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File: 222 KB, 433x650, 20211011103323_revolt_against_the_modern_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21395284 No.21395284 [Reply] [Original]

Call me a normie but I have no idea what he is getting at. In each chapter he is just barfing out lists of ancient traditions and rituals from all over the world. It has as many political implications as a national geographic magazine

>> No.21395286

old good, new bad

>> No.21395303

It's not a good place to start with him. Read Men Among the Ruins first, and then Ride the Tiger. Or if you want something ultra simple, read Orientations. It's on Gornahoor.

>> No.21395333

You're just a novitiate who got filtered because revolt is NOT the first Evola book anyone should read. Begin with the mystery of the Grail, and the Hermetic tradition before you can move to the big 3 (revolt, tiger, ruins). Or just go read some Stephen King novel if your hylic mind is not ready for metaphysical knowledge

>> No.21395341

Yes, Evola is retarded. He is astroturfed here and his ideas don't work in the real world.

>> No.21395342

>t. soulless materialist hylic
you're NGMI when shit hits the fan anon

>> No.21395346

Evola didn't make it when the shit hit the fan in his time. We deliberately walked outside while his city was being carpetbombed because he's an epic badass, and then was crippled for the rest of his life.

>> No.21395355

Well I don't care if he acted retarded. His books contain valuable wisdom and even if you disagree with everything he stood for I'm convinced you can still learn a great deal from him

>> No.21395415
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>> No.21395665

You're a retard that can't admit that Evola was a terrible writer. Men Among the Ruins and Ride the Tiger were written by Evola 19 and 27 years respectively AFTER Revolt Against the Modern World. On a faggot writes a book that takes 2 additional books and nearly 30 years time gap for it to be finally understandable to the reader.

>> No.21395731

EvolaSISTERS are we not epic badasses???

>> No.21395928

thats because you're reading the wrong book

this is a thousand times better

>> No.21395998

>t. filtered normie
Many such cases

>> No.21397078

You got filtered hard.

You can read it first if you're a good reader/fairly well read. Hermetic Tradition is not good to start on, it's his most challenging/esoteric/niche.

Do you know what that word means, you stupid fucking retard? The Evola threads on here are grass-roots, there is no Trad Soros or tranny discord coordinating raids. Many people on this board just like him.

>> No.21397082

He was an excellent writer, just way above your head.

...and then he returned home and was comfy for the rest of his life.

>> No.21397097

>there is no Trad Soros or tranny discord coordinating raids.
There is, and they organize on Discord channels and are connected to people like STJ.
Go fuck yourself, lying jackass.

>> No.21397255

That's news to me. Got any proof? Any groups to join? I doubt it, because you're a lying fag

>> No.21397298

>Got any proof?
I did not bother getting definite proof, but I know from discussions with a friend. He claims that Evola is popular in these Discord channels and snow nigs like to place themselves in upper Vedic caste while organizing raids on 4chan and other sites.
>Any groups to join?
I'd have to ask my friend for the Discord link, but it's big. There are many far right discords like this. Of course there are sick commie ones too.
Discord is a cesspool of degeneracy.

>> No.21397306

>snow nigs
isn't evola a pastanigger?

>> No.21397320

He's a pastanigger that worships snow nigs as being the closest to the Hyperborean race.

>> No.21397372

>m-my friend says he saw one
Damn that's a good source dude
>whining about white people for no reason
Oh you're a shitskin too? That makes your conjecture even more reliable.

He doesn't worship them, he claims Germanic people continued the legacy of the Hyperboreans the best of any other people in (relatively) recent history, at least until the end of the middle ages. He also says the same of Pagan Rome, Ancient Persia, Aryan India, and many others. I also remember reading that he said Swedes were theoretically superior but were a fallen people. You clearly haven't even read him.

>> No.21397381

>Damn that's a good source dude
I'll ask him, but it will take awhile for him to respond. I never claimed to have a definite source.
>Oh you're a shitskin too?
Not a shitskin, but I'm not a snow nigger either.
>He doesn't worship them, he claims Germanic people continued the legacy of the Hyperboreans the best of any other people in (relatively) recent history, at least until the end of the middle ages. He also says the same of Pagan Rome, Ancient Persia, Aryan India, and many others. I also remember reading that he said Swedes were theoretically superior but were a fallen people. You clearly haven't even read him.
A bunch of gobbledygook that amounts to saying the same thing. We talked in the other thread, narcissistic shithead. Stop appropriating other traditions according to your retarded narrative of Hyperborea. Evola revered light features as the mark of Hyperborea descent and he saw those with darker features as more telluric and chaotic. This is effectively a Nordicism especially considering he argued Scandinavians have strongest descent from Hyperborean due to higher prevalence of light features.
Genuinely kys, narcissistic pseudointellectual scumbag. You haven't even initiated into a tradition befause of your LARP fantasies of being an "aristocrat" or high caste snow nig.

