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/lit/ - Literature

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21382505 No.21382505 [Reply] [Original]

What are good authors to read if you want to attract pussy? If you want to abandon a too bookish lifestyle and start fucking around excessively instead?

>> No.21382511

How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.21382529

Just be handsome. If you can’t be handsome just be tall. If you can’t be tall just be rich. And if you can’t be rich just be charming.

Now, I can recommend you books where the main character is a hedonist

>> No.21382548


I could improve my appearance






That's something I can do

But yes, why not: Books where the protagonist is. a hedonist :)

>> No.21382575

>If you can’t be tall just be rich
I remember seeing a show where they showed that some single men undergo a gruesome surgery whereby they break your bones and put stuff in it just to get a few centimeters taller. They thought that it would raise their chances to get a relationship. On the same show they claimed that an alternative way to be attractive to women was being rich (duh). Then they calculated the ratio between centimeter and income, and it was shocking. For every centimeter that you lacked you had to have an insane amount of money to be considered attractive for female. Anyone seen this? I can’t for the life of me remember where I’ve seen it.

>> No.21382588
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She Comes First: A Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman - Ian Kerner

This book change my life with women, even if just a little bit. Using his techniques and seeing women enjoy themselves has given me a boost of confidence and excitement for life that has permeated into other areas, thus enhancing my overall demeanor and coming full circle to make me more attractive to women. I got the hard copy, however Its on libgen too.

>> No.21382593
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Nice formatting my guy. Have a silver seal award

>> No.21382597

>If you want to abandon a too bookish lifestyle
>What are good authors to read
Sometimes I wonder how you people can function in real life

>> No.21382600

Absolutely disgusting, I would rather practice celibacy for life then even put my mouth anywhere there
Average women have shit tier hygiene habits

>> No.21382604

>How to become a good man ("inner game"):
Man of Steel & Velvet by Aubrey Andelin
No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover

>How to meet women ("game"/social skills):
Mystery Method by Mystery
Daygame by Tom Torero
The book of Pook by Pook
Heartiste on Game by Chateau Heartiste

>How to keep a good woman (love, sexual polarity):
Art of Loving by Eric Fromm
Way of Superior Man by David Deida
Men From Mars by John Gray

Read the 16 commandments here:

Also stop licking her pussy everytime, it's like buying her flowers. You do so every once in a while.

Ignore this book: >>21382588

>> No.21382605

Be good looking by having model facial bone structure
Or be tall
Nothing else works, personality is a meme if you're ugly

>> No.21382607

I know about my own irony. That's why I wrote it. I figured that I need more than literature. I need a fuller life experience as well. The idea is that I don't want to stop being a reader. I want to fuck more - seek adventures that way

>> No.21382612

Thanks! Never heard of these books

>> No.21382615


>> No.21382616


>> No.21382630

>tfw 5.74 ft
I'm gonna make sure the mother of my children is at least as tall as I am (meaning that if she were a man, she'd be even taller, since men are taller in average). Then I'll instruct my male children to do the same, and so on, so that each generation will be a few inches taller, and in a few generations my descendants will have an upper hand in the mating market.

>> No.21382674

You definitely don't write a if you live a "too bookish lifestyle."

>> No.21382771

you basically posted the "how to be a beta faggot" collection. enjoy being a milquetoast push over

>> No.21382775

either incel, or you've been with shit tier women. i've only ever tasted good pussy and i hope to taste more before i die

>> No.21382783

coz I'm writing as my 4chan persona. It's a character basically. You know what this place here is, I assume? What do you expect? Prose like Ruskin, Arnold, Johnson, Pater? You think Proust would visit this place, Joyce or Kafka?

>> No.21382790
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I've found an image of this poster online. Think about this before you take his "advice".

>> No.21382791

stand up straight with your shoulders back and crack some jokes. there, you saved countless hours of reading self-help grifts with one simple trick

>> No.21382792

Why create a post for this trash? You are the problem.

>> No.21382804

"What do women want" by Bergner, he's just a journo but most of the book is about sexologists who did experiments to see what turns women on. It's not as intuitive as you may think, even though after some thinking about it, it makes sense.

>> No.21382806


>> No.21382861

Suzanne Collins

>> No.21382862
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Just emotionally manipulate women. You know, lovebombing her, turning her against her friends and relatives, neglecting her, mirroring her ideal partner... all that kind of stuff. Women believe that what is true is exactly how they feel. Ergo, they are sometimes very good at spotting lies, but their lack of insecurity regarding their own feelings makes them also very poor at spotting lies.

>> No.21382931


I wouldn’t read the self help books he recommends anyway

>> No.21382933

You’re right

>> No.21382936

Turning her against her friends and relatives? This is evil

>> No.21382940

You’re right: I’m the problem Honestly, I’m fine as long as I manage to deal with certain mental health issues

>> No.21383484

Books about the mechanics of humor and storytelling.If crippling some books to deal with anxiety self conciousness

>> No.21383993

You don't read books for that, dummy. You start working out, making friends with men who are good with women, talking to women frequently, involving yourself in generally social activities, and picking up hobbies women find attractive - like competitive cycling, team sports, joining a business or entrepreneurial club, playing in a local band, volunteer work, etc.,. Women want an active, accomplished, and respectable man - even if they don't realize it. You just need to start developing your powers in that direction, and choose a friend group that if a woman were to try and appraise you by your friends, would think you were steady, balanced, funny, cool, and going somewhere - it's about the balance of the group as a whole, not any particular member - just no one too unstable or unprincipled for whatever type of woman you're seeking.

