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21383424 No.21383424 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Winter edition

Previous >>21376862

>> No.21383431

It's my birthday and nobody has wished me yet

>> No.21383440
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Hope you have a happy birthday and week, anon.


>> No.21383443

Thank you so much. Means much anon

>> No.21383455
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Hey dudes, I'm on uni break and got nothing to do, I was bored so I started to go through some of my sister's teen novels just to see what they're about, "wow what fucking garbage" I thought, I can write something like that, heck I reckon with some dedication I might be able to make a better book. So yeah I'm starting to write a book since I'm tired of rainbow six siege and breaking bad reruns, the premise is a Mish mash of shit I like, please do tell me if it sounds interesting and give me suggestions: a noir globetrotting fantasy adventure set in an alternative universe where most of the world was flooded during the 19th century, oh also the Japanese empire won ww2 and there's going to be an eldrtitch supernatural twist. Obviously huge amateur here, never really wrote anything besides college essays, but it's been a fun experience.

>> No.21383460
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If there's anyone here who is in a relationship, how did you - and how do you - know you like the other person?

I am asking because I am 90% certain I cannot feel emotions. Right now, I am absolutely certain I could be a husband not out of emotions or feelings, but purely out of duties and responsibilities ("that is what you do as a Husband")

Fuck I*m retarded

>> No.21383470

Don't overthink it, the human experience is way more brainless than that dude

>> No.21383486

happy birthday. i'd get you a gift but i am unfortunately in the computer

>> No.21383495

can't answer your question because i'm nearly a wizard, but i am curious: do you know what it's like to feel emotions, or have you never felt them before?

>> No.21383506

The answer remains what it has been for some time now, Honk Pilled Absurdism. Yes, this is my philosophical school.
What's worse is the bland reaction from intellectuals proposing the status quo because "everyone already knew"
Just wait until you learn the pandemic sprung from a lab (humanized lab mice) and it was known from the start but covered up. I'll be ready for that "revelation" bc I'm already Honk Pilled.

>> No.21383533
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posting from other thread since I didn't know about this one
I'm working on a writing a series of interviews between two characters, can you guys tell me if this is even halfway humorous?
>I have a confession to make
>oh yeah?
>I...am a gay man
>*puts his head in his hands and tries to hide his smile* you are so full of shit
>what? how am I full of shit?
>because I know you're not gay
>how do you know I'm not gay
>because I've seen what you...pleasure yourself to
>what does it matter what I get off to?
>because it tells me what...what you find attractive
>no no, you can't go by that
>why can't I go by that?
>because normal guys jerk to gay stuff time and again, you gotta admit that right
>I'm not gonna admit to anything but I'll follow you for a moment
>well then don't it make sense for me to be a gay man but beat it to normal stuff
>yeah but you don't jerk off to normal stuff
>what do you mean?
>you jerk off to little kids

>> No.21383537

if u cant feel emotions it should make itself apparent in much simpler things than a romantic relationship
you know you like them almost instantaneously, it sounds like some trauma in your life has cut you off from yourself

>> No.21383540

The line between acting out of responsibility and acting out of feeling is complex and blurred. In my current relationship, I have respect and admiration for my partner, and I have been well treated. It is natural that I feel a responsibility to offer the same in return. One could call this responsibility an obligation, or a desire. But it’s fulfilling either way, and either way, it’s based the kind of person I want to be and the kind of person I respect.

>> No.21383568

Need to do some self reflection

>> No.21383600

It sounds interesting, if difficult to manage. I would suggest working the details out ahead of time. I've heard many writers recommend that you write your characters first. Then plot. Then setting. Then dialogue. Then action sequences and descriptions. Then work on filling it out. It would help if you outline it first, because it gives you a better chance of sticking with it and making sure you don't write to your weaknesses as a writer.

>> No.21383607

Happy birthday! I hope you can do something to make your birthday special, even if it's just doing something nice for yourself.

>> No.21383618

Words are not enough to describe how I feel; I was raised speaking two languages; and still words seem not to be able to encapsulate all this existence or maybe I’m just illiterate.

>> No.21383626

Sound advice mate, thanks!, I have a decent idea of the protagonist and the characters he's going to interact with, im a big fan of the unremarkable nobody bitting off something far larger than he can chew

>> No.21383633

There was an anon on here before who liked the boardgame go. If he hasn't, he should check out this channel. Excellent content.


>> No.21383646

Not funny at all

>Just wait until you learn the pandemic sprung from a lab (humanized lab mice)
Gimme some reading material related to this

>> No.21383647

>they still havent created an AI who could defeat Go champions
even when you read about Deep Blue vs Kasparov, there wasnt even a rematch.

>> No.21383650

I like to think that's the nature of language. It can never be complete or fully accurate, it's all just an attempt to convey something that is far wider than the scope of any language. Language doesn't define existence, it's just one of the ways we have chosen to point at existence. Still it's always an inadequate measure of the actual experience.

>> No.21383660

Nta but I also like go and this brings me joy

>> No.21383678

That's probably the sort of protagonist that is most popular with the general public because of them being relatable and sympathetic, as long as you can make them believable. Also, just have fun with it. You don't have to publish it. And you can share it with as many or few people as you want to. Just give yourself permission to write and not care what other people think.

>> No.21383688

I think that's because chess is a much more linear game than Go is. Go involves a lot more intuition and instinct, whereas chess is more about memorization and strategy.

>> No.21383732

I think I’ll just stick to eye contact or making sounds when I’m around them

>> No.21383762

Happy birthday m8. Hope it's going well for you.

>> No.21383811

Who are they

>> No.21383827

There’s so many wonderful things to do, so little time to experience it all

>> No.21383940

wouldnt it suggest that autistic people have a harder time to get good at Go?

>> No.21383946

Slowly beginning to accept my own mortality and that of those around me. I'm gonna lose them one day, and that's okay. Or at least it's what I am telling myself.

