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/lit/ - Literature

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21406691 No.21406691 [Reply] [Original]

If you give up on your dreams, are you even the same person?

I've been working on my art and stories for years but don't know if I will ever make it. I don't know who I would be without my writing.

I have nothing. My stories are the only thing I have. But I don't know how to write them well or if anyone will even like it. I doubt it will ever be a commercial success so I keep needing a day job that I am miserable at.

>> No.21406696

>I have nothing. My stories are the only thing I have
This two things are saying the same thing.

>> No.21406697

That's life. Hug the bear and get to the next day.

>> No.21406797

Meet yourself and your stories will improve

>> No.21406828

>Meet yourself

>> No.21406977
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>Hug the bear and get to the next day.

how do you cope?

>> No.21407015

>I have nothing. My stories are the only thing I have. But I don't know how to write them well or if anyone will even like it.

Flannery O'Connor wrote a short story precisely about someone going through this process. 'The Enduring Chill.' It's quite pointed and very funny. (Of course, Flannery O'Connor had talent; however, in 'Good Country People' she points her all-seeing and rather cruel comic lens at herself.)

That said, it's a drag. You just have to accept reality, and move on. A much worse fate would be to not accept reality and, as it were, remain in the comfy bed of youth clutching your teddy bear for the next 50 years. The Neil Young song Sugar Mountain comes to mind. You might want to check that out.

>> No.21407141
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>Flannery O'Connor wrote a short story precisely about someone going through this process

I can see why she wrote that. She was single as fuck and still lived with her mom. She didn't have much else going for her except her stories and her peacocks.

I don't think I could be happy NOT being able to create. I would say my peculiar disposition that made me obsessed with writing my stories, which I have been working on for 5 years, is also the same reason why I am still single, childless, and alone with no close friends. I currently have a job that is tolerable but soulless, and I am trying to switch to another job that would help me so much creatively but it's so fucking hard bros and idk if I am going to make it. I don't want to be pigeonholed into a provider beta job and settle for some woman who settled for me, all the while I neglect my art. I can't live with that.

>> No.21407151

retarded south american

>> No.21407239

Fuck off cris. Your blogpost has nothing to do with /lit/. Leave now.

>> No.21407246

No, he's fine here, just keep him away from /agdg/

>> No.21407250

You need a place specifically meant for venting/blogposting.
Maybe try /r9k/?
Or make an actual blog?

>> No.21407276

who the fuck is cris and what's agdg

yeah but they dont know literature

>> No.21407286

Nothing because I don't need to cope. Pleasure is greater than suffering and that's all that matters. Besides, even if suffering were to exceed pleasure for the rest of my life there is still much work to be done.

>> No.21407290

Whining/venting is fine and acceptable on the condition that you express it in third person and make it a story. Don't just ask "what if." Write a story about someone who this happens to. Or someone who overcomes it. Fucking write.

>> No.21407295


If you can't describe yourself or have no identity outside of a hobby you have that you're admittedly middling at, it means you're an emotionally underdeveloped adult

who are you as a person? Your hobbies is not who you are. Who are YOU?

Your writing will always be bad until you can answer that and have experiences worth sharing.

>> No.21407316

>who the fuck is cris and what's agdg
cris is the op of this thread, an evil spirit from columbia that mainly resides in and shits up agdg, amateur game development general, but he frequently shits up other boards too. You can tell it's him whenever he posts.

>> No.21407336
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>who are you as a person

I am the bridge between two worlds and the ambassador of a higher world. I am an agent of a force that is larger than me, and all my life is geared towards reaching that force and preparing to execute its will. I am a messenger and I come with a warning.

>Your writing will always be bad until you can answer that and have experiences worth sharing.

Somehow it's my joy of creating and my curiosity that has led me to find out who I am and what I am about. But everything I want to do is difficult and not easy, and I don't know if I will live up to my own standards and I refuse to lower them to make it easier for me.

>> No.21407340
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Not OP, haven't given writing much thought, but
>Who are YOU?
Where does one even start answering this question?
I can only think of some vague or surface qualities.
>afraid of responsibility

>> No.21407342
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>If you give up on your dreams, are you even the same person?

Left dreaming come redeeming.

>I've been working on my art and stories for years but don't know if I will ever make it. I don't know who I would be without my writing.

You need to study the things that prevent you from being the best version of yourself, and to gradually tear them down.

>I have nothing. My stories are the only thing I have. But I don't know how to write them well or if anyone will even like it. I doubt it will ever be a commercial success so I keep needing a day job that I am miserable at.

