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21407919 No.21407919 [Reply] [Original]

>oh noooo the average book only sells 500 copies!!!
>if you write a book, it’s equivalent to having 500 people willingly listen to you lecture about whatever you want for 10-40 hours, something 99% of people would have no way to do otherwise
Sounds awesome to me.

>> No.21407925

Nigga I don wanna live ina box

>> No.21407926

I can do that here.

>> No.21407932

Nah that’s only a few sentences at a time, and can’t be anything complex or longwinded.

>> No.21408140

How do I write an average book for an average of 500 people? Should I teach them about gay vampire buttsex?

>> No.21408399

What's the average profit margin on the average book?

>> No.21408770
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from rando google site
>Self-published authors can earn 40% to 60% royalties for the selling price of a book, while traditionally published authors typically earn 10% to 12% royalties.
at 15$, selling 500 copies nets:
3750$ when self publishing
825$ when going the traditional route
Deduce taxes and you're looking at.. TFJ(Total Financial JUSTING)

>> No.21408957

Just figure out a way to “write” a book by guiding an AI through a plot summary every two weeks and you’re making a living.