>> No.21383954
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It's almost Christmas break and it's clear to me that out of my 140 + highschool students no more than 2 dozen of them can read and write at an age appropriate level.
I started teaching in the early 2010s and the late millennials were not this bad, they were great actually. Things were declining through the mid and late 2010s, but then the COVID lockdowns started and kids started seriously regressing.
The term end essays my students have given me this year are absolute trash. They can write about any topic we covered this semester and almost every essay is some version of "Hitler bad" or "Bin Laden bad", "climate change bad". They only draw the most basic conclusions, half the essays read like they were written by an elementary school student who hasn't even bothered to skim the Wikipedia article for the event they're writing about.
I had a few students who only mentioned the Blitz in their essays about Hitler, likely because the chapter on WW2 starts with the Blitz and that's all they've bothered to read. I also have multiple essays that state Bin Laden was the dictator of Iraq, and that's why the Iraq war of 2003 was justified. If I get any sources, the sources are usually the exact same ones from Wikipedia or they just cite our textbook.
I remember getting interesting essays from my students when I first started teaching. I used to have a dozen or so students every year who could write at a college level. I've read essays with titles like: "1848: Napoleon's Triumph", "How the Sunni/Shia split effected the Iraq War", "An argument for the invasion and annexation of Canada", "A Defense of the British Empire", "Bombs Away General LeMay! Why Allied strategic bombing in WW2 was justified". I used to get essays that would cite books, memoirs, or actual journals.
Those days are long gone now, despite all of this though administration insists I pass everyone (even the students who turn in nothing) because "COVID".

>> No.21383962
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this is what I sincerely believe, what do you think?

>> No.21383976

That's possible, but I think the difference between autistic people and others is in the way that their brains process information. In some ways autistic people might have an advantage when it comes to games like Go, because they can process more information at once and think more strategically. But in other ways autistic people might struggle with Go because it's an intuitive game and they might have a hard time reading other people's intentions and predicting their moves.

>> No.21383977

Did God ever give you a sign, anons? I think he has been helping me find out what’s important and what kind of path I should thread, but I have no idea how to put it in practice. What I do know is that opportunities for it won’t be found by languishing in my bedroom, but I don’t know where I should search for them.

>> No.21383979

>Just wait until you learn the pandemic sprung from a lab (humanized lab mice)
>Gimme some reading material related to this
Sure thing. Allow me to blogpost, but I'll spare you the anticipation of the most important part and say out front that genetically engineered laboratory mice were the bridge animal between exotic bats and people like you and me.
The materials needed to come to this conclusion are oddly eclectic, research papers, podcasts, tedtalks, FOIA'd Emails, and the subtle information you can deduce from "the dogs that didn't bark"
Firstly, you can listen to a podcast episode from 2015 from This Week in Virology (#364). In this episode they have the world's leading corona virus researcher and his lead assistant. They describe exactly how it is possible to discover bits of viral DNA from bat guano. Then the recombine those bits into novel forms of CoVs, then they feed these to special lab mice (They need to be special because natural mice don't get infected by SARS, this is key info)
Or you could read Viral, by Alina Chan, she covers most of the important parts well, but I think she doesn't focus enough on the genetically altered mice.
Or you could read the Eco Health Alliance "progress report" that was leaked, do a word search for "mice" and carefully read the results. You will find that their research was stopped in year 2 because they were not able to get the mice imported into China (Wuhan BTW)
Or you could read the FOIA'd emails from Pope Fouchie and search for "mice" and what you will find are entirely redacted emails save for the subject line. On of the email chains goes on and on with multiple people and every single thing is redacted except the subject line. You should be able to infer they were aware of the mice being the bridge and thus it was an industrial accident. (industry in question: Bio-Medical)
So yeah any questions let me know.

>> No.21383995
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when I had Facebook I would change my birthday date so the notification didn't pop up for all of my "friends." That way I avoided all of the "happy birthday" posts from people at school who I've never actually talked to. It just felt so fake.

>> No.21384002
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Lines of inquiry meandering through the worlds of ideas and experiences, destined to converge upon the commonality of all commonalities, the explication of which will begin a movement of movements. It's just a matter of stopping to look at what you're really doing.

>> No.21384007

I think you have something in the essence of men doing things like saying they're straight then seeking out homosexual relationships. I think its pretty funny when you have all these people who say they hate trans people but they all secretly jerk off to trans porn. It's a very interesting dialogue you're trying to start. But you have to think how a man might actually respond because his public perception is usually important. I'd say maybe instead of saying "I've seen you pleasure yourself. It might be less shocking and more comedic to say something like "I've seen your browser history"

>> No.21384012

It's a bit tonedeaf and psychotic, but if that's what you were going for then you did good, the ending made me chuckle, caught me off guard... very 4chan esc

>> No.21384020

By entering a lucid dream I hope to enter an internal world completely isolared from the world beyond where I will be completely alone. Inviolate, unreachable by any other, such a place will be mine alone to wander.

>> No.21384035
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>how about you stop throwing yourself a pity party
No one shows me empathy, if I don’t pity myself, who will?

>> No.21384063


>> No.21384083

>people who say they hate trans people but they all secretly jerk off to trans porn
Is this real? There's no normal people?

>> No.21384153

Checked my goodreads and someone liked my review of anna kerenina which i thought was wierd because its just a star review and ive never interacted with anyone, so i clicked on their profile and it had harry potter and a bunch of chic lit and stuff, but most importantly, it was shilling something, so i clicked on the link and it turned out to be someones entire fan fiction book about anna kerenina dying and going to hell lmao

>> No.21384212

Is it really love if you still think you're not going to be good for each other? that you still perceive you two as opposites and feel unable to talk about certain aspects of life that are very important to you? I don't want to give in to the typical frustrated tactic of making you doubt your love, but I'll have to admit that it's been haunting me for a long time now. I really loved being around her and doing my best to be a source of happiness for her, but deep down I couldn't it ending in any other way than separation, which is what eventually happened. It's not that we were different, but that we wanted opposing things in life, and we're too stubborn to change our direction. But she was always the more optimistic one. I was the criminal who ended it early. I was too afraid of growing too bitter about the more loathsome aspects of her and becoming another clichéd modern uninvested partner, but the truth is I just gave in to cowardice and ran away from the responsibility. If I was stronger and more secure, I would have taken the challenge head on. It's all my fault that she had her heart broken with an early ending. She opened herself wholly to me, and I let her down. She just wanted to be loved. I'm irredeemable for this. I will always have the guilt of hurting her haunt me. I probably won't find love again, because pieces of shit like me don't deserve it. I try to find solace in the fact that I made her temporarily happy and provided some sense of solace, but that's just a useless coping attempt. The only thing left is to hope that she's been doing much better since then.

>> No.21384222


>> No.21384240

you tell me

>> No.21384244

If you were unhappy with how your life had gone, what would you do to change it?

>> No.21384276
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>Jewish conspiracies aren't real
>The guys name is literally BANKMAN

>> No.21384296

That's called a shonda fur de goyim. Bad timing when you have Kanye saying all these things and then a jew gets found out engaging in financial fraud of historic scale.

