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/lit/ - Literature

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21411360 No.21411360 [Reply] [Original]

AI is already being used commercially to generate and copy and at least one children's book. AI novels are inevitable, most likely genre fiction since it's formulaic and unsophisticated, thus easier to train a bot to imitate it. Next they'll be used to make "new" novels by dead authors, trained on their existing works. When they are sophisticated enough, high level sophisticated novels will be produced as well. This will all be curated and evaluated by AIs as well, publishers won't even evaluate or edit manuscripts, why should they when it's automated and more efficient.

Nothing but mindless auto-generated product for the human cogs to consume, while everything else around them becomes automated too.

>> No.21411397


>> No.21411411

Learn how it works and you won't think that. It's midwit bait and not that interesting. The fact that you think it could replicate dead authors' writing styles based on their existing work shows that you think it's a magic wand. It's the least interesting thing in the world. AI fags have been promising technological singularities since the fucking 1960s and the most they can do is give up and apply conventional advances in processing power + shitloads of real time (lmao) to "databases" (lmfao) and make toys for the plebs. WOW, I can get something that almost sort of kind of sounds like Jordan Peterson and I made him say penis in a silly inhuman cadence. The future is now! Nobody could get Google Glass working, VR is pathetic and shit, every supertechnology that is promised ends up being the engineers going "fuck it we can't actually do the real advanced part, let's just take an existnig technology like strapping two computer monitors to your eyeballs and sell it at a loss for 30 years also you have to be logged into Myspace." Elon Musk can't even scale down electric cars to be realistic after 245 years of promising and lying. This society is buckling under the strain of ten billion niggers and beaners who can't make a functional society to save their lives (literally), average IQ is dropping like a stone even if you factor them out of the stats first, two billion Chinese with every incentive in the world to copy and replicate high technology can't stop poisoning themselves and living in skyscrapers made of art projects I did when I was 7. Zoomers are 50% woman, 50% black. Nothing is going to happen. I'll tell you what singularity we're headed for, the GAY singularity. Imagine millions of people zipping around eachother in zigzags on half-functional rentable unicycles holding a pastel colored "Beats" speaker playing trance music. Every one of them is on special pills so they don't cry when they fall down and bump into each other. That's it, that's the limit of human technological advancement, and right after that comes the total collapse back into the stone age with literal bone in nose niggers banging eachother on the head with bundles of stripped copper and beaners driving the last pickup trucks around in circles to sell eachother dirty rice.

>> No.21411558

unironic skitso, but also based

>> No.21411791

AI will very quickly reach the level of James Joyce but I doubt it will ever write anything good.

>> No.21413186

Okay? Is there something else you want to talk about?

>> No.21413208
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The world will have far more to complain and worry about at that point than a mostly dead medium being automated