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21405844 No.21405844 [Reply] [Original]

do you know any based and repilled books whose title and cover fly under the radar? my sister is a liberal, but her husband is based and redpilled. for christmas, i want to to give him a book that he might enjoy without my sister getting angry over it. preferably anything about the jews or international jewry or advanced race realism.

pic related, but i believe he already knows this one.

also post any based and redpilled books.

>> No.21405854

The Rising Tide of Color, tell her it's about climate change disproportionately affecting underserved communities

>> No.21405863 [DELETED] 

thanks, but it doesnt seem like it would fly.

also, for context, im from germany.

>> No.21405872
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thanks, but it doesnt seem like it would fly.

for additional context: im from germany. furthermore anything that highlights how science is fake and gay is also good, like against method (except that a hard copy is way too expensive here).

>> No.21405904

Adorno: eine politische biographie

>> No.21405907

You're not based and redpilled on account of having a sister. What is happening is you've suppressed your libidinal impulses and affections toward her during development and early adulthood, likely you being the younger brother and her having multiple boyfriends in this period. This causes a deepseated psychopathology that manifests in anger to anyone but the sister. You see her as your mother and you see this guy as your father. This is a sickness. Sexes are supposed to be seperated and courtship minimized so these feelings do not manifest but such is an impossibly in modern life. I stress the secondary, as sibling symmetry should minimize strict biological desire but competatary drives kick in when other males are copulating in immediate vincinities when this is known, and this is overtly known when you these boyfriends stopping in or when she is going out and such is exasterbated when the male lags in age behind the sister, and she has boyfriends whilst he has no girlfriend. The end result is a broken person like you. She is not your mother. This guy isn't your father. She'll conform to his opinions independently and if she doesn't, she will invariably divorce him with time.

>> No.21405921

Bit off topic but I've never met a red pilled woman. Ever. They seem really hellbent on being progressives by default.

>> No.21405923


>> No.21405935

Gavin McInnes made me laugh the other day with this line talking about how women are the real Jews since they're liberal by default


>> No.21405938

there are some femanons online doing youtube channels like albions daughter, but i sometimes have doubts on how genuine they are. janice fiamenco seems pretty based and redpilled though

>> No.21405942

>likely you being the younger brother and her having multiple boyfriends in this period.

This is something that fascinates me. I grew up in a non-white conservative household where women, atleast upto the millenial generation were raised to not become whores the moment they hit puberty.

I can't fathom what it would be like to know that your own sister or mother have multiple boyfriends who fuck them in all three holes. How do you not end up seeing them as absolute objects of sex

>> No.21405952

For every 10,000 women who will only echo the prevailing status quo in their society because it literally pains them instinctively to imagine being ostracized or shamed, there are 1000 women who will just shape themselves to whatever their boyfriend thinks or does, and then re-shape themselves when the next boyfriend is the exact opposite, and for every 1000 of those, there are maybe a dozen women who are just plain disdainful of plebs enough to be relatively "red pilled" but they're usually sad bitches and will hide it anyway because they don't get the same autistic pleasure in advertising their heterodox beliefs that men do

Any woman who is making a big deal about having political beliefs is in the second category (current boyfriend's views downloaded into her brain, until next firmware update comes out), or she's in the first category and desperately wants attention but is broken or insane in some way that makes her unwilling/unable to get it by being basic

>> No.21405959

not so sure if that explanation goes for janice fiamenco, she's a sixty something, her bf is some sort of poet and she is a former feminist who tells the story of being redpilled by the insanity at university.

>> No.21405987

It's simple Freudian psychoanalysis. Sounds like denial and displacement on your part.
>How do you not end up seeing them as absolute objects of sex
They completely ignore and deny it which results in a Madonna-Whore Complex, whereby they view their sister as their mother and pretend she is pure. As a westerner, with no sisters, I'll tell you one thing I've observed in every single one of the thousands of men with them I've met, displaced anger. They take their anger out on others. If you notice any untoward anger, especially from bosses, or randoms, or mean boomer, simply wait for the opportunity to ask if they had a sister and you can smile and know their answer of yes explains the otherwise inexplicable.

