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/lit/ - Literature

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21391264 No.21391264 [Reply] [Original]

It can be nice to make her happy, or not so nice to make her sad. What would you write about her (or to her?)

>> No.21391268


>> No.21391271

Anon, I come to 4chan to escape from the cancerously feminized mainstream internet (and the western society in general). Why do you insist on exposing me to vaginal content even here?

>> No.21391272

You lazy piece of shit

>> No.21391276

No ass. No curves

>> No.21391297

>he thinks 4chan is “masculine”
LMAO. the vast majority of anons anre incel-adjacent and are nothing more than effeminate eunuchs. I can’t imagine the kind of mental gymnastics you’d have to perform to convince yourself that this place is for manly men

>> No.21391306

Needs to lose few pounds

>> No.21391316

>manly men
No need for that, I'll settle for a place with no or minimum vaginoids. You're vastly underestimating the effect of women on any space they're allowed to infest, do you want this place to become another Reddit? Usernames, good boy points, comment history, snarky HR tone and fake wholesomeness? That's the woman effect on online discourse.

>> No.21391318

The woman walked across the sand and the man behind the camera panned

>> No.21391338

rape is necessary

>> No.21391357

Let's go for a swim and enjoy the sun reflecting off our glistening torsos

>> No.21391358

What you’re describing is everything wrong with mgtow. Remove all women/femininity in your life and all you’ve done is let women define you in an inverted form (Ie, through their absence). Imagine being so fragile that you can’t tolerate the presence of women in online discourse. Ironically your desire for a safe space is more effeminate than the women you want to escape.

>> No.21391361

Define a manly man first.

A Mexican drug dealer is not a manly man.

Hemingway was a manly man.

>> No.21391377

>Remove all women/femininity
I don't live online though, there are women in my immediate surroundings and I wouldn't remove them even if it were a possibility. At the same time, it's important for me to have a hobby communication outlet without their interference which I consider most definitely harmful when it comes to art.

>> No.21391380

You're trolling...right?

>> No.21391381
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Anon kneeled on the burning sand, desperately holding onto the girl's glutes like a drowning man.

With a slap and a squeeze he buried his face deep between the two flesh mounds, eliciting a soft moan. The waves soared and crashed.

>> No.21391387
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Imagination vs reality

>> No.21391396
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>it's important for me to have a hobby communication outlet without their interference which I consider most definitely harmful when it comes to art
Because /lit/ is the gold standard of artistic discussion, right?

>> No.21391403

She walked leisurely across the beach, as she always did. Whether she knew the man filming her, or that she was even being filmed, was ultimately irrelevant; as was the fact this footage would be spread to thousands across the world. She was to be an object of lust for the American, the German, the Arab, the Russian, the African, the Latin, the Punjabi, the Han, perhaps even the Inuit, all cultures of the world united as one under the flag of perversion, masturbating and fantasizing as a legion. But these men did not exist to her, and they likely never will exist outside of a curious thought she may have, over the foolishness of the less fair sex, how easily they are blinded and mislead by beauty. Truly, she would not feel a thing if she knew how far this footage would spread, that world did not exist to her as this beach did, she could not feel their gaze as she could feel the grains of sand under her feet.

>> No.21391404

Any other place that isn't completely dead is soaked in vaginal slime. Do you prefer the ethos on Reddit or Goodreads? Personally, I always find at least 10% of the content here entertaining and the remaining 90% don't piss me off.

>> No.21391428

daily reminder that english-speaking white women are terrible and that the man-children who dedicate themselves to being stupid in order to be near one; to play the doting wife to her, are dysgenic moppets that are little more than tween girls themselves.

still..... overall you're objectively correct,
> the vast majority of anons anre incel-adjacent and are nothing more than effeminate eunuchs.

>(Ie, through their absence). Imagine being so fragile that you can’t tolerate the presence of women
It's not this at all; rather it's the dysgenic effect that those man-children take 'from' the presence of a girl that turns them into "point scorers"; suddenly their brain (what existed anyway of it) is completely gone and they're grinning and smiling like retards at the woman, laughing hard at whatever few words she might say whether it was supposed to be funny or not. It's very irritating and makes us all look stupid.