>> No.21397389
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are you larping as a seething faggot trying to convince people to read Evola through reverse psychology?

>> No.21397399

That's a cute dog.
If you want to read Evola, then go ahead. I don't give a shit. You're wasting your time, and I'll still argue against you. Guenon was more intellectually honest.
Mixing identity politics with esotericism is retarded, especially when it's based on tenuous claims like "much Hyperborea full of blue eyed blonde giants". Fucking narcissistic garbage for the bottom of the barrel of resentful Westerners.

>> No.21397405

Ignore typos. I'm a phonefag.

>> No.21397478

>hasn't read any Evola
>yet pretends to know everything about his nuanced views
>doesn't know anything and is completely wrong
>ironically calls others narcissists and pseuds
Why do you infect every Evola thread like a parasite? Read him so you can actually contribute to the discussion, or if you're triggered, leave.

>> No.21397521

>>hasn't read any Evola
I've listened to your impartial recounts of Evola and have friends who distilled it. A lot of what he says may be fine, but as a whole, I find him very suspicious. I will not waste my time with him due to his Spiritual Nordicism. Kys, you pompous pseudointellectual garbage thinker.
>yet pretends to know everything about his nuanced views
I have read enough summaries to claim his views on Hyperborea are poorly founded and very suspicious to boot. In getting sick of you esoteric Hitlerists. If you want a homogenous village, by all means go for it, but once you start claiming all ancient civilizations were established by fair individuals like Rosenberg, then we have problems. Stop feigning innocence you crypto Jew trash.
"The snow nig cries out in pain as he claims your ancient cultural legacies."
>doesn't know anything and is completely wrong
I understand what you're saying, crypto-Jew trash.
>Why do you infect every Evola thread like a parasite?
So I can drive narcissistic pieces of shit like you to suicide. Go and die for your fictions of Hyperborea.
>if you're triggered, leave.
Go make a fucking safe space on Discord then.. I like how I trash Evola threads by exposing his retarded views on Hyperborea. It triggers pseuds like you too. Eat shit.
You stupid pseudointellectual snowflake trash. You and far leftists are mirror images of one another and genuinely make me anti-Western. Fuck off to pol and slit your throat.
Or better yet post your Goodreads so I can see how much of a trashy moron you are.
You don't even follow a fucking tradition.
I will read Guenon in-depth but not waste a single minute on one word of Evola.

>> No.21397533

>I have read enough summaries
lmao this can't be real

>> No.21397549

I'm not going to waste time on a LARPing suspicious figure who claims all or most higher-cultures came from those with more "Hyperborean ancestry" or the tapping into it. Most narcissistic bullshit I've ever heard.
It can give fuel to Euroshits to invade countries on the pretense they resemble the original empires more than the people who live there. It's Talmudism for Europeans.

>> No.21397558

>It's Talmudism for Europeans
i have to read it then
do you recommend the italian original?

>> No.21397560

there's obvious ethno-narcissism also in your own way of thinking, a very common one post nationalism, i.e the reduction of antiquity to the measure of lowest common denominator currently squatting within the same geographical coordinates
third worlders nowadays are prime specimen in this regard, even more than westerners are at this point
granting to you that indeed some north Europeans do this too, what the fuck would a wog Sicilian like Evola have to gain by doing this? where's the "narcissism" considering he didn't claim any particular such heritage himself?

>> No.21397564

Go ahead and do whatever you want. I bought Revolt Against the Modern World and Ride the Tiger but returned them afterwards. I don't give a shit what you do, snow nig. I have better books to read.

>> No.21397575

>snow nig
I'm a med though

>> No.21397596

>the reduction of antiquity to the measure of lowest common denominator currently squatting within the same geographical coordinates
Kys, haughty snow nigger trash.
I prefer an evidence-based approach not based on parochial assessment of the present. Sometimes a civilization can be at the top, other times at the bottom, and there are many factors this is contingent upon, not just only race.
>what the fuck would a wog Sicilian like Evola have to gain by doing this?
There is evidence he was a Zionist as someone else in another topic shared, and these circles are heavily based on Kaballah and manufacturing a system of controlled opposition. I suspect he was attempting to create a kind of Talmudism for Westerners, which makes them more easily controlled. Hitler's rise to power may have been by design. The elites create a decadent Weimar solution and then a controlled leader to "fix it". In this sense, both thesis and antithesis are controlled and they can make prediction based on large scale behavioral trends to best consolidate power.
In the future, I would not be surprised if a far right violent ethnonationalist movement grows, BUT it will be by design and manufactured just like libtardism.
>where's the "narcissism" considering he didn't claim any particular such heritage himself?
To claim we have sufficient data to make such an outlandish claim is appalling.

