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/lit/ - Literature

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21389339 No.21389339 [Reply] [Original]

it's much more demanding than doing math all day. Only 2 hours of writing have left me mentally and emotionally DRAINED with nothing left in the tank.

I'm satisfied with what I wrote, it felt very natural, the inspiration flowed etc (it comes whenever I ask for it, with the price of being a vegetable for the rest of the day), so the resulting depression has to be due to exhaustion, not regret. But how does this even work? What's the neurochemical kink behind this? Is this even normal? I'm used to doing several hours long programming and math sessions and I still feel perfectly fine afterwards (even get a mental 'pump' from it). Maybe the complexity of the task (imagining audiovisual, emotional and conceptual landscapes that evolve over time, interacting nonlinear character threads, countless potentialities) is significantly higher than in the case of solving algorithmic problems or proving something. The latter case has a higher overhead (you need to learn a shitton of math first, only then can you engage the entirety of your intellect - whereas with writing the ideas are already formed - either through years of maladaptive daydreaming or interfacing with a primordial shamanic medium). But that's just my theory I came up with 5 minutes ago (upon experiencing this).

(English is not my main language)

>> No.21389366

I believe it uses your entire brain. You are using planning and conscious slow thinking at every step. When you hit the period key your brain starts running ahead so you can get the next sentence.
You probably imagine a visual the entire time. It probably burns calories.

>> No.21389384

this is how you know you're on the right path... it's hard work and you're eventually somewhat fulfilled.

>> No.21389438

You are exhausting your reserves, brother. Your mental and psychic energies are expelled as you create a story from nothing.
It is mostly as you wrote . . . the complexity of the task is higher than many other mental acts.
I have been writing over the last two hours and have not gotten very far. Luckily, it is just some filler about the characters before they get to the next important set piece. Still, it is hard tonight.

I usually try to write a thousand words every day, whereas it used to be shooting for one page a day. Now I use smaller font so I just shoot for amount of words. Typically, I can write a few thousand words in a day, which translates to a book after a few months. I know what I want to write, though, as it is all mapped out. Just waiting on the details, and that is usually a free style sort of writing.

>> No.21389450

I want to shoot myself in the head but I'm somewhat fulfilled, yes

>> No.21389544
File: 69 KB, 965x971, pepe-exotropia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the opposite viewpoint.
8 hours at my STEM job leave me exhausted.
But (when I'm not exhausted from work) I can write all day.
Guess which one pays the bills, though.

>> No.21389562

This picture is causing me some issues, making it difficult to look towards the future. For the past half hour all I can think about are those years I spent out in the wilds, especially those 18 months when I had a lady friend living out there with me, those hot summer days spent naked sitting by the lake in the cool grass. That first summer we spent a month naked and lazing about in the August heat, sometimes talking but generally just sitting or laying there by the lake being content. Now I am back in the city and it is winter and we just had our first blizzard of the season, feel like i am as far away from that life as I can possibly be and I can not help but wonder how things would of turned out if I left the wilds with her all those years ago. I know if I had followed her out I would regret what I had given up, but it is very difficult to believe that right now.

>> No.21389612

Fascinating, anon.
Why didn't you go with her? Was it the smell? The armpit hair? THe fact that you knew you couldn't cut it in the wild?

>> No.21389665

this is a LARP fantasy trying to make reading and writing seem more rigorous than it actually is, mathematics is more demanding and difficult and mentally taxing by a country mile

>> No.21389688

>Why didn't you go with her?
Because city life is not for me. Only came back to the city so I could save up and buy a boat. The woods are comfy but I am not the sort that can just sit about in the woods reading about a world I will never see. I probably could have sat about in the woods ignoring the world if she had stayed out there with me, but without something to anchor me my mind tends to wonder about all the things out there in the world.
>THe fact that you knew you couldn't cut it in the wild?
That makes no sense, if that were the case I would have left with her instead of spending another 5 years out there.