Truth is, a lot of men need to be brutalized in private schools before being allowed unsupervised in public.

.. yeah .. >>21391387

>not so nice to make her sad. What would you write about her
not sure why she's turned up to work at the quarry without her protective gear and carrying an inflatable shark but whatever.

>> No.21391434
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>> No.21391438

>you can’t tolerate the presence of women in online discourse
I don't want faggots either, which is what you clearly are. Go back to r/redscarepod.

>> No.21391440
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>Truth is, a lot of men need to be brutalized in private schools before being allowed unsupervised in public
True. You’ve seen all these school shooters- pathetic beta males. Just imagine how many less there’d be if they were bullied early and often.

>> No.21391446

No, I can see her fat distribution is around her waist and ass, if she lost some fat and toned up her muscles a little she likely would have hourglass figure which is preferable to a chubby.

>> No.21391453
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This guy FUCKS.

You incel-adjacents are being called out, lmao! How embarrassing!! AHAHAHAHA.

>> No.21391457

Will you give me da pussy?

>> No.21391462

I mean: Maybe he is just saying because he wants to get into a woman's pants here on 4chan. But I agree with what he's saying since it is quite agreeable.

>> No.21391476

>he is just saying because he wants to get into a woman's pants here on 4chan.
I never understood this; simping IRL is one thing, fucking annoying but ok, but simping through your computer screen makes no sense. It's obviously a learned habit that he's lost control of. Probably a self-affirmation complex, "no, you are like this, not me!"

>> No.21391477

>What you’re describing is everything wrong with mgtow. Remove all women/femininity in your life and all you’ve done is let women define you in an inverted form (Ie, through their absence).
mental gymnastics

>Imagine being so fragile that you can’t tolerate the presence of women in online discourse.
this is like saying, imagine you have trash in the house and you are being fragile for not being able to tolerate it. Well it's nothing to do with being fragile or not, I don't want trash in my house so I take it out.

>> No.21391484
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>> No.21391490

this would be my reaction as well.

>> No.21391496

That’s a child, retard
Your retarded if you think social policing is going to lead to anything good nowadays it’s just gonna be the biggest gayest kid throwing a tantrum when he sees you acting out of the monkey pack and if your taut like a gun with him everyone’s gonna turn on you instantly. You literally just have to go wolf feral mode on everyone and everything all the time. Personally I do the side eye snarl a lot and nobody fucks with me, and the biggest gayest kid looks nervous when I show up to class late

>> No.21391498

>mental gymnastics
I prefer the term “incel dialectics”, but you can call it what you like.

>Well it's nothing to do with being fragile or not, I don't want trash in my house so I take it out.
A real man thrives in the filth he creates. Stop being such an effeminate pussy and start rolling around in the garbage.

That’s some mighty fine projection, fren. I can appreciate you might be feeling a little fragile if you affiliate with MGTOW- all I’m doing is highlighting why it achieves the complete opposite of what it sets out to do. The real challenge is to stop giving a shit about women whatsoever instead of going out of your way to remove yourself from them.

>> No.21391503

>do you want this place to become another Reddit? Usernames, good boy points, comment history, snarky HR tone and fake wholesomeness
the first three points would unironically make this shithole less shitty. almost every board here is absolute cancer for the intellect and the immortal soul due to the lack of those things

>> No.21391522

>The real challenge is to stop giving a shit about women whatsoever instead of going out of your way to remove yourself from them.
That's the mosr MGTOWish thing I've read in this thread. You're telling us that you have to try hard to be like this, that it doesn't come naturally eh hahahaha

>mighty fine projection,
Thanks but it was more of an academic curiosity; noting personal against you or anything, but the mentality itself of simping for like a photograph of a girl as if she would know about it and be appreciative that you had done it, you see what I mean? It's a very strange behavior to find it going on when it's not IRL.

>social policing
No we're saying that corrective rape against the chuckleheads on the part of an organized group of older boys armed with weaponry actually worked and when it stopped happening society seemed go down hill. Bad behavior, in fact, ceased to be bullied out of children, then they began wearing bell-bottoms and growing their hair long, they grew up and by some fluke managed to conceive and poorly parent the fortnite generation.


