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21388863 No.21388863 [Reply] [Original]

>Mother asks me if I want anything for Christmas
>I tell her the only new things I really like are books but I have run out of room for them
>Suggest a bookshelf in the living room for new books
>Tell her she and my father could try to convince people they had read books they had never read:
>“And John would say - ‘Oh, you’ve read…’ uh… what’s a book?”

>> No.21388919

I'm getting my dad the divine comedy for Christmas since its his favorite book infact he namef me after the author

>> No.21388942

Why didn't you stop Germany from dropping 7 on you.

>> No.21388972


>> No.21389051


>> No.21389114

>>Mother asks me if I want anything for Christmas
>>I tell her the only new things I really like are books but I have run out of room for them
>>Suggest a bookshelf in the living room for new books
I did this some years ago, they gave me a perfume
"Do you like it? :) "
I'm anosmic, mother, you have know this for decades.

>> No.21389124

They were tactfully letting you know that you smell and are unaware of it.

>> No.21389214

kys normie

>> No.21389225


>> No.21389241

>not smelling like a trash can is normie
You probably have taken the whole outsider/contrarian thing a bit to far.

>> No.21389255

In Hell, everything is false, the opposite of truth. The hair, the eyes, the nails, the smell, the flesh.
Remember this.

>> No.21389270

Let your parents know that they have my sympathies.

>> No.21389276

It’s a tricky thing, gifting books. Most people I know don’t read, and the ones that do read exclusively business or self-help books. My policy is to rehome the english-language novels I’ve finished (the non-fiction and non-english would be useless to anyone in my current gaggle of confidantes), but even this has produced little fruit. A novel will be given, and it will be no YA tripe, for I have bequeathed the likes of Stoner, Dune, Moby Dick, American Psycho, Johnny Got His Gun, and other such classics, but they gather dust in the hands of possessors of unreading eyes. Months past, and I’ll hear nary a peep of their contents from their new owners. When I’ve dared enquire as to the status of the completion of their reading of these works, it’s the usual “Oh, I haven’t gotten around to it yet.” “I’ve been busy.” “I keep meaning to, but…” But? BUT? It’s maddening, but I’ve accepted it now. No one reads, no one wants to read. It’s over; it really is over.

>> No.21389333
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My parents asked me if I wanted any books for Christmas and I thought that was a good idea but then I thought about them going out to a bookstore and paying those ridiculous prices for new books and there's no way they'd bother going to used book stores or buying from multiple online book sellers to get the best prices so I said I want nothing

>> No.21389345

>so I said I want nothing
extremely based and selflesspilled

>> No.21389785


>> No.21390032

my mother bought me infinite jest for christmas a few years ago because the cashier at the bookstore told her that it's the kind of thing young men like to read

>> No.21390034
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i just asked for a bottle of whiskey and a pack of my favorite small cigars because im broke and want to enjoy myself on newyears

my mom said something in passing that hit deep though. we were talking about getting her surgery for her detached retina but she said she would wait because it would cost too much money before Christmas. so basically she is putting off being able to see properly and live a normal life to make sure everyone can have a good Christmas

>> No.21390344

Who would give a dude perfume for christmas?

>> No.21390370

he named you the?

>> No.21390500

Ultrafaggot. your biz friends are cool tho

>> No.21390513

fucking kek
I come from a large family and instead of everybody trying to buy everybody presents, we do a "secret santa" thing were every person draws a name out of a hat, and only buys a gift for that one person, so everbody gets a gift without breaking the bank or anything. This year, I got myself. I didn't tell anybody though, but I need to buy a gift so on christmas morning I'm not just standing around awkwardly and not contributing

>> No.21390644

I think they named him Dantsky

>> No.21390742

My family are not celebrating Christmas anymore.
>tell my boyfriend I want to read the Lunar Trilogy
>he buys it for me as my gift
Simple as
That's a strong mother, very nice.

>> No.21391077

I feel bad for your parents.

>> No.21391589

Your mom loves you

>> No.21391607

Pretty cool name ngl. Versatile too. If you want to sound less frou-frou you can just go by Dan (even if the pronunciation of the 'a' is different).

>> No.21391615

This guy gets named Dante, one of the coolest names in existence, and you suggest he go by Dan?

>> No.21392318

That must mean some else got themselves. You're not the only one.

>> No.21392660

not necessarily, as an example:
>1 thru 7
>1 gets 1 (anon gets himself)
>2 gets 5, 5 gets 3, 4 gets 7, 3 gets 6, etc
If it's random it doesn't mean that at all.

>> No.21392692

This >>21391589

Moms are flawed but moms need appreciation. I highly recommend to any anons, think about how much you appreciate your mom, especially all the joy her silent love enabled for your family over the years, and then going to her and telling her you were just thinking about her and how the family was lucky to have her, how you love her and hope you can make her proud and repay her for all those years of raising you, the years of small things that she did just because she was a mom and not for any reward or attention. Most moms go their whole lives without hearing something like this.

We as men and especially autistic men find it gay to say things like this, or we assume that women already know it and don't need us telling them. We also feel clumsy socially and emotionally, and we assume instinctively that you can't just say something as basic as "I care about you," like you're supposed to say it in a more complex way, or show it through your deeds. But women are extremely emotional and you can make a woman's whole week just by saying "I appreciate you" or "I miss you and think about you when you're not around" or "I was just thinking about you while you were at the store and I think you're swell." All women like this gay stuff but moms especially deserve it.

Another protip I learned. If you do or say something and a woman does that "awww!" thing, that isn't just window dressing woman thing they do automatically sometimes, you basically just gave them $500 emotionally, so try to pay attention to that and do it more. Women also like when you get them a gift. Try to pay attention to things a woman says that seem inconsequential, like about foods or colors they enjoy, and then get them things that "match" those things, and it's like giving them $5000 emotionally.

>> No.21392705

Your mother is fucking retarded and you're completely pathetic. I hope your line ends soon and stops wasting oxygen.

>> No.21392710

>Moms are flawed but moms need appreciation. I highly recommend to any anons, think about how much you appreciate your mom, especially all the joy her silent love enabled for your family over the years, and then going to her and telling her you were just thinking about her and how the family was lucky to have her, how you love her and hope you can make her proud and repay her for all those years of raising you, the years of small things that she did just because she was a mom and not for any reward or attention. Most moms go their whole lives without hearing something like this.

Profound advice (my mother's dead).

>> No.21392783

What did you gain from saying that to someone you'll never know?

>> No.21392864

I hate that bitch and hope she dies in pain.

>> No.21392911


>> No.21392948

How did you get satisfaction?

>> No.21393080


>> No.21393102

What kind of knotted up nigger soul do you have?

>> No.21393168

Wow you're clever

>> No.21393194

>Time and Punishment
>Tsar and Peace