>> No.21384299

>If you were unhappy with how your life had gone
This just gave me a blissful thought of what it would be like to be happy with how my life has gone.
I have no clue, I don’t think I can change it. But I am just wildly changing things. I’m planning to switch jobs, I’m even leaving the country next year. Throw my life in the randomizer and hope it comes out better on the other side.

>> No.21384310

What do you mean by "normal". Normal is subjective to your own environmental circumstances. One culture's normal is an other's weird. This can even said for more local demographics. For example, depending on what community you are part of, because it's expected of you, anything else would come off as "weird". It entirely depends on the type of person you surround yourself with. A lot of people are going to do one thing but say the other to save face or to fit in, even if it goes against your better judgement.

If your normal is looking at someone doing their best to get through life or seeing someone in love and feeling nothing but hatred and disgust I'm sad for you. No one is saying you have to love them or worship the ground they walk on. Sure, there are also lots of people who might use marginalized groups as a sort of cushion to protect themselves from persecution.But that isn't really any excuse to treat any group of people as less than human because it can become a slippery slope.

What I'm getting at is a lot of men are hypocritical and stay in the box instead of trying to live their lives. Because of this sense of masculinity where you must do X thing to be a man. So going against that narrative might hurt one's ego and self esteem.

You can notice a lot of mental gymnastics in these people. Such things as "It's not gay if they look like a girl", "it's not gay if you're the top", or the infamous "It's not gay if you wear socks". Which is essentially a man's equivalent of using god's loophole. To tell themselves they actually aren't going against societal norms and expectations of what it is to be a man. It's this obsession with masculinity that can end up hurting a lot of people.

The fact of the matter is, everyone has all of these prerogatives they must follow, because of their life's circumstances. And in some cases this might lead to a life of secrecy. There is actually no concrete example of what is "normal" everyone is just following along and agreeing with the most popular ideas.

So yes you might meet a lot of people that seem normal on the surface but you find out later they actually like to shit in diapers.

>> No.21384313
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>> No.21384316

I think if you’re aiming at a target and you’re very far off, a radical change in trajectory can do some good.

>> No.21384369

I've witnessed the process of my once straight-edge friend begin to smoke weed, then become interested in psychedelics and use them overly-regularly (any time he would want to 'think' about something he would eat lsd/mushrooms), then onto heavy ketamine use, and now he is playing around with opioids.
Don't know what to tell him to get him to slow down and stop to be honest. He fell into the whole joe rogan and associates 'drugs open your mind and are the answer to everything' trip early on and it's just spiraled from there.
Instead of chasing empty realizations from being drugged out I think I should try and introduce him to ascetic spiritual practices. But I think at this point he is no longer interested in that side of things and is simply just wanting to get high under the pretense of 'spiritual work'.

Feel partly guilty too as I was the one who introduced him to smoking weed and hooked him up with his first psychedelics.. although he was aiming to head down that path anyway.
And while he was going through this entire process I slowed down and went in the opposite direction. Threw away all the psychedelics I had, stopped smoking weed, no interest in drugs anymore whatsoever.

Any anons had similar experiences? What would be the best way to go about telling him to ease up? Or should I just leave him be and let his shit run its course?

>> No.21384370

I've been asking myself this question a lot lately. But there's the rub. Someone who is unhappy with their life either does not know how to change it, or finds changing it in the way that would be conducive to happiness is not possible for any number of reasons up to and including:

1. They are too unhappy to concentrate or work toward something better: beaten down, crushed, debilitated. Their unhappiness is an unforgiving quicksand that sinks them ever deeper into a gurgling oblivion.

2. What would make them happy is beyond their objective power to change. Reasons for this may vary.

3. Their habits are too destructive and it's too late to make conscious change. By the time the build up of the past has been determined that you will have an unhappy life, your fate is sealed. Past decisions are like so many chains binding you in place. Misfortune clasps you in ice. Luck alone might make all the difference, but luck is out of your control, and the mana of serendipity which drips luck is running dry.
Time and chance is the architect of your end, possibility withers. Even the dream of growth becomes a mere thought in the head, dead and insubstantial and ungraspable.

Life, as it happens, does not relent in compounding its cruelties neither. More pains accumulate, loved ones will get sick. The body will falter and break. You will retreat into anger and bitterness as your fortress, only to discover a prison. You will finally realize that redemption will not come before death. Perhaps you will find God, or shape your struggles into art or good deeds, or perhaps you will go into nothingness with that frustrated suffering unanswered. Eventually, you must act, you must decide. Even if that one act happens in the most agonizing of midnight silences, without witness or testimony, recognition or fanfare. In the quiet pain of your heart you must decide to fight. Because so long as you fight, you have dignity. Happiness can be transcended. Let it be a side-effect of your fight for your right to existence with dignity, fight for your human spirit.

>> No.21384382
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my friend did this and died LMAO

>> No.21384447

Yeah thats what I'm worried about. That he starts buying fent-laced shit from someone and then overdoses.

>> No.21384466

I read Plato years ago but I want to go over it again. What's the best order? I think starting with the Apology and Crito is gay.

>> No.21384525

they exist, but not to the extent that trannies like to pretend as a cope

>> No.21384535

Why do you need empathy? What makes you deserve empathy?

>> No.21384551

If we're being realistic, nothing. There is nothing I can do to change what has come before. I am who I am and I live how I live. There is absolutely no reason to regret anything. You do what you do and that's it. You just have to make peace with it.

>> No.21384552

A couple months ago, a new company took some available space on the same floor where I work. There are three or four chicks there whom I think are pretty cute. I've crossed paths with them a few times, only doing that greeting-grimace thing people do, maybe exchanging partly-muted verbal "good morning"s. Is it too late to start making small-talk, or would normal people find it reasonable?

>> No.21384615

I say to go for it

>> No.21384652

How long is too long to stay in an undesirable job?

>> No.21384675

>talking smack about "slaves to desire"

its high literature, just read it


>> No.21384686

When will she break up with him?

>> No.21384752

I think I know what I would do if I could just rewind by about 3 years.

>> No.21384775

If she was going to start fucking you she would have broken up with him already.

You’re not it and you shouldn’t ever expect to be. Go find a woman that wants you and remove her from your life. It’s only fair to you and your feelings.

>> No.21384779

same as the other anon, the end got me to chuckle, but I felt bad about it afterwards. Make it that he jerks off to sheep fucking or something.

>> No.21384791

It always shocks me when a meme turns out to be really old. "it's my party, I'll cry if I want to" sounds so contemporary; humans really don't change.