>> No.21391527

Wish a strong manly man would rape my throat

>> No.21391531
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Why don't you just leave? The internet is full of strictly policed spaces with enforced profiles, karma systems, coombrained simps and braindead roasties. The may not be any more intellectual than /lit/ but probably more to your liking.
Pictured: woman book community

>> No.21391546

>You're telling us that you have to try hard to be like this, that it doesn't come naturally
No it doesn’t, and any man who says it does is being dishonest. Men are instinctively conditioned to seek out women’s approval, if we didn’t the human race would go extinct. It takes a lot of work to overcome something as ingrained in our behaviour as that

>It's a very strange behavior to find it going on when it's not IRL
Maybe that’s because it’s not what I’m doing at all and you’re just retarded. I’m simply calling out MGTOW types for being cowardly and running away from women instead of confronting their issues with them head-on.

>> No.21391551

Me in the background

>> No.21391598

>Maybe that’s because it’s not what I’m doing at all
I did say, "not(h)ing personal against you or anything," highly personalized reading into things is quite Womanish, you realize - now, to be clear, that 'is' personal against you, and everything.

>Men are instinctively conditioned to seek out women’s approval, if we didn’t the human race would go extinct. It takes a lot of work to overcome something as ingrained in our behaviour as that
I... disagree...? I know what you mean though, it takes maybe far more effort than I allow myself to remember to break away from the saintly archetype of all women that we have drilled into us as kids by other men. But I disagree in general, most cultures historically and contemporarily aren't cucked like this so it can be demonstrated to not come naturally to us at all; and there is a large difference there when you go to address the cause of the problem:

If you think its biology you're fighting then you've given up before you've even begun, whereas if you recognize it's petty social influences ("in our village we wear shoe on our hands, we can't explain why, but we just do") then it's remarkably easy to shrug off.

The "simping over a photo" disproves biology, I think, as: if it were pheromones that coerced mens behavior then they wouldn't act the same way over a photo of a girl (or online, etc.), and we could understand why they did if the girl herself was actually in the room physically. It's habituated behavior then, obviously, a cultural thing that boys are pressured with in their consciousness rather than subliminally through their unconsciousness; tat is: crying, howling, begging to be let free from your lie detector machine they will tearfully confess that they know exactly how pathetic they are for doing such things and that their simperingness is a conscious effort to gain the feel of the old in and out on their cock-head for a few moments, that they would destroy their entire personality and rebuild themselves from the ground up, tassels in their hair and all, just to feel the sensation of that.

I'm sorry, I forgot what we were talking about.

>> No.21391608

Busted 77 loads to this bitch (yes i keep track) but i find it hard to watch her shitty youtube channel, even though the words are all just background noise as i jerk off it still hits me that this stupid cocksucking slob whore is the same age as i am and she's living it up in a foreign country living in a big high rise apartment in the center of one of the most expensive cities in Asia. Her days consist of going to coffee shops and fancy restaurants with her friends and occassionally going to photoshoots and sucking the occassional modeling producer old man shrimp dick. Her life is set. She's a good looking young woman and that means the world is hers. And then there's me. A half-retarded surplus male with no discernable talents or skills. In this aspect - i am just like her. Except while she has no talents and skills she has looks, while i have nothing. This seemingly slight disadvantage, too just like in her case set my life. I will live in this shithole, i will work a shitty dead end job. I will not be able to spend every day going to gourmet restaurants with my buddies, a) because i will not have the the time or money b) i will not have the buddies. I will slave in brown shit, i will live with my parents or in some shithole rented decaying commieblock and for my leisure time i will "meet" with my "good friends" to discuss the same question
>books for this feel?
Every single day. And thus the years will go by, the days will pass alternating between boredom and despair, and in the end they will all blur together into a bowl of emptyness. There will be nothing of note. In this respect, i suspect, once again there is something similar. I do not believe this whore has any real memorable experiences, however i am seething with envy, nonetheless at the fact that she lives pampered in comfort with no true worries and my life...now that i think about it, is similar again. I have no worries either. To worry you need to have something to lose.

