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21385919 No.21385919 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true Nietzschebros?

>> No.21385930

Christianity IS communism
>product of jews
>muh poor good
>muh rich bad
It's literally the same thing with a different packaging.

>> No.21385945

>Authoritarian Marxism
No such thing. Does she mean authoritarian communism?

>> No.21385994

She mean's she's an underread cunt.

>> No.21386074

For the life of me I can't understand why such people would attempt to identify their worldview with a staunch nihilist eugenicist. To regurgitate the meme, "we are not the same!"

>> No.21386094
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>> No.21386123

>AGP smirk

>> No.21386152

it's hard to tell whether or not this tranny's incoherent rant takes itself seriously. authoritarian marxism and slave morality socialism? sounds serious. doesn't mean anything? whoops. by what mechanism does anarchism transcend the false duality of master and slave morality by eliminating masters altogether? via you tweeting this and me liking it? okay, let's do it

>> No.21386159

>no x-ism but y-ism
Both are for slave peabrains and unfit for a spiritual aristocrat such as myself

>> No.21386167

Then what, pray tell is Protestant Work Ethic? And why, good man, did Christianity produce Europe and the USA, rather than China or Russia? Stop listening to foolish, unread young women on Twitter and try reading a book - The Book (The Bible, in case you didn't get that).

>> No.21386221

anarchism is a completely shallow, surface level idea without any possible real-world application.

>> No.21386225

you people are insufferable

>> No.21386231

Bloopian Blapism is, under Burpean ethics, bump boobality brapism akin to blahbanity

>> No.21386234

No, pretty sure that's a girl. Correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.21386235

Making too much sense for you? Prefer to stay in fantasy land where Christianity=Communism never mind the mountains of contrary evidence.

>> No.21386252

I really don't give a shit, I just hate tradlarpers. go choke

>> No.21386283


>> No.21386291

No thanks. Everytime I am met with the vitriol of your kind it just reinforces my belief.

>> No.21386293

Besides, you're the one out of place here. The discussion is over Christianity.

>> No.21386313

Just setting your ludicrous premises aside for a moment, to skip to resoundingly braindead conclusion, let's take a look at it.

>Only anarchism can transcend the false duality of master and slave morality by eliminating masters altogether

And how do you propose to do that? By force? By law? How do you intend to maintain it? By force? By law? And who decides what constitutes a master? A ruling body? A constituency of voters? Do you see how ludicrous these shallow ideas are even when we ignore the insane premises?

What /lit/ needs is less social media, porn, and video games and more reading.

>> No.21386314

>Then what, pray tell is Protestant Work Ethic?
How does that contradict the argument? Ever heard of communist work ethic? In many communist countries being unemployed is illegal. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
>And why, good man, did Christianity produce Europe and the USA, rather than China or Russia?
Christianity didn't CREATE it, it is a Eastern philosophy and merged with (not replaced) the already existing European population. Christianity in other parts of the world has not the same results, because in the end it depends on the spirit of the people, not on the dogmas of the faith.
And many of the things we're seeing today are the result of the industrialization that would sooner or later have happened no matter what religion was dominant.

>> No.21386329

>anarchism eliminates masters
Sure thing

>> No.21386334

You don't seem to realize Protestant Work Ethic is a social theory regarding the speed at which the West developed. It revolves around individual responsibility and autonomy. It is incompatible with Communism. Protestant Work Ethic and government enforced labor are not the same thing.

Yes, yes it did. You may squirm all you like, try and rewrite the narrative in your favor (it's a very popular endeavor these days - Bloom's School of Resentment of epic proportions), but to no avail. You're either disingenuous, or an exceptionally poor student of history - especially Western history.

>> No.21386341

That person looks like a tranny

Therefore anything they say is meaningless

>> No.21386353

Idk fuk about comunism but that bitch and/or bastard has unhinged crazy anti-anxiety medication eyes so anything they say or believe probably comes from a place of seeking security, not truth

>> No.21386360

Protestant work ethic was a thing way over a millia after Christianity was started. That is a extremely westernized version of the original philosophy, just like Buddhism in the West is different than the Eastern original. A religion doesn't form the spirit of a society, the society rather finds a way to merge it with their way of life and thinking.

