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/lit/ - Literature

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21377553 No.21377553 [Reply] [Original]

Good book recommendations for someone who enjoys E. Michael Jones, Bishop Williamson, and St. Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.21377569

>books about extremist opinion I have picked up
>anyone know any books about thing I already agree with
>can someone recommend books defending my latest zinger against well-adjusted people
>looking for books about the made up thing I want other people to buy into

>> No.21377573


>> No.21377610
File: 29 KB, 438x580, 581e8241c907763ce41cb50571d7ec5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lack of appreciation for big noses is the worst thing about modern society

>> No.21377614

>for someone based into catholicism
I’d fix my illiteracy first

>> No.21377620

>t. moshe nosenberg

>> No.21377626

Catholicism indeed. Downright un-Christian, just about all of you.

>> No.21377702

How did the Germans differentiate between the Jews with the stereotypical "Jew nose" from ordinary Germans who just had a big nose?

>> No.21377705

You can have the Sarah Jessica Parkers of the world to yourself.

>> No.21377712

Is there a name for noses like the one on the left? Where I live most women have noses like the one on the right but for some reason I really like the one on the left. Makes her looks smarter.

>> No.21377715

Big noses are actually fashionable right now among young women, though in general I think men look much better with big noses.

>> No.21377740

Just say you can't come up with a book that fits his description, it's ok hun.

>> No.21377741
File: 1.90 MB, 1256x1362, Screen Shot 2022-12-13 at 6.47.49 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think there's currently some push back which is fantastic, some women absolutely butcher their aquiline noses trying to get a ski slope nose, i don't want a bitch that look like that, gimmie that roman princess look

>> No.21377752




>> No.21377891

This is not for me (I like EMJ tho), I'm trying to find ideas for Xmas present for a friend. This is the only place I can think to ask that won't ban me for wrongthink.

>> No.21377896

Has your friend read Augustine's Confessions? That's usually my go-to Catholic book.

On the other hand, has your friend read the Bible much?

Does your friend go to Mass?

>> No.21378054

Skull measurements and genealogy.

>> No.21378072 [DELETED] 

Ear shit.

>> No.21378104

Praying for your death OP.

>> No.21378217

this is a man

>> No.21378222

That's a good suggestion. He reads the Bible all the time, goes to mass and I know he likes Augustine. I don't know if he has that book but I might try and subtly find out

>> No.21378224

these are women

>> No.21378226

big aryan nose is different (more round at the end, even when very big) to big jew nose (hooked at the centre/near beginning + a bit pointier at the end)

>> No.21378335

that girl doesnt look jewish
i will investigate further and share my findings

>> No.21378388

she is iranian, religion inconclusive
jews are 0.01% of iranian population

>> No.21378403
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Anyone know where I can buy a pdf/epub for said title, or if you can link it directly would be nice.

>> No.21378586

Thread ruined

>> No.21378589

Please don’t mention vipers like E Michael Jones and Bishop Williamson in the same breath as Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.21378622

Agreed. I love big noses on women, sexy ones obviously. I have a pretty weird nose that I used to hate but I don't think I'll ever change it, it's unique.

>> No.21378688

>Good book for someone based into catholicism

Highly recommend Louis Bouyer, The Bible and the Gospel: The Meaning of Scripture

Or: Bouyer, The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism, which is somewhat well known because many converts to Catholicism were influenced by it (eg, Scott Hahn).

Both books, written in the 1950s, are excellent. Bouyer was a world-class scholar and a very good writer. If your friend reads the Bible a lot, he might get more from the first book. I don't know of a better short introduction to the Old Testament, and in particular how the gradual revelation of the nature of God prepared the way for the coming of Christ, whom Bouyer shows, very clearly, was the inevitable and necessary fulfillment of so many different strands of OT history and belief.

>> No.21379732

The bible

>> No.21379836

Fr. Chad Ripperger, Joseph de Maistre, Bloy, Hyusmans, and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was based.

>> No.21380098


>> No.21380431
File: 130 KB, 1000x803, St.-Augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he already has the Confessions then get him one of Augustine's dialogues. I really love On Free Choice Of The Will. Honestly all of /lit/ should read it since I know you fuckers love debating free will and its existence.
