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/lit/ - Literature

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21374115 No.21374115 [Reply] [Original]

>there are so many cultures out there
>so many in the so-called antiquity alone
>myriads of myths and tales
>ancient epics gallore
>I certainly could go to the source and read them all, maybe even try to learn a new language or two, maybe some history
>nah, I'll just read thousands upon thousands of pages of some seething hack's bad copy/paste of Norse myth and an awful attempt to marry that with his Christian faith, all written in the manner of a stocky professor trying to copy the style of an epic
Seriously, what is your problem? LotR is most certainly not wrriten like an "epic" so that argument falls flat. It's not a "true" world as it's some weird mash-up of Medieval Britain and Late Antiquity Northernlands pretending it's some pre-pre-pre-pre recorded antiquity. It's not imaginative as it's literally Northern Euro myths and languages twisted here and there. It's most certainly not well written, as there's a constant case of going on nonsensical tangents to describe some useless patch of land, overdetailing needless things while providing stiff descriptions of what he should've focused on. The dialogue is nothing special and it's all like a bloated fairy tale than anything else.

What it is is autistic. That's it. It's a huge universe powered by seething autism. It's literally a language professor taking his knowledge and trying to rewrite reality so that Britain had a pre-antiquity epic but somehow styled after le heckin wholesome Medieval and Pre-WW1 Britain. It's every autist's blatant self-insert fantasy, but instead of the [current day] autist being a 15 YO hormonal teen, it's an old coot. And this is what's admired and been allowed to sully the genre of fantasy? Literally any LotRfag could've spent that much time learning about a real culture instead of the autistic ramblings of an old man.
>inb4 but what about [insert pop culture thing here]fags?!
At least those know it's just meaningless entertainment. You play a game, you watch a movie, you read a comic. You pass an hour and that's it. Nobody's pretending the Darth Bane Trilogy is important literature.

Just stop. Learn about... dunno, ships and pirate history. Get a sailing boat. If you're that interested in "epics" start with the big ones and try to learn the languages so that you can read the originals. You're literally wasting time on the autistic mashups of a hack's copy of a copy of a copy of the real world.

>> No.21374118

Do you actually think in tired Internet language and memes? I feel sorry for people like you. Serious.

>> No.21374122

Yes. This is what happens when somebody spends all their time on the internet and all their opinions are filtered through the social media hivemind before they accept them. Just sage and move on.

>> No.21374143


>> No.21374202


>> No.21374310

Tolkien appeals to South Americans a lot. Not sure why. But that probably is a mark of quality.

>> No.21374473

so much effort lmao

>> No.21374779

Someone please post the ancient /lit/ meme of how one could read Song of Fire and Ice or for the same number of pages read an entire shelf of actual myths, epics, and legendary history.

>> No.21374809

based OP

>> No.21374866

i think he appeals to a lot more people than just south americans

>> No.21374890

South Americans also love white metal bands esp with norse themes. That’s because they wish they were white

>> No.21375647

>you can't critique Tolkien because... BECAUSE YOU ARE A POOPYHEAD OKAY?!
Damn, Tolkienfags are THIS intelligent?!

>> No.21375733

He reaffirms my beliefs. That's why I read him. That's why anybody reads anybody, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying faggot.

>> No.21375747

didn't read, saw thumbnail and greentext and reported for extremely low quality. do better

>> No.21376120

I kind of agree with you. Though it's what people have today and he is very good on everything political (against modernity, technology, planification, rationality, anarcho-royalist, ecologist, traditionalist,...) So not too deep but still okay for a bit. It doesn't sanctify or edify that much, not very spiritual/symbolical/serious,... he said he should not be taken too seriously. He said the criticism of the lack of religion was good too (God is not mentionned in the LotR when you think of that).
I also read parts of the kalevala people say Tolkien took inspiration from and it's also mundane (attached to the world and thus not deep).
Best epics are puranas, mahabaratha, Homer, Ramayana, Graal litterature. That's what I know. Much more explicit, they don't invent, they serve existing spiritual and religious traditions, are historical or metaphysical (at least claim so), are made not by rationalist universitarian but by inspired men of spirituality and religion, gave good fruits of religion and not all the modern escapism of fantasy.

>> No.21376188
File: 54 KB, 500x500, zoomerschristcuckss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He reaffirms my beliefs. That's why I read him. That's why anybody reads anybody, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying faggot.

>> No.21376199

The groypers give me hope, can you imagine being a white nationalist 20 or even 30 years ago when there were probably a few dozen serious white nationalists left in the world who weren't skinheads? Who could imagine through all those years of isolation and condescending treatment by liberals that organic youth movements would emerge?

>> No.21376464

Groypers are based. The blackpilled doom and gloom mindset itself is a psyops.

>> No.21377678
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Almost comically low-IQ OP.