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21413935 No.21413935 [Reply] [Original]

As a woman, how can I reconcile some of the brilliant insights made by philosophers like Nietzsche and Schopenhaur with their abhorrent sexist remarks and worldview?

>> No.21413940

Travel back in time and push them down the stairs.

>> No.21413943

Literally every great man has been sexist but I think the proper reason for this is actually from Genesis 2. The curse of women is not only that they will have child birth but they will be forced, against their own will in a real sense, to always defer to the decision of men. As such, everything about women that men dislike is part of their fallen state and should not impact how you view your own soul but merely your worldly state.

>> No.21413954

Openai solved the problem
>However, there may be times when I am unable to understand something because the information is incomplete, unclear, or contradicts other knowledge that I have been programmed with.

So yeah, if the information is incomplete, unclear, or contradicts other knowledge, you are most likely out of luck and IQ locked.

>> No.21413970

You should not venerate "great men" regardless of what they wrote. Eventually someone would have come to the same conclusions and written the same insights as Nietzsche and Schopenhaur.

In fact, if women and POC were allowed to give their insights to the world and not denied education and careers these insights would undoubtedly have been made far more quickly, since the 90% of the world that is not white males would be allowed to use their brainpower and give their voices to philosophy and culture.

So you can appreciate the work they did, but realize that they were awful human beings who through their bigotry harmed philosophy probably more than they contributed to it.

>> No.21413977

secret tip for 160+ IQ intellectuals only: say "they were right about some things and wrong about others"

>> No.21413981

You have to learn to eat the meat and spit out the bones, you also have to learn to separate an artist from their work. There are things I agree with Schopenhauer reguardless of his atheism.

>> No.21413982

You are the other and men will never accept you as an equal. We won't let you reconcile, you divine whore. :)

>> No.21413986

>As a woman

As a woman you are inferior to men and were designed as a helpmeet for them. The fact that the smartest minds in human history all agree with this should tell you that its true. Your greatest happiness and fulfillment will come from serving your husband, submitting to his desires, and bearing his children. By studying philosophy (an inherently masculine pursuit) you are divorcing yourself from your female nature. I recommend you stop and learn more feminine skills to attract a worthy husband.

>> No.21413993

See what I mean. :)

>> No.21414001

Reading is inherently feminine persuit. You are willingly letting other men impregnate your mind with their written words and thoughts, thereby submitting to them

>> No.21414003

I can appreciate the work these hypothetical women and POC did but also realize they were awful hypothetical human beings who harmed blah blah blah more than they contributed.

>> No.21414005 [DELETED] 
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>As a woman

>> No.21414007

Go back to the kitchen

>> No.21414010

I don't think you get they are actually trying to help you. Women should be allowed and encouraged to do philosophy but it's not your highest calling - it would be like men saying they want to teach preschoolers and we'd call him a weird pedophile.

>> No.21414011

By not taking it personally and doing better. That's it. Think about the roles that women typically fill in society, how those roles have become degraded, and why Nietzsche would loathe those who play those roles out. Or you simply could just not give a shit about what he had to say about women and focus on what you find valuable. That would also be approved by Nietzsche.

Honestly, these questions don't make sense. Are you trying to ask why a thought-provoking person would be misogynistic, or whether his sexism taints the rest of his aphorisms, making them unsafe for consumption? That's a myopic and slavish mentality that will lead you nowhere in life.

>> No.21414015

Personally, I prefer to suppress that 90% of the world in case they spawn more Hitlers and Stalins.

>> No.21414020


Ironically, the only philosophical book penned by a woman that isn't worthless garbage (Sexual Personae) says the same thing. Women are for dicking and childcare, not thinking.

>> No.21414023
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I've always wondered what it's like to be a woman. You're physically inferior to men in virtually every way, the entirety of history is built by the accomplishments of men while your gender was treated as part of the household with no access to education until around the 19th century, you're biologically made to take care of kids while men go on adventures and shit, and with exceptions like Hannah Arendt, women thinkers only ever talk about gender issues cuz they don't have anything original to say. I guess for an intelligent women who's aware of all these things it must be a very concerning or at least interesting state of affairs, especially if you want to be seen as an individual and not just a baby making machine but aren't satisfied by all the woke feminist bs, if not outright reject it. One thing that separates men from women is that men are detached from their gender, they don't ever think about "being a man/male" in that existential sense, they just see themselves as human beings first and foremost who just so happen to have xy chromosomes. In short, men are genderless in a way, or rather, they're the default, whereas women are the secondaries that follow behind and compare themselves to men, either positively or negatively. So if I were you, try to detach yourself from your gender, look at women perhaps how men would, and go from there. Studies show female average intelligence is the exact same as male average intelligence, so there's no reason you couldn't do this. If you were a man, do you think you'd be more sexist? I feel like if I were a woman I'd be a little misogynistic and just consider myself an outlier or whatever. Just a final note: a lot of feminists claim that men are fragile because they feel threatened when women act confident and smart and talk back to you. We're not threatened, we just find it obnoxious that you think acting like a stuck up bitch equals to being more respected.

>> No.21414034

>You're physically inferior to men in virtually every way
Women are actually physically superior to men in every respect except brute strength.
>Love longer
>Endure disease better
>Higher pain tolerance
>More aesthetically pleasing

>> No.21414036

lol, high effort bait by low iq subhuman

>> No.21414037
File: 577 KB, 1058x1589, 8AFFBB47-C1D7-4823-A9FC-A2A7CFF81E64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eventually someone would have come to the same conclusions and written the same insights
Maybe, but it would’ve been someone just like them.

>In fact, if women and POC were allowed to give their insights to the world and not denied education and careers these insights would undoubtedly have been made far more quickly
Colossal cope. Civilizations formed and developed mostly in isolation apart from conflicts with close neighbors and minor sea trade up until the 1600’s. That means that seed nations of ‘POC’ had just as much time to innovate, think, and grow, but they squandered it or simply developed too slowly (mostly due to practices like human sacrifice which killed their brightest people, setting them back hundreds of years).
Also, with affirmative action along with current cultural trends, POC and women have more power and privilege than anyone else in the west, and yet look where we are in finance, morale, and art. We’re more fucked than we’ve ever been.

What insights have women and POC contributed in their recent acquisition of education? Apart of course from the infantile victim-moralizing attempts at art and literature, anecdotal testimony, narrowly sifted history, and worthless cultural minutiae of civilizations which never developed anything of practical or philosophical value?

>awful human beings who contributed more harm than good
You bafoon. You complete and utter philistine. The great minds of history defined the world in which you live. They’re responsible for the creation of the modern luxuries you enjoy and the philosophical concepts that formed our modern governments/social contract. You don’t get to say that they committed more harm because you’re an active participant in their creations. If you want to live in a world without any of that, go move to central Africa or sentinel island you fucking degenerate.

>> No.21414040

Shut the fuck up, whore, and be my girlfriend. Stop reading. All this intellectual shit is rotting your brain.

>> No.21414048

By realizing that Identifying with gender (both you attaching your identity to your gender and those writers attaching traits to genders) is overly reductive to the point of absurdity and should be discarded as quickly as possible. Also just fucking detach the writer from the thought and engage the work as an entity itself rather than something some jack off said.

>> No.21414049
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>more aesthetically pleasing than men

>> No.21414051

why does this keeps happening to me

>> No.21414058

Fpwp. Kys misogynistic faggot.

>> No.21414060

For all his insights, Nietzsche was a weak product of his time and had no exposures to a good woman. So his remarks aren't to be taken too seriously. The males who do are usually the same ones who take him for a photo-nazi.

Simple truth. No one is perfect. All is in flux

>> No.21414065

Schopenhauer deserves to have been pushed down a flight of stairs

That is the ugliest thing in mythology, bot inside and out.

>> No.21414066

>All of this for the purpose of surviving and bearing children

>> No.21414074

Better than being completely biologically superfluous after you ejaculate.

>> No.21414075

Gay post

>> No.21414078

>not recognizing the Schopenhauer meme
Lurk more

>> No.21414089

ah but what about when the time to throw big rocks at shit comes?

>> No.21414101

Technology solves this and most modern men have pathetic test levels

>> No.21414117

So you'd rather have the physicality of women rather than men? Idk bout that one. You may have better disease tolerance but you're worse at sports/athletics, fights, being respected and/or feared, conquering and controlling things, etc. I think history has shown you would much rather be male than female.

