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/lit/ - Literature

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21372629 No.21372629 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t get it. Tolstoy has an. easy to read simple writing style and he loves his dialogue and quick action. You’re seldom ever left bored or confused. I have read classic literature that have way more purple prose

>> No.21372643

I don’t think it is that the prose is purple but it’s long and includes things like a really long description of a girl getting ready for a ball and guys having dinner, and if that were purple prose it might actually be more related to but it’s in very clear and easy prose and just long. It is of course a great book but you either have to have an acquired taste for literature, or be over thirty to appreciate its beauty

>> No.21372782

is that something that people say? ive always assured people that Tolstoy was pretty straightforward and easy to read and to not be intimidated by how long the books are

the part with Levin discussing farming practices at his friends house or whatever it was and the part with the big local government meeting were pretty painful to get though by virtue of the fact that they were boring as shit and not really relevant to contemporary audiences

>> No.21372827

>things like a really long description of a girl getting ready for a ball and guys having dinner
Those are some of the coziest parts of the book IMO. The only thing I felt was a minor drag was when Levin starts talking, in detail, about his life philosophy and debates for several pages with other people. And even then, those parts of the book really aren't that unreadable either. It's remarkable that Anna Karenina is as comfy as it is. It's a perfect Saturday afternoon book. Something you can pick up and just waste the entire day reading, not because it's exhilarating or gripping, but because it's so engrossing it's hard to put away.

>> No.21374333
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>long descriptions of people doing normal things
Have you ever paid attention to what those people were either thinking or discussing during those long scenes? From a writer's perspective, those make for great moments of internal monologue or in the case of the dinner, important happenings of other characters.

No, I haven't read the book but I plan to after finishing War & Peace. This is just speculation on my point.

>> No.21374578

Modern people are too used to watching silly shows and popcorn movies. And schools don't teach proper literature anymore in way to teach you how to read, how to examine themes or find depth out of work. Of course, they will find any actual literal work hard to read.

>> No.21374596

I read this when I was 23 I think, and I barely read at all. It became my favourite book , and I was even surprised myself that I ploughed through an 800 page book.