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File: 482 KB, 1005x729, NDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21392881 No.21392881 [Reply] [Original]

Scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson's list of 8 books every intelligent person should read.

Which ones would you remove and which ones would you add?

>> No.21392895

The Art of Self Fellatio by Neil deGrasse Tyson. A practical guide

>> No.21392898

>le midwit blackman faec

>> No.21392902

Angloids are so fucking stupid. None of these books are important except Origin of the Species which was likely plagiarised from some European scientist anyway

>> No.21392903

Hmmmm I wonder what could make you dislike this beloved scientist so much? I can't quite put my finger on it. You've stumped me!

>> No.21392904

His description of the Bible is genuinely one of the most pretentious things I've ever heard

>> No.21392905

You're even dumber than the negro

>> No.21392907

You can’t be this ignorant. Those are all massively important works to the history of the western world.

>> No.21392912
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I would simply add my favorite books, i am not intelligent but i still like them and so intelligent people might like them as well and if not then who cares

>> No.21392914

I guarantee this retard hasn't finished any of those.

>> No.21392915

He's enlightened by his own intelligence.

>> No.21392926
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>The smartest nigger in the world

>> No.21392927

Probably Paine, Sun Tzu, and maybe the Prince because they're short.

>> No.21392936
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>> No.21392937

Actually a pretty good list for such a flagrant midwit

>> No.21392940

It's a terrible list

>> No.21392952

His obligatory snarky leftoid drivel aside, what is objectionable?

>> No.21392953

It's not an exclusive list so it is just a subset of the books "every intelligent person should read."
It's not necessarily bad as long as you don't limit yourself to only those books (which the list doesn't suggest) but the reasonings for each book are ridiculously cringe.
All of the stuff is just extremely basic info, it isn't some "intelligent person" stuff though.

>> No.21392965

Good list, he is indeed the smartest nigger in the world. Sun Tzu's a meme though, incidentally the only non-white on the list.

>> No.21392968

this nog is the most highly touted midwit ever. from strictly social observation, one would ascertain he's the most intelligent man in america. reddit: the man

>> No.21392969

>no ancient books aside from the bible which was put there ironically
>random asian book among all-european books
>the one fiction book is YA tier
It's garbage. If you want 8 books to summarize the Western world read instead

Homer's Iliad
Plato's Republic
Euclid's Elements
The Bible
Augustine's Confessions
Shakespeare's Hamlet
Hobbes' Leviathan
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.21392972
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>It's not an exclusive list
>It's not necessarily bad
>All of the stuff is just extremely basic

>> No.21392973

Why is he beloved?

>> No.21392979

He's a quadroon and doesn't scare wine moms

>> No.21392984
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>> No.21392989

Who cares what a dumb shitskin thinks? Black people think they are the shit. No, you are just shit in human form.

>> No.21392994

>The Bible is merely a tool for arbitrarily enforcing ideas instead of allowing people to think for themselves
>Also here's a book about why reason and liberal democracy are objectively the greatest systems ever

>> No.21392997

He isn't. This dumb ape was popular for a year when i was in high school almost 10 years ago, purely because he's negroid and miraculously obtained credentials in astronomy (no affirmative action, im sure).

>> No.21393006

Give him some credit, he's got a PhD. Compared the Bill Nye the mediocre goyim guy.

>> No.21393007

>Thus the American presents a strange picture: a European with Negro behaviour and an Indian soul. He shares the fate of all usurpers of foreign soil. Certain Australian primitives assert that one cannot conquer foreign soil, because in it there dwell strange ancestor-spirits who reincarnate themselves in the newborn. There is a great psychological truth in this. The foreign land assimilates its conqueror

>> No.21393023
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WTF is wrong with him?!

>> No.21393045

>The world is a knowable place
I honestly wonder what is meant by this sentence. If he means that the world is an object of thought, does he disagree with the commonly accepted materialist tenet that particles, and by extension particle aggregates such as brains (for what other knower would he allow) simply are, and that they interact with each other ? Does he also affirm that the mind is capable of directly interacting with some transcendent nature of reality?