>> No.21405995

lol good post

>> No.21406007


>> No.21406014

Sounds like a bunch of perverted, Jewish mental gymnastics... Which is exactly what it is

>> No.21406041

Whats perverted is allowing your daughter to bring over or go to their boyfriends to have sex. I've simply asserted this exerts bad developmental effects on the male and causes life long psychological problems. It makes you uncomfortable and you refuse to address any of the arguments likely because you had an older sister.

>> No.21406067

I can tell you’re a very lonely person

>> No.21406084

What would you “assert?” Would you “assert” as postulated in your brilliant Freud readings and social analyses, that young men and young women don’t interact? In your eyes this would help the world because their younger brothers would not have some sort of horrible mental issue which has not been diagnosed by most psychologists but which you have come to realize in your own social experiments? Deranged bitter delusional fascist freak

>> No.21406120

I moderate some forums a few of which are dedicated to "blackpill" or "incels". And you won't believe the posts I read. Some of these sexually frustrated young guys have teenage sisters who bring multiple boyfriends, sometimes when the parents are home, and the brother can literally hear them having sex in the other room. Must leave some deep psychological scar. If that happened in my household the whore would be on the streets in minutes (after being beaten senseless obviously)

>> No.21406125

>which has not been diagnosed by most psychologists
Psychology is a meme field. They do not even diagnose gender dysphoria as a disease anymore

>> No.21406141

You mean, what would I propose. I said nothing radical or controlling. For millenia, sexual promiscuity was vehemently discouraged in females during puberty because the parents would suffer the consequences of their daughters early birth and bear the costs of raising what would likely become a bastard stigmatized by the community with little prospect for success. Hence, they were kept apart and elaborate courtships arose across numerous cultures for copulation to occur in marriage. Contrast this with some punk ploughing your sister multiple times a day every time he visits. This must leave a mark, that's all I'm saying.

>> No.21406185

t. incel

>> No.21406194

Tags are irrelevant. The fact is that there are young guys in the west (including you) who hear and maybe even watch their moms and sisters get ravaged by multiple men.

>> No.21406196

>sexual promiscuity was vehemently discouraged in females during puberty because the parents would suffer the consequences of their daughters early birth and bear the costs of raising what would likely become a bastard stigmatized by the community with little prospect for success
This still exists
>Hence, they were kept apart and elaborate courtships arose across numerous cultures for copulation to occur in marriage.
I am no historian or cultural anthropologist, but I know enough from reading medieval and renaissance European literature that youths were never as separated as you’re pretending they were

>> No.21406206

I hope you’re still a teenager to be stabbing and jabbing with your subversive quackery like this. More likely you’re an incel obsessed with “blackpill science” and projecting all sorts of pains onto people

>> No.21406252

>I am no historian or cultural anthropologist, but I know from watching period dramas and pop-history youtube videos that youths were never as separated as you’re pretending they were
Do you realize how absolutely retarded you sound?

>> No.21406253

Can confirm; am sad bitch
Being opinionated as a woman is generally frowned upon and as you said alienates you from others especially girls and men generally don’t care what we think anyways. I did disagree with my exboyfriend on things but he doesn’t box me in according to this or that belief and employs the charity principle so I was vocal and he would challenge my ignorance as well.

>> No.21406360

No I guess I just realize how retarded you sound

>> No.21406454

>I moderate some forums a few of which are dedicated to "blackpill" or "incels".
>If that happened in my household the whore would be on the streets in minutes (after being beaten senseless obviously)
As if you'll ever have a family of your own.

>> No.21406997

slavic girls

>> No.21407000

This binary of "based and redpilled"/"liberal" is absolutely retarded.

