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21411163 No.21411163 [Reply] [Original]

Authors who are likely racist

>> No.21411166

He has a book where a niglet fucks a little white girl in the sewers.

>> No.21411173

Flannery O’Conner
Virginia Woolf
Harper Lee

>> No.21411194

Flannery O’Conner
Virginia Woolf
Harper Lee

>> No.21411197

All white female writers

>> No.21411228

Liberal authors

>> No.21411245

Id: might say the n-word out loud desu
Ego: Might say the n-word on the internet instead desu

>> No.21411250
File: 89 KB, 426x568, 725EC2FF-28F5-4459-A95C-6C6127C5D0AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have heard tell that author of Mein Kampf and occult Christian mystic may have been racist.

>> No.21411251

Yeah pretty much, then the superego feels bad about it :(

>> No.21411257
File: 66 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk for sure but idk I have a funny inkling

>> No.21411267

Did he ever drop the n-bomb? Is being weary of Chinese immigrants really racist if you’re xenophobic regardless of skin tone or eye shape?

>> No.21411275

No sir, just a man with a loving cat.

When, long ago, the gods created Earth

>> No.21411276

Fucking hell
> this PsyOP again.
Name one racist thing that he said you fucking kike.

>> No.21411281

The word nigger doesn't actually hurt anybody's feelings though, nobody cries about it. It's more tantamount to showing you teeth to a monkey. When you say nigger to a negroid or a white liberal it's more of a challenge to their dominance than anything what you're describing, which is why the response is always physical or economic violence.

>> No.21411289
File: 106 KB, 500x302, nautical-looking-negro-61122491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did he ever drop the n-bomb?
Yes. And he came up with plenty of based slurs of his own

>> No.21411299

>nobody cries about it.
Except saying it in public guarantees a person to make national headlines.

>> No.21411313

>Flannery O’Conner
She has a story where a sheltered white kid who has never seen a black guy before finds that they're just normal people and not the monsters his father makes them out to be. Granted she was a southern woman whose heyday was the mid 20th century so she certainly isn't progressive on race by modern standards but idk if I'd call her "secretly racist"


>> No.21411326

She also criticizes racism by occasion in A Good Man is Hard to Find. So I'm inclined to say she wasn't racist.

>> No.21411337

These days if you haven’t fucked a negro you are racist, so by modern standards she probably was. Back when she was writing you could attend like two or three no fault lynchings and not be racist, so the standards have really shifted. Now you tell one crack head to stop chimping out over being 22 cents short on his pack of cigarettes at the gas station and the other crackers will side with the Neanderthal absentee father.

>> No.21411340

I feel like what you say is not entirely truthful.

>> No.21411394

She supported MLK and the Civil Rights Movement but she made it clear in letters that she disliked black people and felt uncomfortable around them.
your name is stupid

>> No.21411441

> but she made it clear in letters that she disliked black people and felt uncomfortable around them.
As any honest person of non-African descent would tell you.

>> No.21411444

>that name
How’s your business holding up in light of broadening sports betting legalization?

>> No.21411446

He called America a negrofied jewish hell hole (which is true and based).

>> No.21411620

All Mormons

>> No.21411647

How does that contradict his point?

>> No.21411658

People cry and rally for the person to lose everything over a word.

>> No.21411859

So in other words the original poster was right, people don't get sad they get angry so worrying about "hurting feelings" makes no sense.

>> No.21411891

Dude is probably the least racist of most authors. So much he traded in alcohol for migrant child cum

>> No.21411944
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, 1615861459503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo you can't vocalize certain syllables in a certain order!
>When you make this voice sound it's really bad!

It's like this magic spell-word for summoning criminal battery

>> No.21412005

>finds that they're just normal people and not the monsters his father makes them out to be
/lit/ has the same media literacy as /v/
Bad reading aside, that's one story. Everything that Rises Must Converge literally ends with a white woman getting murdered by some random black lady while her libtard son does nothing to save her.
And in her letters she professed that she secretly hated niggers.

>> No.21412236

Stephen king is the opposite of racist. I'm pretty sure every time he sees a black person he apologises for slavery then asks for a autograph

>> No.21412261


>> No.21412344

All of these thinly veiled /pol/ threads - /Lit/ provided so much more quality five years ago.
Hahaha, you wish.
He explicitly recanted racism later in his life.
Nothing could be further from the truth. That perspective implies Jews and Negroes are a foreign element to America. Completely false. Both Jews and Negroes lived completely free in this nation for a 100 years before slavery became an institution - there were even interracial couples in those days, and even during the years of slavery there were always free black men and women, as well. Though we have had our differences, Whites, Blacks, and Jews have fought side by side in every American war from the very start, and we have labored to build this country together. Its culture is our shared culture, and even in the elements which are unique to our subcultures, that they are our own American subcultures makes them ours to share in pride. Even our racial struggles are apart of our history as countrymen and brethren. What is true is that Hitler was a failure and a blight to his people and his neighbors. He was an enabler of thieves, perverts, and vandals, and a colossal midwit, whose greatest accolade consists in inhering to evil more than most any other statesman of his century.

>> No.21412690
File: 242 KB, 2048x2034, Governments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly all boards are going downhill. A trip to /tv/ sees downright overt /pol/ threads and why they don't get deleted is beyond me.

>> No.21412712

Tom Wolfe

>> No.21412723

Stephen King is a white liberal, he's never met a black person before in his entire life.

>> No.21412753



>> No.21412816

The “Lovecraft denounced his racist views” narrative is purely leftist cope. This is based on one single letter in which he doesn’t explicitly mention any of the races and ethnicities he held prejudices against and one of the last stories he published, The Shadow over Innsmouth is inherently anti-miscegenation.

>> No.21412837

This. He lives in Maine. He should live a year in the south, and not some white enclave in Florida where the only other races are serving you food.

>> No.21412849

That was an obviously a crass joke that went over your head mr. please be patient I have autism

>> No.21412862

No, it isn't, but you are, ironically. Someone posted the excerpts not long ago.

>> No.21412964

>the habit of bigotry persisted in her letters—in jokes, asides, and a steady use of the word “nigger.”

>> No.21413072

This is true. When women write male love interests they're always 6' 4"+ white gigachads. No person is more aggressively a white supremacist neonazi than a horny woman.

>> No.21413115


>> No.21413346

Source? Also, that's not racist, Show me something he said that was actually racist (hate filled, etc.). You can't.

>> No.21413397

All women want is someone who will mog all other white chads. Their expectations are insane.

>> No.21413403

Just wait until you hear what he said about those filthy germ*ns

>> No.21413966

He probably changed his mind on some ethnicities like Jews considering that he was going balls-deep in a Jew for a while but his belief in WASP supremacy was his literal life’s philosophy; and his views were uniquely racist for the time. In his letters with Robert E Howard, Howard (who very much had the typical Southern racist attitude of the time) would push back against Lovecraft’s more extreme claims about race.

To say that 1 letter is proof that he completely changed his outlook and attitude that had defined his life up to that point is just nonsense.

>> No.21414752

Ya Boi HP specifially held Blacks, and Australian Aboriginies, as subhuman. That never changed.

He did have more nuanced views of other races, especially as he got older.

>> No.21415041


>> No.21415127

>/Lit/ provided so much more quality five years ago.
>2017 /lit/ was good
The threads are literally the same. It was actually worse then because every fag trying to be kantbot would come here and post retarded shit about gnosticism and politics.