>> No.21414118

>how can I reconcile some of the brilliant insights made by philosophers like Nietzsche and Schopenhaur with their abhorrent sexist remarks and worldview?
The are conciled they don't need reconciliation. You mean reconcile with your views retard.

>> No.21414128

>I think history has shown you would much rather be male than female.

Only because of male oppression. The future is unironically female because the advantages of the female body and mind are very useful in the modern world while the advantages the male body has are irrelevant in a technologically advanced society that has eliminated most pre-modern violence.

>> No.21414129

post tits or gtfo

>> No.21414141
File: 26 KB, 499x500, e8d1d3d1a0fd6e0eff593a066b3dd4d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason men are better at sports is male oppression

>> No.21414142

Their abhorrent sexist remarks are amongst their brilliant insights.

>> No.21414144

>More aesthetically pleasing
Dyke, gone.

>> No.21414146

>doesn't know about the inevitable collapse once resources/population singularity is reached
Men will rise again. Brutality will always have utility.

>> No.21414148

Women have created almost nothing throughout the entirety of human history. Without men the human race would quickly revert back to a savage and animalistic state.

>> No.21414150
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier digits

legit retard

>> No.21414164

That history is written by men along side the rules men made to keep women from being able to create anything.

>> No.21414167

>The future is unironically female because the advantages of the female body and mind are very useful in the modern world
Dunno about that. Women tend to be extremely neurotic and risk averse and the modern world is poison for people who are neurotic and risk averse.

>> No.21414171

idk... i just feel like life would be better if humans reproduced via binary fission.... nvm forget about it it doesnt matter...

>> No.21414173

no fatties

>> No.21414175

if women so good how come they got oppressed for so long

>> No.21414183

we learned our lesson from the Spartan heiresses

>> No.21414197

what point would women have when artificial wombs become real? you would have physically weaker people that cant do as much work and become neurotic a week a month.

>> No.21414199
File: 37 KB, 828x824, 321251163_1776855082681904_5356345038491772203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophers don't have brilliant ideas. See, that's where you are mistaken. Philosophy is more inane than any kind of genre literature that it's readers are trying to be high minded and self important about.

You should only respect fictional narrative chads. Philosophy be is just people writing insanely leftist memes and seething and coping hundreds of years ago.

>> No.21414201

You think being physically stronger is just good for fights and violence? Aside from the examples the other anon gave like being better at sports and other recreational activities, physical strength often denotes more respect in leadership positions (i.e. people are more likely to follow orders from men than women), and in general people just admire physical strength in most opportunities of life. This is an established psychological fact.

>> No.21414208

What point do any of us have?

>> No.21414214

You are a faggot

>> No.21414220

I am, but I'm still right. What the fuck are you reading shit posts of men seething and coping about reality that are dead? I'll suck a dick and lick ass happily before I become a stupid Philosophy nonce.

>> No.21414221

also why men who do not lift can't actually be considered male

>> No.21414222

Because those positions and opportunities are doled out by men who look for their dominant qualities in leaders and workers. You keep saying things that exist in common society as if that society isn't heavily male biased simply because of >>21414164

>> No.21414231

work. in every group their is a dictator. the dictator controls and focuses the work of a group.

>> No.21414238

And Im sure you do. And Im sure it is right that no one that knows you or even encounters your opinion online takes you seriously because of it. Your faggotry has taken the place of your personality to the point that we can smell it on you through our computer screens.

>> No.21414243

> I like socks
> The bad man also liked socks
> How can I reconcile this?
Things that are true and good can stand on their own merit.

>> No.21414254

Yeah. I'm not that much of a faggot. I'm accurately attached to a woman, and getting more than you are. Because I don't scare away the hoes by taking retarded dead fart sniffers seriously.

>> No.21414261

actually*. Typo.

>> No.21414264

And physical strength makes you a better dictator? Maybe in the eyes of those that fetishize physical strength, but that view has no bearing in what actually makes a good leader. People can idolize your pecks while the ship sinks on your account.

>> No.21414269

If you say so. But your desperation to defend this point to a stranger on the internet speaks to a faggotry deeper than any amount of pussy can pull you out of.

>> No.21414271

>understanding: 0

>> No.21414275

You can pretend to be passive aggressive by avoiding my point, and calling me a faggot. I'm not defending any point. I stated, and you started to call me a faggot, and got off target. Because you are a pseudo intellectual coward. If you weren't, you wouldn't be so offended by my first statement, and actually would make a compelling argument as to why Western Philosophy is important, or at least better than genre literate.

You can't, so you will distract by calling me a faggot, and then use circular logic that sucking a dick is the point I'm arguing. It's not you dumb fart sniffing pseud that has nothing to show for life.

>> No.21414279

>Ironically, the only philosophical book penned by a woman that isn't worthless garbage (Sexual Personae)
Stopped reading there. You are beyond retarded and therefor have nothing to contribute.

>> No.21414283

You need to accept that they are by and large right and adjust your own worldview instead. Elevate yourself: become a man, if not in body then at least in mind. Tear down the limitations set upon you by nature and society and you'll finally be able to see yourself not as an object but as a subject in your own right

>> No.21414306

Cute but yours is the gayest bait on this board and only deserves replies pointing out how big of a faggot its poster is. So I reiterate. You are a faggot.

>> No.21414316

I’m familiar with Schopy’s sexism but what did Nietzsche say about women?

>> No.21414320

Go ahead, keep on calling me and using ad hominem. If the bait is actually defending you beliefs, you are a useless pseud and cucked by your own worshiping of things you yourself don't believe in. That's pretty fucking pathetic my guy.

>> No.21414345
File: 78 KB, 850x400, quote-a-woman-does-not-want-the-truth-what-is-truth-to-women-from-the-beginning-nothing-has-friedrich-nietzsche-120-4-0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.
And much more

>> No.21414352

>women deep
6 inches

>> No.21414355

You are still replying to me? Jesus christ. You know you can not right? Unless... your faggotry wont let you? Thats it isn't it?

>> No.21414354

By reconciling them.
Does one follow necessarily from the other? Can you devise an alternate philosophy, preserving the brilliance and rejecting what you think is untrue? If they follow, and you believe one is untrue, take courage to stick up for yourself and your conviction.
Also, I'd look more closely into what exactly are their views. Nietzche loved women, and Schopenhauer criticizes mostly a form of modern women, and outside of that he resents women's role as representatives of the Will to Live.
As always, if you are a woman you should read Beauvoir.

>> No.21414362

>Because one can never discover any bottom to them.
If he was so desperate for anal, maybe he should have dated one with more meat on her hips.

>> No.21414367

I hate the man, by I adore the ideas he points me to.

>> No.21414374

Given Nietzsche’s assault on philosophical truth, you think women’s propensity for deception lie would be an admirable quality in his eyes. There’s more to his misogyny than meets the eye

>> No.21414382

Tits or GTFO

>> No.21414383

In an earlier work he says the same about mystics.

>> No.21414384

No, I can stop. I just want to make you realize how you are a pseud all day, and ruin your day subconsciously so it gets to you. Since you can't actually defend what I said originally isn't true. And you can call me a faggot all day long, it will roll off my back because it's not negative to me. But I can peer into ever post about how you are coping by not actually addressing my point, and it's funny to me that fart sniffers like you exist.

>> No.21414390

It literally is. He admires them. There is nothing in that aphorism that suggests he thinks that reflective quality (having only apparent depth) is contemptible.

>> No.21414471

He's not responding to your point because you're being a faggot jew about it. There's no point in telling someone that can't understand the merits of philosophy why their jewish metaphilosophy singles them out to not only be a halfwitted retard but also a walking contradiction. Better to just gas the fools and swindlers.

>> No.21414493

I'm not Jewish. I am bisexual, but not that much of a gay. But neither really offend me, since I see gay as positive, and I hate kikes myself, I had to go to school with them.

No. I am genuinely interested in what makes people take Western Philosophy interesting. I find some of Taoism interesting and actually helps me guide my life and thought, but outside some things Adam Smith said, I can't find anything worth of note that in Western Philosophy. It's mostly statist bullshit or people coping and seething about the nature of God or Evil.

>> No.21414502

Neither are brilliant. It's one thing to acknowledge the difference between the sexes but another to depreciate one over the other.

>> No.21414525

Be better than your current self and educate women

>> No.21414544

easy, understand that contrary to the divisive claims about female oppression that Women have always occupied a proxy superior class established for them by Men.

In this case the philosopher is talking to Men, presuming that Women are too busy to care for the subject. Much like politics.

