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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2139013 [Reply] [Original]

How many books could be considered a good personal library for someone who is
a) 25
b) 35
c) 45 or older

>> No.2139016

>personal library

>> No.2139019

a) 25
b) 35
c) 45 or more

>> No.2139048

Ah, gotta love capitalist society. Culture is relegated to a quantity of product stored at the owner's expense.

>> No.2139053

>How many books could be considered a good personal library
However many you want.
And why do you want to know the ages? Its not a competition man.

>> No.2139054


>> No.2139058

Socialist pig.

>> No.2139070

You should be reading a shit-ton of books. Whenever you can. This is /lit/ after all. What you do with books after you read them (keep a little library, pass them along, put them in your ass) is irrelevant to anyone except you, so stop asking gay questions.

>> No.2139071

implying Marx and Proudhon didn't have big bookcases in their houses

>> No.2139078

>put them in your ass

I'm a fool for drinking while reading /lit/ and expecting not to spit it all on my desktop.

>> No.2139079
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You could have 1000 books it wouldn't matter shit if you don't read them.

Just fucking read every book you want to. Buy your favourite ones, when you get to whatever age you might notice you've got a few shelves of books, and a fuck-ton of pdf's and kindle books.

Does that make you a better person or even a more impressive reader? No, fuck off.

Reading isn't a pissing contest.

>> No.2139084


Who said anything about Marx or Proudhon?

>> No.2139086

I did.

>> No.2139087


You're assuming he's interested in reading books. Why?

As far as I can tell, he's only interested in owning books.

Also, I disagree that owning books would be useless without reading them. They can both accomplish different things independent of each other.

>> No.2139088


How come?

>> No.2139089

What a poor sense of humour you have.

>> No.2139092

Because they were the two biggest critics of storing things at one's own expense, which you mentioned.

>> No.2139094



It seems kind of hypocritical of them to own large libraries then.

>> No.2139095

ITT: Mad Kindle Owners.

>> No.2139101

I think Marx justified it by saying that public libraries are acceptable since they're available to everyone, so personal libraries are acceptable if everyone has one. Not sure about Proudhon though.

>> No.2139100

They're books not fucking trophies. You stupid, arrogant, ignorant fucks.

>> No.2139103
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ITT: people who only read when nobody's watching and burn every book they read so nobody could see what they did

Yeah, I'm OP and I'm making this face

>> No.2139105

>implying that some books aren't also collectables and antiques

Stop being a snob on the utility and purpose of objects. In some cultures, books are also useful as fuel and toilet paper.

>> No.2139106


You're OP and making an absurd distortion of legitimate observations.

>> No.2139109

legitimate observation = any idiot's opinion?

>> No.2139110

yeah your right. i have some leather bound free mason encyclopedia's. I feel like doing some 4x4 camping and i have no kindling. kindling, funny word.

>> No.2139113


Not at all.

>> No.2139114

inb4 op starts speedreading to meet the quota

>> No.2139117

I have a quota of reading 52 books an year. And buying them.

>> No.2139118

whats wrong with public libraries?

>> No.2139119

Nothing, I've read a lot of books from the city library. Especially new authors, when I'm not sure weather to buy a book. But I like to own them.

>> No.2139120

Oooh, the "city library". Well la-di-da, Mr Fancypants.

>> No.2139131

You can't prove how well read you are by pointing to your collection, and instead actually have to reference them.

>> No.2139135

Hm it doesn't really matter if you have a personal library or not. I think you can impress some people if you have a personal library, but does it matter?
I also started buying a lot of books lately, but these are mainly classics and I think its nice to own them. I like looking at my bookshelf. Also I read not only for entertainment, but also to become a better writer myself, so I am gonna read the ones I liked more than once probably and I plan on working with them and analyze characters and styles used.

>> No.2139151
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>18 years old
>at least 500 books: philosophy, non-fiction, classics, poetry, contemporary; local, national, international; english, french, spanish, italian, german, a notable greek and latin anthology
>no competition in the first place, anyone have any questions about /lit/?

>> No.2139153


wow really neat you should inventory it all you can make a spreadsheet called whogivesafuck.xls

>> No.2139162

a. 200
b. 1000
c. 2500

>> No.2139163
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i dunno you, i ain't gibbin a fuck if you're jelly; if anyone has any /lit/ questions I'm up to talk abou'it.

>> No.2139167

i have a question. what are you going to do when you have to move the collection?

>> No.2139166

What does it feel like to never know the touch of a girl?
who am i kidding, I already know.

