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/lit/ - Literature

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21394490 No.21394490 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write complex joycean/shakesperean prose that also happens to be highly concise in the modern hemingway simple to understand style of modern lit teachers?

keeps the shakespearen displays concentrated around the heroic speeches of the dramatic climaxes and the rest under the hemingway style?

>> No.21394501

Read Joyce's early stuff. His early prose was known for being straightforward and concise, "logical and lucid" as Nabokov said. Then just study how he moves from that style to his more intricate and impressive prose.

>> No.21396025

You a) learn how to write rich prose, by reading Carlyle & Joyce & Melville & so on, and b) learn how to write spartan prose, by reading Carver & Hemingway & Graham Greene & so on, and then just use a) for the high spots and b) for everywhere else.

Most writers already do this, more than you think. But some really do it. Cormac McCarthy is one obvious example. William Faulkner is another. Some writers do it so over-the-top it's comic and self-knowing, e.g. in Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons marks the particularly "good" (purple) passages with one, two or three stars, to show how good they are.

>> No.21396035
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> How do you write complex joycean/shakesperean prose that also happens to be highly concise in the modern hemingway simple to understand style of modern lit teachers