I get it, you don't find dark phenotypes appealing. That's fine, it is an aesthetic preference. However, it means nothing in regards to either spiritual inward matters or fucking world history. Shut the hell up, you pseudointellectual snobbish faggot.
I'm getting sick and tired of you.

>> No.21397615

I'm not even the original poster you were replying to you butthurt feculent hominid. You are way too braindead and prideful to read Evola or even be online. Indeed, don't bother with him, it's explicitly not written for your kind.

>> No.21397616
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>identity politics
>much Hyperborea full of blue eyed blonde giants
Maybe you should just read his books instead of looking at stormfront memes all day.

>> No.21397617

Then spend more time with the Greeks and Romans rather than LARPing trash like Evola. The time you spend with Evola could be better put into, let's say, Seneca.
Regardless, I don't care what you do.

>> No.21397621

Not going to read such Rosenberg-lite crap, and fyi, I did read some of Rosenberg and it's similar to Evola's claims.
I don't have time to read every single trash thinker.
This isn't Seneca or Heraclitus we are talking about... But a trashy highly suspicious ravioli nigger into fucking snow nig twinks, an ancient Euroshit past time.

>> No.21397629

Read crisis of the modern world first

>> No.21397633

>it's explicitly not written for your kind.
Yeah it's written for Judaized chauvinistic snow nigs like you, so you can claim ancient cultures under the pretense their ancient forebears were closer to you. I won't read a single line from such a LARPy fag.

>> No.21397640
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just out of curiosity, what do you think about him?

>> No.21397642

>hasn't read Evola
>obsessively posts in every Evola thread, ruining them like a parasite
Are you some kind of jew operative trying to stifle any serious discussion? Or are you really so petty that nobody is allowed to talk about anything without you drowning them out with your own ignorant, clueless opinion?

You post in every thread, why don't you read a book if you are apparently so obsessed with him? Otherwise you're just a narcissistic pseud, a selfish, triggered buffoon sucking all the air out of the room.

>> No.21397651

it's so ironic you don't even realize how mind-raped you are by 100% western imported slavish nationalism, i.e the reduction of prehistory to the measure of the average local squatter. Again, nothing unusual, the average third worlder today is possessed by the impotent revengeful mentality.
I'm not north European, nor do I think those peoples were north Europeans just because I also don't necessarily liken them to the local squatters.

>> No.21397663

>he doesn't care
>yet he passionately and incessantly spams every thread with his uninformed, halfwitted, anti-racist opinions

>> No.21397670

Oy vey! People with coloured hair and coloured eyes favouring themselves???? ITS.....ITS ANNUDAH SHOAH!!!!

>> No.21397680

He is extremely defensive and insecure when white people get brought up. Look how he can't allow anyone to have any on-topic discussion without interjecting his anti-white rhetoric. Whether in actuality or not, he is functionally a jew operative.

>> No.21397686

>Yeah it's written for Judaized chauvinistic snow nigs like you, so you can claim ancient cultures under the pretense their ancient forebears were closer to you
You're projecting your own fears and insecurities onto Evola here.

You sound mentally ill and extremely upset that white people exist.

>> No.21397691

I don't know him. Sorry.
Are you able to understand a single one of my points? Are you capable of holding a discussion? You described Evola's views on Spiritual Hyperborea. I explained why it absolutely disgusts me, and why I refuse to read Evola as a consequence. Your response is to simply repeat, in an automatic fashion, "You haven't read him." I find absolutely no value in reading him after learning of his myopic views on Hyperborea, a major theme of his writing.
>your own ignorant, clueless opinion
I have read enough of his views on Hyperborea to feel warranted to drown out these convos. I am not a cuck. I will not let such humiliating lies spread.
>why don't you read a book if you are apparently so obsessed with him?
Because each time I come across his views on Hyperborea, I will come uncomfortably angry, feeling I wasted my money. Instead, I will do my best to prevent such dangerous, insulting views to spread.
>pseud, a selfish
You are the pseud reading garbage thinkers like Evola..Guenon was much more intellectually honest.
You don't even follow a fucking tradition. I bet you've read no philosophy deeply besides Evola. I doubt you have even read any classic literature.
You are the garbage narcissistic pseud. Kys, quasi Jew.

You and all these Evolatards have genuinely turned me Anti-Europe, and I advise you to be careful of making future enemies.