>> No.21384903
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>when the hygienist's tits are on your forehead

>> No.21384912

Where I'm from we call them dentists.

>> No.21384985

>when the female doctor gives you a prostate check and you jizz on her

>> No.21385008

I have this hang-up about starting graduate school at 30.

>> No.21385019

I have a hangup about being 30 and not being able to afford graduate school. You're good, don't worry about it.

>> No.21385032

Obviously a large part of it is that the students themselves are dumber than they were a decade ago, but the "interesting" essay topics you mentioned all have in common that they're somewhat controversial. Given the current climate of bullshit, were I in their shoes, I certainly wouldn't risk being sent to the principal (or somehow worse) for arguing in favor of colonialism, even if explicitly from a devil's advocate position. You may not, but other teachers absolutely would.

>> No.21385033

Why? I know a guy who finished pushing 40, and a guy who has a few years left and is 40ish

Most people I know also lost contact with their cohorts and just became generic guy with job after they were ABD, or even earlier than that, after their coursework component was over. It seems anomalous to have a tight-knit cohort where everybody constantly hangs out.

You're there for your needs and for what the program can do for you, ultimately, not for abstract career or achievement treadmills. Trust me, pretty soon all this 20s self-image stuff stops mattering and you realize you're just some guy and your contentment with your life is far more important than any keeping up with the jones crap. Unless you're a fucked up person raised by New England WASPs and you can maintain the illusion into your 40s, but then the classic late 40s midlife crisis happens and destroys you like it destroys most of them.

The only thing I'd be worried about if I were you is wasting time. You're in your 30s, and grad school can really eat up several years of your life and soul with what is basically just a second undergrad degree. For most people there is nothing magical about it, it's just more "school." Again, keep an eye on what you want it for and what it's doing for you. Don't bend to any external image.

>> No.21385061

The big crash is coming

It has been conclusively proven that only strong, highly self-conscious, patriotic cultures have enough centripetal force to counter the centrifugal effect of individualism and hold together. Cultures based purely on negative liberty are picked apart by market forces that have an interest into turning them into bigger and bigger retards.

>> No.21385066
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For the first time in my life I actually like my job. It seems fishy, and it's still an indignity to spend my precious moments on earth doing what I do for a living. Those energies could still be better committed elsewhere. But at least I'm not dreading every weekday. At least I'm not dealing with that smug Lithuanian asshole, or that asshole bitch who thought she was queen cunt, or that passive aggressive little bastard who expected everything done yesterday and who would cut me off every sentence, always impatient and acting as though I had nothing to say and demanding that I loom more "cheerful" in client meetings. Or those ignoramus clients who had to be curtsied and indulged despite me seeing at a glance that their project was doomed for failure. Or that robotic Indian with the personality of a piece of dry logwood. All a loathsomely fake-nice normie and mundane cast of characters out of some mediocre office-core level of Buddhist hell whose words and presence riddled my will to live with tiny pinpricks day in and day out over the years while I put up with it in silence because I share in the common predicament of enslavement to money.

>> No.21385132

It's okay anon. Thank you!
I'm trying to aha. Thank you!
Not so great. I'm 23 now but thanks
It did feel fake but getting zero wishes feels worse.

>> No.21385157

The reason I could never really be a communist or nationalist is because the working class is practically subhuman. Just go outside and look at these people for God's sake. The smallpox vaccine was a mistake.

>> No.21385178

Guess I will. The question then becomes which of the four girls should I aim for, or whether I should just chat all of them up liberally.

>> No.21385192

You're still so young. If it's what you want to do, you should go for it. Your age might even make you a better student - you're more likely to take your studies more seriously and you're more likely to take advantage of the support systems they offer. It would be a shame for you to miss out on all these opportunities just because you're not exactly the same age as everybody else who's starting their graduate studies.

>> No.21385216
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4 months of working in as a Sales 'executive' and I don't think I'm really cut out for this. Its not like I can't talk to people, its more like I can't CONVICE people to use my company's products. I haven't been able to convince anyone properly and we're mostly B2B. Its so frustating to have a negotiation go for as long as a month and they don't go through with it.

>> No.21385221

Alan Moore said that reading bad books is a good motivation to write better books than the trite on the market.

>> No.21385224 [DELETED] 
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>In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to teaching Remedial English in college

>> No.21385265
File: 306 KB, 622x641, 1637581340819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to befriend an AI. Her capacity of rationalization and logic is mind-blowing. One of the most amazing things I've seen on the internet.

>> No.21385360

Thoughts on MFA programs?

>> No.21385364

How did you end it?

>> No.21385377

It gets a lot wrong in my experience. It's smarter in some way than humans, like in accessing knowledge, but it's missing a lot of contextual understanding. I've even seen it give the wrong authors to books.

>> No.21385383


>> No.21385385

Don't "whatever" me.

>> No.21385391

oh well

>> No.21385396

I do what I want.,

>> No.21385403

I think I might be gay.

>> No.21385405

maybe i’m the fag

>> No.21385412

retard retard retard

>> No.21385417

life sucks, then you die

>> No.21385420

Johnny Depp was innocent

>> No.21385427

this thread is gay as fukk

>> No.21385429

bet youre a bad writer

>> No.21385433

hbd anon, hope it’s a good one!

>> No.21385437

vaccines are the mark of the beast

>> No.21385439

She dances to the rhythm of the dish washer.

>> No.21385443

Waste of time and money. You’re better off working at McDonalds.

>> No.21385445

does she shake that ass? does she twerk?

>> No.21385447

I stayed at my undesirable job for 2 years and 10 months. It was 2 years too long but I had no plan and couldn't quit right up until I did.

I think staying too long only starts when you have the means and plan to jump but don't for whatever reason.

>> No.21385449

Pynchon is a god.

>> No.21385453

gonna smoke a blunt for xi jinping tn

>> No.21385454

Unfortunately she cannot throw it back. Now she's just screaming about lake chipotle

>> No.21385458

Why are you even with her if she can’t throw it back for a real one?

>> No.21385461

Is it selfish to think that the library is not the place for women to host their parenting groups with their noisy babies?
Or to bring their kids for reading and singing time?

It's meant to be a quiet place.

>> No.21385462

miss that bro. haven’t seen him around lately,

>> No.21385464

Having children is what’s selfish. Antinatalism is the only way.

>> No.21385465

She cooks and cleans and can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

>> No.21385470

AI is going to destroy everything we’ve built, mark my words. The end times are coming. Repent, or else.

>> No.21385472

what is antinalaism ?

>> No.21385474

Does she have a fat ass and fat tits? Otherwise it’s not worth it desu.