>> No.2139197
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I get mad pussy, I'm O.G. babe
I considered it last night, as a matter o' fact. Moving the collection is relatively easy, I figure; it takes up about 6 cardboard boxes of 1-foot depth, so 4 good plastic bins from a place like Ace Hardware could fit 'em all I figure. Fitting them in the trunk of a sedan is usually easy, unless it's like a Rabbit or a Yaris. Although I think next summer (3-month vacation) I'll take a box-full only then spend the rest of my time working and studying another foreign language, like Hebrew, Russian or Arabic (they have similar syntax and I obviously have the resources to learn any of them).

>> No.2139201
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>18 years old
>500 books

Only books you personally bought with your own earned money count

>> No.2139207

you know what my dick is thinking? nothing

>> No.2139233
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I'm a collector, I find deals. I worked as a programmer at an international company and that was my source of income. So yea, they do count. I wish somebody had some questions about /lit/.

>> No.2139240


working for a multinational is gross

>> No.2139241
File: 84 KB, 1148x326, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the formula to calculate this.
x = age
y = socioeconomic status
z = occupation
a = interest in books

>> No.2139248
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To the golden ratio, haha.
Also, hi Squirrel. Reply to my email, I can't write all those articles myself! There's a Toronto publisher who you could do a review for, they're launching 4 books this fall that I need people to write 1000 words about.

>> No.2139257

a) 500
b) 2000
c) 5000

>> No.2139254


>> No.2139270

a) 350
b) 1250
c) 2000

>> No.2139272

thats the number i thought. but thats depend on which area you are. i'm in law school, 23 years old and 200 books right now. Its necessary.

>> No.2139273
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;) It's Jay.

>> No.2139277

this is some deep trolling. step it up. u dn't no me.

>> No.2139280

don't have ur email no more. and what the fuck. getting beaten by the black dog.

>> No.2139285
File: 91 KB, 500x381, 1292188423873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll email you in a month then, seeiao.

>> No.2139286

nice boobs

>> No.2139289

blindsiding me with blondes. your not her but you work for her. no dog ever pissed on a moving car. threatening me with twilight.

>> No.2139291


>> No.2139293

i couldn't control my ups in downs after us because you were my drug. i had lost my other copying skills.

>> No.2139310

I've got about 3000 books in two houses. And it is a complete bitch every time I move apartments or whatever - I just moved flats and there were 25 boxes of books. Cost me like 300 euros to get some guys to move them. In my other house, I have an entire roomful of books, and I'm not kidding when I say that the nightmarish thought of moving them has made me stay with my wife longer than I otherwise may have done.

I did a conservative estimate, and the books and periodicals in my "main" house would weigh 1,5 - 2 tonnes altogether.

I bought a kindle this year.

>> No.2139314

How old are you? Have you bought these books yourself or are some of them inherited from your parents or something?

>> No.2139315

a) 45
b) 35
c) 25 or less

>> No.2139325
File: 17 KB, 200x194, NathanBarley_prez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in my 30s (yeah, oldfag). A lot came from University (English Lit. BA and PhD, so nuff books), I also picked up about 300 books in spanish when they closed down the spanish department at the uni where I did my PhD. The rest are just down to a generalised addiction - if I ever find myself walking around town with money in my pocket, I tend to come home with like half a dozen books.

The guy who rents my house now loves it - he says it's like living in his own personal library, and he's picked up a load of new favourite writers since he was there. And the lucky bastard hasn't had to buy a book in the three years he's lived there...

I'd actually forgotten the ones I inherited from my parents - they're in the attic of their old house, so technically my sister has them now, but they're still mine. So I have to add another 3-400 to the list.

>> No.2139336

a. 1000
b. 3000
c. 5000

Those are my personal goals, at least. Right now I'm 22 and have 600, so it's maybe feasible.

>> No.2139342

Anyone with over 200 books should be shot in the face.

>> No.2139344

How come?

>> No.2139349

Wat, quantity>quality? 7/10, but too obvious

>> No.2139357

The same reason someone with a lot of gym equipment sitting around their house should be shot in the face.

>> No.2139361


What? As in them becoming stronger than others, or in this case, more intellectual, being a bad thing? For you, maybe.

>> No.2139387

>implying training whenever you want is worse than having to go to the gym and using equipment hundreds of people have used

>> No.2139500

Oh cool. I didn't know there were more pics of her.
Maybe there's a whole set.

>> No.2139514


ZOMG no prons allowed.

>> No.2139531

I'm nineteen and I have about 200. It grows every month. I'm never getting a kindle.

>> No.2139749

150000, at any age