>> No.21397708

we get it you're a pigslamist

>> No.21397709

We have fucking advanced population genetics, but even I am starting to become suspicious of them. Snow nigs create elaborate narratives to justify their hubris.
>the reduction of prehistory to the measure of the average local squatter
You have nothing to do with the ancient Mesopotamian, Persian, Indian, Chinese, or etc. rulers, you stupid fucking faggot. Take your sophistic garbage and shove it up your ass.
You are fine to favor yourselves but stop claiming my ancient cultures' rulers resembled you.
I do care when people claim my ancient culture's heritage based on elaborate lies.
I was never anti-white until now.

>> No.21397714

The ancient Celts, Vikings, etc. were all interesting with enriching myths. They are not my ancestors, and I can admit this.
However, you going around and claiming the ancestors of other ancient peoples is what makes you truly insecure, not me.

>> No.21397716

I hate Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. I don't like Abrahamism.
Slit your throat, you simple-minded garbage thinker.
The ancient Vikings, Celts, and etc. we're all interesting. STOP CLAIMING MY OWN ANCESTORS.

>> No.21397717

this place(4chan) is full of these types, especially /his/ which is an hilarious cove of halfwitted coproderms
I was even in fact coming forward to him, agreeing that there is indeed excess in a certain nordicism(which ought to be called more appropriately Germanicism, as Evola would've agreed with)
in fact, if I'm not mistaken, while NS Germany did translate his work as the official doctrine of race in Fascist Italy, certain parts were removed or adjusted because they didn't fit too well with this kind of Germanism

>> No.21397719

then a streetshitter?

>> No.21397723

>You have nothing to do with the ancient Mesopotamian, Persian, Indian, Chinese, or etc. rulers
ok, never said so; you operate under the rather pitiful assumption that everyone else is also the same kind of pathetic egotist who can't see anything behind his nose and measures everything according to it
once again, confirms what I said, you are absolutely not fit for these kinds of books, a shudra/hylic through and through

>> No.21397724

Are all of you bots based on DL algorithms? Have I just been wasting my time with bots?
Listen you fucking faggot, my claim is simple: Evola may have some good things about him, but I WILL continue to criticize his views on Hyperborea. They are immensely insulting, based on LARP fantasies, and oddly enough turn Nords into a kind of Judaized abomination in believing themselves to be a chosen people.

>> No.21397727

I'm not Indian, but the NW Indians do largely resemble their forebears.
Shut the fuck up, snow nigger trash. The ancient Celts and Vikings were amazing. Why can't you just be satisfied with them rather than claiming ancient Mauryan emperors?

>> No.21397735

>ok, never said so
Yes, you did. Evola argued that the highest civilizations are created from those with Hyperborean admixture, which is best expressed in Germanic peoples' phenotype and characteristics.

>> No.21397738

evola was right about everything and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.21397741


>> No.21397747

nope, you are arguing against multiple peoples and strawmanning the shit out of Evola without having read him, a grotesque spectacle on the brain damage created by ressentment
in his book on race he claims that the superior races of India and Iran were neither white nor blonde
the Hyperboreans he is describing belong to a more remote past

>> No.21397749

it's true tho

>> No.21397758

there you go, you base your confused barks on whether or not some plebs are going to need asshurt cream, a complete waste of oxygen

>> No.21397773

This is what Evola said and put me off from reading him. I read it multiple times and understand it:

" Read what he wrote about the Holy Roman Empire and the Ghibellines, the crusades and the Templars. So read almost any of his books. He says Europeans are the ones who retain the most "spiritual virility" which is the legacy of the Aryans. Some races also retain elements of it, and ancient China interests him partly because of this. In Revolt he talks about the Ancient Aryans being pale and white, and the Chinese legends of pale, blue-eyed giants teaching them the secrets the empire-building. He routinely refers to darker races in harsh terms, if you read Revolt then you would know that he believes that Aryans and Nordic races are solar while darker races are telluric and chaotic, metaphysically. Yes, it isn't purely biological, but ideally (i.e., Traditionally) biology matches race of the spirit and of the soul. It is rare that a negroid has the spiritual race of an Aryan.

I don't know why you're fixated on thinking I'm the same person posting from other threads. You're in an Evola thread which attracts similar personalities to mine."

>> No.21397782

There is no evidence ancient kings of all these kingdoms had light features or that light features even correlate with more steppe admixture.
In Pek'kin cave they discovered many blue eyed and blonde haired samples, but they don't cluster anywhere near Europe and have no steppe ancestry.
In fact, the Yamanaya Aryans who penetrated were darker featured but sexual selection later led to higher prevalence of light features.
This is complex shit that retarded theories of "Hyperborea" cannot take into account

Sick and tired of you LARPing snow nigs. I've tried to be kind by praising the Celts and Vikings, but that's not enough for you hubric pieces of shit.