>> No.21389690

you have captured the essence of adulthood in one sentence

>> No.21389709 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 315x326, genitection – creaction – syllogosis – conspection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Writing which follows genial motion, being a syllogistical coproduct of one's work, and leisure, is virtually as organic as breathing; the only potentially "exhausting" thing related to this species of writing is having to search for one's phone when one wants to conspect & organize, whatever flashes of insight transcur in one's head.

>> No.21389718
File: 185 KB, 315x326, genitection – creaction – syllogosis – conspection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Writing which follows genial motion, being a syllogistical coproduct of one's work, and leisure, is virtually as organic as breathing; the only potentially "exhausting" thing related to this species of writing is having to search for one's phone when one wants to conspect & organize whatever flashes of insight transcur within one's head.

>> No.21389723

Honestly, bro, I couldn't really figure out what the fuck you were saying.

So, you came back to the city, but not with her?
She came back to the city?
Is she naked in teh city, too?

What kind of boat?
Like a boat for a lake in the woods? Or a boat for the ocean?

I'm sorry, but your story made no sense to me, but I do like naked women, so I read it.

>> No.21389764

>Maybe the complexity of the task (imagining audiovisual, emotional and conceptual landscapes that evolve over time, interacting nonlinear character threads, countless potentialities)
From this alone I can tell you're a shit writer

Keep practicing

>> No.21389767

>Like a boat for a lake in the woods? Or a boat for the ocean?
How would a boat for a lake in the woods help me see the world? Don't mean this in an asshole way, but you should work on your reading/comprehension skills.

>move out into the woods
>spend a couple years enjoying solitude
>meet lady friend
>she joins me in the woods
>comfy naked summers.jpg
>but she wants friends, family, kids, etc
>eventually leaves
>sad face.jpg
>spend the next 5 years in the woods reading books and living life
>lots of books by single handed sailors and their adventures
>start to desire that life
>move out of the woods and get job in the city
>eat beans and rice and save everything for boat life
>see photo on /lit/ that makes me nostalgic for lazy naked summers with lady friend
>make a post about it
>end up greentexting it because /lit/ is not very lit

>> No.21389778

I'm not writing in English.

>> No.21389789

Glorious, absolutely MADE for BBC!

>> No.21389795

I haven't touched my notes in months, it's likely that my lungs ache from disuse. I need to learn how to breathe

>> No.21389817

Sorry, friend, your story was just atrocious. It didn't even make any sense the first time.
You should try to work on your writing skills, because they are bad.
Your previous post only said that
>Only came back to the city so I could save up and buy a boat. The woods are comfy but I am not the sort that can just sit about in the woods reading about a world I will never see. I probably could have sat about in the woods ignoring the world if she had stayed out there with me, but without something to anchor me my mind tends to wonder about all the things out there in the world.

So, you didn't actually claim that you were going to go and see teh world with your boat. It was not even implied, because your story was about a naked couple in the woods by a lake. Why should I be led to believe that you just ended the whole lake/woods thing to now not have a naked woman and just explore the world from your boat? That is just an awful plan, and I hate you.

Going to give you a better ending to your story, cuz it was shit.

The naked whore decided to head back into the city, but I didn't want to go. I wasn't ready yet. One day, while reading another book and jerking my crusty dick for the hundredth time, I heard a strange sound behind the cabin. Is that a bear? I wondered.
Opening the backdoor, I was surely surprised. There she was! She stood tall and regal, her naked body exactly as I remembered it. "What is this? Where-where did you come from? HOw did you get here?"
"Oh, anon," she cries, "I have missed you so. And look what I've brought you."
I looked around, floored that she was really here. I immediately stripped down to nothing. We stood there, together again, naked as jay birds. Suddenly, I heard a great roar from the forest. "What is happening?" I asked.
She only turned and smiled. Walking over, she brushed her fingers against my chest and picked off a few cheetos pieces caught in my burly hair. "I remembered our talks, anon."
Then, it burst forth over the canopy. A boat! She'd bought and brought a fucking boat.
"Incredible. Oh, anon, this is incredible," I hollered. I was so overwhelmed. All the memories and feelings of those hours beside the lake came flooding back. I was whole, again. She was here, my desert spring, my muse, my winter fire.
I walked over and embraced her. She hugged me close. I felt the warmth of her mound upon my overgrown pubes. I looked deep into her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. "Oh, no no," she said, stopping me. She distanced herself. I was in shock.

