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21406947 No.21406947 [Reply] [Original]

>Winner of the Nobel and Pulitzer prize
>Greatest writer of his century
Why would he commit suicide? He had a family, and it was truly sad that he pulled the trigger. Did his family kill him and frame him?

>> No.21406948

He was a closeted tranny unironically.
This is well known.

>> No.21406955

Why can't you faggots understand that mental illnesses exist? He comes from a family of suicides. Many were mentally ill and he got the gene as well.

>> No.21406959

He was insane and needed electroshock therapy in order to be lucid. He was basically a zombie at the end. It was in a moment when he was actually himself, seeing his life for the living hell that it was, that he killed himself.

>> No.21406985

>prominent spook family
>go between backdoor contact during Cuban Missile Crisis
He drank entirely too much, which would be as efficient a cause as any. Who knows.

>> No.21406988

The best writers are sick, mentally and/or physically

>> No.21407026

I wonder if he he really was just genetically fucked from the start or if there was some trauma or something that just stuck with him

>> No.21407048

he fought in ww1, and he had malaria and skin cancer(near the end) so probably trauma wise instead of genetic

>> No.21407050

Hardly a mystery, is it?
>genetic predisposition to depression/suicide
>lifelong alcoholism
>multiple severe head injuries
>dementia near the end, couldn't write
>chose death rather than being a drooling husk

>> No.21407068
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According to Orson Welles, he was a different man near the end of his life.

>> No.21407073

His grandson confirmed it kek

>> No.21407089
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This. He was a huge fraud. Dave Sim exposed him.

>> No.21407091


>> No.21407094
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-hemingway-shot-himself-i-don-t-like-a-man-that-takes-the-short-way-home-william-faulkner-94-73-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if this Faulkner quote is real? I know they were rivals but still fuck

>> No.21407104

He liked to dress his wives up as men and sodomize them.

>> No.21407109
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Looks legitimate.

>> No.21407114

That's just roleplaying. I meant the tranny bit.

>> No.21407115 [DELETED] 

>Does anyone know if this Faulkner quote is real?
It appears to be. Apparently it's in Blotner, per:


>> No.21407127

Faulkner is based or trolling

>> No.21407129

Dave Sim "exposed" the fact that most of his masculinity was just for show. Despite that, his bravado actions in WWI, the Spanish Civil War, and WWII stand on their own.

>> No.21407142

What's wrong with suicide? This was very common in Rome, especially with stoics, to commit suicide when their time came. It was an honorable act as a writer. His health was terribly declining so he accepted his fate and overcame the fear of death, that's peak masculinity right there. I don't care about his writing but I respect him as a man.

Epictetus said "the door is always open".

Retarded christcuck mentality

>> No.21407145

Retarded romanfag mentality. Go on, kill yourself like a tranny.

>> No.21407147

Well his mom dressed him as a girl as a child, he was cursed to live a confusing life from the start

>> No.21407152

that's sad. I'm pretty sure they reconciled and publically recognized each other's prowess after Hemingway won the Nobel prize.

>> No.21407156

what's wrong with disliking suicides?

>> No.21407163

He was genetically predisposed to mental illness and also dealt with enormous trauma from a young age. As a child his father killed himself in front of him and Hemingway apparently talked about it often.

Chronic substance abuse obviously does not help this and apparently after a series of bad accidents in his late years which involved dramatic head injuries (probably huge concussions) it all caught up to him.

He fell apart in short time. The man who killed himself was not the Hemingway we knew as the author.

The argument that his suicide was a brief moment of lucidity seems sadly plausible.

>> No.21407169

Nothing wrong with it. I guess it's just weird to see the guy who created Quinton Comspon to be so cold and unsympathetic about suicide

>> No.21407177

>shitting yourself for years is better than taking an exist with dignity
Retarded christcuck

Look at this video, Hemingway who was always so full of life wasn't there anymore. So he took the exist. Nothing bad about it. If you're a sadistic christcuck of course you wouldn't like his action.


>> No.21407178

Kek, fucking redditor

>> No.21407179

I don't see it as a cold or unsympathetic, plus it says there that it was his initial visceral reaction. We don't know the context or what he thought later. Sympathizing doesn't mean agreeing.

>> No.21407185

There's no dignity in suicide. It's for weakies.

>> No.21407190

And he was so hot as well.
What a shame.

>> No.21407196


>> No.21407197

>Greatest writer of his century
Not even top 5.

>> No.21407201

He was old when he killed himself.

>> No.21407203

To overcome the fear of death and lust for life is titanic, chief. This is why people would rather shit themselves for years in nursing homes where nobody visits them anymore than taking an exist.

>> No.21407211


I'd say being brought to such a low state is a sad thing, wouldn't you anon?

Mental health treatments were pretty barbaric at the time, god knows whether those shock sessions did anything but make him worse.

>> No.21407217

I changed my mind. I think we definitely should euthanize faggots like you.

>> No.21407218 [DELETED] 

>They definitely understood what we now might call the transgender journey, i.e. the process of self discovery and self acceptance many transgender and queer people go through.

It is interesting to note that Hemingway framed this unfolding of gender and sexual variance as a return to some kind of primitivism, i.e. the true nature that lies under the veneer of contemporary Western culture and morals.

Hemingway was basically turning the Colonial and racist narrative of the "Primitive Other" into something positive – a tool they could use to approach their own "forbidden" side. This is highly problematic, to say the least, but it clearly helped them understand themselves better.

