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21371410 No.21371410 [Reply] [Original]

Was this book satire or did Twain really think 19th-century America was so great?

>> No.21371526

The whole book is dripping with satire dipshit, he literally becomes Zeus and electrifies everyone with American engineering

>> No.21371541

I thought so, I just haven't seen many people refer to the book as being satirical. Maybe they just didn't realize.

>> No.21371542

Ivanhoe was really popular at the time and Twain really hated the southern aristocracy. He was a pedophile WEF faggot that'd be on Epstein's island if he was alive today.

>> No.21371549 [DELETED] 

>Epstein's island
They fucked a willing 17 yo female. That's far from le pedophile scare everyone is talking about.

>> No.21371572

Epstein literally got in trouble for 14 year old girls multiple times. That's great that you watched a netflix documentary and have the full picture, though.

>> No.21371584

If it's Twain, there's a 99% chance that's it's satirical.

>> No.21371589 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I was thinking of prince Andrew. Should've specified.

>> No.21371595

>sorry, I'm mentally retarded
Thanks for sharing

>> No.21371644

The whole book is dripping with satire dipshit

>> No.21371654

The whole book is dripping with satire dipshit

>> No.21373408

Late 1800s America was pretty based yeah

>> No.21374474

Based on what?

>> No.21374508

It's Mark Twain, idiot, what do you think?

>> No.21374570

It is the best isekai to this day. The certified hood classic

>> No.21374628

Dripping satire, dipshit

>> No.21375215

Late-19th century American authors had a massive chip on their shoulder about England/Britain, but unfortunately the two nations were at peace so they had to express their frustration through passive-aggressive attempts at sarcastic mockery

>> No.21375228

>goes back in time to the medieval ages
>first instinct is to convert all the peasants into protestants

>> No.21375232

This book has the most soi protagonist I've ever read, he's even worse than the guy from The Fault In Our Stars when I read that back in middle school. Why do people like Twain, even Huck Finn/Tom Sawyer is nothing more than decent adventure fiction written in a stupid dialect gimmick

>> No.21375238

>people who first read Twain in elementary school with Huckleberry Finn don't realize that Twain is the biggest tongue-in-cheek shithead writer to ever live
Roughing It is literally the funniest shit I have ever read, if Twain were alive today he would be a stand-up comedian. He basically already did that with his speaking tours in the late 1800s, he did stand up before stand up existed.

>> No.21376361
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>Was this book satire
>he made knights hold sandwich boards about using soap
what do you think?

>> No.21376477

My school's copy of Huck Finn already had Advice to Youth in the back so I was already aware of Mark Twain's satirical tendancies.