians

>> No.21418962
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>Marxism and Christianity have been at war since its conception.
Because they are at war does not preclude similarities. They compete because their premise is the same.

>For a start the guild of original sin is wiped away in baptism.
It can not be wiped away by charity, aid, good deeds and virtuous living. Just like bourgeois guilt. Both sin and guilt are the reasons for punishment.

>And all people are not equal, only in so far that all people can be saved is there equality.
There is no verse in the bible that supports the idea that people are unequal before God. There is the prophets whom are the inner party and all others.

>In talents, social standing, and even place in heaven there isn't equality
People are different, nobody here disagrees with that. What makes it marxist is the fact that God/party does not care about your talents and abilites. They are not enough worthy enough to save you, only the part/God can do that. There is of course only one heaven in the bible, you are not ranked like some sort of mormon.

Fun fact, both were created and spread by Jews.

>> No.21418984

>4chan was actually a leftist website!>>21418616

>> No.21418995

>Black people having souls is a leftist concept
It emerges

>> No.21419018
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They really do not. Most display less conciousness than undomesticated aninals.

>> No.21419021

Why must I suffer living on the same world with such imbecilic cowards.

>> No.21419025
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>> No.21420613


>> No.21420624

A Christian cannot deny the possibility that a human has a soul.
A Christian has no obligation to believe that someone is biologically their equal. Jewish psyops have convinced Christians that spiritual equality(the same potential for salvation) is equivalent to the biological, which is patently false. Since Christians do have an obligation to do good and help their brothers and sisters, if there is a race that is quite troublesome it may become necessary to remove them from the area. However, that is not an excuse to dehumanize them or a reason that they are unable to achieve salvation.

>Racial Supremacy != Spiritual Supremacy
>Spiritual Equality != Biological Equality
>Spiritual Equality necessitate that the races be treated equally if it is found that they are unequal; only that they be offered the same salvation.
>Christianity is not incompatible with ethno-states.

>> No.21420626

It was decided that way for the same reason modern politicians invite hordes of thirld-world immigrants into their countries. To gain more followers for free. Any independent observer would tell that non-whites have lower souls.

>> No.21420706

Not really.

>> No.21420721
File: 83 KB, 486x599, 1652924596212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Christianity is not incompatible with ethno-states.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.

Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

The religious/spiritual creed of a nation should emphatically support the native ethno-state. If it does not it can and will be weaponized against the native people. Not a single Christian leader or theologian, past or present, has endorsed an ethno-state. For the handleful of ambiguous verse than can be read as passively condoning an ethno-state there are dozens more than condemn them.

It has always valued a brother in Christ over a brother in blood. This is antithetical to an ethno-state.

>> No.21420726

They are in fact superior to you because they are not racist.

>> No.21420760

>But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
I am aware of this verse. Partiality means refusing to help someone because they are different, or refusing them the ability to become a Christian because they are a Gentile.
Supporting one's nation and people because you believe your people have a greater capacity to enact the will of God is not wrong; aboriginals certainly do not have the intellectual strength to manage the entire Church, that doesn't mean we should exterminate, torture, or enslave them. It also doesn't mean we should assume they aren't capable of being a brother or sister.
The other listed verses are wildly out of context.
>Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.
This doesn't mean that those boundaries don't exist, there may still be slaves, one should just understand that they are still spiritually capable of salvation. One should permit them to partake in the Church.
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Trannies love using this one.
>Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?
Similar to the first one.

>> No.21420808
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You own headcanon on the biggest religion the world has seen does not change how it has been read since it was penned. As i said, every Christian theologian, leader and authority has always sided with a brother in christ against a brother in blood who was not a believer.

Im not shitting on the faith as a whole, most of the figures i admire werr devout Christian men. But to claim there is a blood & soil mentality is flat out wrong.

>> No.21420830

It is compatible with a ethno-centric states, it is not compatible with racial psychopathy. You can help brothers in Christ without destroying your own nation. The idea that there are decisions like "DO YOU LET YOUR NATION GET FILLED WITH BROWN PEOPLE OR DESTROY THEM ALL WITH NO REMORSE" is retarded.
Just because the King Kike with dinky Hat decided to turn the church into globohomo central in 670AD doesn't mean Christianity is by nature racially-homogenizing.
>As i said, every Christian theologian, leader and authority has always sided with a brother in christ against a brother in blood who was not a believer.
Anyway, your statements are reasonable over all, but as I see it, sending aid to a great Christian brown people in their hour of need is not stabbing your own people in the back unless you're a psychopath. Decisions do not boil down to "destroy us or destroy them."

>> No.21420865

Why are you so insulted by the thought that you are equal to them in some respect?

Not judging. Just really curious cause i cant get into the mindset.

>> No.21420940

Yes because Chrsitans are Socialists.

>> No.21421188
File: 14 KB, 400x245, vanguard-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is compatible with a ethno-centric states
Compatible is not sufficient, it must be overtly in favor of the ethno-state if both it and the land is to endure hardship.

>You can help brothers in Christ without destroying your own nation.
No, you really can not. Foreign aid damages everybody, it weakens the receiving nation as it weakens their nation-state and prevents them preparing. It also deprives the donating nation of resources which could be used better for their own people. Foreign aid, regardless to whom it goes to is damaging. The fact that they are Christian should not enter in to it at all.

>Sending aid to a great Christian brown people in their hour of need is not stabbing your own people in the back unless you're a psychopath. Decisions do not boil down to "destroy us or destroy them.
The problem with this thinking is incrementalism. It, along with everything else, gradually grows and swells and is manipulated. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all.

Brown and especially black people are entirely incapable of sustaining themselves long term. They are unable to govern themselves in a beneficial manner and generally surviving their own terrible decisions. Europe and nations build by Europeans should not police the actions of lesser people and fund their recovery when they spend millions of dollars on a ritual ceremony to ensure a good harvest instead of building flood defenses or investing in soil enrichment. Let them come to the table as an equal or not come to it at all.

>> No.21421190

Rubbed the bloody ring on Moses feet, saying, "you are now my bridegroom"
Literally what the fuck was meant by this?

>> No.21421195

You seem retarded.

>> No.21421197

That's not Marxism. That's Marxist-Leninism. Or just generally totalitarianism.

>> No.21421210

>Brown and especially black people are entirely incapable of sustaining themselves long term. They are unable to govern themselves in a beneficial manner and generally surviving their own terrible decisions.
If giving to them in that scenario causes evil, then giving to them is not Christian. It doesn't matter if they are Christian or not.
Christian charity is not about mindless self righteous acts.

>> No.21421217

If they at least possess bicamerality as a conglomerate, yes.

>> No.21421252

Obviously this post was written in a spirit of disingenuous tribalist screeching, but it does inadvertently touch on an interesting topic. I'm not sure it is really possible to see all other people as equal to you in dignity without faith of some sort being involved. I'm not sure human nature is up to the task without that. Or maybe I'm just projecting.