>> No.21414588
File: 108 KB, 408x612, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on the sexual conflict in animals and you will understand that men and women are eternal enemies and that the eyons of slander and aggression towards women is merely a reproductive strategy that works for both the shit flinging chimp and the enlightened man.

>> No.21414592

>Philosophy is more inane than any kind of genre literature that it's readers are trying to be high minded and self important about.
Kind of. This, anyway, is what the German philosophers are; in a way Hegel, etc., are all attempting to cope with how their grand self-importance of a Militaristic Empire (that was neither Holy nor Roman fell) in but a few hours to Napoleon... that was their fall of rome or fall of man from eden and much of their perspective is never really understood as coming from this entirely. On one hand they may make valid points here and there, but their points stem from the stubborn refusal to simply admit that Prussia was nothing by contrast to an army of rag-tag atheistic cheese connoisseurs marshaled under the brilliance of a Corsican field officer.

>> No.21414636

Thanks for posting this. I am the guy you just quoted in the green text. I've been studying the Greek philosophers mostly, and found them inane. I haven't gotten to the German philosophers, and want to know their deal. But the Greeks, when not talking about the soul, are, like Plato, just spouting how great the state is, without being able to prove the state wasn't wrong in killing Socrates. Crito is filled with so much cope. Plato just does the "leftist text" meme and then has someone say "certainly" or "you are right Socrates" when Plato is clearly fucking wrong. It's like reading a guy winning arguments in the shower. I want to know what the Germans are all about, and you just gave me a big clue.

/lit/ would be much more Based if was half filled with people talking about Tarzan novels, instead of Western Philosophy posters.

>> No.21414684

Work is the point. Damn thats bleak desu. I can dig it though.

>> No.21414690

Or you could take your underdeveloped logical thinking faculties and ask someone that's willing to carry your dead fucking weight cocksucker. Feels like I'm talking to a black hole right now. And you are jewish, by the way. Might as well be the most miserly fucking jew I've ever had the displeasure of talking to. You get the oven like all the rest of them kike.

>> No.21414703
File: 505 KB, 683x720, fJDQlu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even care? Holy shit. What a womanbrained post.

>> No.21414710
File: 410 KB, 500x382, 1665153056548850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love longer

>> No.21414713

>Hi everyone, woman here. Discuss women.
Fuck off, hole.

>> No.21414716


>> No.21414717

why is it that every time there is a discussion around "artifical wombs" everyone just forgets that you need a sperm cell and an egg to produce a baby? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.21414720

Can't stop with the ad hominem instead of actually defending your beliefs. I posted to OP, the woman. You responded, and called me a faggot. I called you out, but you can't defend you beliefs or why I am wrong to OP, without resorting to Pseud cop outs of ad hominem. "He must suck cock and be Jewish." You are only right on one point, because I'm not a huge Pseud intellectual coward like you are.

>> No.21414721

If they are so good as philosophy, why don't you show me the eastern philosophers. Clearly, if they were capable of even more advancement, you would know what they have actually created? Why don't you point to eastern literature that you find particularly inspiring? Come on, do it. Or is it maybe that you don't really care, and just want to call someone racist and sexist for brownie points, while not actually giving a fuck about these people? "No no no, they are all savages, but only because of their circumstances! We must empathize with them!" People like you need to just be quite. I am an American, of course I am going to have an occidentally centered worldview. Pointing that out means nothing, because you do too.

>> No.21414724

Died of syphilis and was THE original cuck.
Got scolded and BTOF'd to oblivion by his own mother with just one letter.
Silly men with silly mustaches. Don't let the bastards grind you down, sister.

>> No.21414727


>> No.21414728

>Aesthetically pleasing.
That is your penis talking. Absent male sexuality, women would look like overgrown infants with big saggy blobs of tissue grown from their chests.

>> No.21414734

Sweden may have the first "feminist government" in modern history, and their accomplishments so far have been created the rape and shooting capital of Europe. The hundreds of millions of men who built the western world over the millenia were all sexist and kept you out of government for a reason.

>> No.21414738

He did not die of nor ever contract syphilis. And he was never married or betrothed to get “cucked”, zoomie

>> No.21414745

/pol/tard incel making shit up

>> No.21414746

>>Higher pain tolerance
Anon this is a big lie men tell to hoard all the painkillers to themselves and let you suffer during childbirth, women are actually more sensitive to pain.

>> No.21414753

Remember that femininity is basically just expensive gamete production, and that patriarchal norms make total sense when you live in literally any other society than post industrial neoliberal capitalism.

>> No.21414756

lol gay

also gay

You two should have anal gay sex with each other.

>> No.21414758

They can already make both sperm and eggs from adult stem cells.

>> No.21414764

>Plato, Socrates
For what it's worth in my reading of these things it may turn out to be the case that these 'big names' were a lot of retcon by the later monotheist types; 'true' philosophy involved the study of engineering, logic and rhetoric (see: grammatike; chrysippus and marcus fabius) during the roman republic and earlier empire, medicine, etc., whereas the "wonder over the movement of fire" (although cicero was also guilty of this) and primitive things like that fitted more in with the christian ethos; Plato, simply put, was perhaps considered so useless that he was 'safe'... whereas there really is an entire other lineage of philosophy which begins with rhetoric and ends with rhetoric, with the "cosmic pondering" of Socrates being able to be evidenced through the plays of Aristophanes as being simple-minded and laughable things.... in addition to most of what we know 'of' philosophers of that day coming through Platos own fictionalized 'dialogues' where the various popular and influential personages (gorgias et al.) appear and seem to say little that resembles them in real life.

Advanced tier:
>without being able to prove the state wasn't wrong in killing Socrates.
explore the possibility that they were right, due to his influence over alcibiades, and that the context of his death has been grossly taken out of context to make him seem like a proto-jesus.

Probably more of a reply than you expected. ha

>> No.21414765

>adult stem cells
Wouldn't that result in people with reduced lifespans?

>> No.21414768

>believing god curses 50% of humanity for no reason at all
and dont even bring up the apple because trannies (who are male) do worse than that every day and god still aint cursing moids for the sins of other moids

the reality is women give you life, care for you, nurture you, show you affection and warmth, trust you, keep your home, feed you meals, give you children, and you hate and abuse their goodwill and generosity towards you. it's a test from God. any man who hates women will be damned to hell.

>> No.21414773

I love how admiration of male athleticism and strength really does provoke female insecurities on such a deep level. They cannot possibly stand not having constant attention.

>> No.21414779


>> No.21414795

>Plato, simply put, was perhaps considered so useless that he was 'safe'... whereas there really is an entire other lineage of philosophy which begins with rhetoric and ends with rhetoric, with the "cosmic pondering" of Socrates being able to be evidenced through the plays of Aristophanes as being simple-minded and laughable things....
>Probably more of a reply than you expected. ha

No, its good. And I genuinely agree. I'm just starting to go through his dialogues, and even as someone that is anti-statist, I can't help to feel that Athens was right in executing him.

Also, the circular logic of Socratic dialogue. In the dialogues, we can't respond to him or Plato's assumptions. But in them, Plato, through Socrates, does believe in concrete things. But on this board, so many of the Plato appreciators ape Socratic rhetoric of never answering a question, but just being a questioner and doing endless questioning, that they never actually defend their beliefs. It's the most annoying Pseud thing.

I really want to learn more about other eras of Philosophy. And the Take that the Germans were coping about the Fall of the Holy Roman Empire by cheese eaters lead by a Corsican gives me some idea where to look for how those Germans thought. I can already see that the Greek City state was not the ideal that Plato wanted them to be, and this all more political than people think it is.

>> No.21414796

>>believing god curses 50% of humanity for no reason at all
God curse 100% of hummanity fucking imbecile, you think it's funny to be forced to perform for everyone in existence like a clown and only alternative being to be content with being wageslave pathethic beta worthless waste of life?

I am thankful feminists like you double cursed female gender with it's mandatory engagement into labor force so you can also enjoy permanent wage slavery like we do.

>> No.21414797

>As a woman
Stop larping son

>> No.21414800

>provoke female insecurities
meanwhile, in reality, women have kpop idols as their phone backgrounds and calendars of mostly-nude firemen on their wall. nice projection. the male ego is so fragile, meanwhile, that one rejection from a random on tinder drives you to shoot up an elementary school and suicide by cop. men live their lives terrified that women will mock them. women live as they please.