Hemingway writes in The Garden of Eden:

You must do better than anyone ever can and never leave out anything because you are ashamed of it or because noon would ever understand. You must not let ["the white taboos" – crossed out in the manuscript] things you must not say nor write because you are white and will go back there affect you at all and you must not deny or forget all the tribal things that are important. The tribal things are more important really. (Manuscript of The Garden of Eden K422.1/23, quoted in Comley and Scholes).
This also explains Hemingway's obsession with tanning, which is often associated with their interest in hair cuts. It seems to me that Hemingway was trying to get past their own oppression of queerness and gender variance, as well as the one of the culture they lived in.
the only faggot here is you anon. for linking this jizz

>> No.21407219
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Romanfags be like

>> No.21407221
File: 319 KB, 998x1100, 1626063110149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>discover that hemingGAY was a tranny
>decide to never read his shit
This is why I love this place. Thanks for saving my time.

>> No.21407225

Shock therapy is still being used and it is effective. Nonetheless I respect his decision.


>> No.21407237


The shock therapy of today is different than it was 60 years ago

>> No.21407243

then why do fags and trannies exist?

>> No.21407252

I didn't know this. It is sad actually but doesn't matter now. Still, I respect his decision.

>> No.21407282

that's bs

>> No.21407309

>mentally ill man triumphs over his condition through acts of courage and bravado
>slowly succumbs to his disease and alcoholism in his old age
>critics call him a repressed tranny who was never manly
Messed up

>> No.21407315
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Because your mother gave birth to you

>> No.21407318

Nice projection, tranny.

>> No.21407319

He was never manly

>> No.21407480

please get your facts straight you faggots. just because he looks like a girl when he was a toddler doesn't mean he's a fucking tranny janny

>> No.21407524
File: 3 KB, 299x168, qwertyuiop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the fuck did this thread go from his suicide to him being a trans weakling?/

>> No.21407539

It was a dicklet thing.

I once read that he had a penis the size of shotgun shell. Same with Howard. He reportedly asked his doctor if he had a micropenis. Notice how both of them championed unbridled manliness in their work.

>> No.21407546

His tranny son literally alleged that he was also a secret tranny.

>> No.21407550

Everyone projects their insecurities on him. See above. Truth is, he was mentally fucked.

>> No.21407653

Yh this, not even top 20.

>> No.21407665


>> No.21407718
File: 200 KB, 1080x1071, E28CFD51-3709-48BA-A84F-21A43BF97015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever meet a genuine neurological transsexual’s (aka not a trender’s) family, there is almost universally an unbroken line of repressed transsexuals on the same-sex side going back several generations.

>> No.21407745

nigga what

>> No.21407826

Mtfs have repressor fathers and grandfathers and so on
FtMs have repressor mothers and grandmothers and so on

>> No.21407904

seek Christ

>> No.21407927
File: 1.38 MB, 1125x1604, F12C93C4-4C7A-4EC1-9FAA-636663B11D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seek bleach injections

>> No.21407938

Hemingway too.

>> No.21407953

Huh. It's possible. My father did say he wanted a daughter... but that might just be because I was an effeminate faggot.

>> No.21407954

No duh dumbass

>> No.21408047

He also most likely had a genetic disorder involved with processing iron I think. Relatives suffering with the same disorder also killed themselves around the same age.

>> No.21408063

Think about the kind of man who lived Hemingway’s life in contrast to the lil’cuckboi who made this post lol

>> No.21408072

It’s so predictable now, that when a known jew or feminist or leftist bugboi shits on someone with any connotations of masculinity, courage, honor, nationalist sentiment etc, you can be assured he’s based a worth learning about.

>> No.21408076

What was unmanly about him?

>> No.21408081

His dick was the size of his pinky

>> No.21408088

So you’re saying gay porn states are peak masculinity?

>> No.21408096

Name for this disorder?

>> No.21408115

I don’t remember.

“Television is for niggers”
-Faulkner (The Based)

>> No.21408125

If my rival killed himself I would be rather disappointed in him as well. I might even feel insulted desu

>> No.21408126

His short story "A Clean Well Lighted Place" is only two pages long and its one of the most powerful piece of literature I've ever read. It's online for free if you want to find it.

>> No.21408130

"I love to suck cock! Shove it down my throat, like the trans femboy I am. I'm so gay and retarded!"
-Faulkner(christfag idiot)

>> No.21408160
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He was a raging alcoholic and that destroys your body/mind. Read the shit about him during WW2 (pic-related). The link to the article is in greentext above.

>> No.21408162

Was exacerbated if not caused by CTE from the numerous concussions he sustained over his life. He had enough to turn his brain into a scrambled egg

>> No.21408944

>Rumor had it that Hemingway was leading a group of French partisans in action against the Germans, [c]alling themselves Hemingway's Irregulars..

Hemingway fans, check out The Crook Factory by Dan Simmons. A novel based closely on fact about Hemingway creating an amateur spy ring in Cuba during WWII. It's a very dense and entertaining piece of fiction, a spy thriller that brings Hemingway vividly and believably to life. If you are a fan you will enjoy it, I practically guarantee it.

>> No.21409036
File: 226 KB, 1555x1600, B704EEB7-3983-4DFF-B396-A7E7F53B4EB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a poor writer with one dimensional characters.

No, I don’t care about his life
No, I don’t care that he committed suicide
No, I don’t care about his personality
No, I don’t care about his political views
No, I don’t care that he beat his wife
No, I don’t care that he treated his wife with respect
Yes, I do think reading Hemingway is offensive to my time
*refuses to elaborate further*

>> No.21409100

unironically, because he was getting gangstalked by the fbi

>> No.21409620

seething tranny