>> No.21389837

"I'm so sorry, anon. I . . . I only came back to give you the boat. I just- i just know this is what you always wanted. Even more than me, a naked woman beside you on our lake, or on our boat on our lake. I know that you are a gay man, and that you want to travel the ocean in your boat, sucking off strange, foreign men."
I was devastated. Then, another sound came from the forest. I heard it over the sound of the chopper leaving us. I heard it over the sound of my own sobbing.
A bear. I heard the roar of a bear.
Suddenly, he appeared at the edge of the forest. He stood almost nine foot tall, in a tuxedo overcoat, and he walked towards us as a man. Stopping short, he only looked at the two of us, one then the other. Finally, she walked over and hugged him. "I'd like you to meet my husband, anon. After you . . . after you left . . . I was destroyed. I was unwanted by the man that I so loved. Even as a beautiful nude woman, I knew that I would never be enough. So, I found Ruffles here. He is a Kodiak, and he works in Anchorage. We'll be leaving, now. It is just too much. Too tough. But . . . I hope you can find what you are looking for, anon. I hope you can find peace.

The pair walked away, disappearing into the woods as I stared on in shock, my naked ass hanging out, my balls freezing and shriveling up. Fuck, I thought. They put my fucking ocean boat on this fucking lake. How the fuck am I supposed to explore the world from a boat on my fucking lake?

>> No.21389866

>So, you didn't actually claim that you were going to go and see teh world with your boat
No, not directly but this is about as simple and obvious as subtext gets, how can you not get the implication? The required context is all there.
>Going to give you a better ending to your story
oh, you are a plot fag of the worst kind, that is why subtext is beyond you.

>> No.21389892

No, none of it was there. You are just buttmad.

Your story was just so bad that I couldn't even make heads or tails of it. Terrible. But, I fixed it. You are welcome.

>> No.21389933

Nah, still feeling nostalgic, an anonymous plotfag can not outdo my own past. Boat life did not matter to the original sentiment, that was just an elaboration for your being stupid, you missed the change from past tense to present tense and could not remember the first sentence by the time you finished it.

>> No.21390687

raymond chandler didn't larp and he made same observation
> I believe that all writing that has any life in it is done with the solar plexus. It is hard work in the sense that it may leave you tired, even exhausted. In the sense of conscious effort it is not work at all.

>> No.21390704

Giv me a sauce on tht booba

>> No.21390736

As a ESL math undergraduate with /lit/ard knowledges frequently waste my potential with ultimately useless writings, I deeply feel this thread

Oh and I'm a kissless hugless virgin so pic makes me seethe twice

>> No.21391201


>> No.21391207
File: 417 KB, 680x680, 876986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a blue board please remove your image

>> No.21391245

>pruning, debriding, rumination, concordance, counterpoint, (re)ordering, rhythm, image, sound
The result isn't procedural or guaranteed but must be generated/manifested, and uncertainty will always remain, "Is this complete? Too much? Too little?" No finished poems, only abandoned ones ect. ...

>whereas with writing the ideas are already formed
Whatever we say will not transplant that spatio-visual et. al. holistic inner experience 1:1, and our approach to making something that adequately suggests a fidelitous approximation likely will only work for some and not others. Where other mathematicians will be immediately legible to one another in the domain of numbers, with writing we're sounding out manifold human types and characters-- even if they are our kin, there can be misunderstandings, like Abel and Cain.