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21375531 No.21375531 [Reply] [Original]

>dude stop thinking and desiring stuff and you will be happy lmao

>> No.21375540
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This but unironically

>> No.21375542

>b-but bro what is nirvana
>don't care about it bro, just sit under a tree or something lmaooo

>> No.21376022

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21376770

it is if you say it is, and it is not if you do not.

>> No.21376778

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21376825

The Passion of Christ is 1,000,000,000 times more meaningful than the entire body of Buddhist thought put together. Stop exalting bugmen easternism, turn to the Mystery of Faith and our Lord, Christ.

>> No.21376910
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>Stop exalting bugmen easternism
literally what Christianity was to the Romans, you know with the whole Judeo-Egyptian wizard walking around whose followers claimed he had magical powers. If Jesus was real I hope he was like Trungpa—best case scenario and given his prominent association with wine and various women he may well have been. Have a blessed day anon and may the cloud of dharma bring you the rains of wisdom

>> No.21376921

just meditate until you experience these states of being yourself bro

>> No.21376925

Why does Assmann hate God?

>> No.21376932


>> No.21376941
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I've read three of his books and I don't get the impression that he does. Some versions of "god" are just better than others and they don't always win.

>> No.21376975

if existence and desire were suffering why didnt buddhists kill themselves

>> No.21376998

I'm pretty sure buddhist monks live happier and more fulfilled lives than you anon.

>> No.21377037

they don't have sex.
>inb4 neither do you
there are two kinds of people on /lit/: the sexually promiscuous and the sexually incelibate

>> No.21377051

>they don't have sex
I suppose neither do Catholic priests or the incarcerated.

>> No.21377100

>neither do Catholic priests
according to colleen mccullough they sure do

>> No.21377141

Yeah, contemporary "incels" are basically the only cohort of people who don't have sex, now or historically, other than eunuchs. Even if as a rule, priests or monks practice celibacy it does not mean there is no sex happening where priests and monks are.

>> No.21377167

Religion is such a sham.

At least Zen Buddhism isn't really a religion and is just a state of being.

>> No.21377178

priest celibacy is a blasphemic modern invention of the faggot papacy anyway. it was only started because the priests were setting up wealthy family dynasties and getting too powerful, so the faggot satanic pope made a law that only faggots who dont have interest in women can be priests, and now they wonder why there are so many faggots in the priesthood raping children and making the catholic church a laughingstock. rescind this faggot law and there will be an end to the altar boy rapes.

as for colleen, she was just horny for some holy dick. aren't we all.

>> No.21377182

>not a scam
>a bunch of neets spouting pseudbabble to get peasants to give them their rice
it's the definition of a scam my dude

>> No.21377194
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>neetch is pre fedora

>> No.21377201

qrd me on assman

>> No.21377206

>Want to get into Heaven? Just believe I walked on water and came back from the dead. Totally happened bro, yes this book that was written over a century after it happened, but it is totally legit and is 100% the truth. By the way if you don't believe it you burn in hell for all of eternity which seems completely fair and reasonable."

Kek. Keep drinking the Christ's KOOL aid, you dumb fuck.

>> No.21377208

it's a religion, you're just agreeing with the beatnikephoric Californian version of it that says you don't have to do anything, which itself is a bastard stepchild of post-Meiji Japanese Buddhism for laypeople, which itself is the orphan child of Japanese Buddhism, itself a distaff cousin of Sino-Korean Buddhism, itself the brother-in-law of Central Asian Buddhism, which was Gandhari on its father's side.

>> No.21377214

Zen Buddhism is a religion. You can think it's a good religion, but it's a religion. It's just Buddhism that focuses primarily on exploring the experience of the jhanas. I bet you're "spiritual but not religious" too.

>> No.21377219

In the sense of smug angloid atheists whose argument against theism is their contempt for low church Protestants, a contempt not entirely misplaced as the de-mystification or disenchantment of religion does inevitably give you an entirely secular and materialistic culture.

>> No.21377232

Basically, Abrahamism is purposively crafted counter-religion meant to repudiate pagan religion, starting with the Hebrew rejection of almost all things Egyptian. Certain people took offense at this and he has walked back that claim somewhat and attempted to present it in a less negative sense.

>> No.21377239
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Shut up and get your ass on the mat

>> No.21377246

Just do heroin.

>> No.21377247

you dropped your fedora

>> No.21377270

>>21377206 demonstrates the same depth of understanding of Christianity that >>21377182 demonstrates of Zen Buddhism

>> No.21377288

Buddhism and Stoicism are both shams.

>Guys, I figured out how to beat the human condition. Let's just pretend we're not human!!!

>> No.21377313

Christian theology isn't about reifying capeshit and believing that believing in it can make you immortal (but only after you die)?

>> No.21377343

buddhism is a scam dude, just like the catholic church sold indulgeances the buddhists sell you charms and talismans made of paper supposed to bring you good luck. you're just a sinaboo sucker.

>> No.21377717

Is it even about being happy? Happiness is just another state of being. Don’t Buddhists want to completely separate from everything in complete rejection down to hunger?