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/lit/ - Literature

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21405055 No.21405055 [Reply] [Original]

How do you improve reading comprehension when you're low iq?

>> No.21405057

read harder
>t. low iq

>> No.21405102

Lots of books are actually incomprehensible gibberish, either because the author doesn't understand the topic well himself (there are even jokes about it) or his writing skills are very poor.
Try The Problem of Political Authority which deals with about the most complex topic you will encounter in your life and check if you have any problems understanding _that_.
In my university times I used to immediately discard a book I had any problems understanding and look for a position by a different author and the rule has served me well.

>> No.21405683

Read chapter then read again and take notes

>> No.21405687

Is this ironic? Either way, based retard.

>> No.21405780

For example, almost nobody understands what Marx was "really" babbling about - marxists cannot agree and the most renown economists like Samuelson are being criticized for their "wrong" understanding. Same goes with Keynes btw, who used to be praised with words like: 'his genius is incomprehensible to us" kek.
Seethe more pseud.

>> No.21405801
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Math. I recommend Book of Proof by Richard Hammack. It teaches you the rudiments of math proof construction. Practicing math proofs will absolutely whip your mind straight.

Below is a link to the free book mentioned above:


>> No.21406861

Write in your own words the idea in a minimum amount of words, schematize. Do this enough, and you will get a grip on the material more readily. Big brain nibbas experience exactly what you do at first. You still need to put forth the effort.

>> No.21407240

Books aren’t passive entertainment. You need to actively engage with them

>> No.21409065

wikipedia pages and internet articles, youtube vids, etc.. Even reading forum posts (though that's more of a last resort since you'll have to search through a lot of crap to find a good post, and then you'll never know if the post is good info or not)

Being low iq/midwit isn't the end of the world, just means you have to work a little bit harder by taking extra steps (youtube vids, wiki, etc.). Once you get the material spoonfed to you, you can ditch the spoon and will find that you don't have to have everything spoonfed to you anymore (congratulations, you're now a toddler!)

>> No.21409073

5. Reflect on what you have read: Take some time to think about what you have read and how it relates to your own life or to other things you have read or experienced. This can help you to understand and remember the material better.

>> No.21409148
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>read picrel
>get filtered
>take comfort knowing that picrel filters hi IQs as well
>repeat, getting less filtered each time
>master the text
>impress everyone
And there you go op.

>> No.21409181

Read classical literature. Take it slow. When you read a chapter, underline every word you don’t know and parenthese every sentence that stands
out to you. After you finish a chapter look up all the words you underlined and put their meaning in the book itself. When you finish the book, go back to all your parentheses and take your favourite ones and put it in your journal then write a review of the book. Not a summary but a review. It could even just be one sentence even as long as you explain why : This book is terrible because the author’s use of fast paced dialogue hampered the suspense it was trying to achieve. This book is good because the author provoked an emotional response in me through their masterful use of internal monologue etc. The review could be even more personal like this book is bad because the main character triggered the fuck out of me because I deal with people like that every day. This book is good because it allowed me to escape as I was fighting depression. etc.

>> No.21409503

Read a lot of YA fiction
Then move on to something a bit more complex using the
>How to read a book

>> No.21409510

Forgot to add
>start by reading what you enjoy, if you are not having fun it's ok to drop it ( at this beggining)
>take your time
>vocalize your reading

>> No.21409515

>According to Foucault, you needed to have 10% incomprehensible gibberish in your writing to be taken seriously in French Poststructuralist philosophical pretension!