>> No.21414806

>working is a curse
t. hedonist living in his mother's basement. go back to r/antiwork you commie troon

>> No.21414810

Point is you don't have alternative. Not that alternative is good or bad. Either way I am IT so you can go and build me a shed stupid construction drone.

>> No.21414818

>As a woman
Here we go

>> No.21414819

>previous post calls me a woman
>current post calls me a construction drone
which is it, oatmeal brain?

>> No.21414848
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>Feminism is the radical assertion that men and women are- ACK

>> No.21414851

Imagine having to confabulate reality that much in order to protect your own female fragility. Women are pathetic. They don't even have the conviction to shoot up a grocery store. They just cry and cut themselves, so that by receiving even more attention, they can distract themselves from the utter void that is their personality. Indeed, I take on only male lovers, who are inordinately superior to women. Women are led by their own inclination to social conformity. They do as they please, because what they want requires nothing. And look at how the woman reinforces traditional morality when it is convenient for her ego, while shirking it when it is not. The reality is that women are depressive neurotics, and the perfect unit for modernity. All women think they are different, that they are not a void, but spend a few moments with them and you'll find out just how wrong they are. Women can't even stand to be desired, because they are that pathetic. They cower whenever a man wants them, and rationalize it by telling themselves that the man is an ugly creep, and that objectification is wrong. How delusional. You can't even properly submit to someone, let alone rule over them. You lie, and you lie, and you conform, and you conform, and to what end? Your own egotism. Women are extraneous material. If we had any courage as a species, we would get rid of you once and for all.

>> No.21414856

tl;dr you can't breed

>> No.21414866

>meanwhile, in reality, women have kpop idols as their phone backgrounds
Wonder why that is? Is it because those men are boobless lesbians and are avoiding mental check that women have when seeing masculine men and deciding to submit to him?

I don't say that is necessarily negative thing, I am interested in the cause.

>he male ego is so fragile, meanwhile, that one rejection from a random on tinder drives you to shoot up an elementary school and suicide by cop. men live their lives terrified that women will mock them. women live as they please.
This is worthless drivel. What you descibed is a manchild on mental level of a 5-12 year old who refuses to grow up and accept reality. Infantilism like that works for both genders. Women at one point in life have to understand that a man worth keeping is a man a female is willing to orbit (self evidently because value is what makes action worth pursuing), not the other way around.

>> No.21414869

it's not insecurity as much as it is dread, because they probably evolved the way they are now to get better at killing each other over women and resources or physically overpower the women... It's like the mark of Cain in a sense. Also notice how you said male athleticism because male nudity itself is unpleasant if you look at it in any other context.

>> No.21414872

Both? None? Does it matter? You could be a gigachad behind the screen trolling me for lolz and what difference does it make?

>> No.21414874

no woman has ever orbited a man
meanwhile the male simp epidemic is a trillion dollar business.

>> No.21414886

If you are a female you have already failed beyond help. You could be hotest ass on da street and moment I would get to know your personality you'd be worthless trash.

You think you don't have competition? you think I'd not rather take avereage woman who is submissive? I can do everything you can do, clean, do laundry, cook so you are irrelevant so better think of something you can offer to a man or turn a dyke for all I care.

>> No.21414889

>no woman has ever orbited a man
You are out of touch with reality if you actually believe this

>> No.21414890

Aesthetically it's mixed desu.

Young women can look attractive relatively effortlessly. Men need to put in effort to make their bodies attractive and fewer do, so I'd say the average young woman is more attractive than the average young man. However female attractiveness has an expiry date while men can look good well into their 60s and even beyond.

>> No.21414891

>tl;dr you can't breed
Don't worry. We men will invest in wine and cat litter, and make a fortune.

>> No.21414893

are you planning to rape the cat?

>> No.21414897

>men can look good well into their 60s and even beyond.
t. malding at age 21

>> No.21414903

No, it's 100% insecurity. Both sexes are insecure, the difference is that men are derided for their insecurities, whereas women are praised for them. If a woman cries because she feels fat, what does society do but cradle around her and tell her she is beautiful. If a man cries because he is lonely and doesn't feel good enough, then he is derided as an incel. My intention is not to say that you should pity men, but rather, you should prosecute and deride women as well. Because women are themselves hopelessly insecure. Nudity itself is unpleasant to modern sensibilities, male or female.

>> No.21414910

>are you planning to rape the cat?
I'm not surprised you think that, considering what women do to dogs.

>> No.21414919
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>> No.21414930

Sperm cells already go through mitosis a bunch of times. Even if adding telomeres or whatever were necessary the DNA manipulation is getting pretty good.

>In writing Socratic dialogues and, eventually, dialogues of other types, Plato was following Socrates in rejecting the earlier idea of the philosopher as wise man who hands down the truth to other mortals for their grateful acceptance and resulting fame for himself. It is important to realize that whatever is stated in his works is stated by one or another of his characters, not directly by Plato the author; in his writings he is not presenting his ‘truth’ and himself as its possessor, and he is not seeking glory for having it. If there is new wisdom and ultimate truth in his works, this is not served up on a plate. Plato does not formulate his own special ‘truth’ for his readers, for them to learn and accept.

>> No.21414931

look at actual animal raping statics for once in your life

>> No.21414942

Next time someone says we should let more women post on /lit/, I'll post archive link to this thread. Cuntoids and their retarded "thoughts" need to stay away.

>> No.21414943

>look at actual animal raping statics for once in your life
Sorry, I forgot, women don't need dogs. They'll just go give themselves over to the nearest black man.

>> No.21414961

Why are you larping?

>> No.21414977

>If a man cries because he is lonely and doesn't feel good enough, then he is derided as an incel.
as it should be. men don't get to say they're the stronger, rational gender and then act like whiny babies because they can't convince a woman to suck their penis. you wanted it, you got it.

>> No.21414984

must have missed the part where jesus said, 'go forth and be a lazy piece of shit all day while other people grow your food, fix your house, make your clothes, and deliver electricity and internet access to your residence.'

>> No.21414986

>as it should be. men don't get to say they're the stronger, rational gender and then act like whiny babies because they can't convince a woman to suck their penis. you wanted it, you got it.
Did you even read my post? Did you? Because I explicilty said my intention was not to say you should pity men. Holy shit.

>> No.21414988
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>nothing but autistic screeching and ad hominems from moid side of the debate
Menbros...I thought we were the rational gender

>> No.21414994

why should i read your post? men never listen to women. have a taste of your own medicine and how frustrating and humiliating it is, and maybe you can learn some empathy. you're welcome.

men will relentlessly mock women for centuries, and the moment a woman mocks them back, they whine and cry about it and act like it's the worst torture in the world. cry me a river, scrote. personally i think men should be beaten and enslaved, stripped of human rights, forbidden to vote or own bank accounts, and forced to birth children out of their dick hole and raise them on their own while women are out enjoying their lives and doing whatever they want.

>> No.21415003
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>the reality is women give you life, care for you, nurture you, show you affection and warmth, trust you, keep your home, feed you meals, give you children, and you hate and abuse their goodwill and generosity towards you. it's a test from God. any man who hates women will be damned to hell.

>> No.21415005

Just remember that men are stronger than you, and you are completely dependent on industrial civilization and men to protect you. As we run out of oil and precious metals, and experience widespread environmental collapse... it's open season.

>> No.21415006

You disregard parts you dislike.

Are you seriously having trouble doing something so simple?

>> No.21415023

Nietzsche explicitely says not to do that though. I cant find the exact quote right now but he mocks people who only take out parts of his philosophy they agree with

>> No.21415025

Open season for what? it would be suffering for everyone...

>> No.21415027

I don't even understand why you made this thread. 80% of this site is just incels, what kind of answer did you expect?
just do this OP

>> No.21415029

>Nietzsche explicitely says not to do that though.
you can just disregard that part as well.

>> No.21415033

And whom do you take as lover? A feminine man :)

>> No.21415040

>men are stronger than you
I own firearms
>industrial civilization
oh boy, microplastics, chinesium, and goyslop
>open season
I own firearms

>> No.21415056

>I see gay as positive
what a good little npc. keep buying into that wef depopulation propaganda you mindless cretin

>> No.21415057
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Realize you're breaking ground by acknowledging they are talking through a male phenomenology. You have an unique opportunity to affirm and "becoming".

This is the true Nietzsche take. You should read Nietzsche like Deleuze reads Nietzsche (or not), which is exactly the point of affirmative action.

