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/lit/ - Literature

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21380445 No.21380445 [Reply] [Original]

Any point writing short stories when the market favors novels?

>> No.21380449

The point is the market is gay (imo)

>> No.21380452

These nubile virgins are both my girlfriend.

>> No.21380457

I will cum to these whores, and then I will close your thread. You could have prevented this.

>> No.21380458
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Ya it's called writing what you want and not giving a fuck about the market. You want to create art or you want to make money. By making this gay thread you will obviously do neither. You write because you have to. Because you can't get it out of your skull fast enough. No other reason

>> No.21380472

It's kind of like asking if there's any point in writing poetry. If you have the bug, you have the bug. But if you need a reason, being a good short fiction writer will probably make you a better long fiction writer.

>> No.21380504


As they have tattoos, you are lying about their virginity which you did not take, and you have both poor taste and my pity.

>> No.21380512

>he thinks young people these days are having sex
All the lewd behavior you see from them like the pic in the OP is copium for the lack of actual sex going on.

>> No.21380516

>self-inflicted lordosis
>self-inflicted wedgie
>angle and light frauding
Do women really?

>> No.21380521

lol this is the real cop, as they are all having sex, just not with you, but with me

>> No.21380531

It's easier to get a short story published than a novel

>> No.21380533

The market does not really favor novels, writers do. Unless you are talking genre, in which case short stories are not a wise career choice.

>> No.21380570

i want to make money...

>> No.21380573

for the enjoyment of writing short stories

>> No.21380575

>Any point writing short stories when the market favors novels?

Cover Letter

Buy my shit



p.p.s.: I have video of you conducting [unlawful sex act], and my father is very rich.

>> No.21380677

you can not serve both God and mammon
you can not create art for art is to be made for God

>> No.21380767
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Do it anyway.
Good art is its own justification.
Also you have to start somewhere and short stories are a good starting place, you can build from there.

>> No.21380810

I want to insert my penis into their vaginas if you know what I mean

>> No.21380823

what movie is this

>> No.21380857

Did you write this book anon?

>> No.21380874

Poetry is pretty gay though.

>> No.21380981

Go away coomer.

>> No.21380986

Indian martial arts film. Searched to see if anything turned up. I think this YouTube's thumbnail has the central actor in it

>> No.21381024

Tattoos ick disgusting

>> No.21381070

Yeah, write.

>> No.21381239

You shouldn't be writing for the market, there's a very small chance that you'll earn more from writing than you will from working a minimum wage job given the same time investment. You should be writing to satisfy yourself first and foremost, so if writing short stories is more satisfying to you than writing novels then that's what you should do.

>> No.21381262

Yes, it's my second one

>> No.21381333
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>> No.21381368

Shit on the sheets, Shit in the streets 2

>> No.21381388

you don't mess with the zohan

>> No.21381400

Tired of all the senseless india memes. When I went I saw maybe four streets with shit on them. Only FOUR in all my time there, and they were literally made for defecation. They weren't normal streets, they were the ones the locals went to for shitting, the same as we might stop at a public restroom. It's not shitting in the streets if it's literally a public sanitation pathway.

>> No.21381414

We already know that the "market" favors a select cringeable series of tropes that anybody can easily emulate, who the fuck writes seriously for that?

>Any point writing short stories when the market favors novels?
Short stories can be written in less than an hour and are more fun for the writer. The short story itself is "laconic", if you like, in that it's able to portray a novel in a few pages - if done skillfully.

I'd also doubt this, given that the attention span of a modern day westerner would struggle with a big book the current "market" (the organic one, not the astroturf one) is much more favorable to short stories because of this.

exactly this.

>i want to make money..
then copy what movies are doing; find a story that worked before, change nothing that occurs, and swap out the characters for circus freaks.

A rip off of Saving Private Ryan with Ryan as a transgendered ukrainian and Tom Hanks as an antifa would be picked up by the MSM and gushed over for months.

