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File: 66 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21393403 No.21393403 [Reply] [Original]

>look up somehing related to lovecraft's work
literally any website found:
>deeply problematic writer so we changed our site name to distance ourselves from a seemingly accepting image without criticism
>how to deconstruct white privilege in horror
>how to rewrite lovecraft without hurting white people's feelings
>white people are like magic, they bring anything to a halt
>5 writers who are lovecraft without the racism
Literally what I found just trying to look for some lore.

Its all so fucking tiresome.

>> No.21393413

Why are you browsing gay websites?

>> No.21393417

Never heard of any of that, you ok op?

>> No.21393445

>you ok op?
No. Why do I have to find all that shit I put in the OP just by looking up something Lovecraft lore related?

No I'm not ok. I'm fucking tired of this crap and google shilling pozzed sites to me, that aren't even related to my search.

>> No.21393447

ST Joshi, an Indian, is one of the biggest critics of the vilification of Lovecraft over his racism.
His racism is an important part of his oeuvre and helps understand his vision more.

>> No.21393482
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>white people are like magic, they bring anything to a halt
What did they mean by this?

>> No.21393504

For real, you won't get very far trying to understand Lovecraft if you can't understand xenophobia.

>> No.21393519

It's more like the primitive miscegenated savages are closer to the chaos underlying reality or the imperceptible eldritch beings, but the evolutionary sophisticated Anglo will recoil in terror once he discovers it through empirical science. It becomes a kind of circle.

>> No.21393527

Lovecraft also grew out of racism and became a socialist. This is something chuds would do well to take note of and consider.

>> No.21393715

You leftist trannies are really obsessed with Lovecraft for some reason.

>> No.21393755

>lovecraft was a deeply racist man and we should be ashamed of ever looking up to him. also, be sure to check out my forthcoming book "the madness of cthulhu"

>> No.21393765

>5 writers who are lovecraft with more racism

>> No.21393909

Yeah but you have to understand that he was EXTREMELY RACIST even for HIS OWN TIME, he went around wearing KLU KLUX KLAN uniforms LYNCHING black people left and right, killing them EN MASSE and setting them ON FIRE

Its not like he wrote some stupid racist poem when he was 20, he was considered EXTREMELY RACIST even by his contemporaries!!

>> No.21393913

There was actually no racism until Lovecraft was born

>> No.21393920

>how to rewrite lovecraft without hurting white people's feelings

Thanks fren, it's nice to have my feelings taken into consideration :)

>> No.21393984

>alt-reddit humor

>> No.21393987

What the fuck is reddit?

>> No.21394006

Lovecraft was a lifelong democrat and an FDR guy

>> No.21394695
File: 51 KB, 500x209, lwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic isn't real, but also evil, and delusional.

>> No.21394705

You should look for a book of Lovecraft's letters, or his essays on his writing method. Cut out the middle-gender-fluid-xerson.

>> No.21396015

Do you know how those sites get bumped, idiot? It’s SSO and marketing. Just use another search engine. It can’t be that fucking hard. But instead you come to whinge here instead of finding a reputable scholar to read. Pro tip: there is no “lore” or “mythos”; that was an anachronism from Derleth et al.

>> No.21396019

youre a fool if you cant figure out his deeply held beliefs from his works

>> No.21396023

Any recs for this? I love old-school racism

>> No.21396033

He literally named his cat Niggerman your racist fag. He was the worst of the worst.

>> No.21396281

He is dad named the cat

>> No.21396313

desu, Ian Flemming comes off as about ten times more racist. He was the one pontificating about the Semitic features of his villains in his books.
Lovecraft was just like "lol, I named my cat nigger, but Arabs are cool"

This meme about Lovecraft being the most racist writer in the world is a result of him being one of the only writers from before the mid 20th century that Redditors have bothered trying to read,

>> No.21396439

shouldn't you be on trial for sinking Atlantis or something

>> No.21396444 [DELETED] 

>see that the S.T. Yoshi reference has already been made
>my work is done here

>> No.21396449

>see that the S.T. Joshi reference has already been made
>my work is done here

>> No.21396545

>primitive miscegenated savages
Savages are as far from miscegenated as humanity can get. The Sentinel Island tribe isn't the one importing arabs and negros to rape their women and children.

