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21393514 No.21393514 [Reply] [Original]

Based Chesterton brings his classic trad elegance to bear against Nietzsche

>Nietzsche had some natural talent for sarcasm: he could sneer, though he could not laugh; but there is always something bodiless and without weight in his satire, simply because it has not any mass of common morality behind it. He is himself more preposterous than anything he denounces. But, indeed, Nietzsche will stand very well as the type of the whole of this failure of abstract violence. The softening of the brain which ultimately overtook him was not a physical accident. If Nietzsche had not ended in imbecility, Nietzscheism would end in imbecility. Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot. Every man who will not have softening of the heart must at last have softening of the brain.

>> No.21393528
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Just read the Quran and the Elliot Roger manifesto and be done with it. Stop trying to rationalise the "love your enemy" aspect of Christianity with your hatred for women and gays.

Also, Chesterton was EXTREMELY fucking fat.

>> No.21393536

>Stop trying to rationalise the "love your enemy" aspect of Christianity with your hatred for women and gays.

its not really that hard. love the sinner, hate the sin. you love someone so you try to help them on a better path like Christ did, and you do what you can to prevent them from corrupting other people.

>> No.21393538
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>bodiless and without weight
Oh boy..

>> No.21393563
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>Also, Chesterton was EXTREMELY fucking fat.
What one must keep in mind when looking at a pic like >>21393538 is that Chesterton was very tall as well - 193 centimeters, or 6'4 in retardunits. To have a gut of that size on such a massive frame UNQUESTIONABLY puts his weight somewhere in the range of 160-190 kilograms.

>> No.21393564

>He is himself more preposterous than anything he denounces.
>Thinking in isolation and with pride ends in being an idiot.
kek gonna steal these. thanks OPee

>> No.21393570

my fucking sides

>> No.21393628
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He got filtered, obviously.

>> No.21393762

This advice is deserving of death, but luckily for you Christ died, so I wouldn't have to end you.

>> No.21393769

Why is Chesterton always so good at roasting people? I love it.

>> No.21393772

>t. animu coomer

>> No.21393783
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Absolutely filtered.

>> No.21393798

He has a gift of getting to the heart of a writer or philosopher

>> No.21393860

Opinions about Nietzsche from people who can't read German at a native level are irrelevant

>> No.21393864

Anglos are so retarded I'm glad they'll be exstinct within the next decades

>> No.21393875

He died of heart failure though

>> No.21393904

homicidal navel-gazing

>> No.21394032

Nothing about conservatism or last man trad larping is trad. If you really want trad you need to understand how the trad worldview is.
Read Karl Ludwig von Haller or Hundred schools of thought thinkers. Read different conceptions of law and contract, how to determine what a rule is and what validates it.
Try to get an accurate view of how something who fights for his survival thinks.
I give you a hint: christlarping won't be high up on the priorities.

>> No.21394050

>He [made a negative remark about something that I value positively, which I interpret as an attack on me, so I feel the need to insult them in response].

>> No.21394643

Very nice, Your Holiness, but when are we taking the Holy Land back?

>> No.21394657

Not a single argument. Just seething about Nietzsche, attacking him personally because he was offended by The Antichrist. What a pathetic excuse for a man. I’d expect this from some 14 year old on /lit/ but not an actual Christian apologist writer. Why is this guy even taken seriously as an intellectual?
Ahaha what a fat oaf. Nietzsche was so right about how these rationalists neglect the importance of the body.

>> No.21394728


>> No.21395256

>caring that someone got filtered

>> No.21395315

This. There's no real Christians browsing 4chan.

>> No.21395332
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Like the man himself, the Chestertonian writing style is incredibly dense.

He reminds me of Stanislaw Lem in that one work of his is frequently worth entire bookshelves worth of the works of others, mere mortals...

seriously he reminds me of these fucking things

no other author is so calorically dense. but he filters midwits and especially pseudo highbrows because like Etienne Gilson said, he was too humble to be pretentious. thus he's neglected by the world, although he's easily one of the most important thinkers of the 19th/20th century

>> No.21395334

Nietzsche did go crazy before he died though, ended up hugging a horse in the street

some suspect syphilis but in reality it was the insanity of the evil ideas he adopted

>> No.21395336

If they had been contemporaries I like to imagine Gilbert would have simply sat on Frederick until the latter recanted his impious beliefs

>> No.21395340

>The softening of the brain

Is this the latest christcope?

>> No.21395347

>ended up hugging a horse in the street

>> No.21395353

>You make me want to finally do something but my Jewish book says that acting to improve your situation is bad so I'll just do nothing while still acting smug instead

>> No.21395354

>viewing setbacks as not solely negative, but also viewing them as an opportunity to grow, so that you don't end up being the most self pitying, pathetic person ever

>> No.21395374

I promise you that the idea that there is a positive dimension to setbacks did not originate with Nietzsche

>> No.21395396

No, but Nietzsche was a classisist, and the classical idea of pride in overcoming setbacks was absolutely replaced by Christian humility, which slowly went out of control and turned into nothing but groveling in self pity, something Chesterton doesn't show the slightest sense of awareness of

>> No.21395418

Humility leads a Christian to recognize their weakness, which is the first step towards overcoming it.