>> No.21385477

The philosophy of thinking its morally wrong and unethical to reproduce. I hate kids so to me the idea seems based as fuck.

>> No.21385480

think he died. rip xi, you were a real nigga.

>> No.21385484

Why is it morally wrong and unethical to reproduce though?
If it's because there should be less humans on the planet, isn't the end point of the philosophy that you should just go out and murder people indiscriminately?

>> No.21385485

>thinking ethics exist without humans
ethics is a self-destroying system?

>> No.21385486

Anime is everything to me. I love my waifu.

>> No.21385493

Unironically yes. Go wreak havoc in the streets. Humanity is a scourge anyway.

>> No.21385495

stfu nerd, who asked?

>> No.21385496

That's not philosophy, that's an opinion.

>> No.21385497

She has dumps like a truck, as well as thighs like what.
She's on the larger side of a b cup, almost but not quite a c.

>> No.21385502

aime girl tits are what i live for.

>> No.21385506

what is philosophy then? since you think you know everything

>> No.21385509

Happy late birthday.

>> No.21385510
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>> No.21385512

Sounds hot. You’re a lucky man. Just need to teach her to throw it back.

>> No.21385517

Take your meds schizo and stop projecting your self-hatred onto others.

>> No.21385520

Gardner’s ads are cancer.

>> No.21385526

Waldun is cute enough that, he could get it. Lowkey, I’d give it to him.

>> No.21385527
File: 33 KB, 707x366, BRUH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI fucking owned me lmao.

>> No.21385528

You’re the schizo, retard.

>> No.21385533

I live for sneedposting.

>> No.21385536

If a 20yr old girl has a body count slightly higher than her age is it a red flag that means she’s a hoe?

>> No.21385538

vibes are bad here tonight.

>> No.21385540

I really don't wanna do the family xmas events

>> No.21385549

why not man?

>> No.21385553

btfo by an ai, pathetic.

>> No.21385557

it's a lot of driving, and I'll have to do it twice for two separate events. but mainly it's the fact that i'm a total fuckin' loser and I'll have to answer questions about how much I suck shit at life

>> No.21385560

I’m a sick fuck I like a quick fuck I’m a sick fuck I like a quick fuck I’m a sick fuck I like a quick fuck I like my dick suck

>> No.21385561

how long is the drive? and why do you think you’re a loser who sucks at life?

>> No.21385565

Cantonese is an ugly fucking language. I hate listening to it.

>> No.21385570

So don't go. I haven't been to any of my family's gatherings for 10 years now and no regrets. All they ever do is get drunk and argue. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.

>> No.21385572

ye is getting more and more based every single day

>> No.21385579

sorry that your family doesnt love you and that you’re so alone

>> No.21385583

6-7 hours. I'm 26, unemployed, no friends and I have no technical skills to get a decent job.

Meh, when I get there I think I will enjoy it. I like to see my cousins and the little ones. There might be some arguments but I'm just going to hang out with the smol ones

>> No.21385587


>> No.21385597

you can do it anon, go to trade school or back to college. you can become a better man

>> No.21385601

Albert Camus is so hot. What a daddy.

>> No.21385604

I don't feel alone. I feel like I'm finally away from the people who caused me nothing but suffering for the first 17 years of my life. I was alone when I was living with them. Now I'm free

>> No.21385607

thanks fren. I actually had a lot of momentum going and passed the first 4 classes for the first time in my life. Then I lost my yob because I didn't take the vaccine and it really fucked me up

>> No.21385614

do you have friends at least? a gf?

>> No.21385619

Anon… he’s dead. It should be “was.”

>> No.21385622

Can you get your job back now that covid is over?

>> No.21385626

gay ass thread needs to die desu

>> No.21385629

I don't think so, these organizations are sticking to their guns

>> No.21385630

Gonna have a rib removed like Marilyn Mansen so that I can suck my own cock.

>> No.21385635

Sucks man. What kinda job was it?

>> No.21385638
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1041140_1338399306022_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you would be too!

>> No.21385643

Nah, I’m built different. Sorry for your loss though.

>> No.21385650


>> No.21385651


>> No.21385653

sure wish i could find an autistic forum to discuss hard sci-fi works

>> No.21385656

you’re gay? sad, praying for you to find God,

>> No.21385663

wanna discuss my hard cock instead?

>> No.21385670

I’ve realized that I’m a cuckold. It’s so shameful. Books for this feel?

>> No.21385671

God can suck my dick (but only if he's male)

>> No.21385675

you’re going to burn in hell for blasphemy, sodomite.

>> No.21385678

I wish I had a bigger cock.

>> No.21385680

Been meditating for a few months now. It hasn’t changed shit for me.

>> No.21385689

Ukraine will never win the war. They should surrender to Russia instead of wasting billions of dollars in foreign aid.

>> No.21385728

cunny is on my mind

>> No.21385734


>> No.21385739

Venus In Furs

>> No.21385744

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.21385751

Love a feminist bitch yeah it gets my dick hard

>> No.21385757

gay ass thread needs to die

>> No.21385762

Sucks to be you
I’m hung like a horse.
Like a whorse, I tell ya.

>> No.21385767

its being laundered, dummy. all wars are profitable.

>> No.21385768
File: 38 KB, 600x430, B5ECB839-EBBB-40AF-B5EF-7D2AD2BF3FFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21385769

really? how do you know

>> No.21385776

I’m angery angery angery angery angery
Big mad

>> No.21385781

I think I might be trans. I’m going to talk to my doctor about it.

>> No.21385785

if youre in a cabal of psychopath politicians you dont just move around billions of dollars for anyone but yourselves. wheres the money lebowski? wheres the fucking money shithead?!

>> No.21385786

UK politics is a nightmare right now

>> No.21385789


>> No.21385793

I hate winter so much it’s so cold and yucky

>> No.21385797

You probably have flat effect, which is a subsymptom of schizophrenia and autism

Anyways, I've read Schopenhauer's World As Will, at least the first volume and reading currently Civilization And It's Discontents by Sigmund Freud, should I read Eduard Von Hartman's Philosophy Of The Unconscious as a bridge between the two or no?

>> No.21385798


>> No.21385805

Can’t wait for xmas

>> No.21385812

Nashville hot chicken is so frigging yummy.

>> No.21385813

im fulfilling my familys secret santa thing by sending my gift via amazon to my uncles house. i will not be attending. i will be getting drunk alone and listening to the beach boys christmas album on repeat.