>> No.21397789
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Here's your Yamnaya Aryan. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.21397795
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perfect, just as expected and predicted a few posts ago, a butthurt physically revolting coproderm from /his/ with a reddit filename

>> No.21397801

My dad and I look like a shorter version of the man in your pic.
It means nothing in terms of ancestry, you LARPing piece of shit.
They also migrated far before the creation of Achaemenid and Mauryan empires.

>> No.21397805
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your blabbering is utterly irrelevant and you aren't even addressing the points made, which is that your entire notion of what is "true" is completely predicated on whether or not it offends some local diseased curry sellers, to such a degree that you won't even consider reading someone who violates these, ironically, western-inspired terms and conditions

>> No.21397809
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Who cares?

>> No.21397811

We have advanced population genetic tools now, and that's the most viable epistemic means to establish them. LARPing fantasies don't help.. I have studied this matter enough.

>> No.21397812

well done, teach them a lesson, summaryboy

>> No.21397813

Shut up you ignorant, petty narcissist. Nobody cares about your ignorant opinion on Evola. You aren't even white.

>> No.21397815

nope, you can't even understand the difference between quantity and quality
best to stick to activities more fit for your kind, like latrine cleaning and ethnic food

>> No.21397816

Cure kitty, but too bad you're too much of a piece of shit to raise one with love and care. You deserve scaphism. Slit your throat and don't corrupt the cats and dogs with your demonic presence.

>> No.21397823

Based on your LARPing standards and Evola, I am "white" because I look like this man: >>21397795
However, based on genetic tools and actual realism, I am not a snow nig. And you were not ever an ancient Persian or Indian.

>> No.21397830

Your claim is asinine and has no evidence.
Even if the elites of Iranshahr and India had more steppe admixture, this does not mean they cluster with Euros. In fact, genetic evidence shows Aryans hybridized with BMAC before spreading out.
Moreover, this ignores the pre-Aryans like the the Pek'kin cave samples that had light features but absolutely no Euro admixture.
Your claim that light features correlate with royalty is completely unsubstantiated and insulting to boot.
Slit your fucking throat.

>> No.21397833
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I'm not the brown anon, I think both of you are cringe.

>> No.21397834

>this same mentally ill arab mutt ruins yet another Evola thread with his chimpouts over Nordic people
Please fuck off, you have nothing to offer other than shitting on white people and diverting the discussion like a subversive kike.

>> No.21397839

Light features do correlate with royalty you stupid mutt.

>> No.21397840
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this outdated hominid is literally so used to spending his miserable existence 24/7 on /his/ that he's just arguing with himself at this point

>> No.21397842

You are the subversive kike claiming all ancient royalty were closer to Nords and that you have a rightful claim to their cultural legacies. There is nothing more Jewish than this. It's like the "Lost Tribes of Israel" nonsense for snow nigs.

"The snow nig cries out in pain as he claims your glorious ancient cultural legacies."

>> No.21397845

>And you were not ever an ancient Persian or Indian.
Nobody here is saying this you schizo. This is why i say you're insecure, you start having a tantrum over "nordicism" like an sjw snowflake as soon as someone suggests ancient civilizers were pale with blond or red hair and blue eyes.

>> No.21397846

They don't, and I've explained why in-depth, dumb faggot. This is why I ruin every Evola because of retarded faggots spreading that lie, and I spend exhaustive time pointing to population genetics.
Slit your throat, quasi Jew.

>> No.21397849

>your demonic presence.
You're projecting here.

>> No.21397854

>Nobody here is saying this you schizo
Yes they are, fucking moron. I even quoted someone explaining Evola's argument.
His argument is they were more "Nordic-like", and he goes as far as to say most ancient civilizational rulers were more Nordic-like.
>sjw snowflake
I am not a leftist, but you chuds exist in a symbiosis with them.

>> No.21397856

>You are the subversive kike claiming all ancient royalty were closer to Nords and that you have a rightful claim to their cultural legacies
Nobody is saying this, you are arguing with voices in your head. You're also really annoying and have nothing interesting to say, ruining yet another thread with your sperging.

>> No.21397858

it's true tho. ancient royalty = nordics, plebs = aboriginal populations; the downfall of nordic rulling classes is always due to miscegenation with the natives

>> No.21397864

>suggests ancient civilizers were pale with blond or red hair and blue eyes.
They fucking weren't.
Slit your throat. Like a Jew you spread lies and subtle insults and then play the victim. Genuinely kys.

>> No.21397865

Most of them do, especially the farther back you go. People already BTFO you, you're just a mentally ill retard obsessed with Evola despite never having read him.