Pride, on the contrary, is a perverse kind of "virtue," because it blinds a person to their own faults and thus renders any real improvement impossible.

I do acknowledge that a kind of degenerate bourgoeois Christianity abounds in a worship of weakness and sentimentality, and this was probably what Nietzsche railed against most. But this is a misunderstanding of what Christianity really is. Weakness has no value in itself. Christians recognize their own relative weakness because they are closer to absolute omnipotence, not because they're actually weaker than pagans.

Is it weak to be willing to lay down one's life for the sake of love? Rather, the will which is capable of such a feat (remaining steadfast in the face of death and unspeakable tortures) is much stronger than one weakened by pagan otium and perverted by pagan pride... or really, stronger than any will which is not strengthened by supernatural grace.

>> No.21395421

>Is it weak to be willing to lay down one's life for the sake of love?

Yes, that's supergay and pathetic

>> No.21395430

not love in the sentimental sense but as an epithet for God, absolute value.

this is not even getting into the absurdity of Nietzsche's concept of 'creating your own values.'

Because such criterion if not arbitrary must come from pre-existing structures in the soul, the value is invariably will-to-power—which is a very lowly, selfish, and empty "value," as well as one which runs contrary to being, Being, and reality itself.

>> No.21395433

Also, I forgot totally self-indulgent and self congratulatory

>Oh my anon, I'm laying down my own life, just because I love you! Are you feeling bad for me yet?

It's the same pathetic tone of moral blackmail as that of an incel

>> No.21395435

Classically hubris was a no no

>> No.21395436

>Because such criterion bla bla bla

Holy shit, go outside, please

>> No.21395437

And heroism wasn't hubris

>> No.21395443

>because it has not any mass of common morality behind it
there is literally zero causality in this statement. "you don't agree with a large section of the population on contrived ethics, therefore your sarcasm is shallow because i do participate in a herd." well, maybe there is an implied causality, being that this homo needs others to reify his moral compass and is afraid to deviate from that

>> No.21395445

It could be, see Bellerophon. Also Odysseus disclosing his real name to the Cyclopes might have been hubris

>> No.21395449

Christ gives everything irrespective of our response, but He wants to form a bond with us. The greatest gift He gives us is the power to imitate that love, that unconditional will to maximize the being of all beings.

I don't see the ambiguity of any of this. Setting aside whether Christianity is worth believing. Ceteris paribus, who is better, someone who attempts to maximize their own being through becoming as powerful as possible (as expressed by exerting their will on others), or someone who attempts to maximize the being of all other beings?

Nietzsche does not even stand to be compared with the least among the saints, let alone the source of their inspiration. He's even a mediocre satanist, because his whole project fails to recognize that Satan, as the author of contradiction, functions best when he is pretending to be on the side of goodness. Unironically identifying with the principle of all moral evil is just krautish imbelicity, customary of that humorless people.

>> No.21395601

Yeah okay, no one cares, and you're better off just masterbating to the idea of how wonderful you are and how much you love everyone. That doesn't come with the whiny passive agression that just makes people hate you even more

>> No.21396563

"It is neither the best nor the worst in a book that is untranslatable" - Nietzsche

>> No.21396762

>man criticizing nitzche has 0 self-respect or discipline
Mass of common morality indeed. I guess every man who does not have a widening of the ego must have widening of the gut.

>> No.21396793

>larpers can't accept Chesterton was kind of an idiot, and a disingenuous one at that
These are the kind of lies that make Baby Jesus cry

>> No.21396810

I'm a real Christian

>> No.21396935

Chesterton's critique of Nietzsche is kind of entertaining, but not compelling. I don't think anyone is going to start off liking Nietzsche and then read Chesterton and say, "Oh man, now that I notice Nietzsche uses images rather than communicating directly, I don't like him anymore." Also, I quickly tire of Chesterton's constant use of paradox and ironic reversals. In "Orthodoxy" it's like he can't get through a fucking paragraph without putting in something like "Nothing is more conventional than radicalism." "You can write a myth about a hero among dragons, but not about a dragon among dragons." "The sanest man is the madman." "What starts with common sense ends with common nonsense."

Really, that's how Chesterton seems to me in general: entertaining, but not persuasive.

>> No.21396952

The horse thing is not directly substantiated and probably didn't happen.

Nietzsche's symptoms weren't consistent with syphilis; most likely he had CADASIL, a hereditary disorder that can cause dementia and stroke.