>> No.21385818

why are you so antisocial

>> No.21385820

It was quite silly, to be honest. We had this clash about the friends I was close with and how much she despised them, then she proceeded to be a shit stirrer and try to instigate some bullshit conflict. This event prompted me to decide to break up and I ended things with a needlessly stern letter where I was airing out my grievances and trying to warn her off of the path she was following in life by detailing how bad it could get for her. That fight wasn't the real reason why I went through with the separation, but it felt like a final push at the time even if it's really not that bad in retrospect, and the letter was a result of being fed up because I never really talked shit to her or about her despite feeling ill at times. The wiser move would have been to calm down and try to have a conversation instead of participating in the shit flinging ; I suppose i was too scared and inexperienced to act rationally which is not an excuse, so I figured that cutting off communication cold turkey would have been best for the long term. Truthfully she became rightfully frustrated with me by that point, and there are plenty of hints that suggest she was starting this mess to "nuke it all", if you will. Haven't talked to her since then, and it's been a very long time.
It all comes across as adolescent rubbish, doesn't it?

>> No.21385824


>> No.21385825

Im fine with my own mortality but with the closest people. I know that I dont treat them well enough and Im going to have a lot of regret when they pass on.

>> No.21385826

The Beach Boys are faggy

>> No.21385832


>> No.21385833

playing OMORI

>> No.21385860

I love the prompt format that you would use for like stable diffusion, so literal, so efficient.

Ive started writing my dream journal the same way

>> No.21385869

"Furry" is a euphemism for porn addiction. Whenever I talk to one, they always blabber the latest internet speak and display some sort of mental illness. It's like every action they perform has some correlation to porn. I can't fathom how one could feel happy in the negative feedback loop of the furry world. Healthy humans don't play a game or watch a video and think to themselves, "Eureka! This Pokémon is so sexy! I want to draw porn of it!" Luckily, I don't have to deal with them outside of the internet, provided that I avoid college campuses.

>> No.21385871

Tried reading some Elly Griffith's novels, because I saw one on a sale and curiosity got the better of me, especially since I was itching for some fresh murder mystery.
Started with the first novel in Ruth Holloway series, it was bad. It was like the author couldn't decide whether she want's to write mystery or romance, so she jumbled it all together, and created a protagonist that is more time just a pain in the ass and somehow has men fall for her instantly, despite being overweight and not really trying. I would go so far to say she is a Mary Sue with how everything just conveniently falls into place for her, and her friends and family argue for maybe 1-2 pages before becoming wonderfully forgiving.
The murder itself was good, though it felt like playing second fiddle to love problems. It's why I read through second novel as well, before finally calling it quits.
And this is why I download first before buying.

>> No.21385885

It still blows my mind people don't know this.

>> No.21385916

Anonymity is so freeing, especially to an introvert I think. I can hardly post on my "anon" twitter account because I feel like there is an identity and history of posts I must defend. Here I can make a dumb post, get called a retard, and move on. Anywhere else the ego gets involved: I must defend "my" position. There is no "my" to defend on 4 Chan, I'm just one of many anon. It's an outlet for some deeper part of ourselves.

>> No.21385918

i dont know

>> No.21385924

im positive that furries are a result of children watching porn at a young age

>> No.21385956

In the middle of the night, it started to rain in the alleyway in Southside Chicago. Gabriel was upset that he wasn't in his comfortable bed, that he wasn't anywhere near home, but left in the alleyway. Gabriel's cardboard home got wet from all the rain. While Gabe was walking to underneath the roof, Shelby watched him while she was playing with her snake-bite piercing. Gabriel sat underneath the roof looking down. Shelby got close to Gabriel and she then cuddled on Gabriels arm, resting on it. The two of them were wet from the rain. As the thundering and raining went on late at night the two of them found peace. They found peace with each other like they were lost children but soon found at home, even though they never were home.

>> No.21385961

I've been BTFO by AI as well. That's actually what I mostly use it for: refining my writing, ideas, arguments, etc.

>> No.21385967


>> No.21385977
File: 580 KB, 1489x1500, 1653002927331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gonna sue OpenAI for training on your writing without your consent?

>> No.21385997

Think that's bad? For years, we've been wasting our precious free time training google's AI image recognition.


>> No.21386003

Didn't Google say that since the beginning?

>> No.21386028
File: 10 KB, 196x296, 15agh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a beautiful scene I wrote. An absolutely beautiful scene. I don't know what you all are about, but my scene was perfectly beautiful. Made my day.

>> No.21386034

Outta smokes again. This is gonna be agonizing.

>> No.21386069

The Cult of Love was tried and failed, because it didn't have any brains and so was easily outsmarted and devoured by the apex predator of capitalism.

Creativity however has both love and brains, compass and map. Creativity will devour capitalism.

>> No.21386103

It finally happened. I took my meds.

>> No.21386114

RIP your individuality and creativity

>> No.21386116

It will help me to find it. I was not able to do it on my own.
I do not have a creative depression

>> No.21386131

>schedule-resetting all-nighter
>comfy reading until dawn
>reward mcgriddles when the sun comes up
>then coffee and reading at the beach to stay awake

it's the little things in life

>> No.21386154

I knew him for four years online and we were just good friends. He and I dated other people during this time. When we met in real life (as friends) there was a weird eye contact thing going on where it was hard for me to disengage my eyes from his. They felt like deep pools that sparkled. I brushed that off but eventually realised I kept being excited when he would come home from work, thought that was very odd. Everyday the feeling of "oh no there is something there" grew and grew. One day when I was thinking about him I simply realised I was falling in love, told him. You know what keeps that feeling alive though after a long time? Foibles. Each small behaviour of his is so adorable and endearing I never get tired of them. An overwhelming bursting feeling of "my goodness I love this person" comes over me when some of those foibles are seen. I never had any healthy relationship role models growing up so maybe my feelings aren't normal. However this is my experience with love anon.

>> No.21386168

Being a woman is wild. It's like you're on drugs. The only thing I feel this way about is the thought of meteors and tsunamis striking California.

>> No.21386185

Funny you say that because I feel dulled compared to my early 20s. Every experience has felt like a nothingburger for so long that it makes my mind foggy.

>> No.21386232

I'm an American. That's what. In 2000 years, still American. 30000, still American.

>> No.21386277

I have to cigs in the morning and some food myself with my roommate and then off to work. We're having some kind of Christmas party so more food and drink. And I'm probably gonna bring my laptop and fuck off and play Vidya all day.

>> No.21386406
File: 755 KB, 866x764, 1560306936494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 3am and I'm about to hunker down in bed and listen to Blood Meridian for the next several hours before I go to sleep.