>> No.21393063

>The Bible

>> No.21393077

1 brown book
6 white books
1 chink book

uncle tom confirmed

>> No.21393082

nice vest, neil

good thing i'm dumb

>> No.21393111
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>> No.21393184

>man has the same weird thought over a period of 9 years
You guys need to grow up, holy shit who cares

>> No.21393191

It is both puzzling and unsurprising that I hear these types ramble on about ‘knowledge’ and the ‘laws of the universe’ , which they profess to in some way have a reliable knowledge of. If the mind is the brain, as they affirm, surely then the brain is the ‘knowledge container’. But the brain isn’t a unified whole, so what exactly is it that ‘knows’? Furthermore, since the brain is divisible, it isn’t an ontologically real object but merely a mental convention/unreal aggregate. If there is in ultimate reality something which knows it must then be a particle, but particles are not said to know anything. If we refrain from saying that there is an ontological knower but that ‘knowledge’ is a kind of verbal convention which refers to a tendency in a conventionally described aggregate object to act in such a way as to obtain certain ends, then we must explain what it is which is capable of conventional description, because it seems we would then have one purely conventional unreal object conventionally describing another, which merely leads us one link farther along an infinite series of retardation. Better not to move at all.

>> No.21393192

Why would you take issue with this, are you a woman

>> No.21393197

>defending black man for free
Kek someone felt attacked

>> No.21393200

Don't much care for him but those are not bad selections

>> No.21393226

Yeah, that's the hard problem. I've not heard a real refutation of it (I know they exist supposedly, I just haven't looked into them because I don't really care too much about the nature of consciousness)

>> No.21393236

How can you find it entertaining? It's about as trivial a criticism as can be made.

>> No.21393239

>hating black man for free
Kek someone is boring

>> No.21393251

He doesn't hate black people.

>> No.21393258

nta but reading those tweets in succession made me laugh, it's pretty funny

>> No.21393265


>> No.21393285

No u
All of you hate black people. It's true. I can smell the obsessive disdain
That's fair. I still think its dumb as a real criticism.

>> No.21393288

I'm offended by the lack of diversity on that list. Only one POC and so many Christians?!

>> No.21393291

Darwin: My theory is bunk if the millions of intermediary forms arent found.
They werent found.
So why keep reading him? Its just mythology for atheists.

>> No.21393294

Not true. We want black gfs. We have jungle fever. Black dudes are bros.

>> No.21393313

I’m not saying that materialism is necessarily wrong in this line of reasoning, merely arguing that materialism lacks the ontology necessary to support any entity which is objectively similar to a hypothetical ‘knower’. This problem has been known since Plato if not earlier. The cause is the inability of materialism to support any degree of aboutness.

>> No.21393325
File: 170 KB, 1088x682, nis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but what would happen if immovable Scientism meet unstoppable smug?

They'd probably just have sex with each other.

>> No.21393329

>All of you hate black people. It's true. I can smell the obsessive disdain
Obsessive is a stretch, but it's very evident that this guy is on a pedestal for being black. The remainder of your statement is true, though (for me at least). It is what it is

>> No.21393331

Kek I read it and just laughed out loud. I expected something snarky but it almost reads as self-satire

>> No.21393341

I strongly suspect that this fellow has read none of these books. Anyway, I'd replace all of them with Platonic treatises.

>> No.21393342

No youre just sexuall confused. You subconsciously hate the biggest blackest of men, with their similarly sized phallus, and so you fetishize non-white bodies to get back at them. Subconsciously. Racist.

>> No.21393368

I'll reply earnestly since you seem genuine.
>it's very evident that this guy is on a pedestal for being black
Maybe for some, yeah, especially far left upper class white yuppie types. But as for the average person who appreciates him? I think they see merit. I checked out some of science man's stuff after seeing how much he gets memed - and his main strength is in his oration. He speaks clearly and simply, and is fairly goofy which makes him seem friendly. So he gets a rapport going when interviewed and explains ostensibly difficult topics in a way digestible to people who wouldn't otherwise take the time to study those topics. He's the sort of person you'd want teaching secondary school physics and chemistry, so the kids aren't bored as soon as they don't get something.