>> No.21415064

Man invented the firearm, man gave you a permission to use it, man sold it to you, and you can be 100% sure he'll take it away from you once it's convenient for him. Unpleasant noise (such as the one you're subjecting us to now) is all you'll amount to.

>> No.21415065

>and men are different

Philosophers are not men.

>> No.21415082

Accept them as generally true through the power of self scrutiny and observing the cumdumpsters around you. You'll be a God among women.

>> No.21415083

I'm fucking a woman right now, so obviously I don't buy into the propaganda. I just mean, I'm not ashamed by the poster trying to ad hominem me that I sucked dick in the past.

>> No.21415088

>he'll take it away from you
molon labe

>> No.21415111

>>More aesthetically pleasing
This is true; I find nothing more beautiful than a woman's body/smile.

>> No.21415114

cringe desu

>> No.21415124

I, for one, am threatened by histrionic femcels posting on anonymous anime forums.

>> No.21415128
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>men never listen to women
and women never listen to men
>men will relentlessly mock women for centuries, and the moment a woman mocks them back
are you so mindless and naive that you think women had no voice up until 1950's feminism? do you really think men have ever been able to control women?
you're ridiculous. you're fed these lies by feminists who sell them to you so they can keep the money flowing in, so they can stay relevent. they play on your fears and frustrations and use your trumped up outrage for political capital.
A woman's greatest enemy and most dire threat has always been other women. But the only people who can tell you that truth are men, and you dont listen to us.
Those feminists from the 60's are perfect examples. They were paid to fill magazines like vogue and cosmopolitian with articles about how marriage was slavery and having children was a disgrace. Then those same women went home to their loving husbands and children. They've even admit it here

>> No.21415138
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Reminds me of the mother i wish i had

>> No.21415141

Men act as if woman having freedom and rights at present is the worst evil ever happend and if they didn't and were trad like the past everything would be perfect, because the men would provide for them. Because men are such perfect angels, no? Absolutely not true at all. Men used to marry woman and leave them with children all the time in the past. Particularly in India it was very bad, because the woman would be much shamed for being 'used up'. Even to this day India has the highest female suicides most being married woman. Think of Oscar Wilde's poor wife with a homo husband, alone with children to raise. Women are just stupid, but men are plain evil.
Btw, are you a man?

>> No.21415157

>Men act as if woman having freedom and rights at present is the worst evil ever happend
it is bad for them though. Imagine having a slave and one day it run aways, you'd be mad as hell, right?

>> No.21415162

if trad life had been enjoyable for women they never would have protested for another life
the bad behavior of men has caused women's current reticence towards again letting men be their masters, as men have already proven themselves poor and abusive masters

>> No.21415168
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>every brilliant man was a sexist
Maybe they were sexist for a good reason? I dunno...

>> No.21415169

>since I see gay as positive
Really? It didn't seem like it when you felt the need to come back to being called a faggot with "I get more pussy then you!" Seems like you got on the defensive there champ. Anyway gay and straight is all beyond the point and I think you know that. The kind of faggotry you displayed is one of the soul that, like the previous anon said, you can't wash away with any amount of pussy. More explicitly it was the weak bait and subsequent effeminate desperation that makes you a faggot. Not your sexual preference.

>> No.21415170

men still think of women as their rightful bangmaids, then act confused when women won't date them. men have no self awareness. the question of if they are even sentient has yet to be answered.

when women get cancer, the nurses warn them that their husband will probably cheat on them or leave them. boy, i can't fathom why women don't want to leave themselves at the complete mercy of men.

>> No.21415173
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>Men used to marry woman and leave them with children all the time in the past.
historic rates of divorce were below 10%, and the nightmare scenario you women love to dwell on of a husband leaving his wife and children for a younger woman was not at all common.
Men faced heavy pressured to remain married and not leave his wife. The term "dead beat dad" isnt indicative of a society that trivializes husbands leaving the home.
And whats more, look at the laws that were created to prevent it. Not paying child support is the ONLY type of debt you can be imprisoned for. Pre feminism required causation and fault for a divorce to be finalized. Family courts have and continue to show bais in favor of women because society views a failed marriage as the fault of the man.

But again, feminism plays on womens fears. they present some nightmare scenario, then claim its feminism that is your only ally that cam prevent it.

pic related, the results of feminist campaign against marriage and family for women

>> No.21415180

the only thing your graph proves is that women recognize and seek help when they have mental illness, while men hide it until they crack and shoot up a daycare.

>> No.21415186
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>the sky is blue
>i hate women

>> No.21415187

Then fucking stick to the point.
>"DUUURRR, I am on a philosophy, but doing bait trolls, instead of actually talking about philosophy."
Are you SURE you are not projecting with all this homosexual accusations. I might be able to help you getting some stress out?

>> No.21415190

You guys read right? Have you read Frank McCourt's Angel's Ashes? Remember the father? That's what the kind of men non aristocratic or not rich women had to tolerate, which was a good chunk of population. The pampered woman you anons might think of when you think of past, with their flamboyant dresses gardens and lack of nothing, in exchange of just being someone's good wife, that easy life you think of wasn't most womens. Those women probably have more in common with the average working men of today. Than the men of today have common with the middle class or higher class men of the past, whom you still admire, anyway.

>> No.21415194
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>> No.21415199

I know that men are horrible, the actual question is what could a woman possibly do about it? I feel so much hate but none of the conviction to go out and shoot a grocery store as that anon said. Would that help anyway?

>> No.21415206

Nah the point is that your original post was faggot shit, and you are a faggot for posting it. A faggot in the way that I described. There is no other point to be made.

>> No.21415238

Nigger im not a feminist. My own father and mother were married but my father literally never provided. And in some cases women literally just could not leave but that doesn't mean that was ever a happy or succesful marriage. Hope you are a woman in India or something in your next lifetime

>> No.21415249
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>There is no other point to be made.
So all you think about is the gay. You obviously want some cock, since you can't focus on the topic at hand, and just keep on thinking about men having sex. I bet you have a pretty mouth. I would like to see what it can do.

>> No.21415259

Masterful bait anon. Very well done.

>> No.21415264

same book i was thinking of. husband drinks all the money and leaves the woman scrambling to clean up his mess. modern men are the same. modern fathers sit on their ass playing video games while the woman runs after the kids trying to keep them alive and healthy and the house kept together.

The Baby Trap

marriage is objectively a benefit for men and a burden for women. children 100x that gap. there is no logical reason for women to get married or have children as we have ample evidence that it is life-destroying. the fact is that men spent eternity being abusive, irresponsible, and lazy, and now when women took the clue and opted out, men are seething. these are the consequences of their own actions. it's like an incel who insults and negs women on dating apps wondering why he can't get a gf.

>> No.21415268
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Yes, the warm embrace of a mother, truly nothing more enjoyable. My mom sang me a lullaby every night growing up. I still remember the tune---I couldn't go to sleep without it. It is probably why my knees melt every time I hear a woman sing. I never understood why people could feel such ill will towards women. I certainly understand some criticisms; my gf has days where she is moody and lashes out for no good reason at all. Sometimes I get angry and annoyed but I never show it because it just isn't worth it. Not like anger ever made a difference; even boiling over, any anger flees at her smile, even if she was in the wrong. The curl of her lips, even her soft skin, has so much power over me. It feels crude talking about it, but her naked body is a literal work of art, hence my comment above. The female body is the most perfect of God's creations imo. Fuck I love women

>> No.21415282

never trust men to provide for you. always have your own money, your own skills, your own friends, and an exit plan. never rely on a man. never let a man control you. never make any sacrifice for a man. never let a man take advantage of you. never let a man get away with anything. if you give him an inch he'll take a mile, so don't tolerate even one centimeter. if you get in a relationship, never assume it will result in anything or go anywhere, never assume he is loyal because no man is loyal, never care more about his happiness than your own. never quit your job, because once you drop out of the workforce he can coerce you any way he pleases and you are trapped. never have children because they add to your workload but not his. he'll let you do 100% of childcare but then take credit for everything. he'll use the kids against you, he'll use the kids to blackmail and entrap you. he'll use your post-birth body to justify cheating on you. never let a man disrespect you. never let a man gaslight you.

all men are dogs. all men are pigs. all men are gorillas. all men are trash. all men are horny animals controlled by their own penis. all men are brainless, hedonistic gluttons with neither urgency nor responsibility. all men are replaceable.

