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21380268 No.21380268 [Reply] [Original]

I was brought up Catholic and was baptized earlier this year into the Orthodox Church.

Seen a lot of stuff about Mormon beliefs on a sort of ''theosis".

Is the Book of Mormon any good or should I not take it or the LDS seriously?

>> No.21380306
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I was raised mormon until I was 10, and stopped going to church. However, from what my dad tells me (he was a mormon missionary) most of what the LDS church is based on is bullshit. And not just bullshit as in its hard to believe, but bullshit as in there is a mountain of evidence overwhelming proving many claims made by the Mormon church wrong and they have conveniently changed/obfuscated their stance on many different things (such as the magic stone in the hat, the book of abraham etc.) whenever evidence contradicts them despite taking strong stances in the past, and previous statements by church leaders are just ignored because they are too controversial. So no, I wouldn't take them seriously. They also beleive in a great age of apostasy, and believe that Joseph Smith alone rediscovered the priesthood. They basically say that everything after the death of Christ is bullshit, until Joseph Smith comes around. If you are Catholic/Orthodox, Mormonism is ridiculous on the face of it. It just is.

>> No.21380313

I grew up mormon and most of my family still is, the book occasionally interesting and mormon theology is wacky but most of the wacky stuff isnt in the book of mormon its found in a collection of "revelations" called the doctrine and covenants.
in terms of serious theological concerns i'd say you're better off reading other stuff but the church has enough money that it occasionally funds some interesting scholarship that i've found interesting

>> No.21380332

Hey friends! I just wanted to let you know that Catholic teaching is that being raised Mormon has spiritual impacts. Here is a video from a youtube channel that I trust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUrLEFygDVY.. I had Masonic ancestors and used to terribly sick every Winter and have experienced personal healing from recommended prayers from this area (main guy is Fr. Chad Ripperger). God speed.

>> No.21380337
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Picrel will tell you what the authors of the book of mormon had in mind when writing and for what purpose it was written.

>> No.21380351
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>Hey friends! I just wanted to let you know that Catholic teaching is that being raised Mormon has spiritual impacts. Here is a video from a youtube channel that I trust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUrLEFygDVY.. [Embed] I had Masonic ancestors and used to terribly sick every Winter and have experienced personal healing from recommended prayers from this area (main guy is Fr. Chad Ripperger). God speed.
Funny, because my grandfather was a 33rd degree freemason and worshipful master. My great grandfather was a 33rd degree freemason as well. My grandmother was in the Eastern Star, and so was my Great Grandmother. My mother was raised in masonic lodges. My family was also involved in Jehovah's witness, and I am personally a blood relative of Joseph Smith. Wacky stuff.

>> No.21380713

>Yea, and it came to pass that
Tiresome to read. Don't do it unless you're thinking of converting

>> No.21380726

I see Mormonism as a weird Gnostic sect kind of like Manichaeism and Mandaeism. I 100% think they will be seen the same way in a hundred years unless they become the dominant religion through sheer multiplication as an inbred, invasive species.

>> No.21380758

Smith really shot himself in the foot by saying that the Book of Abraham was translated from actual tangible shit and not muh magic golden plates like the main Book of Mormon. If he said it was just a private revelation people would have to buy it but because we can see the supposed documents and know in every objective sense that it's just some random priest's obituary, it's really hard to take them seriously.

>the random scrolls Joseph Smith bought from a traveling freak show WERE a lost testament!
>the Book of Abraham was pasted onto the end of some random Egyptian priest's funeral epithet but that was the part we can't look at today so you have to trust us!
The copes are beyond asspull even on a textual level, and that's not even getting into the real meat of all the insane historical claims of the actual books themselves.

>> No.21380793
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For me it's when they sent the scrolls to expert in egyptology to be translated and made a big fuss about how they were going to be proven right, and then when the egyptologists translated it completely differently from how Joseph Smith claimed. Of course, the church now tells you that they were "lost" if you ask missionaries about them. Not to mention the "simplified egyptian" Joseph Smith he claimed he translated from would have taken up more space than Hebrew, and the church claimed that the reason they were translated from simplified egyptian was that it would've taken up to much space to write it in hebrew. Not to mention the absurd claims over Native Americans being a lost tribe of Israel, or that the Garden of Eden was in Mississippi.

>> No.21380796

claimed, the church now*

>> No.21380801

You know what, just ignore my grammar, I'm phonefagging

>> No.21380802

Grew up mormon, went on mission and all. My main problem is that I find the BoM incredibly dull. I'd rather just read the bible.
I think they now go with that the scrolls were just the inspiration for him to translate a divine record of Abraham.
Yeah it's retarded.

