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21393005 No.21393005 [Reply] [Original]

>Ye were not made to live like unto brutes,
>But for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge
Doesn't get any better than this.

>> No.21393031


>> No.21393037

Unmatched to this day.

>> No.21393130 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 825x1072, 1667384281097476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's

>My life and my limbs, see:
>(He lifts a clod of earth from the ground, holds it
over his head, and with the last words throws it
behind him.)
>so I throw them far from me!


>> No.21393140
File: 166 KB, 825x1072, 1667384281097476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's

>My life and my limbs, see:
>(He lifts a clod of earth from the ground, holds it over his head, and with the last words throws it behind him.)
>so I throw them far from me!


>> No.21393207
File: 101 KB, 378x545, 1670873031676030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagnerniggers daring to compare him to dante (pbuh)
fuck off

>> No.21393212
File: 40 KB, 634x415, 4982092-0-image-a-28_1539336175752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, fascist?

>> No.21393310
File: 68 KB, 819x1024, 1663705527057441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills you
At least you had your knowledge and virtue, right?

>> No.21393354

Is that supposed to be an argument against knowledge and virtue, somehow?

>> No.21393359

I have knowledge to avoid and be aware of niggardly brutes and i possess the virtue of courage that i may put them down if they target me.
>inb4 the 14 year old nigger faggot /pol/ refugee posts his epic primordrial (sic) truth screenshot again
KWAB. Colt is the great equalizer, monkey.

>> No.21393400

No arrow therefore you say this

>> No.21393467

He's gonna have a hard time even reaching my country before the police, warlords, drowning, AIDS, ebola, poverty, drugs, a car accident while speeding like a retard on drugs, his equally retarded brother, father or son kill him.

>> No.21393525

>Ye were not made to live like unto brutes,
Said the scholarly man while suppressing the peasants and freedom of thought.
Christcucks truly are delusional.

>> No.21393539

Give me one example of Dante Alighieri "suppressing the peasants and freedom of thought". Just one.

>> No.21393558

The whole thing he was shilling and working for, the church.

>> No.21393594

Concrete examples, not abstractions, you cocksucking fucking faggot.

>> No.21393603

Why does this man exist? I just said this to what you would term a "chud" in another thread, for different reasons, but for a gene-line to have culminated in this man is a sincerely tragic affair.

>> No.21393610

Your point? Countless thugs of every race have lived and died upon this planet. Marlowe was killed in a bar fight 400 years ago, and yet I'm going to be reading Tambulaine and Dr. Faustus this year. Who remembers the thoughts or names of the men Theseus beat to death with a tree branch? Does anyone recall the name of the pickpockets of 1820's New York?

>> No.21393612

Unironically, no you.

>> No.21393622

You do realize everything about your post sounds primitive, right?

>> No.21393636

Her was a Ghibelline you retarded faggot. Next level illiteracy, holy fuck.

>> No.21393640

The School of the Ages! Nevermind the rabble.

>> No.21393677

And yet you're still a nigger.

>> No.21393690

primitive man:
>"Me no like me CRUSH!"
>Proceeds to crush you
Civilized Man:
>"I wish it weren't this way, but your continued existence is a threat to the future I envision."
>Proceeds to crush you

>> No.21393691

>a near-literal monkey typed this

>> No.21393692

You are diseased.

>> No.21393697

No, it reads more like, "I's bess be wury, but if'n he cum up on me, I'ma buss a cap on 'em!"

>> No.21393819
File: 369 KB, 1292x772, Shakespeare and Aeschylus bow to Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the greatest dramatists are all comparable with Dante. Even Nietzsche says of Parsifal:

>The supreme psychological perception and precision as regards what can be said, expressed, communicated here, the extreme of concision and directness of form, every nuance of feeling conveyed epigrammatically; a clarity of musical description that reminds us of a shield of consummate workmanship; and finally an extraordinary sublimity of feeling, something experienced in the very depths of music, that does Wagner the highest honour; a synthesis of conditions which to many people — even "higher minds" — will seem incompatible, of strict coherence, of "loftiness" in the most startling sense of the word, of a cognisance and a penetration of vision that cuts through the soul as with a knife, of sympathy with what is seen and shown forth. We get something comparable to it in Dante, but nowhere else.

>> No.21393895

>Christcuck fanfic
>Not abstractions
You and him first.
Why are you gay?

>> No.21393899

>also if you were born before christ you can never get into heaven sorry lmao

>> No.21393907


>> No.21393915

Jew worshipper

>> No.21393926

>Why are you gay?
You are gay, illiterate faggot.

>> No.21393962

You are gay for Yahweh.

>> No.21393965

Maybe Wagner wouldn't have desperately longed for salvation through a higher authority if he wasn't a crossdressing antisemitic faggot. Good thing our guy Nietzsche overcame his daddy issues and let that cunt find his equals in the german bourgeouis pleb, while he wrote and composed far better works.

>> No.21393995

Get a load of this moron.

>> No.21394005

Idiots! *knocks your head together in Three Stooges fashion*

>> No.21394013

This translation is godawful. Anglos are fucking savages

>> No.21394043

Nietzsche wrote that in the late 1880s after hearing Parsifal for the first time. And if anything he only wrote MORE about Wagner after the break. Who, by the way, wasn't a crossdresser. No one has ever claimed that except for seething Jews. He just enjoyed expensive silks. And imagine criticising salvation through a higher authority in a Dante thread.