>> No.21407013

get him giants by peter philips and c wright mills the power elite and drop the muh jews obsession

>> No.21407017

rightoids are all retarded, its pure contrarianism

>> No.21407036

Im 40 and have a decent amount of experience (why I'm forced to justify this on the Internet is some kind of paradoxical thing) and I think that incels/blackpill types kind of have a point but people would rather double down on something that comforts their own impulses than hear something that make them feel a bit uncomfortable. That's why buzzwords get thrown back at them because they literally have no counterargument other than crap like "haha I bet you have a tiny penis" ad hominems, are not, and never will be, an actual rebuttal. Women (and by extension male untermenschen) cannot debate.

Not terribly fond of him as a person but that seems like sociopolitical extension of Weininger-thought. Fair play. Makes sense.

>> No.21407061
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Pic related has redpills on the future implications of gene editing. Gene editing will lead to human extinction.

>> No.21407070

>I think that incels/blackpill types kind of have a point but people would rather double down on something that comforts their own impulses than hear something that make them feel a bit uncomfortable.
This describes "incels/blackpill types" as much as anyone.

>> No.21407074
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I brought girls home and so did my younger brother. One time it was so loud that I could hear it in the fucking living room so I went and banged on the furnace grate until they got the hint. The grate connected two floors of the house and we used it as an intercom. To this day I'm not sure if I left a used condom in the guest bedroom or not.

>> No.21407079
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A history of central banking
Hitler is on the cover but it's ambiguous as to whether hes being framed as good or bad. "Uh no it's just about banks"

>> No.21407154

you just made up that binary

>> No.21407189
File: 13 KB, 474x355, pon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Maladaptives (physical AND personality/character wise) gaining access to genes millennia in the making by epigenetic fiat, picrel writ large

>> No.21407638

We exist, but we're all mentally ill.

>> No.21407681

I've met numerous non-liberal women and continue to meet them and I live in a large libshit city. They can tell if you don't believe in liberalism and they will open up to you because of that. However there are often limits. Some are fine with faggots but are anti-tranny for example. Still better than a total NPC.
Also this happens but only half the time in my experience. There are some well adjusted women who just had strong and involved fathers so they believe in the goodness of men. Such women have a good family and are actually the least mentally ill women I've ever seen. Obviously not the most common but they do exist.

>> No.21407697

Out of curiosity, can I ask why you moderate a blackpill forum, or whatever it is you said, in your 40s, and perhaps give a general preface to how you think you ended up doing that

>> No.21407704

Lol ok npc

>> No.21408033

>>It's simple Freudian psychoanalysis.
Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women who dont work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...

>> No.21408038

one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, trala la!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.21408044

My girlfriend is always complaining about censorship and her favourite authors being cancelled and shit.
And she's and editor and complains about political correctness and stuff all the time. Dunno if that makes her based and redpilled by 4chan standards. Pretty sure she isn't in to race war.

>> No.21408048

stupid stupid book. civilization brought slavery, environmental devastation, shit diets and health, just plain shit shit shit. I hope modern industrial civilization collapses sooner rather than later, like all previous civilizations.

>> No.21408323

>"sister is liberal, husband is based and redpilled"
>noooooo, people don't fall neatly into binary categories
>implying no two people do.
also, i clearly used this as a simplification. obviously, nobody here cares about the exact political attitudes of my sister and her husband. you're the retard for sperging on dichotomies in a book recommendation thread.

>> No.21408377

I don't know what I are talking about, or what all this "red pulled" business is, but you sound like a massive faggot. Kill yourself

>> No.21408378

FUCK auto correct. Phone posters are so oppressed...

>> No.21408407

Motherhood and femininity have been demonized. They are malfunctioning hardcore. Plus they’re being told they can be men even though they have childlike upper body strength, small heads (and brains) and no testicles lol. Yeah ok, sure SALLY, you could be the next Newton or Bill Gates or Kieth Richards lololo. What a sad fucking joke. This post makes me sad. I hope Sally overcomes her programming and has a big happy family. Good night faggots.