As a public intellectual though? Idk maybe it's a good thing for the average person to have access to stuff like this, but plenty of more serious academics have written books designed to be digestible for laymen so why is Tyson needed? (Nobody reads books anymore).

>> No.21393393
File: 226 KB, 1080x1096, 5e5633ab00b49c53706dc89e6c6ca7ec7a605f178099a1bd002880d2e7673e22_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21393407

These are important for the western world. Of course they're irrelevant to your third world country no one's heard of.

>> No.21393424

>Western world


>> No.21393451

because he's a scientist with a twist! A scientist who, unlike other scientists, is BLACK! How quirky, don't you just love when a black person manages to do what 100s of white people already do?

>> No.21393484

>5/8 books are Anglos

>> No.21393492


>> No.21393547

Sound's like you fetishize black men
You damn homo

>> No.21393657

I genuinely dislike him specifically because his way if speaking ticks all the boxes of how a popular speaker should be, like he tries so hard to be likeable that it seems fake. I also hate how he tries to touch everyone like they are best buddies.
He probably does some good for science, but he's just not for me and it's not because he's black.

>> No.21393667

>He probably does some good for science

>> No.21393686

I am NOTa homo. Take that back right freaking now!

>> No.21393687

I hear you. Hence I think his appeal is to more average people. You and me anon? We ain't that - we special :)

>> No.21393706
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>> No.21393713

pretty safe choices

>> No.21393806

Not even bad, considering he could shill some pop sci books or something by Krauss.

>> No.21393814

>Swift is YA

>> No.21393816

"The power of rational thought" should have extended past Auschwitz to all rationalist plebs and efficiently gassed them into their reductionist dream world.

>> No.21393824

Lead poisoning sure did a number on boomers

>> No.21393827

He is such a Lord of Pseuds. I'm ashamed of him.

>> No.21393858

>t. Living in the West on welfare
Dumb ape

>> No.21393862

Blacks actually have smaller penises on average. Penis size correlates most strongly with height, and nordic whites are the tallest, and also havr the longest average penises. Similarly, spics and chinks are short and have shortest average weewees.

>> No.21393980

>cope the post

>> No.21394055

He actually read the whole bible with no spiritual intentions? what a trooper

>> No.21394073

Only good response in this thread. I will now leave becuse nothing will top this.

>> No.21394076

Says the guy who tells people to get the covid vax which didn't end up living up to the hype

>> No.21394156

Hey man, you know an awful lot about penises. Why is that?

>> No.21394465 [DELETED] 
File: 562 KB, 540x1385, i9jruhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The least imbecilic Negroid.

>> No.21394848

All niggers have or soon will have AIDS and other anal diseases due to promiscuity and constant anal sex.

>> No.21394872

The funniest part of the image is that he uses bullshit like that to describe Newton immediately after his gay stab at the Bible, meaning he's completely ignorant of how profoundly, obsessively religious Newton was.
He wrote significantly more on his own private fairly-heretical theology than on physics, blatantly stated that God was the only way to understand the world, and could still give /x/ a run for its schizo-money on biblical prophecy and esoteric alchemy.

>> No.21395079

He’s literally just “moderately smart science man” who’s whored himself into publicity like his tutor Carl Sagan. Just look him up, he hasn’t published any actual work or papers since the 80’s

>> No.21395090

I haven’t read most of these, but the art of war is such a stupid meme. It’s all either obvious or very specific to actual military war and not applicable to life.

>> No.21395314

Good list.

>> No.21395357
File: 161 KB, 960x640, https __hypebeast.com_image_2022_08_paris-saint-germain-goat-people-of-paris-campaign-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute fucking irony

>> No.21395381

Lmao what a pseud

>> No.21395384

On top of that he makes the irony of having his second suggested book one by a devout Christian who is quoted to study the Bible daily.

>> No.21395403

>the bible
I thought he'd give a take on how there's actual wisdom in it, too bad I guess
bet he wouldn't like his other books
>Art of war
has he read it? it's basically how to avoid direct conflict with the enemy because the guy who wrote it lead a heavily outnumbered army, not how to make an art of killing people

>> No.21395489

He's black and gay.