>> No.21397868

>it's true tho. ancient royalty = nordics, plebs = aboriginal populations; the downfall of nordic rulling classes is always due to miscegenation with the natives
It's not true, you brainwashed moron.. I have looked into this thoroughly. This is the most LARPing asinine claim that has no basis in population genetics.
Genuinely kys. I am tired of repeating my genetic arguments.

>> No.21397877

>Most of them do, especially the farther back you go
They don't. I know this for an absolute fact.
>People already BTFO you, you're just a mentally ill retard obsessed with Evola despite never having read him
Won't read someone whose main theme is the father you go back, the more light features you find in ancient rulers when I know for a fact, from population genetics, this is wrong.

Stick to your own fucking culture and stop behaving like a Jew 2.0. the ancient Celts and Vikings were interesting..you don't need to claim the ancient Persian and Indians like a disingenuous fag.

>> No.21397878


Read basically any foundational myths across multiple continents. They don't have to be genetically Nordic, but they have pale skin, golden hair, blue eyes, etc.

For example, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, various native myths, African myths, ancient Ireland, the Aryan Indians, Chinese myths about the founding of the first empire, etc.

>> No.21397881

We aren't claiming them, you're projecting your nonwhite insecurities.

>> No.21397883

>I have looked into this thoroughly
how many summaries did you read?
If you had looked into that thoroughly, you would know it's true. Even Buddha was a nordic man, he had more in common with modern Scandinavians than with the modern Indian.

>> No.21397884

>Read basically any foundational myths across multiple continents
I have, and you are full of shit. You are deliberately twisting the meaning or using poor translations. You are also relying on confirmation bias. Genuinely kys, mentally ill faggot.
>They don't have to be genetically Nordic, but they have pale skin, golden hair, blue eyes, etc.
They don't but of course a FEW do. Granted, it refutes your narrative.
Kys, mentally ill faggot. This is why I won't read Evola because population genetics and a more comprehensive mythological understanding outside of narrow low IQ Nordicist ones show you as wrong

>> No.21397887

>Even Buddha was a nordic man, he had more in common with modern Scandinavians than with the modern Indian.
Buddha was not a Nordic man, you retarded piece of shit. He may have had significant Sintashta ancestry, but he had Iranian Neolithic, AASI, and other components too typical of his area.
He was NOT a Nordic man.

>> No.21397895


>> No.21397896

Are you reading all these posts, retarded cunt? Someone just called Buddha a Nordic man and went as far as to say most ancient rulers had blonde hair and blue eyes. This is the dumbest and most baseless claim ever. It is Judaism for Westerners.

>> No.21397900

If anything, it's you snow niggers with insecurities. I am not claiming ancient Celts or Vikings as my own or resembling me in ancient times. It's fucking retarded.
Buddha was not Nordic.
Why do you even want to claim as Nordic? Because you're an insecure piece of shit. I can enjoy Irish Celtic mythology without claiming these people as my own. It is disingenuous.

>> No.21397902

we are the real god's chosen people though, the actual inheritors of Abraham (whose name etymology proves HE WAS NORDIC)

>> No.21397905

>we are the real god's chosen people though, the actual inheritors of Abraham
Sounds Jewish.
Also, you sound MKUltra'd.
There are no chosen people.

>> No.21397906

If you have trouble reading Evola's myth stuff, it's honestly optional, but you are interested in the Indo-European ur-mythology approach, read a few of Eliade's books instead. They're all short and sweet. Maybe read some Dumezil too.

If you just want softer introductions to perennial philosophy, Schuon is the easiest and clearest of the "big three" perennialists when it comes to major themes.

>> No.21397908

>Why do you even want to claim as Nordic?
because he was, I just follow THE TRUTH (a Nordic archetype)

>> No.21397911

>There are no chosen people

>> No.21397914

He was not Nordic, and I know this as an absolute fact. Beyond a benefit of doubt. From all my impartial research.

Now slit your throat. I only care for the truth

>> No.21397916

>point out numerous ancient myths of founding civilizations reference white features deapite the present populations being nonwhite
It's afraid.

>> No.21397918

>and I know this as an absolute fact
and still you're wrong

>> No.21397921

Why do so many buddha statues have blue eyes?

>> No.21397923



This is the epitome of mutt cope.

>> No.21397925

You are behaving like a fucking Jew.
You have an issue with confirmation bias. Most myths I have read describe the rulers as resembling the common people.
Population genetics, the best approach, shows a complex worldview that cannot be reduced to your Judaized oversimplifications.

>> No.21397932

>Most myths I have read describe the rulers as resembling the common people.
my sides
name five

>> No.21397933

I'm not claiming there were no blue eyed people in the past, retard. I'm saying this, by itself, is not a sufficient reason to infer most ancient magnanimous rulers were blue eyes.
Genuinely kys, retarded cunt. I am getting tired of this.

