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/lit/ - Literature

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21381358 No.21381358 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh you write Books? Thats cute

>> No.21381364

what's the premise of this thread?

>> No.21381448

some STEMfag using stolen valor to bash book writing losers

>> No.21381807


>> No.21381814

where's the cope? stem is for fags and writing is for losers.

>> No.21381815

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21381839

The people in your picture read and wrote books. You do neither.

>> No.21381855

>everybody knows your name
>but not your work
eternal curse of the STEMcel

>> No.21381868

Oh fuck man, that taco really didn't agree with me, looks like I just sharted in your thread an all over your post - that's terrible man, so sorry, let me just get something to clean it up

>> No.21381875

> Normies admire you and your work despite knowing that it would probably filter them if they ever attempted to engage with it.
> People who deny your work can almost always be accurately categorized as crazy.
> Normies were forced to read your work in school and only pretend to admire you.
> Any retard can call your work shit even without having read it since all opinions are valid.

>> No.21381880

>Normies admire you and your work despite knowing that it would probably filter them if they ever attempted to engage with it.
This is what stemfags actually believe.

>> No.21381883

>Normies admire you
only half assed intellectuals full with hubris like you care about that

>> No.21381900

most of these men have contributed to humanity's downfall, in one way or another.

>> No.21381902

Is that a woman or a weird looking man

>> No.21381916

Do you think stemmies don't like to read? We're some of the best read people out there larper.

>> No.21381926

If you read you wouldn't be destroying the world through STEM.

>> No.21381937

>Don't try to make yourself a good example by living a virtuous and fruitful life, just be an asocial neurotic faggot like me.

>> No.21381941

Pretty much everyone admires Newton, Descartes, Galileo, Archimedes, and Aristotle centuries later. Cope.

>> No.21381942

Get off your computer then hippie. Isn't there a street corner you should be shitting on right about now?

>> No.21381947

>caring what normalfags think
This is why you will always be laughed at and filtered simultaneously. Anyone worth half a damn doesn't give a single fuck what the average retard thinks.

>> No.21381951

I'm not the one enslaving humanity, that's the government. And how is the government enslaving humanity? Using technology.

>> No.21381957
File: 27 KB, 340x375, curie_marie_pierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Marie Curie, silly.

>> No.21381963

They also wrote books

>> No.21381967

Oh, goody goody gumdrops, he'll crrrrraaaack the case yet! I just know it!

>> No.21381970

This a cope. If you did something great, 9/10 people will recognize that you are a great man. Yeah, people are retards but folklore and myth has always been used to glorify and transmit greatness (as well as shame and ignominy), you just wouldn't know because you are a pseud.

>> No.21381980

>Using technology.
No. They are doing it by using media (like books) and philosophy (like Hegel, Plato, and Locke).

>> No.21381981

>STEMcels actually believe there is a dichotomy between the arts/humanities and science
This is a modern meme enforced by industrial society to turn you into bugmen consumerists

>> No.21382002

This is the opposite of reality. The government is controlling our media and philosophy specifically because they are terrified of people realizing what they are doing. They stifle art and philosophy using technology, the same technology they use to enslave us.

>> No.21382012

The arts and STEM are largely separate. The only bridge really is philosophy which STEM is continuous with, but philosophy encompasses almost everything.

>> No.21382014

you mean the Neolithic Revolution

>> No.21382017

The truth is, regardless of technology, culture is what matters. Technology just isn't as all powerful as Compscicels would like you to believe.

>> No.21382022

>stem is for fags and writing is for losers.
Other way around, sweeetie!

>> No.21382028

stemfags are winning. trust me.

>> No.21382045

The degree of personal freedom that exists in a society is determined more by the economic and technological structure of the society than by its laws or its form of government. Most of the Indian nations of New England were monarchies, and many of the cities of the Italian Renaissance were controlled by dictators. But in reading about these societies one gets the impression that they allowed far more personal freedom than our society does.
In part this was because they lacked efficient mechanisms for enforcing the ruler’s will: There were no modern, well-organised police forces, no rapid long-distance communications, no surveillance cameras, no dossiers of information about the lives of average citizens. Hence it was relatively easy to evade control.

-Theodore J. Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.21382116
File: 407 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-grease-olivia-newton-john_4496787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olivia Newton John is Max Born's grandaughter. This thread is dumb.

>> No.21382128
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He's this one btw.

>> No.21382190

Normies forced to do math and physics absolutely hate you

>> No.21382256


>> No.21382262

>pretty much everyone admires
lmao no, most normies know their names (maybe) and that's it. If you walked the streets asking people who Descartes or Archimedes is you probably wouldn't get any answer.

>> No.21382690

you overestimate the average joe

>> No.21383912

And by the two of you combined, we have one complete braincell!

>> No.21383928
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>Absolutely mogs every STEMfag
Quiet down timmy, no one cares about you

>> No.21383932

Nobody who knowingly contributed to the most disgusting invention in human history deserves praise.

That said, there are plenty of based stemlords who put their brains into bettering humanity.

>> No.21384071

based anti-nuclear anon

>> No.21384127

>Assuming the average person knows the names of old dead people they heard in passing in history class, let alone respect said names.
Good God. You really are sheltered aren't you

>> No.21384295

it really shows the level of iq most of /lit/ is operating on

>> No.21384751

>Einstein read a lot of classics and loved Brothers K
>Schrödinger was so obsessed with Schopenhauer he almost switched his degree to philosophy after read Will and Rep

>> No.21384777

Let me guess: You fags live in some ghetto, right?
Everyone I know of has heard of these names and I'm not rich or sheltered either. I'm middle class and had to go to a grammar school.

>> No.21384807

make art not nukes

>> No.21384818

>Nobody who knowingly contributed to the most disgusting invention in human history deserves praise.
Seethe and cope. If anything nuclear is helping the world. We might even see fusion in our life times but even without that nuclear energy was one of the greatest things that we ever invented.

>> No.21384825

The post that killed /lit/

>> No.21384862

you think those men are not well read and would disparage literature like that?

>> No.21384870

If I wanted to be admired I would become a minecraft streamer my guy :) get with the times stem grandpa

>> No.21384884
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>Normies admire you and your work despite knowing that it would probably filter them if they ever attempted to engage with it
Lol retards really believe this? No one admires picrel for inventing the Haber process, literally feeding half the world's population. They don't even know the guy, they only know famous names like Einstein and Carl Sagan because of mass media.

>> No.21384938

You didn't even refute his statement.

>> No.21384976

Shut up faggot.

>> No.21385029

S-sorry mister.. *looks at your massive bulge and blushes*

>> No.21385044

back to /lit/
back to /b/
back to /a/

>> No.21385983


>> No.21386043

He unironically peaked my interest in chemistry

>> No.21386057

was einstein secretly black? (semi-serious)

>> No.21386145

Yes, chud.

>> No.21386155

this is actually correct (though I've only once been to /b/ and ran for my dear soul)

>> No.21386262

>Posting in this pattern and claiming you're leading a "virtuous and fruitful life."

>> No.21386267
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> Muh Autistic Nip who's up his own ass
Every industry has one of those, retard (see Miyazaki, Kojima, Yoko Ono, etc.)

>> No.21386469

you mean the Oxygen Revolution