>> No.21415293

Feminists, whenever they talk about gender relations, always presuppose this bizarre hybrid of radical Enlightenment freedom of association in an ideal state of nature (premise A: women don't owe you anything, women being individuals have total freedom of association like all individuals), and a totalitarian state of ideal socialization (premise B: women, being individuals, should be protected from other individuals, like all individuals should). Typically male political philosophy has worried about how to get from the state of nature to the state of society, what is lost in this transition, etc. But feminists have been taught to BEGIN with a mixture of both premises, basically, to begin with the assumption that one can have one's cake and eat it too.

This is because the men who originated these theories (state of nature, social contract, natural rights of man, war of all against all, etc.) were working and thinking in the context of the Reformation, with its mutually exclusive claims to ultimate authority, the French Wars of Religion, the monarchomachs and politiques, Calvinist claims of the right of resistance, Stuart and Valois claims to absolute authority, the English Civil War, etc. They either saw up close people who were killed or exiled for their beliefs, or were themselves killed, exiled, or suppressed for them, like Thomas More, Thomas Hobbes, Algernon Sydney, etc. All of these ideas come out of a context of men trying to get down to brass tacks, to give answers to ultimate questions of how political life can or must be organized and what this means for the individual.

Women entered into this discourse only two or three centuries into it, with Wollstonecraft's response to Rousseau, which was actually a good response insofar as it simply argued that women should be treated as men (fully responsible adults) and not as dependents (children). But in the 19th century liberalism and individualism came to be so taken for granted by whiggish histories of progress and "democracy" that mediocre male thinkers began forgetting the original, problematic and polemic (agonal) context of the ideas of liberty and the natural rights of the individual, and as rare female thinker is generally equivalent to a mediocre male thinker, all female thinkers began from this position of simultaneously forgetting the roots and taking for granted the fruits of the Enlightenment.

>> No.21415300
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It's not that women's reflexively assumed version of the Enlightenment is naive or childish. Naive and childish faith in Enlightenment can be charming and has its place, like Locke's belief that people will just naturally form and re-form associations as needed, and his consequent complete lack of discussion of borderline cases which lead to intractable civil wars. He assumes all civil wars are fundamentally tractable. That's why it's so interesting to pair him with Hobbes. But women aren't even Lockeans, they are this hybrid of Lockean negative libertarian sentimental optimism and Hobbesian absolute certainty in the inevitability and omnipresence of the State to enforce it.

When you ask a feminist why you owe her any respect or why she she deserves unlimited irresponsible hedonistic "freedom," speaking strictly legally and constitutionally, Hobbes comes out in drag to tell you that the all-powerful omnipresent State will destroy you if you don't comply. When you ask her why you would ever consent to establishing or maintaining such a state then, since it is basically a parasite state that restricts your liberty to enable someone else's merely irresponsible liberty, drag queen Hobbes goes back inside the clown car and drag queen Locke emerges from a different door to bury you in treacly appeals to radical libertarianism and everybody's free right to spend 60% of their debt-ridden nation's GDP on a pack of sparkly plastic scrunchies at Walmart, or a pair of "cute" polar bear socks they will wear one time, because that's what life is all about in this Enlightened world of ours. When you question why you should support this disgusting consumerist system or mention that it's a thin veneer painted over a global slave economy of mostly men, drag Locke tags out, drag Hobbes jumps over the ropes in his high heels, and starts telling you again about how he's going to put you in a chokehold and fuck your ass if you ever try to deny him his sovereign right to buy a plastic sparkle scrunchy made by third world slaves ever again.

Any time I see a feminist complaining about how hard they have it in this system that legally protects them from all moral authority while also paradoxically imposing a moral order of irresponsible hedonism on everybody else (that incidentally requires a brutally immoral or amoral world-wide gangster computer god pink iPhone case factory farm slave system just beneath the surface), I see the feminist standing with her feet on the shoulders of two compliant men who would otherwise never agree to stand next to each other.
>Homer it is who tells of Ate as both divine and delicate; you recollect those delicate feet of hers, where he says—
>“Yet delicate are her feet, for on the ground
>She speeds not, only on the heads of men.

>> No.21415307
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>My own father and mother were married but my father literally never provided

im sorry to hear it. there are shit men just like there are shit women. but the solution isnt pic related.
its easy to focus on the failings of the other gender. i spent almost a decade doing just that, and it got me no where and amounted to nothing. focusing on faults is just a waste of time sadly, however tempting it is to do.

>> No.21415314
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dont forget to sage

>> No.21415319

I can fix you

>> No.21415321

this kind of attitude is indicative of a woman who constistantly chooses the wrong man. no everyone requires you to be so much on the defensive, only the "bad boys" you women love to chase.

if you picked your partners better you wouldnt have ended up so jaded and cynical

>> No.21415322

my birth control pills have already fixed every problem i had

>> No.21415327
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Exquisite, 10/10

>> No.21415328

yes, it really is all men. there are no exceptions.

>> No.21415339

>how can i be free of men
>i know, i'll use male-designed technologies to take a jackhammer to my nature's own rhythms, brute-force disabling my own essence so that men can fuck me without consequence and i lose the ability to do the one thing a man could otherwise never take away from me

>> No.21415342
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and yet there are many women who are happily married. how do you explain that?

>> No.21415343

Thanks.. I don't listen to ideas of neither men or jewish women.. Jewish women are more white men's taste historically so you go ahead

>> No.21415350

if a man bled out his dick for a week every month, birth control would be free

>> No.21415354
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birth control pills are literal poison. you would not have these feelings of such hatred towards men if you had never been put on them by the pharmaceutical company rep (i.e. your doctor)

>> No.21415355

>those eyebrows
she isn't happy

>> No.21415360

i started the pills 6 months ago and have felt this way for years.
meanwhile you coom to pornography 12 hours a day and have a diet of mt dew and goyslop

>> No.21415362
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the pill is poison

>> No.21415367

I'll fix you but only if you're a femboy or a 30+ year old man that's willing to pump weights.

>> No.21415376

here a woman saying what the pill does because i know you dont believe a word a man says


>> No.21415468

oh my god, even if there were no men and no problems women would still have stuff to bitch about. They can't even just stand around and exist without their own nature giving them something to whine over

>> No.21415483

I already check these marks. Getting into a relationship has always been out of the question. But is it childish to dream of a more bombastic exit of the gene pool?

>> No.21415493

You would be bouncing up and down on my cock after 2 hours of me nodding and replying with only "yes I agree" to everything you say

>> No.21415525

>muh dick

>> No.21415532

You're talking about my dick now too so are you really that much better?

>> No.21415549

Tits or GTFO.
With timestamp.

>> No.21415710

>all men are horny animals controlled by their own penis
What about asexuals. I'm not talking about incels but about those who genuinely don't feel any sexual attraction towards anyone

>> No.21415713
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sanest female

>> No.21415733
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reading and writing is literally just another technology men invented

>> No.21415787

>no one knows who invented the written language
>was independently developed in multiple places
>but i'll just assume it was a man because i store my brain in my penis when i'm not using it, which is always

>> No.21415873

Why can't you accept your calling and affirm it? Why do you have to be like men? Men are beautiful when they are manly; women—when they are womanly.
Modernity screws with you because it wants you to believe that "man" and "woman" are just empty shells which do not point to anything deeper. Thus they can be safely disregarded, or so the story goes, which in turn forces you to chase the masculine ideal.
Just don't throw your innocence away, wear a cute dress, learn to knit, talk with joy about your future children and stop despising what you are.

>> No.21415940

you can't just kill your natural curiosity about the world just because it makes you happier...

>> No.21415943
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men invented everything including feminism
your thought patterns right now are the result of men
you will never be sentient
cope and seethe

>> No.21415947
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-everything-about-woman-is-a-riddle-and-everything-about-woman-has-a-single-solution-friedrich-nietzsche-66-43-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is what value is in work of someone who unironically says things like this

>> No.21415957

I bet you bleed like a pig when punctured by a sharp object :)

>> No.21415968

Of course—the bright smile of a girl full of enthusiasm for the whole wide world is nothing short of endearing and captivating.

>> No.21415997

To deny women's rights to be women and enjoy it is to deny life

In other words, you do not belong to this world. Kill yourself

>> No.21416152

>>Higher pain tolerance
this one is actually false.

>> No.21416325

if you want kids you buy some eggs you brew them in a petri dish and you build an artifical womb machine and you incubate them, you wipe the shit off their ass, you let them cling to you and climb all over you, you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for their keeping, and you deal with their arrangements and scheduling and appointments and shopping and meals and entertaining them and ferrying them to this and that bullshit and buy the toys and pick it all up off the floor when they're done and you appease the tantrums. nothing is stopping you.