>> No.21397938

That's not what I am saying, retarded cunt. I'm saying, you have viable justification for wanting a homogenous population, but you have no good defense that most ancient rulers were blue eyed and blonde hair, which is an asinine claim backed by no evidence or a twisting of evidence.
Not even the Yamnaya Aryans had blue eyes and blonde hair on average.

>> No.21397952

First example, Sumerians, for example, literally called themselves the “Black-Headed People” (Sag-gig) because of their dark hair.

>> No.21397954

but their rulers had blue eyes and fair hair
and i said 5

>> No.21397965

Population genetics are good for a broad overview, but distinctions need to be made between the ruling classes and the plebs/slaves, and I don't see this talked about very much in this context. The classes were often not the same ethnicity. For example, of the physical description of Roman Emperors that we have, the majority are actually described as having "white" features, like grey or blue eyes, brown-blonde or red hair, etc., but today these traits are basically not found in Rome. In India, there were the Kshatriyas and Brahmins who Traditionally were pale, while the sudras were darker-skinned, and were the native population.

There are myths, particularly in South America, that speak of pale men/man with yellow or golden hair, who arrived from the sea after a flood bringing the light of civilisation, prohibiting human sacrifice and cannibalism, teaching people to build with stone, to be kind to each other, etc.

I don't see how pointing this out is Jewish. Jews want to hide this and won't let people talk about it, they want white people to be put on the same level as africans, which is insulting and degrading.

>> No.21397967

Where is the evidence they had blue eyes and blonde hair, stupid retarded fucking faggot? One or two statues don't mean anything.

>> No.21397974


>> No.21397979

The ancient Greek rulers and Gods are frequently described as having blonde hair and grey eyes, have you read literally any ancient Greek writer? Nowadays Greeks are barely even white, the white population was muttified/bred out. Coincidentally, the same is happening today, with unfettered immigration into white countries from 3rd world shitholes. If any of the white people speak out, they are bullied and have their lives ruined.

>> No.21397981

Why don't you actually reference your sources?
Also, Rome isn't the entire world, and yes, NW Indians were paler on average but still blue eyes and blonde hair was rare.
What you're asking for is highly specious because it requires ascertaining the phenotype of each king.
Maybe some kingly lineages had lighter phenotypes, I've never denied this, but what I am denying the claim that most of them did across West Asia to East Asia.
It's a retarded claim, and the evidence is actually against you when we try to avoid confirmation bias.

>> No.21397985

So you haven't even read Evola, but are taking over the entire thread...

>> No.21397986
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Here are Sassanian nobles.

>> No.21397991

even the Japanese imperial dynasty has Nordic origins retard

>> No.21397998

Light featured gods does not mean the rulers were largely that, and moreover, you're ignoring all the darker, tanned gods which also exist, dumbass. That's why I am saying to confirmation bias.
Also you can desire preserving your people without creating LARPing theories to claim other people's legacies.

>> No.21398008

You sound no different than an Afrocentrist. Genuinely kys, retarded cunt. I am much more honest and educated than you, and I am saying, without a benefit of doubt, you are wrong. However, you can still desire preservation of your ethnic racial character. Just stop being a cringe LARPer claiming other people's legacies. It's a very Jewish thing to do.

>> No.21398017

>It's a very Jewish thing to do.
is that supposed to be an insult? how can it be when the original jews were NORDIC?

>> No.21398032

I like to be humble, honest, and sincere. I only do my best to speak the truth. Yes, Nordics have a very impressive cultural legacy, much to be proud in, but no, you were not ancient Jews or any other countless West Asian to Far Eastern civilization.
It's best to respect the cultural legacies of others with honesty and not be a LARPing fag that claims them over specious world historical theories.
You are genuinely making me anti-Western, and you don't want me as an enemy. I have ran out of my patience.

>> No.21398039

>you were not
you were not closely related to the ancient rulers of...*

>> No.21398048

They are pretty recent, when considering "prehistory".

No, the Gods (who frequently mixed with mortals to spawn heroes/demigods) and Kings or Queens are described with Nordic features, i.e. associates them with Royalty/nobility and superiority. It is in basically any ancient Greek source, Roman too a lot of the time. Hesiod, Homer, Aeschylus, even Plato I think. I don't really see the point of this discussion though.

Nobody is saying white people have the right to the legacy of the ancient Persians or Indians or anything like that though. We are just trying to find out the truth of the matter: were ancient Royalty/nobility usually white? I think it is likely, especially when considering how whites dominated the globe in recent centuries, why would they not have done it thousands of years ago before recorded history and installed themselves as rulers? then later, the castes became mixed and their finer features were lost to brown skin, dark eyes and black hair.