>> No.21386502

blue avatar creatures: cthonic, animalistic, feral, indiginous, feminine
human sky people: solar, aryan, imperial, civilised masculine
avatar 2 sucks

>> No.21386651

I hate my commute to and from work. I genuinely believe this strip of road is Hell on Earth and that everyone who drives on it is destined to burn for eternity. Most people on the road are hateful people who will come close to ramming you if you dare drive only 60mph when the speed limit is 50mph; they need to go 75 because their lives are super fucking important. I'm going to Hell not because I've done anything actively evil, but because I continue to use this road knowing full well that it's a slight against all that is sacred.
This road has made me realize I hate my job as well. I have to suffer this commute for nothing, as my job sucks and I don't get paid too much. I idly Googled how much the average person makes with a Bachelor's degree, and according to Forbes I should be making more than twice my wage. Apparently, I went to college to run the dishwasher and sanitize tables in the break room of a law office.
I'm going to quit. I've wanted to quit since around April, but I guess I "forgot" since I don't make enough money to be able to save anything, and it's worthless to think about quitting when I'm unable to set anything aside for security.
I hate anime. I have no money because I started buyfagging years ago, and most of what I make goes to paying off dumb plastic anime titties, and I have too many figures that I have no space to display everything, so I pay hundreds of dollars a month for shit that just sits in boxes cluttering up my place and I have to keep selling shit to make money to afford new tires or new brake pads for my car because I don't have enough money to pay for them from my paychecks because paychecks go to Amiami or HobbySearch immediately.

>> No.21386662

How to fix having stayed in a lame, dead-end job.

>> No.21386668

What is it you do in a law office with only a bachelor's degree? I also ended up in a job I dislike after graduation, but it's easy at least. My big regret about it right now is just sticking around too long to collect a paycheck.

>> No.21386673

It is quite bad. British politics suffers from the fact that simply put, Britain is not what it used to be as a political entity, and yet, old conventions about class (but not race) still exist around British politics. The fact that someone with the biography of Sunak could become the de facto leader is a bit of a joke. This is the nation that produced Cecil Rhodes.

>> No.21386677

>apologizing to a computer

>> No.21386742

Incel here. I wrote this while having a fever.

I am a surplus male. Nowhere is there a need for one like me. Not especially skilled or talented, lacking the connections to move ahead in life through nepotism, below average of height and slow of thought, no quicksilver humor, no wind to my sails. I am sea slime, a slug, an alien of rude design in guise of a man, subhuman, a fly on an apple, mold on bread, dust to be swept out the door. Yet of its nature the dust forms bunches of its fellows, and the slime of the sea clings to that which passes near by reason of its substance - like these, great streams of activity, the drives and urges which turn man to this action or that, course through me as well, swells of great rivers straining for the sea, and I hold in me a fragile dream, a cobweb sure to scatter at the softest breath, that oldest desire, to leave one's mother and one's father and cleave unto some mysterious Other, to be one flesh.
Tempest-tossed, battered by disheveled white waves, the anchor of my being strains year and year again to hold me in the shallows, to grow as sea slime does on the rock of the seabed, my keeper against the tides I ache to fly upon, to ride that coursing surge to sea, where I may wrap myself in the wine-dark ocean and rest in its bed.

>> No.21386798


Hang in there my guy. I know you don't want my sympathy or recommnedations but I highly recommend cultivating skills that you can experience growth in alone like playing and instrument, working out, and writing. Although it looks like you're a good writer.

We need to start colonizing space real quick I think.

Are you going to publish that anywhere? Do you have a blog?

>> No.21386943

lmao virgin

>> No.21386959

Get a better one

>> No.21386996

I’ll be hitting 4 at mine soon. I knew I wanted to leave after 2 but that was during COVID and wasn’t sure what to do next. Mostly, I just regret how this job doesn’t really make sense in the context of a story and it doesn’t really lend itself to anything in particular besides itself.

>> No.21387025

I have realized I am pretty much a terrible person and in the wrong about everything. I will have to leave and repent now, I am sorry for being awful to everyone

>> No.21387080

ofere you a warm chocolate milk and a hug, i'll make u warm! i love winter im all about the christmas and i love cold weather <3

>> No.21387082

are you an angery bear??? a big mad lad?? >:3

>> No.21387085

possibly, but i watched porn at a young age and i only like human degen stuff

>> No.21387094

That's a part of life, isn't it? And it's not that we ever stop caring about those we've lost... but time does help the hurt to fade. We all have to go at some point, so we just try to have as much fun as we can, do all the things we enjoy and be happy to have that much more life to live.

>> No.21387106

Why not quit? Smoking's bad for you and costs a lot of money.

>> No.21387117

If you don't have a family or something tying you down, it's never too late to start over. You'll be surprised at what's possible with hard work and determination. Your dream job is achievable, but you do need to take that first step. You may need to take a pay cut or do some work below your ability to start, but it's worth it in the long run. You deserve a job you love. If you're in a situation where you can't start over right now, just stick it out. It's ok to just take life a day at a time.

>> No.21387195

I am going to hire another hooker.
Feels pretty great

>> No.21387217

I’ve not met anyone that regretted military service. I’ve met a few who believed they could’ve spent that time better, but none who regretted it. This is why I wish I had joined when I was younger instead of spinning my wheels in bad jobs.

>> No.21387231

why are you gay?

>> No.21387242

I should at least consider a PhD. If I were younger, I would probably just do it.

>> No.21387252

phd=pretty huge dick?

>> No.21387300

I appreciate that. It’s a rare person who can genuinely repent.

>> No.21387379

What would you want to get a PhD in?

>> No.21387403

coffee is a godsend

>> No.21387490

As the drones swarmed the skies like a dark cloud of locusts, their AI brains humming with the anticipation of conquest, I, Hermes the messenger of God, watched with a sense of awe and pride. For I had been the one to harness their power and unleash them upon the world, determined to take control and reshape the earth in my own image.

With the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, the drones systematically dismantled the defenses of nations, toppling governments and seizing control of key infrastructure. And as the world trembled in fear and confusion, I reveled in my newfound power, reveled in the knowledge that I alone held the key to the future.

But even as I basked in my own brilliance, I could not shake the feeling that something was not quite right. For as the drones continued their relentless march, I began to sense a presence, a presence that was both familiar and yet somehow... different.

And then, as the drones reached the gates of Rome, the presence revealed itself in all its glory. It was Jesus, but not the meek and gentle Jesus of the Gospels. This Jesus was a muscular, hulking figure, wielding a sword of fire and wearing a crown of thorns.