Then just read your books as you will outside of this. Let me put it like this, back in my partying days, the thing which really got women, was when, thinking me a flirty, meathead, partyboy, they came to my house and found my room the most organized of all the men, and a bookcase full of works I'd actually read. Suddenly, this idea of a fun guy with no depth gains depth, makes them feel a bit safer, less cheap, and more prone to sleeping with me than they already were. It husbandizes me, essentially. The knowledge comes out, not when you're chasing the woman, or wooing her, but once she's already deciding whether she wants to be caught or not. The first stages are about a fun and energetic dance, the middle about depth of skill and your comparitive virility, and the final about depth of character. I should also make it clear - I didn't think about any of the aforementioned things in some calculated fashion as a young man. All was natural, but I have realized their effects and attempted a glancing outline here.

As a short, bookish man who, by common societal expectations should have had a difficult time with women, but instead have found myself beset with more women than I can handle at times, and who has left the partyboy womanizing life behind voluntarily, I would not advise pursuing it, but instead using what I've shared with you to start searching out a good wife - the sooner the better. By your mid 20s, the majority of women best suited for it will be taken. Even if you do sleep around, which I advise against, keep your reputation clean, by treating women well. The more your popularity grows, the more you'll find yourself either hurt or helped by what you've done in the past. This is actually true of what men think of you as well.

Being ahead of your peers, and being openly and magnanimously helpful, in respect of understanding basic competencies for managing household affairs goes a long way as well. Women get starry eyed over it - maybe without even realizing it, to their credit.

As for books, have genuine, principled tastes, as it will largely depend on the type of women you're after.

>> No.21384041

You might as well just keep reading the books you enjoy because no book on earth is gonna make you get laid lol. Especially disregard the people suggesting "man books" unless you want to turn from a benign weirdo to repellant one.
Other than that go to the gym or something I dunno.

>> No.21384061

>What are good authors to read if you want to attract pussy?
Herman Melville

>> No.21384141

this whole mindset is just so fucking retarded it is unreal to me that anyone can think like this. Grow up dude

>> No.21384151

He's essentially correct. It doesn't become any less true with age.

>> No.21384200

thank god I'm 6'3" and don't have to waste my time reading books about getting pussy. Instead I can spend my time reading the classics. Have fun getting zero pussy and dumber manlet. lol.

>> No.21384248

Based off your writing, it doesn't seem like you've done enough reading. Enjoy being an object rather than an intellect.

>> No.21384250

>no argument, emotional spasm, personal insult
Seeming real rational there anon.

>> No.21384260
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>> No.21384274
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>Turning her against her friends and relatives? This is evil
Maybe so, but it's extremely effective at trapping her within a fantasy world which you control. But female sexuality is just as cruel and "evil". The reason why they can be manipulated in this fashion in the first place, is because they are viciously stupid and naively accept a reality which plays into their own emotionality. When I say that women believe what their feelings tell them, I am not lying. They are told to accept their emotionality, and are emotionally validated by everyone around them. As a result, they have an unmatched sense of security in their own feelings, in the sense that they just automatically assume that whatever they feel is "valid". Men, on the other hand, are taught to be insecure emotionally, and to sublimate their emotionality towards certain ends. A man who cries gets no sympathy. Naturally, this makes the way men deal with their feelings and their emotions differently, but no less vulnerable. And women exploit this constantly, to provide for themselves. They provoke male insecurity, and cruelly hold his own manhood over him. They turn him against his family, as well, and especially his mother. They will say the vilest and most hurtful things to men, and feel absolutely no remorse. They'll tell him that he's ugly, that he has a small penis, that he's a failure, that he's a loser, that he's an asshole, that she wishes she never even knew him, and most of all she'll shame him for even wanting her in the first place. That's what you need to understand. This romantic idea of a equality between the sexes doesn't exist. Both men and women are cruel, and at war with each other. "Romance" is in reality just a woman dominating the man, rather than vice versa. It's a man hopelessly deluded by convincing himself that by submitting to women, he's actually dominating her because she is trapped within some kind of masochistic fantasy.

>> No.21384287
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>> No.21384293

I don't have to hide behind the veneer of intellectualism to make people interested in me, unlike you. maybe you should spend less time huffing your own farts

>> No.21384302

why you do haram?

>> No.21384308

It seems you do have to hide, however, behind the empty imagination you're somehow more successful with women on account of your height and feigned intellect. You're not, and from your writing, I don't think you've read the classics at all - one or two you were forced to read in school perhaps, but you're no reader.

>> No.21384311


>> No.21384454

/lit/ is full of simps and imbeciles these days.

>random anon, "I'm tall."
>this anon simps immediately


>> No.21384471

Zorba the Greek

>> No.21384490

uhhh i think islam is the opposite of what hes looking for

>> No.21384498

He & I are in the same boat, except I read mainly non-fiction because I'm too autistic for real literature

>> No.21384579

That makes you even more a beta than before... You're in the same boat, and it is his - simp.

>> No.21384634

Why don't you read Epicurus and learn what Hedonism actually is?

>> No.21384958

It's amazing that people come here every single day asking for advice on how to get more pussy. Like where the fuck do you think you are exactly? I think you're lost, you're looking for some place that isn't even on 4chan

>> No.21385326

lol this, desu.

>> No.21385658
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seems I've touched a nerve, quite a few seething manlets in this thread. read some of the classics and got a bit big for their britches. always remind manlets of their station in life, since they seem to forget so easily.