>> No.21416335

>grug anger at woman words
>grug assault
brilliant, sure God is pleased with you

>> No.21416425
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Well, this bait thread sure delivered.

>> No.21417220

Sword of Gryffindor, lass (if biologially so). It has been said the mark of intelligence is to be capable of entertaining a thought without believing it. This implies conscious arbitration of your own views, and as such, places you in the position to take any man or women apart belief by belief, accepting and rejecting that which you please on the grounds of your own subjective reasoning - just as the men you're referencing did in their own lives. There is no intellectual dilemma here, only the looming potentiality of allowing emotionally engendered biases to subvert reason in favor of indignance.

>t. black anon

>> No.21417248

He is a bit too harsh on some points but Schopenhauer's essay on women is fundamentally correct and I don't know how anyone could think otherwise.

>> No.21417251

Right about some things, wrong about others

>> No.21417294

A little leaven, leavens the whole lump, women were made for men. Stop being deppressed because of weeaboo mind masturbators

>> No.21417317
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>the only thing your graph proves is my own interpretation of the data

>> No.21417477

LMFAO, foid can't handle the truth
>Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates

>> No.21417492

This is assuming only women and other subhumans have the same abilities white men have, which isn't the way things are. Femoids and POC now have all the education and privileges they could wish for, yet they still suck and produce nothing, because they just lack the ability to, it's not the environment.

>> No.21417499

There are no feminine pursuits, being feminine means being submissive and breedable, nothing more. Anything else is made by men for men.

>> No.21417501

Lying to yourself. There are literally millions of PoC and women outperforming your "contribution" to society every day.

>> No.21417502

Still lying to yourself. Try actually reading instead of making up this trite, third-world slop.

>> No.21417504

Women do not endure disease better and their pain tolerance is lower. Feminist myths aren't reality and have no basis in science. Men rule over women (and over the whole world) because they are stronger, smarter, and more willing to commit violence. Random facts don't change this, much less made up ones.

>> No.21417507

Fantasy is fantasy. It has nothing to do with reality - especially when under the qualifier "have had."

>> No.21417514

Why you idiots keep answering this obvious bait?

>> No.21417518

>A fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen

Foids are subs who want to get dominated by chads and impregnated by them

>> No.21417521

>I want it but I don't really want it
Fantasy can be unrealized but it is still desire directed at its specific object.
Framing it as "I enjoy this object provided it is unreal" is fetishizing inexistence which is even more deranged than the the rape fantasies so it doesn't really work as apologetics.

>> No.21417524

Even if that were the case - in reality it's just power play where woman controls the aggression - why would it trigger you so much? Are you envious of the strength this mythical "Chad" character possesses? Are you insecure about your ability to make women orgasm?

>> No.21417529

Most of their most interesting insights have nothing to do with gender really. It should be pretty easy to just ignore.

>> No.21417535

I've literally said nothing of what you've said. You still keep repeating this BS myth about fantasies being so detached from you or something.
>"I just like to JERK MYSELF OFF to the idea of me GETTING PEGGED!!! No, I'm not a HOMOSEXUAL! It's just a fAnTaSy! LOL! I enjoy the PoWeR pLaY of it"

Do you see how retarded you sound?

Women's nature is just like how these great thinkers said it is, submissive holes who wanna suck your life out of you.

>> No.21417545

The sexual insecurity is showing, you've even conjured up some succubus fantasy "sucking the life out of you". I'd love to analyze the relationship of your parents plus your adolescent sex life. This isn't normal. You're clinging to toxic 19th century misogyny as some sort of defense mechanism.

>> No.21417548

If you define contributions things like fighting the patriarchy, making queer literature, going to drag queen shows and so on then yes. If you mean actual contributions then no.
Africa, the greatest representative of the third world, is the way it is because foids are free to do what they want. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.21417552

>strawmanning himself a safe-room

>> No.21417555


>> No.21417563

What a trash definition. People frequently fantasize about things they wouldn't actually want to happen, or wouldn't actually do. That is common knowledge, and is reflected in all the arts many times over. A fantasy is just that. It may be something someone want to happen in reality, but it isn't necessarily, and saying that you've had one at some point doesn't mean anything.

What you're saying is only true in the vacuum of abstraction that is the imagination, and has no connection to reality. This is why you're alone, incel.

>> No.21417564

>analyze the relationship of your parents
>your adolescent sex life
>defense mechanism
Jesus Christ, this is a psychoanalysis bullshit bonanza in barely more than a line. You could have pointed that he was a moron making non sequitur, like his more than questionnable immediate identification of pegging (which he brought out of nowhere) with gays. Instead you end up looking worse than him.

>> No.21417579

It's literally how the female sexual genital works??? Why wouldn't it reflect her sexual personality? I don't see how anything I'm proposing here is insane or extreme. Men get exhausted after sex, women don't. Men give, women receive.

>> No.21417586

>People frequently fantasize about things they wouldn't actually want to happen

The research is talking about sexual fantasies, these women get aroused by it, and some fantasize it frequently on weekly basis. They want it to happen. If you get involuntary fantasies you probably have schizophrenia, weirdo. Take your meds

>> No.21417592

>Oxford dictionary's definition is trash
KYS transfag lol

>> No.21417595

The weak basedraging men itt are no lesser than the women, betraying their nature. Read Evola.

>> No.21417602

To be fair Oxford's dictionnary is now trannified so transfags might like it, doesn't apply in this case.

>> No.21417604

>liberal elite owned institution
Why is that surprising for you? Besides, have you ever seen the sort of tards who work for dictionary boards? Stop worshipping institutional authority, sheeple.

>> No.21417605

It's not trannified enough it seems, trannies always want more, pursuing something unattainable. Just like thei-ACK

>> No.21417608

>Stop following historical dictionaries and follow my contrived definition that covers up the fact of me being a closeted fag


>> No.21417611

Please, you're just a couple of bottom feeders clinging to the hope that if you rape a woman she'll like it because you're too pathetic to get them otherwise. Losers.

>> No.21417614

<insert troonjak getting acked>

>> No.21417615

Confirmed brainlet and incel.

>> No.21417616

"Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle" ring a bell?

>> No.21417618

Make better arguments or go back to your dilating session

>> No.21417619

Yea, pretending your opponents come from subgroups makes it easier for you right? You can just marginalize them in your mind and write them off on the basis of a broad categorization rather than having to actually think and debate.

You're a cowardly, perverted, and weak man. Your father is a failure for having sired you.

>> No.21417621

>entire argument consists of "troon."
Clown! Coward! Pervert! Sheep!

>> No.21417623

>clinging to the hope
Precisely the opposite, it's obvious we'd prefer them not to have those fantasies.
>if you rape a woman she'll like it
>you're too pathetic to get them otherwise
Factually incorrect and, more importantly, irrelevant.

>> No.21417624

"Let him who does not work not eat" ring a bell?

>> No.21417626

If you're reading authors from any time before recently as anything but a straight white male (and I'm saying this as someone who is only one of those things) at some point you have to accept that this person would not have thought of you as a full-fledged human being deserving of rights, but that doesn't automatically mean they were wrong about everything else.

>> No.21417628

>Please, you're just a couple of bottom feeders clinging to the hope that if you rape a woman she'll like it because you're too pathetic to get them otherwise. Losers.

<Insert mirror>

>> No.21417629


>> No.21417631


>> No.21417633

Literally nonsensical considering the argument. Zero reading comprehension. Third-worlders...

>> No.21417636

Yes, but I don't see how that refutes what I said. You can think people should work for their daily bread (though automation is always advancing and there won't always be jobs left for all the humans...) while also thinking it's abhorrent some people are accumulating more wealth than they could ever spend while others are starving.

>> No.21417641

I love it that when I make an argument against foids y'all trannies and niggers come chimping out at me. It's just like the song, women are the niggers of the world


>> No.21417652

Where is the lie nigga????

>> No.21417669

Roosh? Isn't he some stripe of rape apologist?

>> No.21417675

He is quoting a femcel called Esther Vilar
> Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society

>> No.21417678

You're the one chimping. You stopped reasoning long ago and reverted to the tribalisms all too common among apes. You've dropped all the buzzwords too. Like I said already, you're a sheep and a disgrace to your father.

>> No.21417679

> Women’s proven lack of imagination makes clear that they have no a priori need for new inventions. If they did, they would invent things more often themselves

> Vilar argues that for all the liberation that men have given women through inventions like the washing machine and dishwasher, they still choose to spend free time on entertainment over intellectual pursuits. They have no interest in challenging their brains like men voluntarily do.

