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21403636 No.21403636 [Reply] [Original]

What opinions, if any, did Evola have on Kabbalah?

>> No.21403649

Bump because I'm intrigued

>> No.21403651

Schizo spooked by death, fuck him

The Tale of honey, dragon, beast and mice

>There is an Eastern fable, told long ago, of a traveller overtaken on a plain by an enraged beast. Escaping from the beast he gets into a dry well, but sees at the bottom of the well a dragon that has opened its jaws to swallow him. And the unfortunate man, not daring to climb out lest he should be destroyed by the enraged beast, and not daring to leap to the bottom of the well lest he should be eaten by the dragon, seizes s twig growing in a crack in the well and clings to it. His hands are growing weaker and he feels he will soon have to resign himself to the destruction that awaits him above or below, but still he clings on. Then he sees that two mice, a black one and a white one, go regularly round and round the stem of the twig to which he is clinging and gnaw at it. And soon the twig itself will snap and he will fall into the dragon's jaws. The traveller sees this and knows that he will inevitably perish; but while still hanging he looks around, sees some drops of honey on the leaves of the twig, reaches them with his tongue and licks them. So I too clung to the twig of life, knowing that the dragon of death was inevitably awaiting me, ready to tear me to pieces; and I could not understand why I had fallen into such torment. I tried to lick the honey which formerly consoled me, but the honey no longer gave me pleasure, and the white and black mice of day and night gnawed at the branch by which I hung. I saw the dragon clearly and the honey no longer tasted sweet. I only saw the unescapable dragon and mice, and I could not tear my gaze from them. and this is not a fable but the real unanswerable truth intelligible to all. The deception of the joys of life which formerly allayed my terror of the dragon now no longer deceived me. No matter how often I may be told, "You cannot understand the meaning of life so do not think about it, but live," I can no longer do it: I have already done it too long. I cannot now help seeing day and night going round and bringing me to death. That is all I see, for that alone is true. All else is false. The two drops of honey which diverted my eyes from the cruel truth longer than the rest: my love of family, and of writing -- art as I called it -- were no longer sweet to me. "Family"... said I to myself. But my family -- wife and children -- are also human. They are placed just as I am: they must either live in a lie or see the terrible truth. Why should they live? Why should I love them, guard them, bring them up, or watch them? That they may come to the despair that I feel, or else be stupid? Loving them, I cannot hide the truth from them: each step in knowledge leads them to the truth. And the truth is death.

Leo Tolstoy, A Confession

>> No.21403984

He was interested in it and mentioned it here and there. Doesn't seem to be a negative opinion.

>> No.21404081

That's what I thought. Thanks.

>> No.21404086

Do you know if Guenon had any opinions on it? Genuinely curious

>> No.21404741

For Guénon it was pretty much the same as Sufism, that is the esoteric side of a traditional form. He says that the Adam Kadmon from the Kabbalah is the same as the sufi Universal Man. He makes some parallels between Metatron and the prophetic spirith of Muhammad or something, can't remember exactly. Oh and he also rejects the academic view that kabbalistic "numerology" is taken from neoplatonism since numbers in kabbalah correspond to the hebrew alphabet and scripture so it is its own thing. This is what I can remember.

>> No.21404818

Guénon and Evola never mentioned the Jews, so they're not worth it.

>> No.21405991

I'm surprised he wrote so little about it, seems like something he would take a much deeper interest in

>> No.21406008

>seems like something he would take a much deeper interest in
why? he didn't write much on sufism either

>> No.21406054

I think I remember Evola (or maybe it was Guenon) saying it had devolved as a result of it's "democratic" character. He/they believed anyone could access and use it, as opposed to something like true alchemy, which is impossible for normalfags/non-initiates to understand.

I've also read other highly qualified authors in the same vein saying the Jews stole their esotericism from the Egyptians via Moses and then vulgarized it.



>> No.21406530

Believing that anyone can understand something because they can read it is pretty democratic and egalitarian

>> No.21406687

Halfwits who havr never read evola and are interested in just forming opinions about an authors personality and character
>le opinions
Read the impersonal analysis, commentary and philosophyzing yourself and stfu
You are probably one of those guenon discord troons, no pearls before swine

>> No.21407878

Kabbalah is "democratic" in character? Bizarre

>> No.21408220

I don't know much about it compared to other Traditions, but yes, you can just jump in and start learning it, as opposed to other more aristocratic Traditions, where there is a high barrier to entry, like Hermetic Alchemy.

>> No.21408229

Where to begin with proper alchemy anon? Helmond/Evola? What about Bardons initiation into hermetics?

>> No.21408358

Did i recommend johannes helmond to you? There is only one book by him as far as i know (doubt its his real name), and it is very good. I'd recommend knowing french, spanish or italian as well. Yes, they are good starters, but you really have to study it, and read the original coded texts constantly. Intro to magic by evola is pretty clear, relatively speaking of course. If you know french, éditions thélètes on ebay has some good books too. Bardon is good for exercises but i don't think he gets to the core of it (the occult constitution of man, subtle bodies).

>> No.21408395

>the original coded texts constantly
The ones referenced by evola in the hermetic tradition?
>Intro to magic by evola is pretty clear, relatively speaking of course.
I agree.
Are there any encoded actual ritual hermetic texts, like the equivalent of a tantric sadhana?

>> No.21408489

Sex i guess