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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2136909 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/!

Do you have any experience or ideas on the subject of creative writing and publishing?

I have read some articles on the web about this topic but I am always interested in hearing the opinions of the people in general.

Yes, I would like to be a writer. Don't worry I have no romantic delusions on the subject. I know that I'll never be one, but I'm just curious about the subject.

>> No.2136912

>creative writing

Do screen plays count? I want to be a screen writer someday and hopefully sell a script. But my writing skills are armature and I don't know how to write my ideas down on paper and make them sound as good as they do in my head.

>> No.2136913



>> No.2136917


"knowing" that you will 'never' be a writer is just as delusional as knowing you will be.

>> No.2136922

I hate writing screen plays because I can plan a whole scenario in my head and it will look and sound awesome. But when I get to the writing part I freeze up and get writer's block.

Feels real bad man.

>> No.2136923

Never say never, it may not happen over night. But if it is your dream to become a writer keep at it, at least that's what I tell myself about it each day. Its not a well paying job, but it is worth it if you work at it.

>> No.2136929
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J. Michael Straczynski
The Complete Book of Scriptwriting
(ISBN 1-85286-882-1)

>> No.2136930


It's my dream to become a screen writer. I have read books on it and watch courses about it online. I have relation to people who are great writers. But my thing is writer's block and freezing up when it comes to the actual writing.

For some reason I can come up with a story in my head and visualize everything as it goes. But i can't for the life of me write it down.

>> No.2136933

I have the same problem for my writing as well. I've been working on breaking that stranglehold on my mind by trying things outside of the genres or styles that I am used to as well as letting other people decide the major plot points for me and writing something for it. Have done it here on /lit/ a couple times, works rather well.

>> No.2136936

>I would like to be a writer.

Everyone with a primary school education is a writer. You like all of us want to be able to write better, want to be able to communicate better.

>> No.2136937


You are right.

>> No.2136938


I don't know what it is, it's so easy to come up with a story involving conflict in a character's life. But I just can't write it down and if I do write it down it sounds like shit compared to how I saw it in my mind.

>> No.2136940


I agree. But I feel that the publishing part is harder than the writing.

>> No.2136943

I do believe that SK threw away is first novel because he thought it was no good. Then his wife found it in the trash and forced him to finish it.

I guess all great writers are insecure about their own work and have doubts.

>> No.2136944

Then write it down anyway, if you get it all down on paper or word program it may not seem so bad. In some complete form.

>> No.2136949


I started to write a story for a screen play that I had in mind about a young man with the dream of becoming a serial killer. I got 50 pages in and stopped then deleted everything.

I just don't think my stories are good enough to be read. ;_;

>> No.2136951

Self esteem, low one is a story killer. Kick your own ass and get it done, all it takes is once.

>> No.2136953


I do have low self esteem when it comes to my creative writing. I've handed in my work to a few people non family members and usually I get positive feed back.

I just don't think I am good enough for this and basically gave up on it before it began.

>> No.2136957

I stick with my previous statement. We're going around in circles now.

>> No.2136956

The day you think you're an okay writer, a good writer,
is the day you're a shit writer.

Now fuck off with your ponies.

>> No.2136954
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I had the same thing too.


>> No.2136961
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> Set up goal -> I will write x pages today
> Do it, no matter how bad it is
> ???
> Profit


Okay, okay don't bite me anon.

>> No.2136966

Take a look at this, ok?


>> No.2136967

Its a free world anon.

>> No.2136970

It really is. I'm a little irritable. Obviously.

Post what you will.

>> No.2136976
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>> No.2136991


> Links, because we need always needs them


>> No.2136995

This thread could do with fewer platitudes and less MLP-related autism.

>> No.2137141

bump for a lurking pedophile

>> No.2137199

Flannery O'Connor: "Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them."

>> No.2137232
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>> No.2137247
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>> No.2137652



>> No.2137761

If anything it's even worse.

>> No.2137767


>> No.2137774


>> No.2138076
