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21390969 No.21390969 [Reply] [Original]

And explain what makes them worth reading or studying, and why they were intelligent.

This is impossible.

>> No.21390989

>Name ONE intelligent atheist
me :)

>> No.21391043

>And explain what makes them worth reading or studying
His beautiful poetry, his sharpness of judgment and his disdain for progressivism.
>and why they were intelligent.
He spent so much time studying in his formative years that it eventually fucked up his physique.

>> No.21392360


>> No.21392394

If the 4 atheist horsemen are Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennis, and Harris, who would be the Christian equivalent? I got Plantinga, WL Craig, Ed Feser, and who else? Maybe a scientist like WD Phillips?

>> No.21392416

How about every single western philosopher, writer, and scientist of merit.

>> No.21392424


>> No.21392431

Was a Christian

>> No.21392435

>C.S. Lewis (or Eliot)

>> No.21392436

>Hitchen’s is evil

Fuck off.

>> No.21392440

the most satanic of christians

>> No.21392441

Stupidity is a form of evil.

>> No.21392455
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Carl Jung

>> No.21392467

Not an atheist

>> No.21392523

Yes he was

>> No.21392529

He was unironically a mystic who used astrology in corroboration with his psych work. What are you talking about?

>> No.21392581

atheists can believe in astrology

>> No.21392583
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>> No.21392596

No they can't, it points to a design/fated events.

>> No.21392601
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>> No.21392608

yes but these events can be designed by a group of lower beings. Not necessarily one God

>> No.21392627
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Okay but that's not atheism.

>> No.21392645

it is. Atheism does not say that powerful beings do not exist. It says an all powerful being does not exist. Obviously there are beings that are more powerful than humans but they are not Gods

>> No.21392663

Everyone is an athiest. Some are just also liars.

>> No.21392667

The mechanics of fate behind the workings of astrology show a designed universe that has personal significance to every single individual and event. That's incompatible with atheism.

>> No.21392675

You mean everyone's an agnostic right? Because what you said makes no sense and is retarded, much like atheism.

>> No.21392680

And any being powerful enough to encode your entire life's experiences with the correlation of planetary positions within the zodiac would be a God of some type. Atheists dont believe anything has any significance or was planned in any way.

>> No.21392685

so you think that if a bunch of other humans were simulating us on a computer they would be Gods because they are capable of determining our reality?

>> No.21392690

found the liar

>> No.21392696

I don't believe basic humans would be capable of creating such a complex simulation. Simulation theory is out of bounds for atheism though even if it were possible because that's clearly a designer and atheists don't believe the universe we inhabit was the product of any type of design.

>> No.21392706

there are many types of atheists. You are referring to a specific group of modern atheists like Dawkins. Others like Jung obviously would fit into a very different bracket. Admitting that our (local) reality has a designer is not the same as belief in God as a relative God is not the same thing as God.

>> No.21392719

Fair enough but I think the way I'm describing atheism as precluding a belief in astrology would apply to the vast vast majority of them. I also don't believe Jung was an atheist at all.

>> No.21392732

Bayle, Diderot and D'Holbach


>> No.21392734

The simulation of an electron is only a simulation of an electron to a mind (which also ultimately does not exist because it can be decomposed into separate particles). It is not an electron, it is actually so wholly different that no comparison can be made. Similarly a simulation of a human is wholly different from a human in actual material reality. Repeat after me, simulations do not actually exist, that is a conceptual designation.

>> No.21392747

Nietzsche, Camus

>> No.21392749

I said intelligent

>> No.21392753

d'Holbach's System of Nature was the first philosophical text I read as a whole as a teenager trying to self educate, and I remember being baffled by how hideous and shallow it was
>la mettrie-style vulgar materialism
>"there is no god or meaning at all, but don't you want to be christianly altruistic so that people will think well of you after you're dead?"
Sparked an existential crisis in my dumb ass because it made me think "is it possible that atheists and materialists killed naive belief in transcendent meaning, but they're so fucking stupid they don't realize the actual consequences of this, so we've basically created a natural selection 'trap' scenario where all the people smart enough to realize how fucked up the situation is go insane or kill themselves, but all the ones just 'smart' enough to break meaning, but not smart enough to realize the actual consequences of what they're doing, continue living and reproducing in their midwitopia?"

