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21415820 No.21415820 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't John just have sex?

>> No.21415832

Because sex is unironically meant only for a husband and wife to procreate, and beyond that sex is gratuitous sin desu.

>> No.21415838

How can one man be so based

>> No.21415846

me in the epsilon hatchery

>> No.21415863

Sigma male grindset.

>> No.21415871

There were no Alpha AF women who could handle his genetically superior seed

>> No.21415897

If you are sincerely asking why John didn’t give in to a world wholly unnatural to him — a human being not separated from pain and death; ie reality — you may as well just put the book down and spend the rest of your time watching Netflix-shit.

John already was exposed to the treacherous nature of sex through his mother who betrayed him continuously to have sex with Pope, the man who abused him, and then committed the ultimate betrayal in committing suicide through soma.

Furthermore, John found no satiation in sex alone. He did not seek to have sex with Lenina, he wishes to marry her. This is stated expressly in the book. You asking this means you didn’t read the book or you are unreceptive of the idea that someone could seek something from another other than sex.

If this book, that even a mildly intelligent child could understand goes over your head you might have to restart your entire reading list and head back to Charlotte’s Web and the giving tree.

>> No.21415909

a million grammatical mistakes but you get the point

>> No.21416040
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>thinks interracial porn is disgusting
>only believes in monogamy
>thinks fornication is wrong
>kills himself after falling to temptation and engaging in sexual degeneracy

>> No.21416078

Read the book.

>> No.21416627

He was a midget.

>> No.21416630

That was Bernard Marx

>> No.21416636

>a million grammatical mistakes
Fuck off, retard. I'll bet you're one of those fags who gets BTFO'd and starts pointing out spelling mistakes. Lurk moar.

>> No.21416637

I’m the guy who posted it. Why are you so mad

>> No.21416681

Bernard is unpleasant, to much time is spent with that character.

>> No.21416711

Marx is there to show how much an ugly and unpleasant person would suffer in that world due to being an underachiever.

Whereas Helmholtz Watson is there to show how a handsome, charismatic chad would also suffer in that world due to society restricting from their true potential.

>> No.21416731

subhuman reading comprehension

>> No.21417096

Obviously ugly, unpleasant people are going to have a bad time. They would in any society. The reader doesn't need convincing of this.

>> No.21417118

Read the book.