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21370253 No.21370253 [Reply] [Original]

Books to finally cure your depression once and for all?

>> No.21370261
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>> No.21370268

You can't cure your depression "once and for all", anon. There is no series of steps that, after being accomplished, will fix it. There won't come a day when you will finally say "Eureka, depression has disappeared". It stays with you forever and it becomes part of you.
Like alcoholism, the only thing you can do is resist and cope however you can

>> No.21370300

meeting a nice girl who lets you lay on top of her on a semi regular basis

>> No.21370302
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>> No.21370307

Stop drinking and your cured. Stop dooming and your cured. Simple as.

>> No.21370312

Depends on the cause of your depression, as it stems from chronic liminality, i.e. your psyche being stuck in an initiatory process due to trauma. Read The Archetype of Initiation by Moore to understand better what I mean. It won't cure your depression but may give you a starting point.

>> No.21370315

literally just make more money

>> No.21370514

definitely not Dostoyevsky. you should read Tolstoy instead for that

>> No.21370530

Wrong. I'm dating an absolute bitch and she's making me more miserable

>> No.21370540

well thats not remotely the same thing as a nice girl is it.
drop her obviously.

>> No.21370542
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>> No.21370549

Fuck I'm depressed FUCK!

>> No.21370554

Andrew Tate

>> No.21370570
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I never understood depressed people, I mean how is depression even real?!?!
>touch of a moist vagina of a sexy woman on my cock head
>seeing and hearing beautiful nature and landscapes
>witnessing splendid animals and plant creations
>friends and family and warm nights spent drinking and talking and playing
>sweet succor felt at taking your shoes off after a long day's hike
Oh, how I love life.

>> No.21370575

How I get vagina

>> No.21370578

Based, (((doctors))) dont want you to learn this secret

>> No.21370580

Is Notes From Underground supposed to be depressing? People said it was incel lit but it's pretty funny. Dude was clowning on pseuds while laying down actual thought. Lot of 4chan virgins got triggered.

>> No.21370615

Two names that should never be mentioned together. You disgust me.

>> No.21370639

This but without the sex. Life is brilliant, beautiful.

>> No.21370640

The Screwtape Letters.

>> No.21370647

what's the context for this quote

>> No.21370681

I used to be depressed but I'm not anymore. I sort of just grew out of it once I hit my mid 20s. I got a more actionable plan for the future and realized life is long enough that I can still accomplish great things. I started to see the beauty in the mundane.

>> No.21370684

how do you get a plan for the future

>> No.21370692

People who talk like this are hiding their depression from themselves. Affirmation of life is as suspect as contempt. Only the indifferent man is free from the pall of hyper-emotive reactions to an indifferent universe. It's a duty, not a blessing or curse. These memes work on the same level as miracle preachers and hyper-emotive youtube personalities. Accept it as it is, nothing to get excited or devastated over, and you wouldn't have to find reasons life's so great. Ecstasies follow sorrows in tempestuous undulations. Love's won equals love's forfeited and all pleasures are turned to lost time. Even art is narcotic and the wise would leave their books and music behind them. We are not wise so we won't master our nerves but to advise life is a great blessing is to only invite a greater sorrow than to council life is nothing good nor bad.

T. Mood-swinging lover
My new gf is a 19 year old virgin which I know won't make me happy.

>> No.21370694

I mean it depends on where you are and life and what you want to do. I graduated with a degree that I wasn't really able to use to get the type of job that I wanted. I've been working my way up in the job I did end up getting and am studying to get an MBA with the intention of going to and Ivy League school based on my current credentials and what I think I can get on the test. Obviously YMMV but I think realizing that there's always some way to get where your going is very helpful.

>> No.21370728

Can you read?

>> No.21370738

he meant stop eating cured salmon

>> No.21370773


>> No.21370775

go take your stoic philosophy to reddit. having fun new experiences without feeling guilty is the only way to live a happy life. no one is telling you to be hyper-emotive, just fucking be happy when good shit happens.

>> No.21370821

>having fun new experiences without feeling guilty is the only way to live a happy life.
Sounds like a brochure for a kid's holiday camp. I would call this anon's comment a hyper-emotive reaction.
Depression is the presence of unhappiness, not the absence of happiness.

>> No.21370848

Literally t he only way is to ack

>> No.21370855

Ray Peat's carrot salad.

We're going to start by eating good shit, at least till we get the courage to commit suicide like ancients.

>> No.21370874
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>> No.21370901

Well the cure to depression is dependent on your own will and situation. But... The Bible and following God also definitely helps anon.

>> No.21370905

if you're religious then leo tolstoy - a confession
if you're not then max stirner - the ego and its own
tolstoy offers up christianity / religion as a cure to meaninglessness while stirner offers radical individualism and pure freedom as the remedy

>> No.21371009

i took that indifference pill long anon and I came to the slow realization that depression is not the presence of unhappiness or the absence of happiness but indifference. I will do what i want anon, I'm not gonna be indifferent to how i feel about things.

>> No.21371011

What's it like touching a woman? I have legit not touched the skin of another human being in something like 10 years.

>> No.21371140

this. somedays I slip into bouts of depression about my life but they dont last long because I just got tired of moping around for hours on end. theres a lot wrong with my life but I figure that working on it/just not giving a shit is better than being depressed about it

>> No.21371277
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learn meditation so you can appreciate when you have inner peace, afterwards, you should follow your true will

>> No.21371297

I will never be happy until that kike shiester doctor who mutilated my dick is locked up or left to starve on the street with all his belongings and savings taken from him and his children.

>> No.21371323

I went through depression, and I would now consider myself out of it. Not perfect, but not under depression in that full, cancerous sense.

What cures depression is largely a personal matter of digging down and discerning what you are about, what you believe in, how you can impress upon yourself that it makes sense to not be depressed and that the things constituting depression don't make sense.

Then a long list of little things is what goes a long way. Small decisions. Cutting bad things out, allowing some better things, trying to clean up, get out of bed faster, eat right, put yourself in the position to have more positive/encouraging experiences even if you're not able to appreciate them as much as you'd like. That sort of bullshit.

As far as philosophy goes, I find this hard to evaluate for myself, but Plato was the single fundamental factor that affected my depression. There was something about it. At the risk of sounding over-sentimental, it's like there's been a little tune being hummed in my soul ever since. Every other thing in life I had been tempted to appreciate, depression had some rebuttal for. But not this. Plato just sits there as a fixed and unchanging little spark of happiness. It tempted me to say that it "cured my depression" but of course it can't be that simple. But it definitely helped.

>> No.21371394

You have no family? Mom dad?

>> No.21371403

>I will do what i want anon, I'm not gonna be indifferent to how i feel about things.
Ok grug, I don't care what you do boy! :)