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21402197 No.21402197 [Reply] [Original]

Not in a nihilistic sense, obviously

>> No.21402398
File: 477 KB, 1418x898, alan watts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His takes on stuff like Buddhism are boomer tier.
Mostly because he didn't realize how stupidly similar his goals are with the goals of Buddhism.
Dude was dead 15 years before Alan Watts was born, though, so it's perfectly understandable.

>> No.21402407

he went insane not as a result of disease or genetics, but because that was the end point of his philosophy

he strayed from god and lost everything

>> No.21402433

practicing intercourse with paraphysical entities.

>> No.21402435

I have interesting news for you. I'm a mystic and able to speak to people in Heavens, and Nietzsche is there. He sounds very loving and happy

>> No.21402445

I find it difficult to take Alan Watt’s philosophy seriously knowing he died prematurely of alcoholism

>> No.21402455

I’m a Muslim. While he was an atheist he wasn’t nearly as hostile to Islam as Christianity and certainly would prefer it to modern progressive secularism

>> No.21402463

>nearly as hostile to Islam as Christianity
In the Neitchsters time there was nobody blowing up innocent people in Christian cities in the name of another religion though.

>> No.21402476
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Nietzsche's criticism of Christianity only makes sense if you take for granted that Christianity is descended from Judaism.

>We have nothing here to do with the astoundingly varied attempts of speculative human reason to explain the nature of this Son of the God, who walked on earth and suffered shame: where the greater miracle had been revealed in train of that manifestation, the reversal of the will-to-live which all believers experienced in themselves, it already embraced that other marvel, the divinity of the herald of salvation. The very shape of the Divine had presented itself in anthropomorphic guise; it was the body of the quintessence of all pitying Love, stretched out upon the cross of pain and suffering. A—symbol?—beckoning to the highest pity, to worship of suffering, to imitation of this breaking of all self-seeking Will: nay, a picture, a very effigy! In this, and its effect upon the human heart, lies all the spell whereby the Church soon made the Græco-Roman world her own. But what was bound to prove her ruin, and lead at last to the ever louder "Atheism" of our day, was the tyrant-prompted thought of tracing back this Godliness upon the cross to the Jewish "Creator of heaven and earth," a wrathful God of Punishment who seemed to promise greater power than the self-offering, all-loving Saviour of the Poor. That god was doomed by Art: Jehova in the fiery bush, or even the reverend Father with the snow-white beard who looked down from out the clouds in blessing on his Son, could say but little to the believing soul, however masterly the artist's hand; whereas the suffering god upon the cross, "the Head with wounds all bleeding," still fills us with ecstatic throes, in the rudest reproduction.

>This cloud is still so dense, that it is truly astounding to see the highest minds of every age since the rise of the Bible enveloped in it, and thereby led to shallowness of judgment. Take Goethe, who held Christ for problematical, but the good God for wholly proven, albeit retaining the liberty to discover the latter in Nature after his own fashion; which led to all manner of physical assays and experiments, whose continued pursuit was bound, in turn, to lead the present reigning human intellect to the result that there's no God whatever, but only "Force and Matter".

>> No.21402480

alcoholism is based

>> No.21402484

are we all aware this very same thread is part of God's Work?

>> No.21402492

Nietszchen critique of Christianity accuses it of having endorsed the Slave Morality, claiming that it is best to engage in life affirming acts rather than resist temptation as in Christianity, or to remain blissful in ignorance as with Bhuddism.

What Nietszche doesn't acknowledge is the nature of sin.
Christianity teaches that God being wholly fulfilling and desirable, has fixed for us corporeal bodies in this realm, but as man has knowledge of good and evil (which N deliberated on superfluously), his body is corrupt and will die. Because God is ultimately desirable, it is only our lack of knowledge about our relationship with God that allows us to sin.

In other words, Christianity endorses life affirmation, while encouraging cultivation of restraint to come to better know him.

Hope this helps.

>> No.21402500

Oh and also; upon the purgation of your sin through life and finally in death, God will reunite you with him in an incorruptible form, and everlasting life. So that's also encouraging.

>> No.21402507

indeed, since 4chan gets a little tiresome after so many years. To be honest, your post nearly brought a hope tear to my eye

>> No.21402517
File: 623 KB, 957x1316, Screenshot_20221207-233145_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus loves you, and so do I, fren

>> No.21402525

>take Alan Watts seriously
That's the idea. He wasn't serious at all.
Must be a hard concept for someone who's so bloated with arrogance.