Thank god I'm now a neoplatonist. I will however forever hate the French.

>> No.21392757

Heidegger, Nietzsche, Marx, Hegel, Kant, Zizek, Heraclitus, Freud and Lacan

>> No.21392758

>I will however forever hate the French
Well, that’s just common sense.

>> No.21392759

No anon, I said intelligent

>> No.21392765

And both Kant and Hegel were not atheists.

>> No.21392766

Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Dharmakirti, Xuanzang

>> No.21392776

You can't just make up names. I know the exercise is literally impossible, but still

>> No.21392780
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>> No.21392786

their philosophies were atheistic which matters more than what their biographers say

>> No.21392797

You have to describe an intelligent atheist and so far noone has done so. Because such a person does not exist.

>> No.21392799

Max Stirner

>> No.21392800

What's it like being in Mountain Time, anon?

>> No.21392812

It's like 1pm right now, a pretty decent time.

>> No.21392821

You know what though I prefer Pacific Standard Time. I was born in that timezone and it just makes sense to me.

>> No.21392824

as Heidegger (very not an atheist) philosophy is essentially atheistic

>> No.21392826

What's with all the wewuzism being used to defend theism? We could just as well say the highly inbred and highly illiterate societies which are the most theistic are a strike against skydaddy belief being respectable, but oh how you'd howl in protest that some scientist of the last few centuries, when Christianity was still culturally dominant, happened to agree with it or a weaker variety of it such as Spinozism. And if we were to survey today's largely secular intellectual elites you'd dismiss their results

>> No.21392834

Christianity isn't relevant to the discussion. I'm asking about atheists. Nearly all the major contributors to physics and chemistry were not atheists.

>> No.21392835

How come all these supposedly super intelligent psychoanalysts, well versed in psychology, philosophy, the humanities, etc., seem to have almost no success in pinpointing the causes behind common mental illnesses such as OCD and depression and curing them?

>> No.21392840

And yes there are stupid religious people. What point do you think that makes?
>atheist logic
>it doesn't exist

>> No.21392859

>we wuz scientists
yeah most westerners have historically affirmed theism that's the point. If anything atheists are probably overrepresented among scientists compared to general pop especially today. You would be in good company in Sudan moreso than Denmark

>> No.21392866

>we wuz every single great intellectual in all of world history
>muh Denmark
So what?

>> No.21392878

>B-b-b-but but Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud

>> No.21392896

You are appealing to the historical dominance of theism and the effect this had on the self-identification of notable contributors to science as proof that theism is somehow smarter than atheism as a belief to sew on your boy scout uniform. But today theism clusters among the least educated as a belief, so there must be other factors at play, or you just don't care for similarly presented evidence which contradicts you. You cannot be smart vicariously I'm afraid.

>> No.21392908

More atheist logic
>they were only theists because it was the style at the time :*(
Nearly all of them were dedicated theists whose theism was an integral part of their intellectual worldviews, and correctly so. Atheism has literally 0 notables, but, yes, the average retard with a bachelor's degree today is an atheist, bravo.

>> No.21392918

>even more wewuzism
Hey if you're right then I'm sure Ecuador will plant its flag on the moon any day now

>> No.21392922

>more illogical statements that have nothing to do with what's being discussed
Like i said, atheists can't think clearly on any subject.

>> No.21392929

>there are no truly genius atheists in human history
duuuuur, atheist head go spin

>> No.21392951

>the smart man said he thought there was a god so anyone who disagrees isn't smart

>> No.21392958

You're demonstrating your lack of intelligence by consistently making basically illogical arguments lol. I'm not surprised because atheists are stupid.

>> No.21392981

Care to present an argument for your belief beyond "science rabbi said so"?