>while he wrote and composed far better works.
HAHAHAHAAHA Nietzschefags are delusional.

>> No.21394269

Based Nietzsche making christcucks seethe as always. Mustache boy looks like will outlive the Jew worshippers and their death cult.

>> No.21394308

Nietzsche spent half of his life seething about Wagner. Christianity will live on at least as long as Nietzsche because it was immortalised in Parsifal.

>> No.21394393

And now Wagner is only mentioned when Nietzsche is, not the other way around.

>> No.21394502

Curious that the exact opposite happened in this thread.

If you only know Wagner through Nietzsche you're a pleb. Simple as.

>> No.21394511
File: 1.31 MB, 1929x1745, Spectre_over_Los_from_William_Blake's_Jeruesalem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Bibles or sacred codes have been the causes of the following Errors.
1. That Man has two real existing principles: Viz: a Body & a Soul.
2. That Energy, call’d Evil, is alone from the Body; & that Reason, call’d Good, is alone from the Soul.
3. That God will torment Man in Eternity for following his Energies.

>> No.21394634

You name dropped Nietzsche yourself, because you couldn't leave Wagner by himself.
Implying you aren't these two.

>> No.21394823

>esl can't understand actual English

>> No.21395009

Nietzsche is used in the service of Wagner. Your point?

>> No.21395310


>> No.21395464

the tragedy is that this is uttered by Odysseus in hell. He tries to go beyond the boundaries of the world and is sent to hell for his hubris and over-reach

>> No.21395473

man does have body and soul. Vitalism is cope and inevitably results either in returning to God (the ultimate source of energy) or exhaustion

>> No.21395485

>we're not made to live like unto brutes because... um... WE JUST ARE, OKAY?
bravo, faggot

>> No.21395496

reason can't simply reference itself, it has to draw upon axioms or experience

>> No.21395499

>reason can't simply reference itself because... uh... IT JUST CAN'T, OKAY?

>> No.21395504

But that's an example of what I'm talking about, you have to intuit from your experience that reason can't subsist as a purely self-referential system. What would it even mean or say if it could? Where would it begin?

>> No.21395505

jeez anon, i'm just pulling your nose, don't spend so much effort on every post on 4chan

>> No.21395536
File: 31 KB, 392x590, 77f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't spend so much effort on every post on 4chan because... um... JUST DON'T DO IT, OK???

>> No.21395755

The Ulysses passage is always cited as one of the best in the Inferno. (I assume Tennyson copied it.) My translation came out OK, I think. I take some liberties a couple of times (assonance rather than full rhyme, for example). Not perfect, but perfection is impossible. If anyone familiar with the orignal has any comments I would be glad to hear them.

The greater horn atop the ancient flame
Began to shudder, as a candle will
That struggles with the wind. A murmuring came,

And like a tongue that speaks, the pointed quill
First agitated, questing to and fro,
And then threw forth these accents, quivering still:

"When ultimately Circe let me go
From Gaeta, having kept me there a year
Before Aeneas ever named it so,

Not fondness for my son, nor yet sincere
Regard toward my father, nor again
The love by which Penelope was cheered,

Could quell in me the unrelenting yen
To gain experience of the world, and be
Acquainted with the vice and worth of men.

I ventured out across the open sea,
With just a single ship, and crew compiled
Of men who'd never yet deserted me.

I watched the coastlines pass for many miles;
Saw Spain, Morocco; saw the currents flow
Around Sardinia and the neighbouring isles.

My company and I were old and slow
When coming to the straits at which the might
Of Hercules had planted marks to show

The furthest men should venture. On the right
Seville passed by; and on the left, Ceuta
Had disappeared already from our sight.

"My brothers!" I exclaimed, "who've travelled through
A hundred thousand trials to reach the West:
Do not, while this brief chance remains to you,

Deprive your hungry senses of their best
Experiences: do not obscurely spurn
The world behind the sun, still unpossessed.

Consider whence ye came: ye should not yearn
For simple brutish life, obscure and slack,
But strive to follow virtue, and to learn!"

I brought my fellows' ardour to attack
The voyage, with these words, to such a height
That scarcely could I then have held them back.

We turned our bows towards the morning light,
And always gaining on the left, transformed
Our oars to wings, to speed our heedless flight.

The other pole, now, night already saw,
With all its stars; and ours so low displayed,
It never lifted from the ocean floor.

Five times beneath the moon the lucent rays
Had been rekindled and as often quelled,
Since we had entered on the arduous way,

When, dim with distance, far ahead there swelled
A mountain, which appeared, to my belief,
The greatest I had ever yet beheld.

We joyed; but soon our joy was turned to grief:
Because a tempest rose from near that hill
And struck our bows. Three times without relief

It whirled us round among the waves, until
The fourth gyration raised the stern and dropped
The plunging prow, as pleased Another's will:

And over us the hollow seas closed up."

>> No.21395896

Si certo il mio breve racconto è stato completamente ispirato a fatti realmente avvenuti, come facevi a saperlo?

>> No.21396134

>Will never read it because I can't speak a latin language