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/lit/ - Literature

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21416464 No.21416464 [Reply] [Original]

4chan threads are the literary canon of the 21st century, that’s how people in the future will think of them. Really think about it, how many times have you read a great post on this website, a true diamond in the rough, and thought “wow that was really well written and funny, that guy would be a famous author of people still read books.” Meanwhile, every single famous and published author under the age of sixty writes prose that sounds profoundly retarded. We are the new Homer, a work by several authors that gets attributed to one. Future scholars will refer to a singular 4chan as their greatest influence.

>> No.21416469
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>Future scholars will refer to a singular 4chan as their greatest influence.

>The hacker known as 4chan

>> No.21416492

I like the idea of it. Somehow seems characteristic of our age that our greatest author would simply be Anon

>> No.21416493
File: 408 KB, 1036x640, KENNY LIX D II C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>[...] Homer, a work by several authors that gets attributed to one.


>> No.21416509

I've had an idea for a long time that /lit/ should have its own archive separate from all the other board archives that would combine everything from the earliest threads we still have access to up to now, something that could be cross-referenced extensively

>> No.21416523

Just because soild feces(4chan) shit isn't as bad as diarrhea(modern lit), doesn't make it great.

>> No.21416528

What is better than solid feces in this analogy? If it's a sliding bristol stool scale of feces with solid/normal logs representing the best, what would true good literature be? Solid titanium shit?

>> No.21416534

You will never be a Greek. You are 42% subsaharan slave, 57% turkic rapespawn and 1% aryan Greek. Greeks are now the tribe of Anglia.

>> No.21416959

>Really think about it, how many times have you read a great post on this website, a true diamond in the rough, and thought “wow that was really well written and funny, that guy would be a famous author of people still read books.”
Maybe once a year.
Writing one funny post doesn't mean you'd be a good writer.
>a work by several authors that gets attributed to one.
Your knowledge of Homeric scholarship is lagging for around a century.

Why would it have to be separate? You have warosu.org already anyway, fully searchable.

>> No.21417494
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Agreed. There's no concentration of young male genius like this place. Had we lived before ww2 there's no way something like this could exist. Their wills would be channeled into something, but there's just not much left and nothing to regonize it.

>> No.21417650

>that's how the people of the future will think of them
Wrong. If society continues to degenerate no one will even read, and 4chan threads will be meaningless.

On the other hand, were society to recover, /Lit/ will be even more irrelevant than it already is thanks to all you /pol/tard incellious non-readers.

>> No.21417661

feel like your writing is useless? pointless? bad, even? change your audience. I write for the people who will discover my writings in thousands of years. I'm just gonna write about my opinions about life and hide them in caves or something like various Jewish religious texts. it gives me full satisfaction knowing whatever version of history gets cemented by an "elite class" could be completely shattered by a random nomad looking for shelter some day.

>> No.21417682
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Digital dark ages are coming.
All these shitposts like tears in the rain

>> No.21417685

there is no university reading list, no course, guide, or set of words one may read, in order to become the Sun of human accomplishment. one, may, however, monsieur, stoke a little fire in one's heart here and there, bite off a few morcels of wisdom and practical instruction, and by trial and error, accidentally become someone worthy of worship. however, pay close, scrupulous, even jealous attention to your origin story: hide forever the suggestion that you took any advice from the 4channel imageboard