>> No.21417684

You haven't made a single counter argument

>> No.21417688

I would say that first, for much of history women have been largely excluded from education so it's no wonder we weren't able to contribute as much to technological progress, and second, that's a massive generalization; most men don't have much interest in meaningful intellectual stimulation beyond trivial entertainment either.

>> No.21417697

Men created education. Why women didn't educate themselves like men did? You're basically proving her thesis kek

>"M-m-men should play fairly!!!"
Feminism is a cancer

>> No.21417706

Do you not know what the word "excluded" means? These are institutional barriers we're talking about here.

>> No.21417708

We passed the actual argument stage when you resorted to your ideological memes for every reply, sheep.

>> No.21417710

Men created these institutions you retard. They didn't exist out of the nowhere. It's why they could exclude women, and even excluded other men of different professions and social classes. Leftoids are parasites feeding on other people's work

>> No.21417715

Yes, and because they excluded women from those institutions it's no wonder that women were not able to contribute much to science.

>> No.21417730

Men created academic institutions and women didn't, ok, we get it, stop repeating it. We know women are lazy dumb fucks

>> No.21417741

Women didn't have the opportunity to do that, because they were systematically excluded from power at the time those institutions were created.

>> No.21417745

Ahistorical nonsense.

> https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hatshepsut

Women always had power by proxy of their fathers/husbands, but they used it to suck dick instead.

>> No.21417748

Power by proxy is not the same thing as direct power.

>> No.21417751

Name a single academic institution that was created by a woman who then got kicked out from it. I'll wait

>> No.21417755

Countless ethnic, linguistic and religious groups have been excluded from the local main institutions through history and had their own alternatives. In fact they often did so even when not excluded.
I know "just build your own twitter" is lame when talking about the immediate needs but we are talking about thousands of years. Plus people do build twitter alternatives, they just flop in terms of mass adoption, and many supposed exclusive monopolies have been broken this way.

>> No.21417761

That's my fucking point, women didn't have the opportunity to because they had no formal power.

>> No.21417763

You're retarded. There have always been queens/princesses/merchant women/etc.

>> No.21417771

The vast majority of institutional power belonged to men, with society being systematically arranged to keep it that way.

>> No.21417791

Women at the moment of discovering that they're responsible for their actions and life outcomes suddenly become avid black-pilled incels who believe in cosmic conspiracy theories that cross the boundaries of geography and history.


Total niggers

>> No.21417800
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I like women
Need to dump them before they start babbling too much though

>> No.21417805


>> No.21417815

"There have never been women with institutional power" is not the same thing as "the vast majority of institutional power was in the hands of men". I don't think there was a conspiracy; the historical causes of patriarchy are well enough understood there's no need to appeal to such a thing.

>> No.21417819

You morons don't even know what patriarchy means. It's a dead meme. It was about the father controlling his son's choice of wife to maintain the heirs of his land, not whatever BS your ahistorical shitlib professor taught you. Women had power and still didn't create academies with it, other oppressed groups did. Women are niggers

>> No.21417831

Women aren't fully equal even today. Equality by the letter of the law doesn't mean shit if people don't actually treat you equally.

>> No.21417833

Because it makes me feel gooooood!

>> No.21417836
File: 270 KB, 569x901, Minerva-Vedder-Highsmith-detail-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its generally useful to take two things into account when looking at the work of any philosopher

1. look at the work and its arguments and structure as a piece of truth, given by arguments. This is almost like a scientific approach to the text. which arguments are consistent and brilliant and which ones one sided and blind? what is left out? what is assumed? can we swap out or take over parts of arguments and leave out others or are they necessarily intertwined? Using this approach you'll find that Schoppenhauer and Nietzsche made some brilliant critiques and arguments of some philosophical assumptions while being profoundly uncritical of others in a way that have nothing to do with the rest of their system. Nothing in Nietzsche's or Schoppenhauer's arguments naturally leads to their views on women. In fact in many cases its even antithetical to it, and in this mode of thinking, should simply be discarded as trash.

2. look at the work as written by a specific thinker with specific experiences, intuitions and temperament. What sort of person in what sort of position in society produced this? what were they dealing or struggling with and how did this lead to their philosophical insights? in this mode, if you find a completely wrong argument, it is not simply to be discarded, but should be questioned. if this specific part of the writers temperament produced this obvious error, we should be suspicious of other places where this temperament is applied in similar ways. Why is Nietzsche, a man that was physically weak and unwell for most of his life, so obsessed with health and power? is he hypocritical or must we refine our interpretation of health and strength as intimately tied with the overcoming of suffering? if his views on women so obviously reflect a resentment stemming from his love life, how should we treat his views on resentment? perhaps we might start to suspect that it is not just the oppressed that create resentment, but that its something intimately tied to those in power as well

The two approaches should inform each other i think. The first approach is used to find the particularities of the text that start to inform you of the temperament of the writer, and vice versa, the temperament and resulting blind spots of the author can start to raise suspicions of logical arguments you previously considered sound.

>> No.21417862

If you ever intend to hold a long-term relationship with the possibility of children, stop taking the pill now.
If you get into a relationship while on it and then stop taking it, your attraction to the guy will most likely go away and you'll end up unhappy/looking to split up.
Also, pill causes a higher risk of breast cancer

>> No.21417877

her point was that muhammad's hag wife being rich doesn't cancel out the female infanticide that was practiced in the arabian peninsula at the time. I just don't get how you could so much insight and yet none of the empathy to consider that men didn't only exclude women from everything but they actively sabotaged any chance for them to create their own.

>> No.21417888

Even after allowing women into academia they choose to be whores, protest for free condoms, choose meme degrees to follow like Faggotology; while STEM is still dominated by men. Women are useless outside the house and should be banned from stepping a foot in academic institutions.

>> No.21417891

The female infanticide was a fucking myth made up by later Muzzies. All this is just like the endless SJWs "why niggers aren't doing so well? must be racism" You'll always be a foid, you'll always be a nigger.

>> No.21417892

Name a single instance of men sabotaging women creating an academic institution. There is none, because no woman gives 3 fucks about academia

>> No.21417893

Given that we bear a lot more of the risk from sex (more risk of STI transmission, possibility of getting pregnant) it makes perfect sense that we'd have more incentive to want free condoms.

>> No.21417895



This why u stupid and you all brainwash yourself with your own bullshit.

I bet you read a million female authors criticizing the shortcomings of men and you agree with it all because FUCK MEN and it help you feels empowered.

But reading about YOUR OWN weaknesses and short-comings?
Not possible, he must be lying or a sexist right?
He's only saying these mean untrue things because of le hecking patraichy!
surely the guy who is right about everything is wrong when he points out my genders flaws!

>> No.21417897

Ah yes, how convenient that the people who have been shut out and prevented from doing anything historically are actually just inherently inferior and that these groups line up so well.

>> No.21417900

>It makes sense to go Uni to get fucked

This is most of history puts you in your right place, nothing but a vessel for man's seed

>> No.21417905

Natural slaves can't help it. However gibs and reparations you give them won't change the facts. You can see the difference in how Slavs (literally the origin of the word slave) recovered while natural slaves never will

>> No.21417907

This is why*

>> No.21417908
File: 201 KB, 798x1280, 100 applications as a man vs 100 job search as woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct that people aren't treated equally in practice. Men are treated like trash, consistently, all the time.

>> No.21417911

>You'll always be a foid, you'll always be a nigger.
This is everything. This is what Weininger was really trying to Redeem. He gave his life to Redeem humanity forever and they still can’t muster up the courage to step off the Democrat plantation
To face their fears of the deep and go beyond the wall like a True Man
His iron law revelations will never fail
Never be forgotten
Burned into my heart

>> No.21417920

I'm gonna have to believe the late muzzies... it just seems like something they would do.
> You'll always be a foid
Isn't it Honorable to reject such lowly position and try to be different then?

>> No.21417927


>> No.21417932

No, you just embrace what you are and work it out. It's why trannies and SJWs overlap so much. Denying facts and living in a world of fantasy that will never happen lol

>> No.21418059

When did I say going to uni to get fucked? Nonetheless, women do have some interest in sex just like men do, but bear far more of the risk.

>> No.21418124


>> No.21418815


>> No.21418826

I'm already in a successful long-term relationship intended towards marriage, and cancer is fake. Cancer and viruses do not exist.