>> No.21380811

>smith tried to provide evidence for his bullshit and it fell apart because people could see that it was horseshit.
I've seen other people point this out for other parts of Mormonism. The Mormons tried to drop the Greek-inherited philosophical speculation and obscurantism in favor of "common sense" truth, and it bit them in the ass. The philosophical obscurantism lets you cloak bizarre and insane stuff in an air of reason and mysticism, and the ass-pull of personal revelation means that all cards are on the table (you either trust it 100% or you don't, either way you are convinced of something).

"The bread turns into Jesus's severed muscles and we eat it" is stupid, but "Transubstantiation" is deep and mystical; "God has a wife on the planet Kolob" is retarded, but if it was "sovereign dominionistic theosis" it would be some kind of high-level philosophical doctrine.

>> No.21381149

Then I highly recommend you look into the Freemasonic blood curse
This prayer helped me (grandpa 32nd degree) http://www.sensustraditionis.org/Freemasonic.pdf

>> No.21381170

>All men have heard of the Mormon Bible, but few except the "elect" have seen it, or, at least, taken the trouble to read it. I brought away a copy from Salt Lake. The book is a curiosity to me, it is such a pretentious affair, and yet so "slow," so sleepy; such an insipid mess of inspiration. It is chloroform in print. If Joseph Smith composed this book, the act was a miracle — keeping awake while he did it was, at any rate.

>> No.21381336
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Essential LDS reading

>> No.21381753

>Is the Book of Mormon any good or should I not take it or the LDS seriously?
I didn't read that much of it. I couldn't get far into it. It reads like a pulp comic book, but from the 1840's trying to imitate fake KJV speech. But you can also tell it's written by someone that was in their teens or 20's that was very sure of themselves, but didn't have the elegant vocabulary he assumed he had at that age.

..... You should read it if you want to understand textual criticism of literature, but for religion, Hell No. It's goofy as shit.

>> No.21382071
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My great uncle contributed heavily to pic related

Now let's see Harold Bloom's assessment
>I myself can think of not another American, except for Emerson and Whitman, who so moves and alters my own imagination. For someone who is not a Mormon, what matters most about Joseph Smith is how American both the man and his religion have proved to be. So self-created was he that he transcends Emerson and Whitman in my imaginative response, and takes his place with the great figures of our fiction, since at moments he appears far larger than life, in the mode of a Shakespearean character. So rich and varied a personality, so vital a spark of divinity, is almost beyond the limits of the human as normally we construe those limits.

>> No.21382100

Mormons use many terms from real Christianity but change their definitions. They do not believe anything close to what you do, much as they'll protest otherwise, and once you get into the church and are trusted to enter the temple you'll see literal Masonic ceremonies (look up the oath of vengeance and blood penalties sometime - the leadership has phased out some elements to appeal better to modern sensibilities but not all).
Mormon "theosis" in their doctrine means that by following the proper rites and being married (hard requirement) you'll become a literal god, the same way the Mormon "God" did when he was a mortal. Some upper level Mormons undergo a rite known as "second annointing" or "second election" which essentially guarantees that regardless of whatever sins they commit in this life, short of murder, they will be deified or "exalted" in the next.
t. born and raised Mormon, family in the church since 1870

>> No.21383567

cute misakiposter

>> No.21383920

Mormonism is weird and kind of based. It's like judaism for gentiles. I only wish it was strictly its own thing and didn't promote jewish ideas and torah messianism.
The normal critiques of it are incredibly stupid.
>it's racist
It isn't anymore, and that was a feature, not a bug.
>it's too white
That's the best thing about it.
>the mormon story is obviously fake!
How is that different from other religions? The fruits of mormonism speak for themselves.
>the church structure is overbearing
True, but again, look at the fruits. This has also largely prevented it from degenerating as much as other sects.

>> No.21384010

both. read it alongside Under the Banner of Heaven. They own most the banks west of the mississippi so you may as well read the hand manual.

>> No.21384181

I have one on my bookshelf, next to my KJV and Quran. I am an atheist and the Book Of Mormon is the most fun to read because it is
a) Horribly written
b) Really stupid
So I would recommend you go to your local LDS Church, get one and have a good time laughing at how horrible it is.

>> No.21386013
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>judaism for gentile

You mean Islam for white people


>> No.21386026

inasmuch as all abrahamic faiths are basically different forms of judaism, sure