>> No.21408412

>autistic pleasure in advertising their heterodox beliefs that men do
Lol. This is very well put and very true.

>> No.21408422

That does sound like hell. I’m glad I didn’t have sisters. Also I fucked girls at my parents house after high school. I felt bad about it but their teenage pussies were SO GOD DAMN TIGHT AND WET

>> No.21408444

Like another anon said, you just made that up. But it basically does work because liberal/leftist has come to mean a religion of jewish approved and promoted lies and propaganda. It’s complete feminized insanity at this point. And the Globohomo elite have found a use for it and want you to subscribe to it so they can then anal rape and pillage you and liquify your people, culture, race, civilization

>> No.21408455

This is a very good post.

>> No.21408521

>Deranged bitter delusional fascist freak
angry_soi_boy_wojak. jpg

>> No.21408551

*Scribbles on patient notebook*
And how does this make you feel? You seem quite upset. I believe we are having a break-through.

>> No.21408590

I recommend a book called "Imperialism" by a guy called Vladimir Ulyanov. It is about an international financial Kabal fighting for domination of Europe and the world. The book is not afraid to name names.

>> No.21408609


There are women who have fought against CIA backed deathsquads in Bolivia, who pushed back the Yankees in Vietnam with decades old, malfunctioning weapons, who successfully fought off the Russian white army, the secret police, the poles and the Nazis in just 25 years of time. They didn't get their politics from their "boyfriends", they radicalized themselves and actually did something.

Meanwhile you are a cuck. A useless piece of genetic dead end, never achieved anything of notice in your entire life, never truly felt like a man, will never amount to anything worthwhile, just a pure waste of air. You project your own pathologies onto the opposite gender and bathe in your imagined intellectual superiority when in fact you're so uniquely ugly, stupid and plain unlovable you haven't been touched by a woman in forever. No one thinks your bogstandard redpoll views are remotely interesting.

>> No.21408624
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mmm yes, externalities that are extreme do affect the modalities of the inhabitants where they exist

>> No.21408632

So you agree that political ideologies are simply an outgrowth of material conditions, and that shitlibs are thus simply the logical conclusion to 70 years of disgusting mental rot and incredible wealth in the imperial core (America/Europe) instead of some baby brained Jew conspiracy? Cool

>> No.21408637
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yes and no, its more complex than that.

>> No.21409242

>She'll conform to his opinions independently and if she doesn't, she will invariably divorce him with time.
Reminder, this is true for women. If they don't adopt the value systems of their partner, then the relationship is doomed to fail.

>> No.21409267

Do people without sisters actually think that we grow up actively wanting to fuck them? I can safely say that the thought never even crossed my mind.

>> No.21409273

Does "redpilled" just mean republican? You fags have been using this term for years now and I STILL don't know what the fuck you actually mean by it.

Zoomer speak is so fucking stupid I swear.

>> No.21409341

Sometimes you have to snap these delusional inkwells back into reality

>> No.21409348

>>>>There are women who have fought against CIA backed deathsquads in Bolivia, who pushed back the Yankees in Vietnam with decades old, malfunctioning weapons, who successfully fought off the Russian white army, the secret police, the poles and the Nazis in just 25 years of time. They didn't get their politics from their "boyfriends", they radicalized themselves and actually did something.

Historical revisionism. Most of that shit was done by MEN

>> No.21409369

A man’s morality is less often a prior constitution to him than it is a narrative he can formulate about himself (lie) to comfort him from the reality of what he really is. But here I won’t be so melodramatic like you and act as if this is unique to one gender.

A man cheats, a man lies, a man steals, a man wastes, relapses, overeats, binge drinks, schemes, resents, gives-in, plays ignorant, and he does all these things as well as a woman if not to a greater extreme. And then he turns around and says what you just said, and is actually fully ignorant to how much of a hypocrite he has become in saying it.