>> No.21392990

Psychologists are still at the "cure with leeches" phase of their development.

>> No.21393000
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>astrology working in the lives of individuals
>nothing can't explode into the universe and there literally must be a prime source
>objective truth and morals
I'm sure you'll seethe hard about the astrology, something you've almost certainly never researched.
>noooooo, Newton was just a culturally identifying Christian he didn't actually deeply believe these things he applied his uniquely gifted mind to :( *sobs*

>> No.21393059

Isaac newton was a crypto atheist

>> No.21393073

>guys nothing exploded (impossible) and then all the nothing spontaneously formed into everything and then and then we... EVOLVED into conscious beings through totally random mutations (impossible) on a planet which perfectly supports life and also the Sun and Moon are the exact size and distances to produce perfect eclipses and omg NOTHING MATTERS and there's NOTHING beyond our senses except the stuff we can test or pick up with like machines but definitely there's nothing beyond that xD
And that's really what they believe

>> No.21393078

>there literally must be a prime source
Yeah everything's got a cause doesn't it? Oh except THE cause, that just happens for no reason lol

>> No.21393086

>give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest
I'm telling you bro *hits bong* nothing exploded and that's why everything exists now

>> No.21393092

>all atheists must be materialists
it's amazing how much more advanced Indian thought is on this question and how much of a retarding influence Christianity has had

>> No.21393099

>nothing exploded
>everything exists
you are making progress

>> No.21393115

Okay well explain it to me then. I thought Indians believed in 500 thousand God's and I've read some Indian texts which weren't atheist at all.
>Atman bruh
>reincarnation is an atheist doctrine

>lmao when you DIE that's it MAN, you go back to NOTHING lol, you get one life haha dumb theists
>is this the same nothing state you existed in before you were born
>*hits bong* what?
>this nothing you enter when you die, is it identical to the nothing state you didn't exist in before you were born?
>duuuuuhhh I guess so
>but you're here right now aren't you?
>what the fuck are you talking about bro?
And that's really how they think! Unbelievable, but it happened.

>> No.21393129

>hasn't explained anything
>hasn't mentioned a single true atheist genius
But okay you guys have *chortles* Marx... and uh... *giggles* Nietzsche, and Camus, and some other disastrously stupid French (((philosophers))), oh oh oh and also Zizek! And uh... Freud.

>> No.21393141

>I thought Indians believed in 500 thousand God's and I've read some Indian texts which weren't atheist at all.
Buddhism is atheist from an Abrahamic perspective and also argues extensively against materialist and atomistic schools of thought. But in the minds of /lit/ christlarpers, who are seething at the beliefs of higher status secular people, atheism is a materialistic worship of science meant to spite their god, instead of just, you know, ignoring the dogmatic claims made by the theist because there's nothing to debate if your evidence is revelation

>> No.21393142

Hey wait weren't you the guy shit talking religion on the basis of western scientific progress and the predominance of atheists in western countries? How does India compare to Christendom on that front? Oh, not very well?

>> No.21393146

I don't care if "atheism" has produced science rabbis. I would care if you're going to demonstrate your beliefs are something other than your seething.

>> No.21393153

According to Google 0.7% of India is Buddhist. And Buddhists are not atheists you dumbo.
>But in the minds of /lit/ christlarpers, who are seething at the beliefs of higher status secular people, atheism is a materialistic worship of science meant to spite their god
No I just think Atheism is stupid. I dont really follow any religion. I've also noticed that out of the many tens of thousands of great thinkers to ever express their thoughts, very very few have ever been atheists, even in scientific fields. But you got Marx!

>> No.21393160

Contemporary India is a very religious country whose spiritual character has been fundamentally altered by successive Islamic and Protestant rule, careful with that sawn-off ad-hom shotgun you're attempting to aim

>> No.21393162

I did and you didn't reply to the post lol because it was too real for you just like the workings of astrology. Your argument for atheists not being retarded is you like Buddhists, but you already made arguments about how dumb 3rd worlders are because they can't into science and technology and moon landings like the Danes.

