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/lit/ - Literature

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21406297 No.21406297 [Reply] [Original]

I think I saw a similar thread yesterday, but fuck it, I didn't save or screencap the thread so here we go again.

I am looking for general books to help train me to be smarter. I heard math books are good for this, but I also want to read some philosophical books, so any suggestions in that category would be sick. I am also intending to get "The Brothers of Karamazov", would this be a good pick for the reading list?

>> No.21406741
File: 36 KB, 312x500, principiadiscordia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one for starters.

>> No.21407692
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>> No.21407699
File: 73 KB, 419x630, 9781537718095_p0_v1_s1200x630 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21407711

>make me smarter < increase my understanding

>> No.21407725

You need some(a little) math to get started with philosophy. For example, "More Precisely: The Math You Need to Do Philosophy" by Eric Steinhart.


But most any intro to discrete math textbook has this material and much more.

>> No.21407809


none. you need to learn to cope with your low IQ, I suggest you go the nearest park and find some mexicans to play soccer with.

>> No.21407824

I've got about 30 pages left on The Brothers Karamazov. It's a crash course on the philosophical implications of the death of God, the Enlightenment, and Western liberalism. I would consider that thinking about the ideas that underpin the modern world makes you smarter in a sense, so yes, I would say it's a good pick.

>> No.21408070

Read these books:

Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five
Betty Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Hesse's Siddhartha
Evan S Connell's Mr & Mrs Bridge
The Complete Short Stories of Irwin Shaw
Loren Eiseley's All The Strange Hours
Work & Other Sins by Charles Leduff

And watch the following films: Office Space, Crimes & Misdemeanors, Scenes from a Marriage, Hannah and Her Sisters, Husbands & Wives, Tokyo Story, Rocco & His Brothers, Mean Streets, Goodfellas, Ikiru, Harakiri, Shame (Steve McQueen), Paths of Glory

Ignore anyone else telling you to read shit like the classics or several hundred page books about Greeks or Russians. All of the above works of Art can be completed in a month and you will have gained enough genuine wisdom to face most situations life throws at you versus if you wasted your time on other works. Maybe after you finish this list you can start trying out all sorts of books yourself, but complete this list first. Ignore anyone who calls this list mid or pseud or reddit because what they really mean is they haven't seen enough of life and value intellectual simulacra over actual reality.

>> No.21409164

>philosophical implications
spotted the pseud

>> No.21409170

unironically define 'smarter'

>> No.21409205
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Don't let the math scare you off, it's really not as inaccessible as it might look

>> No.21409282


>> No.21410882

This tbqhwy

>> No.21410945

You cant "become smarter". No amount of reading will make you smarter. If you aren't raised correctly and smart as a child its literally over

>> No.21411587


>> No.21411621

Like many others who fret over such things, you've got a couple of things wrong:

Reading will not make you smarter. This is a big one. You could read every single math book and every single philosophy book ever written, and it would make no difference, and that's fine.
Reading will not change the way you think.
Reading will not cause an intense, neurological shift in you.
Reading will not particularly enrich your life.
Reading will not make you better at rhetoric and argumentation.
Reading will not make you interesting.

You should read because you LIKE reading. Don't force yourself to go through book charts of subjects you have no real interest in. You've got a life to live, OP.

>> No.21412881

You cant "become smarter". No amount of reading will make you smarter. If you aren't raised correctly and smart as a child its literally over

>> No.21412894

>that cover
oops, it looks like they accidentally put four people on the cover when there were only three. silly mistake, i blame the minority who didn't read the book but was told to pick its cover.

>> No.21413193

There are literally 4 brothers retard.

>> No.21413231

there were only three
1. dimitry
2. ivan
3. alyosha
4. you made it up

>> No.21413275

Personally, I am not a fan of Russian prose. The only Russian lit book I enjoyed was Anna Karenina and only because the characters/internal monologue and plot hard carried that book that it became a S tier classic for me despite the simple writing

>> No.21413500

4. Smerdyakov

>> No.21413594

>We want to live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz
>Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
>The Ego and its Own by Max Stirner
This should be enough to equip you with what you need in critical thinking in nutrition, medicine, religion and philosophy. Especially if you adopt Aajonus diet. Then you can read whatever you want, Nietzsche is helpful to further develop your intelligence. But these three books are critical in relentlessly destroying everything you were taught. Oh and Decline of the West by Spengler is also a must-read if you want to understand history.