You even have given yourself a trap door knowing you’re wrong. “even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent.” Ah okay. I’m interested what the difference is between this noble man whose shitty at following his principles and the woman you just described, besides some phantom unknowable level of intent which not even the man himself would recognize. You’re vain and hateful, prone to bigotry, resourceful in pity, blinded in ignorance. Show some understanding to the world around you instead of writing these

>> No.21409398

Hmmm, I smell AGP.

>> No.21409401

it's from the Matrix, taking the red pill to wake up and actually see how things are, vs the blue pill and ignorance and seeing what they want you to believe

but basically yes they just use it to mean republican and racist and anti-science

>> No.21409402

>It's simple Freudian psychoanalysis.
Meds again.

>> No.21409423

High level tranny detector spotted, I can tell you're a pro

>> No.21409442

The Black Death by Rosemary Horrox apparently has testimony from Jews in Europe that say Rabbis gave them vials of plague to poison town wells with. I've never read this myself though, so I can't verify it. I think it was a relatively small part of the book as well.
Passovers of Blood by Ariel Toaff also has a pretty innocuous cover. It's about Jewish murder and blood rituals.
The Last Days of the Romanovs by Telberg and Wilton tells of the murder of the Russian royal family by the Jewish Bolsheviks.
Ron Unz's American Pravda series is amazing as well. It's not a book but rather a series of articles on his website, should be mandatory reading for any "redpilled" person. He mentions a lot of books in these articles that are great for further reading. What particularly should be read is his American Pravda article about Holocaust Denial, as well as Oddities of the Jewish Religion.

>> No.21409447

Is this reddit?

>> No.21409450

yes, we're on reddit. better kill yourself.

>> No.21409458
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>> No.21409467

Hylic detected

>> No.21409489

>you haven't been touched by a woman in forever.
woman moment

>> No.21409646

Someone linked me to a reddit repost of some 4chan misogyny post once and it was literally 500 replies of women saying "has he even touched a woman" "he can't get laid"

Imagine seeing 499 other people saying the same thing and saying it too. Women are spiritually on par with seagulls

>> No.21409665

You could attribute that to women or...would it not be more likely that this cause is reddit's formula? Is it not a manufacturing plant for this kind of behavior?

>> No.21409681

>how science is fake and gay is also good, like against method
Jesus never existed btw :^)

>> No.21409684
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Redditors and liberals are just feminized men, but women are the entelechy of the feminine. It's like how God anchors the spheres which ascend to Him in their grades of increasing perfection. The womanverse is like Dante's Paradiso except women are at the center and instead of angels it's progressively more feminized basedjaks.

In case you are wondering, trannies are at the bottom, in Hell, as they are hypermasculine (coomers and rapists) with very few feminine features despite their awkward face paint.

>> No.21411067

OP left the thread after this lol

>> No.21413347


>> No.21413503
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Women are far more prone to social trends. In a right wing society they're right wing. In a left wing society they're left wing. In christian communities they're anti abortion.
Consider reading habits; while women read more than men, women don't really read nonfiction. As a rule they're uninterested in figuring out fundamentals of history, politics, philosophy. Consequently their thinking is shallow and they don't tend to have streaks of independence or searching for principles.

None of this should be controversial. Some woman will want to reply with a personal anecdote about exceptions to the trend for some reason thinking it's relevant or disproves the trend (again, shallow thinking).

This isn't really a "haha women dumb" statement either, since the ultimate failures of society has to be traced back to what weak men do and don't do in the face of corruption and devolving social structure. You can get into the weeds about the ultimate cause when you have feedback loops of fatherless families producing men with no direction or conviction (the whole "feminized society" bit that's popular in some circles). Ultimately it falls on the shoulders of the men that let this happen, and the interests of the men in power that it serves.
Change has to come from motivated parties, and there sure as shit won't be some woman led revolution changing society for the better.

>> No.21413724
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>In a right wing society they're right wing. In a left wing society they're left wing. In christian communities they're anti abortion.
this is totally NOT true for men.

>> No.21414281