>> No.21393169

>self refuting

>> No.21393171

>Buddhists are not atheists
They don't believe in a Brahma/Ishvara/Yahweh as creator of the universe. They do have "gods" and supernatural beings in their cosmology, but these would all be demons to a Christian. The Muslims who exterminated Buddhism from Central Asia in the middle ages also understood Buddhists were atheists.

>> No.21393175

None of those men are intelligent...

>> No.21393185

The point that third worlders are the most theistic peoples sailed over your head. The westerners are now the least theistic, the same westerners who produced most of your theistic scientists. So if the secret sauce is skydaddy, why aren't the people of Zimbabwe building a space station? Are you going to answer or just keep shrieking?

>> No.21393186

>ad-hom shotgun
It's not an ad-hom I'm just trying to get your smooth atheist brain to be consistent in your arguments. You won't defend atheist materialism on its own merits and are now appealing to Buddhists in India to provide something substantial but you already said that I belong in Sudan for being a theist and educated/sophisticated westerners moved on to atheism. They did not move on to Buddhism which you're now stating is the foundation of your non materialist atheist philosophy. So which is it, are 3rd worlders who are theists dumb dumbs because they don't build rockets to the moon or are Buddhists incredibly sophisticated thinkers despite also not doing that, unless you're specifically referring to Japanese Buddhists which you aren't since you stated Indian.

>> No.21393187

>actually believing these dumb images are always real quotes.

>> No.21393188 [DELETED] 

Atheism and Christianity are different versions of the same ideology: there was nothing then Something (god/the big bang theory) created the universe Sometime (13.8 billion years ago/6000 years ago) and so we should believe in a form of neo-Judaism based on the teachings of (Jesus Christ/Karl Marx/someone else). most Christians are not fundamentalists, so they are pretty much the exactly the same . Catholicism is pagan, I am just arguing that Protestantism and Atheism are Identical, and have no value. Eastern philosophy is the only philosophy really worth discussing at all.

>> No.21393201

>the same westerners who produced most of your theistic scientists.
No, the atheist westerners today are producing drugs to give to children to transition their gender and add medications to fuck up young boys. The theists produced all the scientific and philosophical and literary progress.
>if the secret sauce is skydaddy why aren't the people of Zimbabwe building a space station
I never said theism automatically makes people intelligent. I said there are no truly genius atheists. Why you can't understand this I truly do not know, but your ability to reason logically is very poor.

>> No.21393205

>they do have gods and supernatural beings
Okay so they're not atheists and you haven't demonstrated that atheists can exist without being materialists. Cool, thanks.
>but they'd be demons in Christianity
I don't care. I'm not talking about Christianity. I'm talking about atheists being stupid lol. Man you really can't get anything straight in your mind.

>> No.21393223

I'm sure you speak at least one Eastern language then anon?

>> No.21393233


>> No.21393237

Ya well whatever

>> No.21393282

That's merely poor reading comprehension on your part; I am suggesting that atheism is not inherently materialism (in India historically the debates around this were far more developed than smug professors denouncing the low church Protestant background of their grandparents) and that the output of "science," which you are treating like a resource in a strategy game, doesn't get a boost from being a theist. If it did, western countries would have fallen greatly behind Bangladesh and the Chinese wouldn't be able to turn their computers on.

>> No.21393293

>"believing" in God for culture war purposes
yeah I figured
Theists, in western discourse, are assumed to believe in a creator God. I guess you don't believe God created anything, which effectively makes you an atheist to most westerners.

>> No.21393303

>and that the output of "science," which you are treating like a resource in a strategy game, doesn't get a boost from being a theist. If it did, western countries would have fallen greatly behind Bangladesh and the Chinese wouldn't be able to turn their computers on.
Anon stop you're embarrassing yourself. For the 4th time I did not say that theism makes people scientifically adept. I said that all or nearly all major scientific pioneers have been theists along with nearly all major literary figures and philosophers. Milton was religious, that doesn't mean everyone who is equally religious as Milton will produce equally good books. I have tried to explain this to you repeatedly.