And I don't even know why you think the way the West developed is a good thing. So you're basically pro globalism? Because globalism is a child of communism. And globalism is also Christian, because it comes from the idea that all people are one under God, that's why Christians started going around in the world to missionize everybody. That's yet another point that shows that Communism = Christianity.

>> No.21386375

>Globalism is Christian
Holy cow! You're stark raving mad! Before trying to debate politics, history, and religion how about screwing your head on straight? You've got a lot of reading to do and news to catch up on before you're ready to talk with me. I'll let you get to that.

>> No.21386380

You're right. It might be a tranny, and that would explain the retardation as well.

>> No.21386389

Die you fucking twitter retard.
Stop shitting up the board with your bait.
The posters which replied to the post should also die.

>> No.21386396

>included in the set of all posters who replied

>> No.21386400

Do you know what "Catholic" means literally?

>> No.21386419

>uhh sweety read a book
Ok reddit, that's not an argument.
Humanism was literally born from Christianity ans socialism/communism was literally born from humanism, globalism was literally born from socialism/communism. That's a historical fact. Denying the similarities would be like denying you have the genes of your parents and grandparents.

>> No.21386422
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>> No.21386435

You first, double-bumper.

>> No.21386438

You're right, it's not an argument. Good job! It was a suggestion which you should take as if your intellectual life depended on it. Your grasp of historical fact is pure comedy to say the least, and a horror show for your former educators. I'm sorry for engaging you - you weren't ready. *raises hat* G'day marm.

>> No.21386447

Catholicism is not Christianity. It is a long since infiltrated institutional body rife with thinly veiled paganism and headed by a subvert. Even so, globos are not Catholic. There are Catholic globos, yet globos themselves have no faith. They are the proto-Harlot of Babylon, and will, of obvious necessity - to match their global enterprise - represent a deracinated, pseudo-religious, quasi-faith, conglomeration of faith subordinated to Man-as-God via technology. As I've said, and will say one last time, you kids don't read enough and don't keep up with the elites enough. Enough Twitter, enough porn, enough vidya - read a book. Then talk.

>> No.21386450

*conglomeration of religions

>> No.21386479

Dr Seuss lookin ahh nigga

>> No.21386514

>Catholicism is not Christianity
It basically is outside of Protestantism, in that it and Protestantism have been single handedly responsible for all religious influence on the way the world has turned out at present considering that humanism, globalism, socialism, etc., have all come directly out of the Protestant and/or Catholic parts of Europe.
> It is a long since infiltrated institutional body rife with thinly veiled paganism and headed by a subvert.
You need to read up on history a bit more yourself.

>> No.21386517

probably some form of marxist/leninist communism instead of the other flavours.

>> No.21386533

Anarkiddies are genuine retards

>> No.21386536

>attempting to explain nietzsche like she understands him

>> No.21386537

Protestantism created northern Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and a few other western countries, while Cathodoxy produced third world countries like Russia, Italy and Brazil. There's obviously totally different factors in the two religions (because Prot and Cathdox are obv two different religions) that are producing different economic circumstances. Such as Prot being less slave morality centred than Cathdox (but still is to a large degree), for example, the reformation doctrine of the 'priesthood of the believers', every believer having direct access to God. Rather than needing to go through Fr. Diamopoulopolos with the big beard and huge greek cock with which he fucks your wife every saturday.

>> No.21386539

No, it's very weak and juvenile thinking. You can't eliminate masters or hierarchy. Kill as many people as you want, you'll simply end up with different, weaker masters.

>> No.21386568

so many buzzwords in just 2 paragraphs
i am so impressed
step on me mommy

>> No.21386583

Why do so many people want to be liked by Nietzsche?
I don't care about him.

>> No.21386627

Nietzsche is dead, he can't like anybody. Besides, if you wanted his respect, you would want him to dislike you.