>> No.21391611


>> No.21391618

Are you me?

>> No.21391619
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Powerful post, brother

>> No.21391648

I want to squeeze her buttocks with my hands in a manner that is not pleasurable to her, but painful

>> No.21391665
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>> No.21391687

The problem is that on a psychological level she would like that

>> No.21391735

What's up with her arms? They look disproportionally thick.

>> No.21391784

She's anglefrauding fatty

>> No.21391890

Stop posting coomer threads you fucking kike.
Kill yourself you faggot

>> No.21391919

"M'lady Coombes," I said, "enchante," and I kissed the young Dukes hand.

He tore away flustered and repulsed, his eyes darting around the crowded ball room, as I laughed in his face. Fuck him.

>> No.21391924

Sun kissed goddess, trudging on the sand

Carrying an imitation of an emulation of God's creation

>> No.21391957

She decided to go to the beach for her thirteenth birthday. Little did she know.

>> No.21392269


>> No.21392276
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Keep going

>> No.21392802

with no socks
and barely concealed buttocks
she creates rocks
in my box

>> No.21392810

that's a man

>> No.21392827

the irony is the farmer has the better life

>> No.21393052

She came onto the pebblepurged sandsquared quadrant bearing synthesized layers of lizards long layered below the shale. Wrapped in shoelaces and inverted aegyptian burial beacons and with hairwheat bereft of ribbon she ventured and wondered whether her conscious sliver of glass had new snippets of wonder to thumb.

>> No.21393094


>> No.21393248

An intelligent thought? And here I thought all we'd find here were simps or chimps.

>> No.21393262

It's called being healthy. Try eating.

>> No.21393268

based defender of women against bodyshaming when they aren't present

>> No.21393271

>post starts with "Busted"
>I drop instantly
>meanwhile the unread coomers cry for more
/Lit/ these days... I remember when the people here were better read than me.

>> No.21393380
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holy shit

>> No.21393391

Did you come here from /fit/?

>> No.21393398

That would be awesome if it made sense

>> No.21393675

Death to Roma!

>> No.21393730

From the back cover of "My Time on the Red Sea” (publisher’s working title: “Thinly Disguised Roastie Abduction and Rape Fantasy #526")

Somewhere in the distance, the shrill whistle of the Sultan's harem guard could be heard dancing on the dawn breeze, and she knew she only had minutes before they found her tracks….

Even after half a year of captivity, she could only pick out the occasional Arabic word or phrase from the guttural male voices on the wind. Was that the cruel Aziz she could hear? As she trudged slowly through the cool sand to her long-planned escape, she was immediately overcome with a fresh wave of fear, revulsion and...was it longing, regret even? Images of her most recent “training session” with Aziz flashed through her mind, and as her heart raced in a fresh panic attack, she was filled anew with confusion as her body betrayed her, an aching warmth began to spread within her loins, and tears welled in her eyes.

“My God, Sarah. What have they done to you? What have they turned you into?” She cursed herself for being a whore, a slut. Her mind danced over the events of the last year: the beginning of her Amish “Rumspringa”, her sexual awakening and the heady whirlwind of trysts and romances as she adapted to her temporary life with “The English” as the elders liked to call them; her introduction to social media, and then that fateful Tinder posting by the Emir; the showering of attention and gifts, like Cinderella at the ball, promises of luxury and comfort, her sudden flight to the Middle East...and then the dark nightmare of her sexual captivity in the United Arab Emirates.

“Sarah, you have to get back, somehow! Jesus give me strength...will the folks in Lancaster County even recognize me when I return?” Carrying only an inflatable toy from the palace pool, hopelessly unprepared for the ordeal that awaited her, Sarah’s pace quickened towards the breaking surf of the Persian Gulf. Somewhere over the horizon, Abdul and his pirate crew awaited, ready to inflict new untold humiliations, ready to awaken new unknown desires.

“The new must read smash hit! I couldn’t put it down...BookTok was right!” - Cosmopolitan

“A harrowing tale of terror, redemption, and self discovery.” - Ladies Home Journal

>> No.21394787

I really hope you're a rice farmer and not a LARPing faggot.

>> No.21394924

what is dead cannot die