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/lit/ - Literature

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21372270 No.21372270 [Reply] [Original]

Is literature superior to something like Berserk or Neon Genesis Evangelion, and if so, why

>> No.21372281

>Is literature superior to something like Berserk
Certainly, most things are superior to Berserk
>or Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.21372295

some literature is
others be'nt

english declination is retarded

>> No.21372311

Some is superior, yea.

>> No.21372332
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I mean, Horror’s Call alone is trippier than Eva. It depends on what you’re talking about.

>> No.21372340

The thread is over. No posts past this one matter.

>> No.21372341

>Is literature
what literature, you fucking retard?

>> No.21372344

but it's wrong

>> No.21372346

Call of the Crocodile was weird as hell.

>> No.21372347

Its subjective. The way literature and visual mediums convey ideas is completely different. You can't really compare them, at least not generally.

>> No.21372353

all weebs need to be Mozambique’d

>> No.21372411

if God gave Dante a massive sword at the beginning of divine comedy both stories would be exactly the same.

>> No.21372446

I heard the Evangelion manga is actually better than the anime, is this true?

>> No.21372463

You can compare works in both mediums. Take 2001, the novel and the movie, and compare what they do side by side. They even have similar run times.
The book is so much better it's not even funny.

>> No.21372473

pedophile show

>> No.21372490

it do be kinda weird how the whole thing is a cope about how sexualizing 14yos is totally fine done by middle aged men fr fr

>> No.21372519

No way. The only decent thing the eva manga did was trim out some of the superfluous angel fights, and have a couple extra Rei scenes. The rest of the changes, especially the ones made to the personality of certain characters, make it much worse than the anime.

>> No.21372645

anime sucks

>> No.21372657

Only 96% of it is

>> No.21372661


>> No.21372671

I really like NGE but most of it is only superficially deep. It's high quality entertainment but if you take a step back and see it through untainted glasses it's not especially insightful or thought-provoking. Philosophically speaking it's very overhyped

>> No.21372688

>I really like NGE but most of it is only superficially deep.
This guy didn't get it

>> No.21372691


>> No.21372698

There's literally nothing to get, it's just a convoluted techno-existential mumbo-jumbo of judeo-christian eschatology with jungian themes and fancy robots. Don't think you're enlightened because you see things in a teenage mecha show that simply are not there lmfao

>> No.21372705


>> No.21372723
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You simply aren't schizo enough to understand the based subtle pretext. Normie faggot detected.

>> No.21372752

now go back to your tranime board or play some videogames and don't waste your time here