All jobs are work, but not all work is jobs.

Although work, and leisure, are both mutually distinct & different, and equally important, the optimal work, and leisure, are the ones that are cofunctional toward one's purpose.

The best creations transpire between work, and leisure, being a syllogistical coproduct of both.

>> No.21407343

>who the fuck is cris
The schizo of stagnation.

>> No.21407346


>I am the bridge between two worlds and the ambassador of a higher world. I am an agent of a force that is larger than me, and all my life is geared towards reaching that force and preparing to execute its will. I am a messenger and I come with a warning.

non answer

>who I am and what I am about

who are you and what are you about then?

>> No.21407368


Lazy is subjective, not everyone is interested in being a laborer. As someone who is a day laborer I assure you, one quickly learns the joy of doing nothing.

Kind is a good start. Think about someone in a cut throat executive business environment. People regularly fuck each other out of jobs and are ruthless, yet get paid handsomely for it. I don't think I'd enjoy a work environment like that, so clearly there are certain things I value more than just money.

Choosing to prioritizing kindness speaks to character as much as prioritizing money or anything else.

I love many outdoors activities and I feel like they're a part of who I am so my intention isn't to poo poo anyone, it's just easy is in our culture to make the mistake of mixing up hobbies with a personality

I guess I could say I value the outdoors and outdoors related hobbies because I value a connectedness with the 'real world' and a groundedness with the fundamentals in life.

That too is a character value.

>> No.21407420
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It is an answer.

>who are you and what are you about then?
I won't go into specifics as that would make me doxxable in the future.

>As someone who is a day laborer

Do you like it, or is it at least tolerable? What's your long term goal


I am trying to switch from a respected, high earning, but soulless tech job to another line of work that is physically taxing. I spent the past year building my body to prepare but I still don't know if I actually have what it takes mentally or physically. I have to give it a try. If I get this job, it will also help with my writing and I really don't believe I can write the best stories I can if I don't get this job. It also aligns with my values and it would be the best day job for me as a writer. This job would actually check off a lot of things I want in a job and in my life. I don't know what I would do if I don't get this job, because I can't think of anything else that would compare. I don't want to give up.

>> No.21407513


>I won't go into specifics as that would make me doxxable in the future.

I'm skeptical

>Do you like it, or is it at least tolerable?

Most people would probably find retail more tolerable, but I was done with that. Working in construction or outdoors you can swear, wear what you want, and learn skills that you can take with you places.

I didn't have any experience so I took a contractors job and was treated like a dog for 3 years but got some good learning out of it. It also gave me some ideas for outdoor jobs that were more my pace that I might enjoy.

>> No.21407654

>Working in construction or outdoors you can swear, wear what you want, and learn skills that you can take with you places.

sounds kino

>> No.21407821

>who the fuck is cris
A schizo who used to spam /ic/ claiming he wants to draw but is too depressed, spam /3/ claiming he wants to be a 3d modeler but is too depressed, spam /vg/ claiming he wants to make video games but is too depressed, and now apparently spam /lit/ claiming he wants to write stories but is too depressed.

>> No.21407930

I already don't like your stories OP
I hope they get lost

>> No.21408304

Listening here you retard. If you are aiming for commercial success or even aiming at being recognized, you are NOT gonna make it. The media simply doesn't propel anyone based on quality, it's much more arbitrary. You gotta build an online following by whatever means possible to then shill your book.
What really matters is the quality of your writing and not the recognition you are going to get from it, you narcissistic prick, focus on quality of writing, you are not working hard enough. If you keep chasing these grandiose dreams you are gonna be emotionally stuck in up and downs.

>> No.21408336
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OP, don't give up. Don't give up. If you truly would be nothing without your writing then you are a real artist and I know your writing has merit. Don't give up. Keep working. I bet you have talent.

I am a writer myself and I am devoted to my craft too. You can do it. I believe in you. Don't give up. You're not alone and you will reach the mountaintop.

>> No.21408372

we miss u mi hermano ;-;

>> No.21408409

Die pedo, die!

>> No.21409080
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damn he seems to have a lot of hobbies

but its not me

it's not about commercial success, I want to make something good quality and authentic. Even if it means going out and living in the real world. It's an extension of me.