>> No.21386640

nah he shits on anarchists too

>> No.21386740

>I don't care FROM what you want to be free, tell me FOR what
>many lost their slavedom, and lost their last value

>> No.21386754

Snooty dames like our mustache handsome devil (just like he said), even they do not properly understand him. He was the last uncucked European, that they FEEL.

>> No.21386763

Yes, Marxism takes Gods attributes and gives it to the united proletariat, the united proletes are allpowerful etc.
Also thats a lousy understanding of master-slave morality. Eliminating the "masters" wouldnt make anyone magically a master of themselves. Master-Slave morality isn't linked necessarily to anything political, someone can be a citizen and pay taxes and vote etc., but still be authentic and be the master of their life, thoughts, believes, actions
Shit take from twitter troon leftoid, go actually read Nietzsche instead of larping

>> No.21386774

>Protestantism created modern leftoid shithole atheist states
>Catholics and Orthodox created the most culturally rich nations
I hope that you enjoy slurping on your goyslop while watching Troonimes on MTV

>> No.21386816

1.That's a man.
2. Some people are born to be slaves

>> No.21386859

It's true, but Nietzsche didn't advocate the second part. It wasn't a "false duality," but an outdated one. He wanted democracy to take over the world as part of a leveling process that would renew the cycle and re-create a new Imperium Romanum, with new masters and slaves, because he saw slavery as essential to a great civilization.

>> No.21386921

First part is right. Second part is wrong. The Ubermensch transcends both. The master is a condition predicted on the existence of slaves. The Ubermensch is unconditional, creates its own ground.

>> No.21386941

You must be fucking kidding me.
>The master is a condition predicted on the existence of slaves. The Ubermensch is unconditional, creates its own ground.
Did you just take that out of your ass? You sound like one of those stupid pseudo-marxists.

>> No.21386947

>Only my dumb form of extremism can solve this made-up problem a guy talked about 150 years ago!
Woah... powerful

>> No.21387013

>the weak and ill constituted will perish
>is weak and ill constituted
sounds like he just hated himself

>> No.21387020

Insofar as anarchism is a release of the master-slave dialectic through regression to a primitive state of dissociation and free-floating solipsism rather than sublation of the one into the other towards a state of absolute knowledge it is the purest form of slave morality and ipso facto 'degeneracy.'
The Ubermensch exalts the bondsman by sheer display of his will, who in turn happily defines himself through Him.

>> No.21387038

>eliminating masters and slaves.
thats not a thing. you simply create more slaves. anarchism (assuming in the socialist sense) is inherently restrictivist.

>> No.21387075

The first paragraph is fine.
The second paragraph is wrong when it states that "by eliminating masters altogether", this tells you that this woman is looking at Nietzsche's philosophy from a materialistic point of view. It would be much more accurate to say "by eliminating slaves altogether".

>> No.21387083
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>just eliminate the masters lmao

>> No.21387766


>> No.21387775
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kek, what a dumb cunt

>> No.21387847

I usually tell Twitter posters to fuck off, but this tweet is correct. Nietzsche is an honorary anarchist and it really bothers the authoritarian socialists, “left” and “right”

>> No.21387859

Communism isn’t authoritarian. The word use now is tanky. Authoritarian socialism

>> No.21387883

I think that Nietszche would have vastly preferred Soviet Style Marxists and Maoists over western Ancoms.

>> No.21387925

>Protestantism created northern Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and a few other western countries
> Canada, Australia and a few other western countries
I assume by Protestantism you mean the City of London Corporation?

>> No.21388160

In such a case, he would be as dumb as Lenin and other ivory tower intellectuals.
But I doubt you and disagree. I think you misunderstand Nietzsche

>> No.21388205

Lenin wasn't dumb, and I think you misunderstand Nietszche even more than I supposedly do. Nietszche would have absolutely despised anarcho-communists and social anarchists, as being driven by resentment and being weak.

>> No.21388279

I think he concerned himself with the individualist more than how the majority would organize themselves. Not once theorizing on what conditions could produce this individualist supreme. He dismisses the majority who will remain a kind of inferior, but his individualist supreme doesn’t take charge of them. This is why many see Conan as the Übermensch. A savage who just roams around looking for adventures. Or Pippi Longstocking, an orphan who needs no adults or their rules.
This isn’t Leninist “I give up, let’s do authoritarian capitalism till the state withers away”

If we’d had Kropotkin’s ancom world, the individualist supreme Übermensch could emerge from a commune. I dare say a lot of them.