>> No.21381433


>> No.21381643

Write what you want to write. If it's good, people will read it. I personally prefer short stories and novellas.

>> No.21381654

OP, better to be mercenary, than a milksop writing as a hobby like half these faggots ITT.
>just write cuz u love it!

>> No.21381676

If you're not a woman writing for women then I wouldn't say the market favors novels. Male authors often do great with short story collections , Ted Chiang comes to mind.

>> No.21381745

nothing's stopping you from writing ghostbusters the remake, anon, but clearly anyone with a brain that damaged to do that and think nothing bad about it can't write for shit in the first place, kind of a cultural catch-22

>> No.21382439

I thought that before I read more poetry.

>> No.21382472

Jimaya closed her eyes as she looked toward the sun. It had been 3 weeks now since they washed ashore, she and Cathlina and all the rest of the bodies, and the memory of their putrefact lingered long after the stench had vanished with their burial. Their makeshift burial; if only Jimaya and Cathlina knew the proper burial rites; the thought of it haunted them both, and they thought to link arms in the old cheer squad fashion when the instinct to practice overcame them long after they had missed the cheer tournament; they didn't link arms, instead each fading into the distant memory. They tugged at the side of their panties in a simultaneous plea of desperation.

>> No.21384230

Kek, the market favours absolute, unredeemable trash. Write whatever the hell you want.

>> No.21384822

India is already a superpower. In our hearts.

>> No.21384834

>Short stories can be written in less than an hour
If any short story of yours takes less than an hour to write, it is guaranteed to be one steaming dogshit of a story.

>> No.21384852

find a real job and write for fun

>> No.21384863


>> No.21385013


>> No.21386339
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You never write shit because the market likes it

Good works come from raw honesty, you could write mental goyslop but it won't be good or remembered

>> No.21386348

I lol'ed, though I shouldn't have.

>> No.21386385

>photographer casually ruins the shot

truly dystopian

>> No.21386408
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>> No.21386413

Hey Lewis, I haven't seen anything new from you for awhile. I had a look at the guys who published your Last Free Man collection and it looks like they don't publish much anymore. Have you ever been featured in Australian journals like Island or Meanjin? There are a few more I'm forgetting. I'm about to have my second story published in another journal in the US, they are much kinder to my work than Australian journals, and they aren't your average digital mags either (not that calibre/tiers should matter too much but my work is good and I'm proud of it). Anyway, I have seen you comment on Australian journals criticising your themes e.g. outback Australia, bogans, ordinary shit etc. but in my experience I find that editors are way too obsessed with 101 understandings of plot, character, and action - I am constantly criticised for structural elements of my stories, whereas I the editors for the last two stories that has been accepted by US journals are really open to my prose style, and more open to that being the point of the story. I wonder if you have any thoughts on this? Anyway, I always want to reply to you because I see you shill your stuff here and I kind of consider you to be a peer of mine - I compare myself to kind of like the episode with The Simpsons and he keeps Edison on the wall, a bit gay, and I'll calm down. But all the best my good cunty.

>> No.21386572

The greater market (I know you were talking about publishing but publishing is at the will of the greater market so ot definitely applies) currently doesn't favor literature in general so if you are going to write you might as well write what you feel like writing. Odds are you wont make any money anyway.

>> No.21386692

all I had to say

>> No.21387241

Read Etgar Keret

>> No.21387249

unvirgin post wall roasties

>> No.21387729

Hello kind anon, no i haven't been in any of the journals you've mentioned. I did get a couple stories in Flycatcher which is a now defunct student journal in the NT and one story in Tulpa also now defunct. I sort of stopped submitting to the various journals once i got the first collection published. I'm focused on getting the new book done and then the one after that.
I can only share my experience which is that the Australian journals are all pozzed, they want "diversity" so they have no interest in my stories which are all about the white working class/white trash type of people i grew up with.

>> No.21387763

The market is goddamned. Fuck the market.