>> No.21393311

I believe a God created everything.
>believing in God for culture war purposes
No I already explained a few reasons for my belief in God when you requested me to. You simply never responded to the post.

>> No.21393315


>> No.21393317

>I am suggesting that atheism is not inherently materialism
Explain how.
>in India historically the debates around this were far more developed
Okay and what historic debates were those?

>> No.21393318

So you admit wewuzism is not an argument for theism being correct? There are several of you ITT and at least one has been highly defensive around there being hecking smart science rabbis so it is smart to agree with their opinions on religion.

>> No.21393323

>Catholicism is pagan
what in the world...

>> No.21393338

Theists being historically (much) more intelligent than atheists is not inherently an argument for theism being correct. I would never utilize that premise because I can think logically, unlike you. Theism does happen to be correct but even so it isn't the topic of this thread which I created and which is a challenge to identify a single truly intelligent atheist. I don't actually doubt the existence of such a person, rather I wanted to clearly demonstrate that truly genius theists outnumber truly genius atheists 10,000 to 1 in the history of human thought development concerning every single possible subject. Because I find people like you to be figures of fun.

>> No.21393343

Having said all that though, it's generally advisable to be in good intellectual company. I'll take Dante and Newton and you can have Marx and college educated high status public school teachers, deal?

>> No.21393344
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who are the smartest theists, then? go ahead

>> No.21393347

I'm not going to write you an essay about the history of Indian Buddhist philosophy. But there is no reason as far as I see it, to take the dogmatic idea of God as the fundamental basis and cause of all things, and then apply that same idea to something material instead. What indivisible absolute material cause are we even able to identify? Even a particle has sides and may move in relation to another particle. Matter doesn't get to quietly cut and paste the role of God if you disagree with the role itself.

>> No.21393356

Marxism is Christianity without God, so you can have that too.

>> No.21393360

in other words... not Christianity

>> No.21393363

Plato, Aristotle, Dante, Milton, Goethe all come to mind, but really the question is better asked the way I did it by selecting the tiny minority who weren't theists.

Name the 10 writers you respect most and they will likely nearly all be theists.

>> No.21393375

>I'm not going to actually make any arguments because it's a waste of time
>I will, however, make 2 dozen fairly lengthy posts in this thread
Okay, and you still haven't responded to the reasons I gave for being a theist.
>Christianity without God OR Christ
It's the same picture :^)

>> No.21393377

I care about the consequences of beliefs and not their outward symbolic expression. They are both aggressive proselytizing forms of nihilistic world denial

>> No.21393390
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>more nonsensical atheist mind mush
Many such cases

>> No.21393394

You don't believe in evidence so there's not much to tell you is there? I keep seven gorillas in my garage and own three bridges in Brooklyn. My father-in-law's nephew is a Nigerian prince.

>> No.21393402

>you don't believe in evidence
I certainly do. Let's see some of that evidence you have that will make your position sensible.
Ya... of course not

>> No.21393408
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Kevin Soway synthesized all the wisdom from past ages and traditions.


>> No.21393410

>I keep seven gorillas in my garage and own three bridges in Brooklyn. My father-in-law's nephew is a Nigerian prince.
This is how atheists always react after being buck broken by Chad theists. Also look for:
>overuse of the word skydaddy
>use of the term "imaginary friend"
>some type of spaghetti monster reference without actually using the term spaghetti monster because reddit atheists and the amazing microdick banana ass fucker sort of ran that into the ground
>totally bizarre statements that make no sense

>> No.21393416

Did you know that most shit shovellers throughout the course of human history have been religious? Statistically speaking if your job is shovelling shit then you probably believe in God. Now I'm not going to say that theism makes people adept at shovelling shit but I think it's interesting that if you counted up all the people who ever shovelled shit for a living who existed throughout the course of human history, very few of them are atheists.

>> No.21393421

Wow... right on cue

>> No.21393430

Get back to work, Pablo. That shit ain't gonna shovel itself.