>> No.21388293

Nothing in Calvinism (the sect behind the Protestant work ethic) says that the rich are good, and even if it did it would be blatant heresy and mammonism. Christianity is completely orientated against the rich and powerful. Source: Jesus’s words. There WERE individual Protestants that developed a “poor bad because they don’t work hard they’re lazy just like those Italian subhumans I bet the Pope is behind this” theory but calling something like that a good interpretation of Christianity is ridiculous

>> No.21388327

Her first paragraph is completely accurate. There is an obvious affinity between stuff like Progressivism and Marxism and Judeo-Christian millenarian beliefs/linear history/messianism. That’s why people quip that Marx (son of a line of Rabbis) was the last Jewish prophet; as atheist as he was he shared the Judeo-Christian disdain for notions of eternal recurrence

>> No.21388446

>Nietzschean ethics
Reading Latin, Schopenhauer, and, well, Nietzsche, helps us immediately disqualify arguments.

>> No.21388917

Maybe that's why I, a Christian who reads communist authors, feel something off when I see they angrily attacking Christianism.

I mean, okay, the church HAS been used as an instrument of oppression since Constantin, and religion finds no grounds on materiality.

Still, I'm a believer of God and I can feel it in my bones in a way that only those who believe can feel. And I can clearly see the surmounting of Capitalism as a return to early post-Edenic times.

>"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.''

I also believe that spirituality is a human capacity which doesn't require a religious framing to manifest, and the the symbol of Christ, specially in an Imago Dei, more helps than hurts the ideals of socialism, besides, obviously, it's militant atheism.

All in all, I hope they can reconcile anytime.

>> No.21388925

>globalism was literally born from socialism/communism. That's a historical fact.
What do you understand by 'globalism'?

>> No.21388933

Christianism is absolutely nothing outside what it says on the bible. Both catholicism and protestantism are an attempt to subver the word of god for their own gain of power, saved some very small sects such as Franciscans.

>> No.21388938

Authoritarianism is a bait word bought up by Hannah Arendt. I don't need to comment further.

>> No.21388945

Superficially, but the dissolution impulse of your average left-anarchist is identical in its "No gods no masters" serf utopianism. 'Libertarian' communists and anarchists deserve each other, in the end.

>> No.21388948

>Protestantisn created X, Catholicism created Y

It was the work of people which created everything you listed, regardless of what these people believed. Greeks believed in the greek gods and their society flourished, same for Egypt which lasted millenia. Religion doesn't create anything, it controls creation, which is the definitive activity of the working class.

>> No.21388956

>A marxist working with Nietzschean categories

yeah no

>> No.21389100

Nietszche believed that ubermensch would emerge from any society, as a minority. Is this supposed to establish some kind of confluence between Nietszche and anarcho-communism? Because it doesn't. Anarcho-communism is still fundamentally built on resentment and dogmatic moral systems. I say he would have had a greater affinity for leninists/maoists, because - to be quite frank - anarchists are all slavish, anxiety ridden drug addicts, that are also extremely impotent.

>> No.21389149

>Is this true
It's an overly educated midwit exercising status through academic plug & play jargon. It reminds me of the dialogue in a Sally Rooney novel.

>> No.21389210
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crazy that I can tell just by the writing, without out even looking at the profile pic or username, that this was written by a tranny. Philosotrannies are the worst kind.

>> No.21389801

Did you read my post?
Should I reword it so you can get whatI said better? Because nothing you say here counters, much less addresses, what I said. And your out of nowhere labeling me a Leninist is just as unhinged
>All anarchists are..
You don't know what you're talking about. 100%

>> No.21389841

You eliminate the masters and what do you have left? Nothing but slaves.
What will slaves impement? Slave morality politics. Boom, you're back to communism.
Anarcho-capitalism is literally the only way.