>> No.21395560

I accept your concessions

>> No.21395568

he obviously has a list of "interesting" facts that he looks through every day to post on his twitter to seem smart.

>> No.21395572

Nah he just kisses himself in the mirror often and posts about it when he remembers

>> No.21396161

Machiavelli and Sun Tzu instantly outs people as pseuds.

>> No.21396614

>killing is a art

>> No.21396642

What’s wrong with Machiavelli besides outdated mercenary advice and unified Italy fetishism?

>> No.21396659

What, did he just read Wiki summaries of each of these books?

>> No.21396719

That would actually be smart

>> No.21396870

If intelligent people are free thinkers then they'll read what they want. Anyone reading something because "it's for smart people" is most likely a dumbass.

>> No.21396999

Exactly what I was thinking

>> No.21397150

mercenary advice isnt outdated
see how the saudi army is doing

>> No.21397555

He didn't read The Art of War or The Prince.

>> No.21397568

>the whole bible
No, but like, bits of it.

>> No.21397627

In his own words "he can explain complex ideas in simple language."
Read: He can trick midwits into thinking they know something complex when in fact they only know a superficial anecdote filled to the brim with falsehoods.

>> No.21397644

>Better not to move at all
Also because it is genuinely useless knowledge. There's nothing in life that need and can't be found in the world as it is and has been since beginning of humanity.
People who waste their lives pursuing that kind of knowledge are the great egotists who don't care about actually helping humanity but only care about "discovery" for which they may take credit; deep down they want to be the "saviours" of humanity, instead of just being content with being a useful, loving human being.

>> No.21397652

You know he didn't

>> No.21397666
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>> No.21397751

* There's nothing in life that you need that can't be found in the world as it is.

>> No.21397784

Amazing how this list is more solid than 99% of the ones you would get from /lit/

>> No.21397818

This is a great list if you are freshly out of the government school system and want to continue cattle class

>> No.21397822
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Just a reminder

>> No.21397826

I don't get what you are saying, are you saying science is not useful and scientists are arrogant?

>> No.21397859


Philosophy btfos science once again

>> No.21398082

NTA but people like you think Paradise Lost is about Satan as a basedboy.

>> No.21398151

Use the "Ship of Theseus" on man's identification of consciousness with brain.

>> No.21398209

Or the Bible. Or The Wealth of Nations. And, though I've never read them, I suspect he's never read The Age of Reason and Gulliver's Travels too.

>> No.21398220
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I would add the book of not associating with individuals involved in pedophilia

>> No.21398355

A counterpoint would be the transcendental unity of apperception. The oldest question in philosophy: How is unity (concept, idea, universal) ever reducible to or derivable from multiplicity (particulars, individuals, contingent experiences), without a subject-enacted, decisional component, that is fundamentally distinct from the particulars themselves? How many apples does an abstract "mind" need to receive sense data from before it can correctly identify what an "apple" is, every time? Imagine yourself as Plato or Aristotle wondering at the fact that the mind can have imperfect, shitty information about an infinite plurality of imperfect, shifting sense information out in front of it, and correctly still determine that it's looking at one instance of "apple" against a backdrop of irrelevant or less relevant information. There is something happening IN the mind at that moment, what the Greeks and Husserl call noesis, the intending of a concept that is stable in all the continuous flux of plurality. Even when that apple is then moved, destroyed, or revealed to have been an illusion. Intentionality is irreducible to flux, its very function is the selection of things out of the flux AS not-flux. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit starts with this basic idea and scenario.

The only way to really explain conceptuality is by presupposing that the particular-identifying, concept-possessing "thing" (the mind) has something in it that is distinct from the particulars it is tasked with identifying. One simply can't logically derive, or provide, a completely subject-free, decision-free model of an abstractly conceived "mind" that correctly identifies an infinite multiplicity of sense data, and correctly identifies some blobs within the flux of data as apples and other blobs as mere noise. The very notion of "correct" just recursively invokes the issue of a decision, since "correct" tautologically means "corresponding to the concept, intending the concept correctly," which is something we can only conceive of a mind doing.