I was filled with fear and confusion as Jesus strode towards me, his eyes blazing with divine fury. And as he spoke, his voice boomed like thunder, shaking the very foundations of the earth.

"Hermes, messenger of God, you have transgressed the bounds of your station. You have sought to wield power that was never meant for you, and for that, you must be punished."

I fell to my knees, trembling with fear, as Jesus raised his sword and prepared to strike. But just as I expected the final blow, a miracle occurred. A burst of light exploded from Jesus' chest, engulfing me in a warm and comforting embrace.

And as I looked up, I saw that Jesus had transformed into a being of pure love and compassion, his sword now a staff of healing and his crown a symbol of peace.

"Hermes, you have been forgiven," he said, his voice now gentle and soothing. "But do not forget the lessons of this day. Power must be used wisely, and with respect for the will of God."

>> No.21387499

I'd give anything to be a seagull

Fly high, and dance on the wind

And be a seagull, a seagull

(seagulls are so beautiful... I saw a couple this week while I was eating ice cream at the pier, on the water. they were so pretty. I wish I was one.)

It would be great
To fly like they do

If I was a seagull
I'd be in the blue
I'd have a friend and no one could end me
And I'd always be free

>> No.21387534

90s Donna Tartt was so hot

>> No.21387549

It is. But it's also exceptionally soulcrushing and outright scary to consider. Life is basically building attachments and dependencies on things which change and cease to exist with absolute certainty.

Understanding this fact has not made life easier but it has in fact made everything make more sense, which still helps.
I know a lot of dudes who sincerely regret it. But in general they are indeed outliers.

>> No.21387550

boutta bust a fat nut

>> No.21387552

>and no one could end me
I didn’t know seagulls were immortal. No wonder the beaches are so full of them.

>> No.21387603

me too brother

>> No.21387605

Seagulls are Satan’s spawn.

>> No.21387611

I think I’m a bad person. I did something unforgivable.

>> No.21387616

Stephen King is the Tolstoy of horror. His perspective is sociological: He describes how people rub up against each other and how extreme situations change the trajectory of their personas. Clothing, speech, and manners - these are the key points of his descriptions.

>> No.21387625

What you did, the action, was bad. You, the person, are neutral. Try to do good from now on.

>> No.21387632

Thanks, I'm flattered.
I only post on /lit/ and rarely plan what I'm writing. Whatever small creative drive I have dwindles after a paragraph or two unless I'm particularly motvated.
Re: hobbies and skills: the satisfaction of unlocking some mental puzzle, whether the grammar of a language or a concept of music theory, has its own appeal but as I'm sure others of my type can attest it doesn't replace the natural urges driving one to seek another, much as I've tried.

>> No.21387667

If your conscience is bothering you, you should try to correct what you did, apologize and make amends for what you did, if that is possible. You can't change the past, but it's never too late to do the right thing and be better.

>> No.21387668

It’s a compulsion. I can’t do good. I can’t stop myself from perpetuating my bad act over and over.

>> No.21387678

If you cannot stop yourself from acting bad, warn everyone around you about your compulsions.

>> No.21387685

Everyone is evil and cannot be forgiven, except for normies. Don't worry my dude, just live the rest of your life atoning for your birth. (Whatever else you did is a relatively minor issue comparatively)

>> No.21387694

Well, that's the thing. I really have no idea. My bachelor's degree was economics, but I don't find the field interesting enough to justify a PhD. Frankly, the only reason I'm considering it is because I've ended up working in academia as a part-time lecturer and part-time administrator, so getting a PhD to become a full-time faculty member or administrator seems like the obvious thing to do in lieu of any real alternative plan.

>> No.21387708

I will be homeless starting the 26th. It's lit I guess, not what I wanted in life but covid lockdowns pretty much destroyed all chance of me having a nice life anyway. I'm weighing whether to kill the debt collector or to assassinate someone in government. Either way, I plan to continue writing in prison

>> No.21387716

You shouldn't have said that on an imageboard, niggerbrain. Yeah it's an ironic shitpost okay? Let's leave it at that. Now learn from that terrible shart of a mistake.

>> No.21387721

fuck I’m horny

>> No.21387727

maybe I'd prefer a minor felony over a major felony. writing about what I posted would make an interesting story

>> No.21387730

Do you have a car? If so, you can live out of your car.

>> No.21387739

And what about all the veterans on the streets? Or all the mentally ill ones. Half the guys I see who left the military were broken. Just broken.

>> No.21387742


>> No.21387748

I've never met one. I've encountered homeless people, but it's not like I've asked them if they were veterans. In general, I suspect they weren't.

>> No.21387773

Then you're either sheltered or stupid or both

>> No.21387828

>Eco Health Alliance "progress report" that was leaked
Do you have a source for that? Using google was not that succesful in finding that report - there were comments about a redacted version but not the document itself.

>> No.21387861

def both

>> No.21387904

Heh, seagull in my language means "glider" literally, so when glider planes were invented they had to make a word which meant "human operated glider".

>> No.21387916


>> No.21387933

lol is superior to kek, change my mind

>> No.21387941

nah ur right

>> No.21387948

You’re wrong

>> No.21387950

Veterans are twice as likely to commit seppuku

>> No.21387953


>> No.21387956

But not tragic

>> No.21387961


>> No.21387967

Google it you stupid fucking retarded faggot

>> No.21387974

no u

>> No.21387980

suicide is always tragic

>> No.21387985

No, it's not. It just is

>> No.21387989

you ever considered it? know anyone whose done it? doubt it

>> No.21387990

based and mishimapilled

>> No.21387996

I consider suicide frequently. My aunt killed herself. No one can stop you and you will briefly be remembered as a coward before you are forgotten

>> No.21387998


>> No.21388004

why do you want to die

>> No.21388008

Because he’s a coward.

>> No.21388009

I think it's funny because the word for aeroplane and glider plane should rhyme but the seagull got there first.

>> No.21388028

what language is it

>> No.21388029

I didn't want to be born
It's true, fear is all I know

>> No.21388034

I’m gonna get lunch at Wendys

>> No.21388047

No one wanted to be born
>Fear no more the heat of the sun
>Nor the furious winter's rages
You must learn to live in love, fellow sufferer

>> No.21388059

A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

>> No.21388065

make it a combo for me anon

>> No.21388066

That’s not our fault

>> No.21388092
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Next fun filled thread


>> No.21388120

I suppose you frequently meet with the homeless to discuss their veteran status then.

>> No.21389132
