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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 206 KB, 519x248, Meme_trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21410876 No.21410876 [Reply] [Original]

Which book of the meme trilogy should I tackle first?

>> No.21410885

Same order (L to R) as your picture.

>> No.21410892

Whys that anon?

>> No.21410902

Chronologically. But know the first one is going to be the best

>> No.21410907

IJ is the easiest to read. Take that out of the way right away. Then chronologically.

>> No.21410912

Read right to left but don’t lower yourself to IJ.

>> No.21410913
File: 98 KB, 616x283, german meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what order?

>> No.21410915

Chronologically, but know the second is the best (like all trilogies)

>> No.21410919

Just read Ulysses the other two are not worth it

>> No.21410975

Whys that anon?

Whats wrong with Infinite Jest?

>> No.21410983

>the second is the best (like all trilogies)
Debatable as this not always applies.

>> No.21410985

> Whats wrong with Infinite Jest?
There’s no discernible talent.

>> No.21410987

Stephen King is Cervantes compared to Wallace.

>> No.21411105

When did /lit/ start hating Wallace?

>> No.21411232
File: 126 KB, 700x1079, altinfdfw-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21411277

im 300 pages into IJ. theres no way i dont finish it now right? this is where it gets better?

>> No.21411315

When reddit and littube started liking him. It's very simple.

>> No.21411324

Wallace was cancelled and his problematic depictions of women did not age well in 2022.

>> No.21411464

How many pages does your edition have?

>> No.21411896

look, if you have to ask if or when it gets better, then you don't like it and shouldn't waste your time reading it. Just read something you enjoy, not what a website tells you to read.

>> No.21411912
File: 1.03 MB, 856x894, 1450557227456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21411918

Common folklore says it doesn't get gud until ~400 pages

>> No.21411926

The book has about 1000 pages. You're telling me it doesn't get good until approximately 40% in?

>> No.21411957


>> No.21412821

Same order (L to R) as your picture.

>> No.21413308

Whys that anon?

>> No.21414664

new to /lit/ here,why are these considered the "meme trilogy"?

>> No.21414667

go back

>> No.21414711

Portrait of the artist as a young man.
Finnegan's wake, as a lifelong commitment, and for a lifetime of fun.
This is your trilogy.
Infinite jest is garbage. Gravity's rainbow a little better, a little more fun, but so inconsequential when beheld next to Ulysses.
Supplementary (and indeed, necessary) reads are Dubliners, the Iliad, and the Odyssey.

>> No.21414912

Part of the reason is that until 300, 400 pages in the book consists largely of seemingly unrelated snippets before it focusses on a smaller cast of characters and a more straightforward plot. The characters and events from earlier on get gradually introduced and by the end you can make out the whole picture.

>> No.21415156

pseud lit 101, imagine unironically wasting time on this literal shitpost of a book

>> No.21415165

He got mentioned in Rick and Morty

>> No.21415174

They get shitposted here a lot.
Joyce because it is an important work of modernism
Pynchon because its an important work of postmodernism
Wallace because it is soft and absorbent and is good to shitpost on

>> No.21415849

I'm actually leaning on reading Ulysses last because I feel like it's the one I'll enjoy the most (also I actually gotta read the Odyssey).

>> No.21416234

It literally only gets better. Until they start building the bed

>> No.21416521

Up until a few years ago we always had at least one thread on each in the catalog, and theh sere the most consistent threads, rest of the board wenf through phases but these three remain. Still have fairly regular threads on them. They are also good fun to discuss.

>> No.21416540

Pseuds pretended to read these books because they were difficult and long back in the day. Gets an odd thread every other day. Were never as popular as Dosto's famous 3 though at any point of time.

>> No.21416552

I've been on lit for years and there was always an undercurrent of distaste for Wallace.

>> No.21416575

People like >>21416540 seething that their favorite author does not get daily threads. Ultimately everything here gets such an undercurrent, especially in the past 4 or 5 years, always amazes me how angry some get over the tastes of others.

>> No.21417391

Lmao seething postmodern shitter.

>> No.21417396

everything ive heard about gravity's rainbow makes it sound fucking awful

>> No.21417422

because you only see the shitposting parts. people talk about the parts with pedos and eating shit but not about byron the bulb or Tchitcherine's story or the freemason disclosure

>> No.21417432

that's only half-true. It's about 200 pages in but yes, it only rewards you after you put some work in. It is certainly the weakest of the 3 but that's not saying much with a bar so high.

>> No.21418413

this, i think the memes just got stale. or, it is just a case of the monkeys & ladder experiment. a lot of people i personally know will dismiss wallace even though they never read him.

>> No.21418828

Helps if you revisit your Hamlet also.

>> No.21420002