The very concept of a concept tautologically presupposes a decision-making, subjective, non-objective mind, doing something different from what objects do. A decisionless, non-subjective mind (a contradiction in terms as) wouldn't even be able to separate one "datum" from another "datum" in the flux, because data in this case are themselves concepts, they themselves presuppose a DECISION (which tautologically presupposes a subjective mind) on what a "bit" is, on what the fundamental informational "atom" of the system is. Even to intend "flux" as a "something" requires an instance of intentionality, and again this is what Hegel's Phenomenology starts with. As Hegel would say, to intend flux is also to suppress not-flux, to make a decision and division of things.

>> No.21398357

The only way to conceive of a mind without decisions is to conceive of it as purely governed by efficient and material causation, so that all apparent decision-making is just very complex instances of physical movements in a system that ultimately possesses no mental character. So all apparent subjectivity would then be an illusion. But this raises the old question, an illusion for whom? "Illusion" is a concept that involves the exclusion of "real" (and thus a concept of the real), as decided upon (intended/correctly identified) by a thinking subject.

It's just BARELY thinkable to posit a universe with absolutely no contents whatsoever other than material bits moving around, impacting one another, forming pseudo-structures that are actually not structures at all because there is nothing other than the bits, except from the perspective of subjects (who don't exist) who are insufficiently informed about how they don't exist. But this is obviously full of absurdities. In a thoroughly materialistic universe, nothing other than the atoms could exist, all larger structures would be pseudo-structures, and only structures from the flawed "perspective" of... whom?

And if you want to go even further than this: even in a universe where we only have efficient causation operating between material bits, it is still a DECISION to identify the bits (atoms or strings or whatever) as distinct - distinction is a noetic, intentional, conceptual activity. Even if you respond to this by saying, there are no bits, only a continuous space-time fabric and its laws, well, you still have a distinction between the fabric and the laws, and between the laws if there are multiple. Any conceptual distinction, any attempt to think anything, presupposes subjectivity in a way that can't be reduced to a material model, because all material models themselves presuppose non-material conceptual elements, "ideal" entities, and ideal distinctions between entities, which are "structures," and we have already clarified that in a materialistic metaphysics, structures can only be pseudo-structures, all distinctions are illusory, but we need structural distinctions just to elaborate the materialistic theory in the first place. To define the bits, to intend them as distinct from one another and from the laws governing them. The ancient atomists ran into this problem immediately. That's why the existence of void was so controversial, because if "all that exists is atoms" is your doctrine, and you need void for the atoms to operate in, you already fucked up.

>> No.21398753

>/lit/ midwits actually think they're smarter than an astrophysicist.

>> No.21398755

Yes, angloids. This buck is absolutely dripping the retarded worldview the Anglosphere spews out

>> No.21398759

Joe Rogan trying to get this guy to do shrooms is going to be one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen for a while.

>> No.21398950

I took astrophysics electives in uni and they weren't hard compared to regular math courses. You just memorize really basic shit and the math involved isn't difficult at all.

>> No.21399042
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It's not easy to do what you're told if you read The Bible and do what Jesus and the apostles tell you to do.

>> No.21399056
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Wow! He really is smarter than me!

>> No.21399065
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>AstroTurfed affirmative action nigger science man is here to enlighten you

>> No.21399722
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>Gulliver's Travels (...) to learn that most of the time humans are Yahoos

>> No.21399762
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>Muh Bible is fake
>Based Isaac Newton!
Ok, whatever you say Black Science man

>> No.21399780

Schrodinger's shitpost: Did he really post this or was it made up by some autist? The only way to know is to look, but I know I can't be bothered.

>> No.21399963

hmm interesting post!

>> No.21400363

Yeah I am

>> No.21400430

Anyone over 100 iq can become an astrophysicist if they study that in school. You have a child-like conception of what jobs are impressive.

>> No.21400436

The only obsessive one is you, the guy defending this uppity negro for no reason. Let me guess, you are brown?

>> No.21401216

Most of catholics/jewish arent creationist, is just tradition. They are more in touch with the phylosophy and moral ideas. I don't know atheist are OBSSESED with fundamentalist, there arent even that much of them. Is like poltards owning traps and stuff. Cringe

>> No.21401858

angloids loves african man