>> No.21393431

Not intelligent or worth reading.

>> No.21393434

We're talking about atheists, not athiests.

>> No.21393435

>spastic thrashing
Most people in general who have ever done anything on Earth have been theists you clown. You could write this seethe pasta for scientists, authors, philosophers, knitters, carpenters, teachers, and literally everything else people can do and say that very few of them throughout the course of human history have been atheists.

Where you'd expect atheists to have shone (if you take their self-appointed descriptions of being logical, rational, scientific and intelligent seriously, which you should not) would be in the realm of intellectual endeavours and they have not, ever.

>> No.21393439

He was a crypto-Arian you retard.

>> No.21393442

Hahahaha wow you got me good there anon
>wtf I renounce my theism now

>> No.21393485

I don't need evidence against a baseless dogmatic claim about the nature of the universe or who or what created it. This is absolutely your burden of proof.
Yes we know you are larping as a fundamentalist for culture war purposes because no one likes last decade's emaciated nerdy vloggers. Doesn't make you more correct

>> No.21393505

>burden of proooof
Ah I forgot that one, pure atheist bingo lol
>blah blah your own view about culture war
Blabbity blah you're boring me now after you admitted you literally refuse to even explain this non materialist Buddhist atheism you apparently learned about in the nuanced historical debates of India or something, faggot

>> No.21393513

>a baseless dogmatic claim about the nature of the universe or who or what created it.
Well, whenever you want to get back onto the actual thread topic you can start listing genius atheists as you like. I think the 2 or 3 possible candidates have already been suggested though so... good luck!

>> No.21393518

this thread is a prime example of what following men brings.

>> No.21393556

>pure atheist bingo lol
as I said, you don't believe in evidence
I've already opined on the topic. All things considered a society of theists would have its geniuses mostly be theist. This is just a soft wewuzism or cargo culting on your part because atheism is spreading.

>> No.21393572

The spread of Atheism is pretty disastrous for society but luckily it won't last much longer.

>> No.21393577
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/lit/ really is incapable of communicating without internet buzzwords

>> No.21393600

Anyway dear anon I think I'm going to get high and watch It's a Wonderful Life, a beautiful movie that an atheist such as yourself would be totally unable to appreciate. I hope you grow. There's no shame in being an ex-atheist. I used to be an atheist myself!

>> No.21393665

According to the most recent philpapers survey, over two thirds of philosophers aren't theists. Cope, seethe, etc.

>> No.21393668

You mean philosophers like Sam Harris? Or what philosophers do you mean and what were their contributions to philosophy?

>> No.21393801

>this braindead meme again
This is absolutely false, but even if it weren't that would only emphasize how useless atheism is. Christianity built the West; communism has built little but failing prison states. All you're doing is emphasizing the importance of deism.

>> No.21394790

>endless circlejerk about ideologies to sheperd cattle people
If you're an atheist, you're missing out. If you're a christian and you haven't seen yet religion (and every other ideology) are tools of control you're the one being controlled.

True spiritual patricians pursue to be one of Our Lord's chosen, and everyone else exists to serve us. You, as a favourite, needs to take good care of your sheep as Jesus did. There, problem solved, moral conundrums dissipated, reason achieved, nothing changed, everyone dies at the end. But at least you left the world a better place than when you came to it, even while wrangling a horde of retards.

>> No.21394800

Nietzsche, because his atheism was grounded in his moving beyond universal principles. He's the first and last atheist you need to read because his atheism is total; he doesn't even bother trying to "refute" theism because truth is the domain of theism and he understood that. Instead, he concerned himself with power, the domain of atheism, and from there he came to understand the most atheistic concept ever devised: the overman.

>> No.21394840

Newton was a schizophrenic Anglo incel who got BTFOd by Goethe and Einstein.
We can safely ignore him now.

>> No.21394846

Just looked up Mr diety on YouTube

A very cursed relic of the mid 00s. Interesting how this nobody has a Wikipedia page though. I guess in 2007 the entire Internet was still mostly white western men with aspergus syndrome