>> No.21396567

makes a good case for miscegenation too

>> No.21396580

Uncle Ted wants to be your penpal

>> No.21396687

The savages in The Shadow Over Innsmouth are miscegenated with the Old Ones.

>> No.21396706

To be fair if you've actually read him, you would know the guy was racist as fuck. Also, I don't find any of this when I look up stuff related to his work.

>> No.21396709

It's not that deep bro. Most of his racism is just one off lines like "the professor was randomly stricken, probably by a feisty negro"

>> No.21396749

His racism is pretty deep and probably constituted one reason for his anthropologist friend's suicide, RH Barlow.
It's similar to how primitive Mesoamericans engaged in human sacrifice, dressed in eerie colorful clothing with eldritch rituals. Teotl is meant to represent the all-devouring cosmic cycle, if I remember correctly.
Lovecraft's point is that the evolutionary sophisticated Anglo will come to uncover the same truth of an underlying chaos in the Cosmos. He will then recoil in horror.
The primitive savage dances around the totem pole to the mad tunes of reality, engulfed in the black gales of Infinity, and the Anglo shall discover such dismal truths through correlating scientific discoveries, as if it is coming back in a full circle. You cannot escape the Cyclopean city of nightmares in Lovecraft.
In fact, one could critique Lovecraft by saying the primitive savages are superior for not adopting civilization with its veneer of civility, decorum, and respect. Throw off the mask and embrace the amorphous chaos.

>> No.21396788

he was 13 when that cat went missing. like any of us here didn't do retarded shit at that age

>> No.21396801

As far as i know Barlow sudokued because he was bullied for being a faggot by his university colleagues

>> No.21396809

That's what we're told, but I am pretty sure some of the ideas developed from his correspondence with Lovecraft may have engendered depressive tendencies.
Later in Lovecraft's life he did cool down his racism but only towards those who adopted civilized Anglo mannerisms. What frightened Lovecraft most were the chaotic rituals of primitive peoples, but what makes Lovecraft interesting is he saw these chaotic rituals as a truer reflection of the insanity of the world.

>> No.21396853 [DELETED] 

Neo-gothic shtick of that schmuck
tiresome 'aah tentacle save me,
my cat.'
More abominable than deep sea
citizens — out-of-print

Though, I enjoyed 'The Moon
Bog' && the voice calls you
O Scythica!

As I saw you move,
Your mystery cannot be laid
to printed words — bring fire
from the grave.

Witness the burn, what's remains:
Memory in my

>> No.21396866

Neo-gothic shtick of that schmuck
tiresome 'aah tentacle save me,
my cat.'
More abominable than deep sea
citizens — out-of-print

Though, I enjoyed 'The Moon
Bog' && the voice calls you
O Scythica!

As I saw you move,
Your mystery cannot be laid
to printed words — bring fire
from the grave.

Witness the burn, what remains:
Memory in my

>> No.21396991

Serves you right for using Jewgle

>> No.21397035
File: 238 KB, 570x670, 1652764055239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, we should all fight back against the jew by using duckduckgo and brave instead

>> No.21397270

There are much better options out there

>> No.21397710

I love the fact that Lovecraft is being shunned by the wokefags and becoming a pariah for the dumb masses. He will go into obscurity only apreciated by those who really understand him.

>> No.21397725

>wah jews
go back

>> No.21397948

Check out Houellebecq’s book, it’s good. A mix of fact and fiction though if that bothers you.

>> No.21398560

Reminder these are the same people who will bend over backwards to excuse Asimov and other sci-fi writers infamously raping children

>> No.21398565

A socialist back then was still a Christian and sexually conservative. That's something degenerates would do well to take note of and consider.

>> No.21398569

I just want them to quit making money off of his work first.
Dude died broke, then these total fucking faggots are going to monetize him and demonize him as "PROBLEMATIC EVEN FOR HIS TIME!" (even though people in his time were known for lynchings, and Lovecraft was a completely gentle person).