>> No.21402645

Ask him what he thinks about the last 100 years of human history and get back to me

>> No.21402648
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>Christianity is descended from Judaism
that is without question

>> No.21402655

You do it by reading him disingenuously and not really grappling with the questions he is posing. Then you accused him of being a sickly hypocrite whose beliefs are all just mistaken and the reason he went crazy, and then you stop thinking about him. It may seem like I am strawmanning people here, but just look at any thread on Nietszche, and you'll see exactly what I have described here.

>> No.21402658


>> No.21402668

That is why I made the thread

>> No.21402674

Alan Watts was way cringier than Nietzsche. At least Nietzsche thought for himself and didn't just muttify exotic oriental shit he barely understood to be peddled to gullible boomer hippie chicks.

>> No.21402772
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>The departure-point for the Jews winning a share in a development of the Christian religion lay ready in the historical fact—that Jesus of Nazareth was born in a corner of their little land, Judæa. Instead of seeing in so incomparably humble an origin a proof that among the ruling and highly-cultured nations of that historic period no birthplace could be found for the Redeemer of the Poor; that for very reason of its utmost lowliness this Galilee, distinguished by the contempt of the Jews themselves, could alone be chosen for cradle of the new belief,—to the first believers, poor shepherds and husbandmen in dull subjection to the Jewish law, it seemed imperative to trace the descent of their Saviour from the royal house of David, as if to exculpate his bold attack on all that Jewish law. Though it is more than doubtful if Jesus himself was of Jewish extraction, since the dwellers in Galilee were despised by the Jews on express account of their impure origin, we may gladly leave this point with all that concerns the history of the Redeemer to the Historian, who for his part declares that "he can make nothing of a sinless Jesus." For us it is sufficient to derive the ruin of the Christian religion from its drawing upon Judaism for the elaboration of its dogmas.

>The blood of the Saviour, the issue from his head, his wounds upon the cross,—who impiously would ask its race, if white or other? Divine we call it, and its source might dimly be approached in what we termed the human species' bond of union, its aptitude for Conscious Suffering. [...] Thus, if we found the faculty of conscious suffering peculiarly developed in the so-called white race, in the Saviour's blood we now must recognise the quintessence of consciously willed suffering itself (des bewusst wollenden Leidens selbst), that godlike Pity which streams through all the human species, its fount and origin.

>> No.21403075

Reminder that he's bisexual bottom who tried to propose a friendly form of what is essentially narcissism

>> No.21403083

>preaches inner peace and meditation as a way to escape sorrow
>cant escape his own addiction
How am I supposed to take it serious

>> No.21403087
File: 11 KB, 215x234, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single person on /lit/ who isn't a bisexual narcissist? I've yet to meet one. Not that I blame them, I'm a bisexual narcissist as well.

>> No.21403120

Nobody ever goes far enough! Even you, OP!
They always cling to religion, faith, et al. But you have to go further.
Full, raw etymology - follow the trails and they all lead to myths. Mythos predates religions as you know it. Paganism further still.

Remember - man is something to be overcome.

Yet all I see man doing is butcher the ultimate tragedy that is Nietzsche by being nazis, incels, and polyphobes.
Amor Fati?
He advocated love. Not hatred, or fear, or nihilism.

We need to stop thinking atomistically, objectively, and calculatingly.

His whole point was that we would face a crisis of nihilism. Me, you, all of us. He literally said he was not speaking to his time but to us, just over a hundred years in the future.

How can you not already see it?
Soon there will be nothing.
Nothing will be everything.
Division is exponential - all is an Aleph and belief is all that rests between us and an infinite nothing.

Tl;Dr - read Kierkegaard, learn to believe in yourself (not some magic sky daddy) and do all things out of love, not hate. Do it so hard that you'd do it again if you had to live your life infinite times. Feel the weight of every little ripple in the great wave of becoming. Feel your power - know yourself - all sides. Think beyond good and evil. Not neutrality - just the true sophistic nature of all moralities that aren't simply lived.

Also fuck Alan watts, fuck alcoholics, love zen Buddhism though

>> No.21403250

>How do you read him and still hold onto the cope that is religion?
By not caring what he has to say