>> No.21409101

Who cares if you ever "make it?" Immerse yourself in the joy and torture of creation. Let the rest of the chips fall as they may. A life spent pursuing your ideal artistic form can never be a failure. The only failure is in letting yourself be distracted by the material present. Doubt is healthy and natural, anon. Just don't let yourself get sidetracked or detailed by it. The sad fact is that we societally don't reward artists. It is a testament to the human spirit that we produce them anyway. Interspersing the droves of careerists and profiteers are one or two people who want to make the very best art they can. Be that.

>> No.21409145

>I am the bridge between two worlds and the ambassador of a higher world
lol no you fucking aren't

>> No.21409159

>I am trying to switch from a respected, high earning, but soulless tech job to another line of work that is physically taxing
Oh buddy you are gonna regret this. Can't believe when people are like "oh I have all this money and prestige, but it's just not conducive to my art." Very few jobs are truly conducive to art. Keep the money and the comforts and free time that it most definitely affords you, stop making excuses, sit down and write whatever gay little story is so important to you. You say you have "nothing but your stories" but in actuality you have more than most people.

>> No.21409163

>Even if it means going out and living in the real world
You're in the real world right now you dumb fucker

>> No.21409204
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Life is change

>> No.21409206

Oh sweaty


>> No.21409209

This. I wish I had a stable tech job. Working manual labor just tires you the fuck out. When I was doing that, I’d get home exhausted and not want to do anything other than vegetate and watch shitty YouTube videos. OP needs to value his time better.

>> No.21409261
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>"oh I have all this money and prestige, but it's just not conducive to my art."

It's just a way to make money, it's not a hill I would die on. I don't know if I would call it "prestigious". I doubt people generally give a shit about this field. It's mostly other people in the field who all like to jack each other off about how smart and high-earning we are. I also don't think it's a cultural fit for me though I am eccentric myself, I am just weird in a different way than other people in my field. I feel very alone and I don't connect with anyone here. I have never met anyone quite like me. It's a stable job, but that's not what life is about. I am not close to my family. I drifted apart from my friends and I no longer have friends I hang out with. I don't have an SO or kids. I think I am too autistic or wired differently to just have a normal life and find a normal spouse or find a normal community I can be content in.

All I have is some money and a college degree, and I guess a fit body from spending my free time lifting if I am not writing. I didn't even gain most of my money from my tech job anyway, but a regular blue collar job that I used to have.

>> No.21409275

you need to create your own definition of success. how do you think ancient egyptians felt being paid in bread to build the pyramids? standards change over time in terms of how much we're supposed to work in the society we're in, it isn't ideal but it is the way things are. with that said I think you need to broaden your horizons which is not as hard as it sounds. what is stopping you from learning a new language and going to live with real, actual nomads? it seems to me that, so often, people limit themselves to what they're willing to believe is possible for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.21409283

>It's just a way to make money, it's not a hill I would die on
That's what a job is, dude. All I'm saying is count your blessings. Sure it's "just" a stable job, and you don't have x number of things, mostly social connections. But if you quit that job to pursue some ideal or whatever it is, you still won't have that stuff.

>> No.21409307

If your job is really bothering you that much I suppose you could withdraw from it to the maximum extent possible and devote your extra time to your art. It doesn't necessarily have to be an all or nothing thing

>> No.21409357
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>All I'm saying is count your blessings.

I do count my blessings because this is a job that a lot of people would kill for, I get that, but I won't settle. It's not like the other job I want pays shit. It still starts at like $80k/year, it's just that it will be physically much harder. But I will be fit as fuck, find people with more similar demeanor and desires, and get to talk to way more people and be more social than just sitting behind a screen all day and then going home. And it will directly give me real life experience to use in my stories too. And I get to work with a lot of young motivated people, and I want to feel like a dad.

>> No.21409563
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I somehow missed these. Thanks guys.

>> No.21410364
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We are desperate people Anon, remember you are not alone, many people have walk this same path before, with you and after you there will be people still walking the same path, it can be lonely at times.

Do you have anything that you did you can share? if yur not comfortable thats fine too.

Happy Holidays

>> No.21410832
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>remember you are not alone, many people have walk this same path before, with you and after you there will be people still walking the same path, it can be lonely at times.

that's kino anon, thanks

>Do you have anything that you did you can share? if yur not comfortable thats fine too.

nah because these are graphic novels in progress. But I was writing about a war with russia and ukraine until it actually happened. Now I have to sue Putin for stealing my story idea by starting the war before I finished my graphic novel.

>> No.21412455

That comic ain’t wrong

>> No.21413173

I already don't like your stories OP

>> No.21413656
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