>> No.21398577

Responding to b8, you must be newfags.

>> No.21398603

See, you say that, but after reading The Dunwich Horror, I don't think he's particularly racist for someone of his time.
Why would someone who's just so rabidly and irrationally racist make a "black brat" who's unusually advanced and intelligent for his age? Seems like someone from back then would have been more like
There's more there, too, because he talks about all of these inbred families that are retarded and living in squalor, but also makes mention of some of their kids rising above that and going to college. Doesn't seem particularly bigoted to me, unless you want to say that the simple mention of inbreeding and its detrimental effects is a form of snobbery.

>> No.21398616

It's like, when I was growing up, the idea of a bigot was someone who just couldn't get it in their head the idea that there were exceptions to any rule.

Now it's considered a form of phobia if you act like there's a fucking rule in the first place.
>Lovecraft says inbreeding makes you retarded.
WHAT AN IGNORAMUS!....Now excuse me while I accuse every rightwinger I disagree with of being an inbred southerner!

>> No.21398622

i'm sure you have proof and aren't just repeating something you read somewhere

>> No.21398671

>A socialist back then was still a Christian and sexually conservative.

Very incorrect. 19th and early 20th century socialists were much more anti-clerical than modern socialists because they had to contend with very powerful churches acting as buttresses to the states they wanted to overthrow. Do you picture the DSA conducting mass executions of nuns? Because socialists in Lovecrafts day did that.

>> No.21398687

FDR literally opened his speeches by leading the audience in prayer, is what I'm getting at. Modern leftists look and act nothing like their 20th century counterparts.

>Do you picture the DSA conducting mass executions of nuns?
Need a source on that one. Seems kinda far fetched for an American political body in that day and age, even with the anti-Catholicism.
Could see it happening in Europe.

>> No.21398695

LMAO, I looked it up. Turns out he became a self-described "fascist" advocating government intervention in the economy and hating Soviet communism, but Lovecrafts apologists call it "socialism" because it involves the government doing stuff.

>As a result of the Great Depression, Lovecraft reexamined his political views.[137] Initially, he thought that affluent people would take on the characteristics of his ideal aristocracy and solve America's problems. When this did not occur, he became a socialist. This shift was caused by his observation that the Depression was harming American society. It was also influenced by the increase in socialism's political capital during the 1930s. One of the main points of Lovecraft's socialism was its opposition to Soviet Marxism, as he thought that a Marxist revolution would bring about the destruction of American civilization. Lovecraft thought that an intellectual aristocracy needed to be formed to preserve America.[138] His ideal political system is outlined in his 1933 essay "Some Repetitions on the Times". Lovecraft used this essay to echo the political proposals that had been made over the course of the last few decades. In this essay, he advocates governmental control of resource distribution, fewer working hours and a higher wage, and unemployment insurance and old age pensions. He also outlines the need for an oligarchy of intellectuals. In his view, power must be restricted to those who are sufficiently intelligent and educated.[139] He frequently used the term "fascism" to describe this form of government, but, according to S. T. Joshi, it bears little resemblance to that ideology.[140]

>> No.21398706

I was referring to the Spanish Republicans in particular with the nun executions, but you can find similar things with the Russian reds, the Paris Communards, etc. American socialism has always been tamer on religious matters, probably because as I mentioned the existence of powerful state churches was what enraged them against religion, and in America there was no single state church.

>> No.21398708

Meant for

>> No.21398719

American socialism has always been tamer in general, because left or right, the base idea is that every man is still his own boss.
I don't think anyone wants to actually muck with that wonderful thing, even if they say they do.

>> No.21398728

Bro it's 2022, stop using fucking g**gle.
Brave search
Seriously g**gle isn't good for shit anymore. If you're looking for any website you're better off using a different search engine.

>> No.21399327

I have read the 1st volume of his collected works. When does the racism start?
There are mentions of swarthy people here and there, and some inbred "the hills have eyes" type of creatures, but where is le racism?
The niggerman story has rats (in the walls), and the only racist thing about it that I can imagine is rats being an allusion to jews. But that's quite a stretch.