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/lit/ - Literature

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21415464 No.21415464 [Reply] [Original]

Go on Omegle and put "literature" in the interest. See you there faggots

>> No.21415469

I was going to go to fucking bed but now I'm going to stay awake just to see what becomes of this mess.

>> No.21415478

Just some sad but ironic wanking.

>> No.21415496
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no one replied :(

>> No.21415505

>no camera

>> No.21415546

>bunch of black people

>> No.21415663

no one is there

>> No.21415680

Guys, were are you?

>> No.21415770
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>> No.21415801
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>> No.21415803

I stand by what I said, Borges was a hack!

>> No.21415810

filtered + no clue what 'hack' means

>> No.21415819

Aww so sweet, you were on a sure thing there anon.

>> No.21415835
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>> No.21415840

kek saved

>> No.21415865

>Bakker licks nigger anus
weird thing to say was that

>> No.21416032

the fucking page reloaded
nice talking to the russian lit/manga guy

>> No.21416089

Glad to hear, thought you got bored. Hope you can give Dost another shot some time. The Lermontov poem I meant was called 'The Sail' btw. Maybe you enjoy it.

>> No.21416159

What's the name of the Pasolini movie Byronbro?

>> No.21416324

bump cause im having a good convo with an anon about our fav books

>> No.21416344

For the East of Eden fren, sorry the connection was lost. But if you want to get into Dosto, which made me really happy, start with Crime and Punishment :)

>> No.21416380

where u mofos at

>> No.21416382

hey that was me, will do Ill order it on amazon. nobody is on Omegle ;'(

>> No.21416389

for the guy with long hair and glasses my connection timed out fren

>> No.21416394

dat was me... to answer your question I am reading a Chinese real estate pamphlet

>> No.21416397

you cowards keep skipping me are you looking for women or something? man the fuck up and lets discuss books

>> No.21416415

You’re an intimidating guy

>> No.21416420
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Was it autism?

>> No.21416421

It's all women, everyone on this tag is a woman. Where are the /lit/ bros? I don't want to talk to females. They have underdeveloped brains

>> No.21416428

smart bait OP

>> No.21416440


>> No.21416442

It is always autism

>> No.21416447

0 chance of me doing that

>> No.21416452

There is only me and one other guy with enough balls to go on video chat you all are a bunch of basement dwelling illiterate smooth brains and I hate you

>> No.21416455

>basement dwelling as an insult
This is why I would never let you see my beautiful face, you are a dirty twitter nigger.

>> No.21416457

>go on an anomynmous board
>complain that people are anymous

>> No.21416480

I'm too good looking. It would be anti-tatist for others to see that you can be a total chad and still read books.

>> No.21416507

>decide to make an omegle thread because why_not.png
>other anons start joining conversations
>when asked vehemently deny any affiliation with /lit/ because autism

many such cases

>> No.21416538

Alright guys, you know there's going to be at least one sad egirl on pretending to be cool with the coomer and misogyny banter but subtly letting on that she's sad and sensitive underneath. We can't all have her. May the best man rape.

>> No.21416563

“Someone” shilled call of the crocodile

>> No.21416582

To the anon I was talking to the alternative vote too, this is what I meant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting
For some reason Omegle just disconnected me from you.

>> No.21416593
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I am ugly on the inside as well

>> No.21416618

God I hate when people disagree with me, I just insult them and tell them they have shit taste

>> No.21416631


>> No.21416641

IIRC the UK had a referendum in 2011 on whether they should implement that voting system. You should, it's the best one

>> No.21416655

Think I'll stick with Stepdad and Spanking but thanks famalam

>> No.21416793

you niggers will do anything except read

>> No.21417452

>mfw we've found a way to filter the retards in /lit/ conversations
I hope you have a good day feudal system anon that book sounds interesting