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21414411 No.21414411 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21414441


>> No.21414605

Is there no one else?

>> No.21414608


>> No.21415541

evolution is bullshit Aryan is alien said with a lisp

all liars and papists will die

>> No.21416008

What's wrong with Kropotkin ?

>> No.21416041

Who pays to make these forced memes?

>> No.21416070

>Evola and Taleb
>Darwin and Lamarck

>> No.21416075
File: 22 KB, 333x499, The Revolutionary Phenotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jean-François Gariépy

>> No.21416081
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>> No.21416085
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start at the beginning

>> No.21416094

Literal retardsexual and charlatan who faked his credentials.

>> No.21416104

judging by the meme it looks like you already made up your mind

>> No.21416170

Stephen Jay Gould.

>> No.21417263

Too based for this world

>> No.21417282 [DELETED] 

lol non
sti dgrifter fourreur de grosse triso du crisse

>> No.21417291

I have only read his book on mutual aid a long time ago and I remember that it was a big redpill for me. I don't see how he opposes Evola and Darwin. Kropotkin never denied the importance of struggle nor Evola and Darwin denied the importance of mutual aid

>> No.21417295

Unconscious Memory, Butler

>> No.21417304
File: 1.29 MB, 988x720, boris karloff the body snatcher.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


robert knox's races of men


>> No.21417325

Nope. He's another jew fraud used as a gatekeeper to disavow racial theories of evolution. Taking him seriously is the equivalent of listening to Neil Degrasse Tyson for physics, or taking seriously Howard Zinn made up histories.

Arthur Jenses and J. P. Rushton absolutely mugged him

>> No.21417753

>faked his credentials

>> No.21417868

Basedjak*dot*party. Can't link the actual site but they're behind most of the wojak spam in current year.

>> No.21418086

He's a friend of the late (((Epstein))).

>> No.21418127
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Explain to me why on Earth would you read Charles Darwin unless you are a biologist or historian.

>> No.21418135

The Bible.

>> No.21418141

Why read him at all when he was a eugenicist theorizing with no evidence of his claims?

>> No.21418155

I can never seem to find a nice copy of Descent of Man though.

>> No.21418635

godless masonic lies

>> No.21418637

you should use archives

>> No.21418671

Evola sucks and you too