>> No.21398065
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>or any other countless West Asian to Far Eastern civilization.
What do you think of the Loulan mummies from the Tarim basin up to 4 or 5 thousand years ago? It certainly proves that these features were more widespread around the globe than we thought.

Personally I think it makes sense that ancient peoples would have looked more white.

>> No.21398072
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>> No.21398076
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>> No.21398087

>They are pretty recent, when considering "prehistory
Ancient Sassanian, Mauryan, Tang, and etc. rulers did not have blonde hair and blue eyes *on average*.
>were ancient Royalty/nobility usually white?
No. Even if a few of them may have light features, they do not genetically cluster with whites.
I referred to Pek'kin cave samples for example. None of those guys had any steppe admixture, but they did have high frequency of blue eyes and blonde hair. I am not denying there were tribes with lighter features, but I am claiming two things: 1) race is not skin-deep, light phenotypes does not necessarily mean someone clusters near Euros or has ancestry from them. 2) The existence of fair tribes does not imply the nobles or aristocracy were largely fair themselves.
>I think it is likely, especially when considering how whites dominated the globe in recent centuries, why would they not have done it thousands of years ago before recorded history and installed themselves as rulers?
The Sintashta is the closest parallel to this, BUT they hybridized with BMAC around 1600 BC. Yaghnobis are an outcome of this hybridization, and while light features exist among them, we still see dark ones. This was also much later than Mesopotamian empires like Assyrians or Akkadians or Sumerians, which had no steppe admixture in any significant degree.
>then later, the castes became mixed and their finer features were lost to brown skin, dark eyes and black hair.
The mixture occured in the beginning of Sintashta incursions, and that's not how genetics work. Even someone with one steppe ancestor could have light features pop up later, but as I've explained, this is not indicative of ancestral proportions.
>No, the Gods (who frequently mixed with mortals to spawn heroes/demigods) and Kings or Queens are described with Nordic features, i.e. associates them with Royalty/nobility and superiority.
Why don't you quote a passage and refer to translation? Also, I'm not focusing on Europe.

>> No.21398092

That Buddhist is a Sogdians and closely related to Yaghnobis. Yes, fair features tend to be relatively uncommon among Yaghnobis. However, they do not cluster with whites due to Iranian Neolithic Farmer ancestry.
You can look up Yaghnobis to get an idea of varying phenotypes. In general, they're dark, but light phenotypes do pop up uncommonly. They are relatively unmixed too, and I've looked into that.

>> No.21398100

Also, Yamnaya Aryans (the ones who went into Europe) did not have light features, but oddly enough, the Sintashta Aryans had a higher frequency of light features... They are genetically close too

>> No.21398139
File: 206 KB, 608x320, yamnaya_vs_sintashta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left is what the Aryans who invaded Europe hybridizing with EEF resembled whereas right is what the Aryans who invaded Central Asia, hybridizing with BMAC populations, resembled.
Yamnaya and Sintashta are genetically close too from what I remember.

>> No.21398225

QRD? How is this comparable to OP picrelated?

>> No.21399644
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Paranoid brown homosex

>> No.21399874

You sound like an absolute seething insecure faggot

>> No.21399954

>there is no Trad Soros or tranny discord coordinating raids
There are. There was even a ''race based state'' reading chart which was literally just made to shoehorn Evola in to try and get people interested in National Socialism to read him. That came from some weird Evola discord and he even admitted he just did it to promote Evola's insane ideas

>> No.21399977

>It can give fuel to Euroshits to invade countries on the pretense they resemble the original empires more than the people who live there.
So true, in fact colonialism is because of Evola and snowniggers thinking they'd find ruins of Thule in Africa. I fucking wish Evola wasn't so eurocentric y'know?

>> No.21399988

>I get it, you don't find dark phenotypes appealing. That's fine, it is an aesthetic preference. However, it means nothing in regards to either spiritual inward matters or fucking world history.
So true. World history is axiomatically equal; God said so. Niggers are human and may not have done anything in the material plane but they outpaced Europe spiritually by lightyears. Think of the Abo dreamtime too! 50.000 years of uninterrupted ecstatic tradition... Heh, I'm sorry, I just felt rather smug at how Wh*te people believe their precious "science" (a cult!) could ever broach the infinitesimal transcendental glory of the dreamtime while being so KEKED, you know what I mean

>> No.21399995

>I was never anti-white until now.
Your crown, king.

>> No.21400007
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das rite they wuz BLACKfrican frum detroit nigga wuuurldstar

>> No.21400012
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>"The snow nig cries out in pain as he claims your glorious ancient cultural legacies."